Unlocking Your Football Future: Navigating the College Recruitment Process

Discover the truth about college football recruitment and how to secure your spot on a team. Learn why playing Division III football is a valuable opportunity, and how to align your academic performance and athletic skills with the right school.…

Discover the truth about college football recruitment and how to secure your spot on a team. Learn why playing Division III football is a valuable opportunity, and how to align your academic performance and athletic skills with the right school. Don’t miss out on your chance to shine on the field! #CollegeFootballRecruitment #DivisionIII #SecureYourSpot #AcademicPerformance #AthleticSkills #FootballOpportunities #NCAA #ChoosingTheRightSchool #HighSchoolAthletes #FootballFuture

Get ready because every guy was you in High school everybody's that guy so get Ready and it's the level of competition And you know I think it's definitely Upping in the division 3 World um you Know I think these kids now are just we Tell them like look man if you get an Opportunity to go anywhere right like It's above and beyond so understand that You know going through this process I Tell the kids if you put that NCA Sticker on your helmet you're playing College football it doesn't matter what Job I played D3 football for four years It's a job y it's what it is yep and You're not getting allam or this that You're playing because you love it it's It's football do do you have to how do You address That with so the mindset is Still I I don't think it's kicked into a Lot of parents yet that the still has Barely no right it's only been a couple Years right first of all when when there Were more opportunities it didn't kick In right so now there's some less Opportunities and I'm talking higher Level there's the same number of Opportunities it's a matter where you go Right so I tell the parents that all the Stars have to align your grades your Play and what the coaches need and now More than ever with the transfer report It's what the school needs you may be a

Five-star quarterback but if they don't Need a quarterback you ain't going there Right and it just is what it is has Nothing to do with with the coaches Ability and with the effort that they Put in I'm going great for this with With the recruiting stuff because you Try to make everyone happy but it's just Not it's not reality and the reality is You're going to play where you're going To go I I tell the kids all the time Your college is gonna be like your Girlfriend if you're chasing that College you ain't getting that girl if They're chasing you you're gonna get it And that's and that's gonna be the place For you Central Michigan wanted miles From day one and they stayed there and That's where he went he wanted to go to Boston College want to go to these other Schools but it just wasn't in the car it Was just it it everything falls in place Where are you going to go and

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