Unlocking Success: Overcoming Challenges in Youth Sports Training

2 min read
Discover the keys to achieving greatness in youth sports training. Learn how to accept evaluations and thrive in a competitive environment. Plus, valuable insights for parents navigating this journey. #YouthSportsTraining #SuccessTips #ParentingAdvice #AthleteDevelopment #MotivationMatters #SportsAchievements #BuildingResilience #AthleteEvaluation #ChasingGreatness #GrowthMindset Them…

Discover the keys to achieving greatness in youth sports training. Learn how to accept evaluations and thrive in a competitive environment. Plus, valuable insights for parents navigating this journey. #YouthSportsTraining #SuccessTips #ParentingAdvice #AthleteDevelopment #MotivationMatters #SportsAchievements #BuildingResilience #AthleteEvaluation #ChasingGreatness #GrowthMindset

Them actually running a system that They're very familiar with so they do Have that advantage in the South but I Can tell you I don't care where you from If you go down there and you a really Good player they want you you know what I mean I'll take you yeah they'll take You so it's but one of the biggest Things is can you accept the evaluation That you're but if you go down there you Make noise you'll be in great shape and I think one of the things too that's Hard for you know kids student ath right Like is you know and and I don't blame It for whatever and I'm starting to see It now more with with my own kid now That I I have one you know she's you Know 10-month old but I just see it's Hard for a kid to take an evaluation When Mommy and Daddy have told you You're the best thing on like your Entire life right and now you're hearing Something a little different or a coach Is telling you something different and Now to that kid he goes home and Mom and Dad are still hey well you know they Don't know what talking about you're Still the best you deserve this you're Going to get this that's I think that's Difficult and it's something that has to Be brought to the table where like no Now the coach ultimately has to be quote Unquote the bad guy giving these Evaluations

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