Winterfest Showcase Hosted by Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell

Winterfest Showcase Hosted by Coach Schuman and Mike winter Is the link you're going to change up a Little bit of the dating and stuff you Could talk about that now but we're Shooting to get 200 kids there…

Winterfest Showcase Hosted by Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell winter Is the link you're going to change up a Little bit of the dating and stuff you Could talk about that now but we're Shooting to get 200 kids there uh in Jersey right yeah we're shooting to get 200 kids uh we're moving the date back One month just to give the guys uh Another uh opportunity really another Month to get working because a lot of Kids just starting in their off season So uh but yeah it's gonna be it's going To be a huge opportunity Um it's going to be one of the first Events if not the first event on the uh North in the Northeast and it'll give Prospects really an opportunity to be Around you Um and uh and to be around me and to Really kind of get that uh exposure that They're looking for Um and it's important especially this is A younger group you know a group of guys It's important for them to I can't we can't say this enough early And often be out there Um showcase yourself as much you can It's a new you know we thought back in The back in the speaking of 2010 right Back when that was I would say when we Were all exploding in the camp space and And obviously you were exploding in the In the recruiting space and Um that was really like what we call the

Boom time period right and Um events were real important then Then we got into this little I would say Lull uh right before this old transfer Portal stuff in nil where Um you kind of were able to I get a lot from what you were getting With Halal huddle had exploded and you Were getting more from that Avenue Um so the events were always still Important but Um there were other avenues now with the Transfer portal and nil it's so much Things shifting and scholarships coming And going Um you need to be out there even more Than you needed to be before back in 2010 so Um it it that's the world it is and um Whether people like it or not that's Irrelevant what it was relevant is that It's important to get in front of people That can evaluate

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