Unlocking the Secrets of College Football Recruiting in 2022
Discover the hidden factors that determine success in college football recruiting and why parents and high school coaches need to stay informed. Learn about the impact of social media, business strategies, and evolving trends. #CollegeFootballRecruiting #HighSchoolCoaches #ParentEducation #RecruitingStrategies #SocialMediaImpact #EvolvingTrends #FootballRecruiting #PlayerPersonnel #NCAARecruiting #FootballStrategy
I commend you Comm bigger schools with Bigger sta like we're seeing College Staffs expand where like half the guys Aren't even like they they're not even Football people they're social media Guys or they're you know they're nil Guys they're business guys they're just Like they're so much more to college Football now than people really Understand and I think that's part of The issue is parents just they really Just aren't they don't know and even Worse is most high school head coaches Have no clue what goes on at high level College football because it just has Changed so fast that they can't even Catch up it changed so much and it and Most High School coaches to be fair to Most High School coaches they they they A lot of them did not play at the Division one level you know they they Probably most High School coaches Especially New Jersey and you know this Derek is so many of your friends in Alumni Co they play they played division 3 football they got their teachers uh Their teachers education and they went Right as a teacher and so that process Is very different than the higher level So when you do have a guy that is a Higher level it is hard for a high School coach and it's a lot easier not That not that uh college coaches mean to Go around the high school coach but why
Would you have you want to know from the High school coach is this kid a good kid Does he work hard does he do do what He's supposed to do in school you're You're going to do the evaluation most Of the time now on the on the talent the Old days when I you know when at school In the 90s where the the coach came in Even early 2000s the coach came in sat With us we watch you know we watch film They watch film together pointing out The different things we like those days Are gone because things are moving so Fast things are moving way too fast and You have player Personnel departments so I'm pretty sure in North Carolina you Guys are starting to build out that Other side very much mirroring right the NFL I was in NFL agent for six years and Most of the time with my players I dealt With GM player personnel and we only Dealt with coaches if they really Decided hey we're going to put this on y Uh the outside linebacker coaches plate I want him to look at him before we take Him in the draft spot talk about how That's becoming a bigger thing player Personnel in Co college football and how You guys your relationship and your Balance there