When Being a Pro Is Your Side Job

Do you ever give a spit today or during The playoff do you ever speak to the Team like a locker room speech [Music] Let me know It's a amazing feeling but like I said Before it's not everything on…

Do you ever give a spit today or during The playoff do you ever speak to the Team like a locker room speech [Music] Let me know It's a amazing feeling but like I said Before it's not everything on the world You know I think I mean probably that's not That's a normal thing you know nobody Likes his uh his job or maybe they do I think How have you grown and what have you Learned from being a dad and have you Noticed any of those skills translating To being a better basketball player [Music] That cannot help you but the thing that I mean I knew that even before that Basketball is not main thing in my life And probably never going to be and to be Honest I like it because they have Something more at home that is more Important than basketball so I'm curious What you are feeling right now and if You're looking forward to a parade Coming up and down

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