We Must Teach Fulfillment not Happiness.

Happiness is Result oriented so you win that big Trophy and you're all singing and the Confetti's coming down it's the happiest Moment of your life and then tomorrow The confetti is on the ground the lights Are turned off…

Happiness is Result oriented so you win that big Trophy and you're all singing and the Confetti's coming down it's the happiest Moment of your life and then tomorrow The confetti is on the ground the lights Are turned off and what do you do now Right this is more about a program of Fulfillment and that is who are we Becoming the direction that we're going How do we grow as women how do we grow In our faith and how do we find that Path that we're supposed to take so when The lights do go off my life is still Working towards fulfillment versus that One shot of happiness that can leave you Very unhappy soon after so

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