Unveiling the Hidden Heroes of Football Games: Up Top Coaches

Discover the crucial role of up top coaches in football games, as former coaches discuss their significance and impact. Learn how these behind-the-scenes strategists contribute to game plans and guide teams to success. #UpTopCoaches #FootballStrategy #GamePlanTips #FootballTactics #HiddenHeroes #FootballCoaching #BehindTheScenes…

Discover the crucial role of up top coaches in football games, as former coaches discuss their significance and impact. Learn how these behind-the-scenes strategists contribute to game plans and guide teams to success. #UpTopCoaches #FootballStrategy #GamePlanTips #FootballTactics #HiddenHeroes #FootballCoaching #BehindTheScenes #TeamSuccess #FootballStrategyTips #GameDayAdjustments

And I the the when you're up top like You can literally and look for the most Part people don't know who the hell's up Top right they have no clue how much That factors into a game but when that Head coach flips over to you and says Hey you know what is this you better Have that freaking answer because if you Don't like and that's coming from like When we coached with tol he never even Wore a headset bro like you know what I Mean like he was old school like hey Allowed his coordinators to do what they Do but like guy Danny talked to up top You know coach mangi and then the guy Who drew talked to up top coach L those Guys are pivotal and I don't think Really understand how important that can Be you Know and how how how involved those guys Need to be in the game plan week in and Week out right because they have their Jobs as well of coaching a position you Know the guy in the booth for me when I Was a coordinator for the past five Years at bosow was Dan daasi who just Got the the walwick job and um dude was Just like me and him were on the same Page he did he went above and beyond Everything he needed to do both as a Position coach while being our special Teams coordinator as well um which is Why he is he is a head coach now right At a public school he get this he's

Gonna do so well there bro yeah he's Gonna do right and like and and he was That guy for me that he knew exactly What I wanted to know um throughout the Course of a game and then you know just Again hey like they're making this is Their adjustment right now to you know Trips with a tight end right or or you Know so like this is on our menu this is What we can hit them with and it's like Like you said a guy who's nobody knows Who's up there um but it's so valuable In the the the the the course of the Game throughout the course of the game Like the just the flow of it of of Guiding you and where where a team Should be going because again like you Said he has that different perspective Of the field

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