Why Choosing the Right College is Crucial for Athletes

As a coach, advising players on college choices is important. However, the impact of that decision goes beyond just four years. Learn why choosing the right college is crucial for athletes from a tight end’s perspective. #CollegeDecisions #AthleteLife #FutureSuccess #ChoosingRightCollege…

As a coach, advising players on college choices is important. However, the impact of that decision goes beyond just four years. Learn why choosing the right college is crucial for athletes from a tight end’s perspective. #CollegeDecisions #AthleteLife #FutureSuccess #ChoosingRightCollege #CollegeAdvising #SportsCareer #HighSchoolAthletics #StudentAthletes #AthleteDevelopment #CollegeRecruitment

Like even as a coach like hey you may Advise one of your players to go to a Certain school and they go somewhere Else like no hard feelings but now two Years later they're calling you saying Coach can you help me because you know This isn't the right move for me or you Know my head coach just left or my Position coach left and it's it's just Difficult it's not you know that Decision it's you know hey this four Next four years is your next 40 like That's not really the whole game anymore I mean I when we were at that M 7 on Seven I talked to a tight end that had Just come in at 2024

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