Travis McAllister 2023 out of Vermont -Sleeper Prospect Athlete Makes Plays From All Over The Field

Travis McAllister 2023 out of Vermont -Sleeper Prospect Athlete Makes Plays From All Over The Field go to to get promoted @coachschuman on all social This podcast is hosted by ( Let's this coach human back…

Travis McAllister 2023 out of Vermont -Sleeper Prospect Athlete Makes Plays From All Over The Field
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Let's this coach human back talking About Travis mallister Travis is out of The state of Vermont I've seen him a Couple times played our n all americ Game you see in the clips here Unbelievable athlete with great speed And burst um excellent explosion he was An MVP at our camp in Connecticut he he Was one of the top guys in NC all americ Game class of 2023 this is a sleeper Prospect that could do a lot of Different things line up at running back Uh for his high school but you can see Him returning kicks he's um he's done a Great job of catching balls and and You'll see in his last clip this is a Guy that has explosive playmaking Capabilities and can make play from Anywhere on the field you'll see here He's running this guy over and then Outruns everybody to the end zone now Vermont has a little bit lower level of Competition as we all understand but This is the place where you find sleeper Prospects when you get filmed like this That comes across your desk and a guy That can really develop that's done at CS that's done at Allstar games this is A playmaker Travis mallister and we'll We'll end it on this big touchdown catch Right here where he goes up gets the Ball maintains his balance and now it Runs everybody this is a guy to watch

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