Why it is harder for high school football athletes to get scholarships #coachschuman #nucsports

Why it is harder for high school football athletes to get scholarships #coachschuman #nucsportsSubscribe right away and get all the great updates #football #camps #recruiting #collegefootball #highschoolfootball are you looking to get recruited and need to accelerate your process then…

Why it is harder for high school football athletes to get scholarships #coachschuman #nucsportsSubscribe right away and get all the great updates
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Well why is it harder I'm like well Simple it's it's numbers know who Deion Sanders is right yeah they're like yes Well he's taking four or five kids high School kids period and the only ones Taking are Literally trying to get a four or Five-star guys and if he doesn't get Those he's going to transfer portal for Everybody else yep I watched his uh the Documentary that he's been releasing Every week on uh Amazon Prime the latest Episode you know he's in there and he's Talking about like look unless you know Even taking transfers right like he Doesn't want some transfer that's been Sitting on the bench he wants a transfer That's played at least 500 snaps at Their previous school was a starter if Not a big name like so even that in Itself it's not just like hey I'm taking Whoever in the transfer portal like no I'm taking guys that can come in and Play right now and like you were saying I think

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