Unlocking Success: The Power of Opportunity and Support

2 min read
The video discusses the importance of empowering individuals through opportunities, critiques financial support systems, and evaluates housing’s role in poverty alleviation. Bureaucracy to allocate funds all the Way down to the lowest level the only Way that that can happen…

The video discusses the importance of empowering individuals through opportunities, critiques financial support systems, and evaluates housing’s role in poverty alleviation.

Bureaucracy to allocate funds all the Way down to the lowest level the only Way that that can happen is by giving People opportunity to pull themselves up To be successful there is no Topdown okay situation that is aut other Than opportunity now if the state says I'm GNA go and give everybody who's poor Enough money to eat do those people then Say I'm going to do what's necessary to Make myself not be poor or be in that Situation there are people in destitute Situations there are people that are Mentally maybe maybe uh um uh handicap In that in the situation there are People that you know might have uh uh Issues where they grew up extremely poor And don't know how to get out of that Situation I think all those people Deserved some level of help with the Opportunity to figure out can we get Them opportunity if we can't there is a Large group of people that are on the Government Roles from a financial standpoint that We do have to take care of there's Always I think going to be those Situations and and we should try to take Care of those people as much as we Humanly can so you're saying don't want To do anything you're saying then the Trickle down the trickle down Theory Doesn't Work I'm saying that if you just take a

Blanket amount of money and start handl It out the old Obama phone I got right Phone you know does does that make does That make that person come out of Poverty my question what makes that Person get out of poverty okay so I Think housing good thing I think housing Is a great thing that's why you see so Much of more of of um like you might Have low-income housing in a lot more Different areas around the country Section eight section8 y that's been the Government's quote unquote solution to Getting people out of poverty how has That worked in the Bronx and Brooklyn in Those projects poorly probably poorly in In Albany go to Albany you you've been To Albany

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