Unlocking Athletic Potential: Train for Explosive Movements

Discover how we gear athletes for optimal performance through strength and conditioning. Learn the importance of predictive movements and early decision-making to enhance speed and agility on the court. Join us to explore effective strategies that elevate player capabilities! #AthleteTraining…

Discover how we gear athletes for optimal performance through strength and conditioning. Learn the importance of predictive movements and early decision-making to enhance speed and agility on the court. Join us to explore effective strategies that elevate player capabilities! #AthleteTraining #StrengthAndConditioning #ExplosiveMovements #BasketballSkills #PredictiveMovements #PerformanceTraining #AgilityDrills #SportsCoaching #AthleticDevelopment #DecisionMakingStrategies

It's just kind of the trend of the way Things are now but what I really like About what you've done coach is you've Taken that strength and conditioning Aspect of it and really started to gear Your athletes to that in terms of hey if We're gonna have to run and cut and do All these other types of things then we Need to train that way with the short Explosive movements yeah exactly you Know and and it's it's uh predictive Movements and it's um what what I tell My players is I say you got to see it Coming so if you drive Derek and I'm on The wing or the corner and you're Getting ready to kick to me out of my Peripheral vision I get to see my Defender so as I'm catching I know he's Either not close enough to me so I can Catch and shoot or if he's closing out Quick on my catch yeah I'm going to rip And go and so we put our players in Those situations all the time and what You can do with that and this is the Cool part and and because I I'll get Coaches that I consult with they're like Well you know I got players they're not Real real fast I said that's okay I said Fine you can be quick because of early Decision making right you know none of Us if we were starting a world class Relay team would pick Larry Bird on our Fast relay team but you can bet but were Going to pick him to play on our team

Because he had such great perception and He read things really early and he he Was moving before anybody else so it Always appeared that he was quick

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