Why is Speed is So Important In Sports

2 min read
Why is Speed is So Important In Sports see more at nucsports.com or say hi to coach schuman on twitter @coachschuman This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm (https://wwww.zencast.fm) Why speed is so important in sports I Hear this all the…

Why is Speed is So Important In Sports
see more at nucsports.com
or say hi to coach schuman on twitter

This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm (https://wwww.zencast.fm)

Why speed is so important in sports I Hear this all the time uh a coach will Say this guy has great speed on the Field but when you time him in the 40 He's not as fast what does that really Mean what does that Mean either you're fast or you're not if He looks good on the field and he looks Like he's fast on the field either he Hasn't learned how to run or he's just Not that fast and what do I mean the Competition you play against and the Level speed of the players you play Against dictate how fast you Are if you're playing against someone With great Speed they will catch the person that Has on the field speed only that's just The truth why does the why is there such An emphasis on pure speed at the NFL at The college level because guys who are Fast can learn other skills but guys who Are not fast cannot get themselves to Become fast it doesn't matter what Training they do if genetically they're Slow they can get faster and you want to Be able to improve and get faster but You will never be fast so that's why Fast people are at a premium then the Question becomes can you teach speed Well there is a yes and a no to that Obviously your genetics dictate what Your maximum may be but I believe and What I seen come true with a lot of

Athletes if they can learn to run from a Very young age and if they could learn To develop the skills and the strength Within their body to run Properly they can develop the way to Develop speed and what does I mean the Way that their foot strikes the way that They they run their arm action those Reinforced fast principles If you have bad arm action from the time You're four years old you're going to Have and you never change it you're Going to have bad arm action in 15 years Old and you're reinforcing running slow What you reinforce will dictate your Level of improvement and that is how you Can improve Speed speed is pure and simple it is not Predicated based off of one thing or not When someone says they have on the field Speed what it is maybe is Quickness it's quickness that they have They have the quickness to accelerate Faster but it doesn't mean that they Have speed speed is being able to get The top and acceleration and hold that

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