This is why we love college football!

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This is why we love college football!: Topics discussed: 1.Recruiting 2.NIL 1. College Footballl Subscribe for Updates Get Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell to do your Recruiting Promotion. Go to to get this elite program, where we do the…

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N [Music] [Music] [Music] All right Legends live after our super Exciting promo as always pretty good With Mike farell here it's a drum beat Man that's a that's a pretty aggressive Tune there yeah I feel like it's uh I Feel like um Green Green Day is gonna Come out or Something so I'm looking at the crover Numbers we're going to talk about the Promo uh my football D1 Carson Kru one of our quarterbacks 2023 in Texas almost got his head taken off I Just showed you the video Earlier Instagram it's doing well and Then Tik Tok nothing crickets and it's Such a cool viral video you would think It would be doing more but eventually It'll catch up but one other account put It out there 1.7 million views um so kid Nearly got his head taken off and still Took his helmet off and threw a Pass uh it's just that's awesome he he He dude he's he's a straight player I Mean the guys that we have right now Colins ski through for 242 roner is Tearing it up out in Nebraska ksk out in Connecticut um the big guy Hartman's Tearing up these guys are all they're Going to get great opportunities from This and and the great thing is they're

Deler starting to deliver on the field And uh the schools will will start to Notice and uh Marshall L threw his first Uh Varsity touchdown quack from Pennsylvania but we've been we've been Saying the name wrong man I think it's Marshik it's Maric I think I don't know we I'll find Out so I saw a video of it and they were Calling it on on on whatever you know Closed circuit TV or whatever they were Doing and I heard the name wrong and I Hit up his dad I said have we' been Pronouncing this wrong the whole time he Goes it's close enough and I'm like oh Okay we got to get it right though so um Right but he threw his first varsity Touchdown pass and he's a young kid so Again you know the younger kids he's Already getting on the radar now where I I think if he didn't do this you might Struggle to get on the radar um just Because you know what I've noticed with Quarterbacks especially is hundred Schools go after the same kid when Honestly five five schools should go After that kid you know let's take Dante Moore in Michigan you know okay App State who we're going to talk about Later beaten Texas saying they can go After them all they want they're wasting Their time um and then those schools Tend to lose focus on some of the other Quarterbacks that are out there that

Should be on their radar moving up um And I just think it's one of those Things where everybody gets focused on The bigname guys uh and Arch Manning Played well this past weekend so I've Had the whole Arch Manning is a three Star type of thing and you know Talent-wise he's a four star and I Ranked him as a four four star but he's Certainly not the number one player not Five star and all that stuff he's Starting to come around a little bit but Any team that tried to waste their time With Arch Manning you know really spun Their wheels when they could have been Looking at other Quarterbacks that's a good point and and What I've noticed and maybe this is part Of the whole era of everybody throwing So much right and seven on seven And there are guys that are emerging That look to me to be Pretty similar to some top Guys and it's just about like has anyone Paid attention so um now obviously you Know there's certain parameters that Coaches are looking for um but when I'm Talking about pure passers I'm talking About pure passers I'm not talking about A guy who can run and pass or but Obviously those are different things one Guy's faster than any other and all that Kind of stuff that's a big deal but I'm Talking about guys throwing the ball and

I'm seeing a lot more of Quarterbacks that could throw the ball That maybe or may not have gotten the Exposure they have and maybe should Deserve it and I and I've seen it in Some of these you know not just the Videos that we're doing on guys but I Happen to see like when I see a videos Of on some other kids and I say you know Gez I'd love to have the opportunity to Promote that kid too because that kid Over here is pretty darn good and he's Out he's promoting himself in crickets Land you know and that's why part to me Though is like I want to promote some of These kids but I also don't want to Approach them and ask for Money but it costs money I mean I'm not Going to take my time and do it for free But also there's guys that I would love To be under our client base that I think Are under the radar that need this but It's kind of weird to me because if if I Do approach them and some of them I have Then they're like well how much and I Tell them how much and they're like well You know it's almost like I want to and They think well you just want to because You want the money and that's really not It but I also want to but I'm not going To do it without the money it's just It's a weird thing but it takes luck Like Dwayne H Haskins the late great Dwayne H Haskins who was amazing in Ohio

State I'll tell you a little story about Him in a little bit of luck so Kevin Tolliver was a five-star cornerback uh In uh Florida committed to LSU um There's a there was a relation there I Don't know if it's an uncle unle brother Whatever um but a family member of Kevin Toer you know reached out to me to get Dwayne H Haskins in our Maryland Camp When he was a sophomore and he had no Offers at the time and it was a favor That I did and partially a favor because I knew tolliver's father and Tolliver Was a five star and we were covering his Recruitment and I'm like okay I didn't Know if the kid was good or not no idea Shows up wins MVP you know 40 offers Later top 100 player you know commits to Maryland flips to Ohio state becomes a First rounder that's kind of how it can Work sometimes it's like now I'm not Saying people wouldn't have found Dwayne H Haskins but they found him a lot Quicker because of a favor that was Called in to get him into a a national Camp this is similar to that this is Like it's not a national camp but you're Going to get noticed and you're going to Have the videos watched and they're Going to be consumed and you know they Don't have to be crazy the crw videos Crazy CRA because his head almost came Off um that's what goes viral in this World but if you get a good 4,000 to

5,000 video views off of our social Media on Twitter and that's just the Twitter example just you got to know That most of those are Are most of those are are college Coaches and I'm not saying 5,000 college Coaches are clicking on it but the Average fan doesn't care they don't care If you have no offers they don't care Who you are they don't care that Carson Rounders in Nebraska they don't care About any of that stuff they care you Know if you've got an offer and you're Interested in my school they care the Reason I'm scrolling the reason I'm Scrolling down while I'm talking to you Because I wanted to explain a good Example of how it can make a difference Right and this is just Parker me's the Latest video I did on him on Tik Tock Okay yeah was 30,000 views it's at 28,000 views right okay uh now this is This is a kid that bought just a Tik Tok For me a while back K uh uh kid Austin Christian right he went to Texas A&M Camp he was a sixth grader sixth grader He has 236,000 Views 236,000 views what's the Difference well I'm say I'm saying I'll Tell you what the difference is sixth Grader is more viral Right it just is like my point is my Point is this though 28,000 views a lot Of views right yeah 260,000 views a lot

Of views if you're getting that Parker Me is he was already a obviously a very Good Prospect to begin with before we Got we started working with him but um He is going to a whole I mean he's gonna Be he's gonna be uh he can have every Offer he wants pretty much all right He's at like 20 plus offers he's going To be a if he no one ends up getting no One end up bothering at this that point But he's going to be a 40 offer guy okay And you know then they stop you know People stop listing after a certain Point right but uh but he'll be a 40 Offer guy and so the range I think is Great right the guy who's just trying to Get an offer maybe even if you're just Trying to go division three and need More exposure right but um but we're Talking a lot more about scholarships Guys just trying to get that first offer Right or you're a guy that's already Touted pretty highly and just wants to Go through the roof right let's go Through the roof and these are things That can happen I think you know but my Football D1 we want to talk a Little college football too yeah but let Me let me just make one more point on That so someone will look at 26,000 Views and say that's not viral that That's nothing it's a ton you know 5,000 Views on Twitter is a ton um viral is a Sixth grader like you said who's got

Offers or is dynamic or you've seen the Ambid ambidextrous quarterback right you Know that'll go viral you know kru Getting his head taken off 1.7 million Views that'll go viral none of that will Help really you know I mean it's it's Fun but it's I'd rather have the 5,000 Knowing that's mostly coaches or friends Of coaches or administrators or whatever That are looking at your video than the 1.7 million people who will comment and Say wow he could have broke his neck the Dextrous quarterback too by the way yeah I I watched his film he throws righty Yeah he's a righty yeah he he he does I Use a funny thing you know who could th Who could throw either either arm I was Shocked by this he showed it to my son Who's seven he's a righty he's a righty Okay he's a righty but he could throw Either Arm but but he's not going to throw Either arm in a game you get it you know What I'm saying yeah throws with his Right arm in the game but when we're Like fooling around he' be like Dad Watch me throw my other arm he actually Throw I'm like wow I I can't do that I Throw like a I hate to say this but like A little girl you know when I throw my Left arm right my right arm I can fire It left arm I can throw I throw like a Little girl he my son can actually throw Either arm and I'm like shocked by that

But he throws with his right arm in a Game because that's really stronger That's really his stronger Arm yeah it it's so I mean because he Throws with both hands on the video People grab itate towards it right sure You know but to me if you're recruiting Him you want to see can he throw with His dominant arm right some of the Throws you could tell which arm is the Dominant arm and which isn't when he Throws it some of them are just it's I I Guess we're living in a world of Gimmicks and gimmicky you know I mean if You want to get attention sure go out There and throw the ball with both hands But nobody cares um you know look at This love when ESPN starts these videos Without telling you um oh oh yeah oh That just rolls that's annoying it's Annoying so but but you know so when I When we have people come on and and I Retweet their promo or whatever and they Get 4,000 views or something like that They they understand that they're They're reaching the people they need to Reach because they'll see coaches follow Them or they'll see this that and the Other or they'll get mail um you know And and they understand it because we're Telling them that's part of the process Um but I think a lot of people want to Go viral for whatever I'll tell you the Most viral video I ever shot in my

Entire life was this kid named Landon Jackson who um you know he he's a he was A four-star defensive ENT went to Texas A&M or no went to LSU and then just Transferred to Arkansas and uh the video Got I don't know maybe 10 million views Or something like this and it was him Going through drills and he didn't know What he was doing with drills and he He's got um a a a condition where he Can't grow hair so this is this I know He is yes yeah that Paul he's like kind Of pale and he's bald and he looks kind Of funny and he's going through drills And he doesn't look good doing them and He's following Tyreek sap who's this Freaking Maniac five-star kid out of High school who running into academic Issues but it was just an unbelievable Football player so you get him going and Then you get Landon Jackson looking Awkward after that and it's 10 million Views of people making fun of the kid You what good is that that doesn't do Anybody any good um and it wasn't on Purpose I just shot the videos and they Happened to go back to back and I just Put it up and said you know I think it Was future 50 at Under Armour who cares Like that's not good what's good is Reaching the people you need to reach And it's a it's a slow burn it's always A slow burn we were just talking about Business and how it's a constant grind

And every day you got to get up and do It again and do it again and do it again And there's a lot of people in in Younger Generations now who feel that They're just going to be discovered and They're going to get rich you know and They don't think that you know Mark Cuban busted his his ass to get where he Was or or Bill Gates or any of these you Know Jeff Bezos these people worked Endlessly Around the Clock uh for Nothing forever and then broke through And you and I are certainly not Jeff Bezos or anything like that but that's What it takes and that's what this takes Too so when people sign up for the one We'll do the one but I say to The six is probably the most popular and I'm going to tell you this as we move Along the 12 months is going to be the Most popular pretty soon oh yeah Absolutely because what's going to Happen is you know if you get in too Late we're going to help you I mean you Know K's got a few scholarship offers That he would have never gotten before Um you know in the 2024 kids that we're Talking about the Connecticut kid and The Nebraska kids they they'll get Offers um but if you get in too late It's too late um If you get in early you're going to want To maintain that you know and that's why The 12 months so I just tell people like

Listen you have to be out there publicly In front of the right People every month they cannot forget Your name and and that's not emailing Them or dming them or or sending a mail Or whatever that's annoying what this is Is it's a very subtle way of reaching Them through a feed that they already Follow and have notifications on for um And that's kind of the way to Subliminally and subconsciously stay in Their head you know Hartman's a good Example he plays all five offensive line Positions you know we've done four Promos I think on him yeah I have Another one coming up on him yeah so What's what happens with these coaches These coaches keep that in the back of Their head and then the fifth one They'll see it maybe they just whiffed On you know a guard that they wanted or Maybe they whiffed on a center and they Could project him at Center or maybe They just struck out on two tackles that They're looking for and he's in their Head um and the other ones won't be you Know I didn't know who Hartman was I Didn't know who Kover was I didn't know Any of these guys never heard of any of Them and you know at Rivals when I was There I would have never in a million Years heard of any of them you know kru Just asked me is there any update on my Rivals profile I said no I said I I

Don't work there anymore and I don't Have any control over who they give Profiles to But I can tell you this it makes no Difference you know and I told you about The kid last week uh I can't remember His name but he was asking me about you Know I got a three star rating from prep Red Zone or Something uh no no I never heard of him You know what about this one blue gray Something I've never heard of them man You know people can hand out three star Rankings all day I could do the Mike Frell ranking system and I can give you Three stars if you pay me but that Doesn't mean anything it's not going to Help you so this is the the industry big Secret Is if you want to get to the coaches you Can't go to any of these websites you Can't none of it's going to help you Whatsoever and it's not their job to Help you their job is to sell Subscriptions based on bigname guys that Are going to schools period I think what My question is why do they think that That you know I i' I've dealt with this For years you know it's like people get Offers and then you get you from Division one and then eventually you get On rivals or 247 if you don't have Offers even if you beg them and somehow They put you on it doesn't matter I

Can't tell you how many guys I see that Someone begged and got on they gave them Like you know some star ranking there's No offers there it's like it doesn't Matter so if you're a three star and you Have Offers okay if you're a three star and You have no offers guess what matters Offers yeah well I'll tell you why it Happens I tell you why they because in The beginning when these company like 247 I think started in 2010 and it was Shannon Terry who would you know he Taken Rivals Jim McMan Rivals went out Of business ad based and then went to Subscription based Shannon took over Made it a subscription based success um Tremendous success yeah in the beginning Of this entire website process you know Rivals and and it was the Insiders back In the day in a scout we used to Actually pay attention to those things We used to pay attention to emails of Kids coming through with this that the Other we used to put those kids in the Database because we needed to uh but Then when it become a big business of Subscriber based stuff and people wanted They cared about four stars and five Stars which happened pretty quickly but Um we couldn't even keep up with those Emails we used to have an email info@ Rals or recruiting no recruiting or something and in the

Beginning when I started we used to pay Attention to that um five years in it Was all going to spam because we just Ignored it we couldn't even look at it And there could have been you know Jaavan Clowney might have emailed as an Eighth grader I don't know we would Never look at it ever just can't don't Have time you know too busy talking About this that and the other or Breaking down this kid's film or you Know who visited Texas this weekend for The big game against Alabama that's what People pay for that's what people care About and that's what what they will Always care about now you got the flip Side the companies that have been around Forever that have charge you an Exorbitant amount of money to promise You a scholarship and say they're on the Phone with these schools and they're Blasting out Emails uh but they're not doing anything Else so it's really there's a lot of Misinformation and it's it's advant Advantage is taken of parents because They don't know and they're desperate You know and kids are desperate too so They'll just go to someone who will lie To them and say listen I'll give you Three stars on whatever website I'm Running and that's going to people are Going to pay attention to that it's not And we get a lot of kids and parents

That say I went to this company and I Was very disappointed the the one I just Sent you through Linkedin we tried this Company really didn't get anywhere and That we hear that over and over again so Listen we're not perfect I'm not gonna I'm not going to turn anybody into Tom Brady and I'm certainly not going to get Anybody a power five scholarship that Doesn't deserve it but I will get them Attention that's it Correct all right now we can talk College football Y and if you want to Follow up us my football D1 let's talk some college football Upset City this Week yeah it was crazy so I the first One I want to talk about I guess is App State Over Texas A&M um you know Chase Bryce and this is this is great you know Chase Bryce he didn't have a great game He 15 to 30 134 yards it was a Low-scoring game which is funny because App State and UNCC had that 6361 game But you know here's a kid who committed A Clemson you know lost his job to Trevor Lawrence end up going to Duke Didn't pan out there and then ends up to AB State and now that the Portal's kind Of open um where you you don't get in Limited bites at the Apple but they're Never going to really turn you down um He just found his space his place uh and Where he can be successful and I think

That's really starting to turn college Football Slightly slightly Towards parody and I'm not saying full Parody you know but when you see kayin Leborn who was a five-star kid who Committed to Mar uh committed to Florida State and lands at Marshall and he's the Key in 163 yards to beating Notre Dame Or when you see a guy like Ryan Watts at Texas who transferred from Ohio State And yeah he missed the tackle against Bryce young but there was clearly a hold On that play um or you see you know a Quinn yers uh who transferred from Ohio State I think the portal itself is is Getting teams better quicker and I think That's what we're starting to see on the College football landscape so it's good Alabama almost lost Texas A&M did lose Uh Notre Dame did lose um you know Nebraska lost to Georgia Southern and You're talking about big massive Programs with huge boosters huge follow Nil money like crazy and these little Schools are knocking them off or with Alabama's case Texas is on the come up And we're starting to see that was the First time I've seen Nick sa look old Ever and I'm not saying old like tired Or worn down or just looked old I'm so Used to him looking 50 when he's 70 and I'm like I think we might have just seen The

First shink in the armor of Alabama this Past Weekend I thought that well Quinn ERS by The way he got hurt right and that's Really although the other quarterback Played well too right but um yeah Hudson Card he got hurt too but they they he Played through his leg injury he Quinn Yers got that um AC joint shoulder thing He's out four to six weeks he and he was Playing great I me he was here's what Could happen if you choose to to uh uh Go to a school and uh you pull an upset Like this so there is something to say For I don't if you saw this video at all Let me see if I can get it so it's Bigger but this Is this is all people from Ab state did You see this yeah I did it's awesome I Mean that is like when you say what is College football about that's Boone baby Boone North Carolina right There I couldn't even tell you where Food North Carolina is it's in the Mountains it's in the Appalachians you Know it's it's It's in the middle of nowhere I've been There once um but yeah it's fun to see That stuff and it's fun to see you know Marshall in the celebration that they Had winning at Notre Dame and and listen I don't root against Notre Dame or Against Marcus Freeman or against Jimbo Fisher I just like college football it's

Fun to see upsets um it's fun to see a Nice guy like playay hton he was a Really nice human being um who was in Over his head at USC It's nice to see him sort of get a Victory um it was a fun weekend and we All want parody in college football I Mean I'll be honest I was rooting for Texas to beat Alabama and not because I Don't like ni sain or or I think they're The evil empire or whatever I just Thought it would really you know throw College football upside down and that's What I do I like writing about that Stuff I like you know I could still Write about how Texas came close and how ERS looked good and in you know Alabama Look sloppy I could still write about That but when Texas you know was was going down to Kick that field goal and they did they Went up 1917 I'm like you know just let Them win man it's going to be good for The sport um they didn't win but it's Still good for the sport to have teams Like this be good well not D will be Intering so Charles Charles Huff that's A head coach of Marshall right yes he's In Alabama Assist former associate head coach right Or assist head coach and assistant coach And um I I I have to say one of the Trees that definitely people always Argue about coaching trees that have

Been Successful um and there are multiple Ones that have done great things uh Going way back to when uh uh Tom landre Was the head coach and his his his OC Was like Dan Reeves and you know all Those things going back in the day But um but I think what's so interesting Is that Nick Sav one day they may be Saying you know his biggest contribution May not be what he did in all the National championships but how many head Coaches he produced yeah in his I me It's an amazing number of guys you got Sark you got uh if Sark somehow you know Becomes successful and recoups his Reputation from that standpoint and uh Um the guy at Maryland uh Loxley you got You got obviously Kirby Kirby at Georgia National Championship dude that may be His greatest contribution as a leader as As much as he does as a uh obviously a Leader of young men he his his his Leadership of other leaders is pretty Amazing and I like seeing these these Younger coaches or these no-name head Coaches you know sort Of get on the come up because it you Know I'm just it's not that I'm jaded or Anything but I've been dealing with These guys for the longest time you know I don't know Nick Sab Nick sa doesn't Know me I've interviewed him a couple Times it was great he couldn't care less

But you know I'm tired of cover Nick Sabin a little bit you know I want to Delve into who Sean Clark is the op State coach you know and then look into His his you know he was he was an o line Coach and he's an o line guy and you Know he was at Louisville and um you Know he's he's not young you know he's Born in 75 um I wouldn't say he's on the on the Come up he played at App State he's Going to stay there forever I think I Mean that's his perfect job but guys Like Huff you Know Who I knew at Penn State and knew at Mississippi State and Knew at Alabama these are the guys that That I'm really interested in you know Because davo just got paid last week and That's great and you know we see Jimbo Fisher making you know $10 million a Year and he's so overrated and hasn't Done anything at Texas A&M yet and I I'm Just tired of that I I like the younger Guys I love Sam Pitman you love him Right oh Sam pitman's amazing so the two Guys that I want to point out here Sam Pitman and Mark stops okay like they're Two two different jobs okay Kentucky is Always a basketball school they were a Basketball school when Stoops arrived Nothing you know it was ever going to Change that and they weren't good you Know they had the the how mummy years And and all that stuff and Joker they

Just they weren't good um and he turned Them into a really good football program And now they're a football program that Could potentially win nine or 10 games Every year and they can go into the Swamp and win and they hadn't won in the Swamp in like 20 something years uh you Know prior to their previous Victory There they're a real football team he's A real great coach he was a good Find they stuck with him same thing with Pitman Pitman was a guy who didn't have Any prior experience as far as a Coordinator wasur concerned everybody Knew he was a good recruiter a good guy You know he goes to Arkansas horrible schedule they get Killed in the schedule 2020 he wins nine Games of 2021 now he's two and 0 those Are the stories that I like um you know And it's funny Because I I did you know one of my guys Did a Scott Frost Replacement um you know list and Stoops Was on there from Kentucky but that's Honestly it's a lateral move at best if He goes to Nebraska and I saw some other List that had Pitman on there you know And I wouldn't make those moves if I Were them well Pitman would never in a Million years leave Arkansas I don't Even think for any job I mean the guy is Is Arkansas he loves Arkansas now he's Not you know he's not a player or

Anything like that uh but he he he's Perfect for that fit and and they gave Him a shot when no one else would I mean He played at Pittsburgh state uh you Know he's he's a guy who's been coaching Since 1984 I I look at here he's coached High School junior college yeah yeah forever He was at Hutchinson you know the B back In the 90s they were putting out Tremendous you know uh juko players but Nobody cared he got his first break at Cincinnati you know and then he went to Oklahoma and you know he's he's an o Line coach he's been an o line coach Assistant head coach here and there but A great guy Arkansas took a chance on Him they took an absolute chance on him I'll tell you another one who who I love Take off the r and there's the next word Is Kansas with isn't that Lance leopole Right leopole and he's he's destined so Sam Pitman would I don't think he's ever Gonna leave I I think you know they're First of all they're gonna give him so Much money and they're going to extend Him and make sure that he gets his Guaranteed money and I think he knows What Arkansas did for him and what a Great fit that is I don't know if Stoops Will leave Kentucky I think he'd be Smart to stay there L leol is leaving Kansas uh you know not tomorrow but this Is a guy who won you know

What yeah but he won a billion division Three titles at wiscons White Water Right yeah and then he then he did a Great rebuilding job at Buffalo and now At Kansas he's beaten West Virginia they Beat Texas last year he's gonna go five And seven you know but they're two and 0 Right now they'll probably go five and Seven but he's going to Parlay that into Everybody knows what a great coach Lance Leupold is and he's going to get a Better job now he could be a guy Nebraska targets and goes there and if They got him everybody I speak to in This business tells me what a great Coach he is period great coach not Recruiter and not flashy great coach so I think he'd be a great get for Nebraska If he decided to Leave I agree 100 perc I mean he's Listen he won a Buffalo I we played that when I was in In college we they were Like uh I mean they were a win you know What I'm Saying uh they've always been a win not Always but yeah they've been a win um You know they don't really he turned Them around well how the hell do you Recruit to Buffalo he he did I don't Know how he did he must he had develop Players he must be great he did that's What he does he's not a great recruiter But I mean you know getting kids to go

There and Kalo Mack is probably the most Famous Buffalo Alum that you can think Of and he's a I think he was a a Florida Kid who had no offers or something like That just you know yeah come to Western New York and get 85 inches of snow every Winter it's a hard Cell It's A Hard Program to turn around he did it then at Kansas I'm like okay this is Chris batty All over again he's gonna go one 11 for Three straight years and get fired Because Kansas just sucks and here he is Two and 0 beat West Virginia B Texas Last year the guy can coach the guy will Get a bigger job and he's I think he's He's just fun to watch because they're Overmatched I mean the fact that they Beat Texas in that overtime high scoring Game last year was miraculous they Shouldn't beat West Virginia uh he'll He'll win you know three four more games They they shouldn't win those either but It's just fun to talk about those guys Instead of the you know the Ryan days And the Lincoln Riley and the nick saens Of the World who who we know already not only Obviously they're con coach but they Already have every Advantage as well Right these are the guys who are doing Like Stoops to me is so I mean you're 100% on right Kentucky used to hire as a Gimmick almost what gimmick could we get In there that will attract some recruits

To come in they hired stops who's a Football coach right like obviously he Runs a great system and everything like That he you know it's not like he's Running an offense from the Dark Ages But he's run he runs a great system but It's it's the football aspect that he Does so well in every part of it Recruits the right guys for his system Recruits uh recruits the best players That he can he does a great job coaching And developing so he's competing at a High level in the SEC because he's put All those things together yeah yeah and And you know really did a great job Going into the southeast and and winning Some recruiting battles in Georgia and a Lot of people you Know it's hard to do that it's really Hard to do that and and he you know I Think he was also helped Charlie Strong Was at Louisville at the time and he was Doing successful you know recruiting in Florida and I think you also need that Kind of push you know Pitman took over For for Morris and and the the program Was in shambles and he's recruiting Against the LSUS and Texas A&M and Alabama in the world and he has to step Up his game he just has to um sometimes You don't have a choice when Urban Meyer Came into the Big 10 everybody had to Change the way they recruited they had No choice you know Brett Bel at

Wisconsin was complaining he was Stealing recruits and all that good Complain all you want Urban Meers is Gonna steal your recruits what are you Gonna do about it so sometimes these Guys get punched in the face and they Respond and they go through difficult Times and then there's guys you know no Offense to ran day I love him but you Know that's born on third base man I Mean you take over Ohio State from Urban Meyer you better make the playoffs you Know if you don't you're going to be Under Fire so it's just fun to see these Upsets it's fun to see these coaches um I don't know it's just it's just Fun yeah all the hoopla before the Season and when they actually get to Play now you get to see actually all the Real stuff that's the best part about The season you actually get to see like You can talk about all this or this deal Or that deal and you know Texas A&M's Got this guy getting this thing and that Guy getting this thing at the end you Still got to go on the field of produce Right and and the you've said this from The GetGo with nil listen you want it's Great to take the money you should get It but you better not neglect what you Got to do on the field because that Money will be gone quick if you don't do What you're supposed to do you want to Be a pro you got to conduct yourself

Like a Pro yeah and and you know I think A&M's In a little bit of trouble here um you Know the schedule is difficult they've Got Miami next you know then they've got You know Arkansas Alabama Old Miss Florida I mean they got a lot of ranked Football teams on their schedule if he Goes eight and four again there's going To be a lot of scrutiny because he's Paid so much money and all that nil Money they're fum funneling into players Kids are going to jump in a portal um And the portal I was thinking about this Last night so the portal they passed the Rule of the portal windows so now you Have a 45 day window after after the Last you know Conference Championship Game in December and so all the schools Have been told not to put kids in the Portal and some are still putting them In because they don't listen and some Are still be in process because the NCA Is a mess but most of it is stopped and Slowed Down what a freaking nightmare Everything is going to be for everybody After that last Conference Championship Game that that Saturday you know when When the Saturday before the playoff Selection Show when kids can go in a portal I Think it's at Monday a thousand kids are going to be

In the portal in one day how does that Help anything sometimes I just think the NCA like looks at a problem and says we Got kids jumping in the portal in August We got kids jumping in in may we got Kids doing this that and the other we Got to stop that let's do a window okay So let's have 3,000 Kids jump in the Portal in 45 days instead of 365 that's Not going to help um I'm not looking Forward to that day and you and I have Talked about that you know the promotion Of portal players it's going to be more Important than ever I mean we do the High school promotion now we're going to Be doing portal players as well because They're going to jump in they're going To lose their scholarship and then They're going to jump in kind of blind Because nobody knows in December what Your roster is going to look like in the Spring you haven't even finished your Recruit It's it's going to be roster management A mess and and my point to all this is That those A&M kids you know they signed What like 28 of them or so last year Number one class in the country 10 of Those kids could jump in the portal Immediately because they're unhappy and Jimbo's Under Fire and they're not Winning and recruiting is great but you Better win or else those kids are going To

Bolt Right very very very interesting stuff So who so one one more question and you Would I think you might have shared some Insight Are Notre Dame fans already Upset like Marcus Freeman has be been Given the keys to the castle right yeah And uh this is one of my things is like You know they're always so mad at uh uh Brian Kelly although he's got his own Issues Now but uh so he's goingon to have to do The job there because he's got his own Issues but um uh Marcus Freeman at Notre Dame Right they I think they made such a Mistake in just like anointing him like Just let him do his job because these Things that H like losing the Marshall Stuff they're gonna happen in your first Year right they're gonna happen to a guy That's new to being a head coach he Could be the greatest head coach of all Time but he's he's in his first year He's been a coordinator and got a young Offensive coordinator on the staff even Though they're friends right but uh Tommy Reese what are Notre Dames fans talking About right now I'm just curious well so First of all just came out that Tyler Buckner is out for the year um he's got Like a grade six AC spray in his Shoulder so that means it's Drew Pine

You know and we've seen Drew Pine he Came off the bench last year against Wisconsin look good but we saw them this Weekend didn't look good that's going to Hurt them as well not that they're Offense was doing well under Buckner Anyways but here's the thing so the Hatred of Brian Kelly overshadowed the Questions that were obvious regarding Marcus Freeman Marcus Freeman is a Former player he was a former five-star Kid I covered in high school you know Really good job at Cincinnati played Well at Ohio State um internal hire Coaches I mean not players coach right So everybody hated Brian Kelly so much That they were kind of blind to the fact That this guy's never really been a head Coach he's kind of young this is a big Job for him to take over now they're 0 And three under him including the bowl Game last year and I think there's a Sense of worry not fire him get rid of Him I think there's a sense of worry That this guy's just not ready he's just Not and he looks ready I mean the Ohio State game he looked good as a coach he Made some good decisions he made some Dumb ones too but nothing that killed The game right but this team didn't come Out to play against Marshall offensively They were horrible defensively they were Gashed by a by a team that has not even Team was missing their best player I

Mean that their running back leborn was Their backup he was put into Play Just Because you know ali uh their best Running back decided to step away from Football for a while um it's just I Think there's worry I think there's Concern that we got a guy that that Maybe in over his head and and I was Concerned not only for that you know you Never know what the guy has never Coached the head head football coach you Know like even venables at Oklahoma I Still have concerns and worries about Even though they're two and 0 my concern Was how do you fill the shoes of Brian Kelly how do you get to the national Championship game at Notre Dame and how Do you get to two playoff appearances at Notre Dame how are you going to do Better than that um you can't and same Thing for venables how are you going to Get to three playoffs in five years Now with the expanded playoff yeah and That's going to help him a Lot but you can't fill the shoes of Brian Kelly I'm sorry and Notre name Fans don't want to hear that and they Don't want to talk about they hate Brian Kelly they hope he fails but I think They're they got a guy who's gonna fall Very very short of what Brian Kelly set The bar At yeah I I I I mean the jury's out but The 0 and3 part is what concerns me now

It And and the fact that they're you know Their play to me like beginning Ohio State game it was exactly what I Expected from a new coach players under A new coach right fired up they gave Ohio State all they can handle the line Was really controlling things for no Name they look great and then they got Away from things that they were doing Well the game started to Chang we went Ohio State Direction they end up losing The game even though you could argue They played well for most of that game But what I saw was the second half of Okay where there's no longer hype see Ohio state has been there right so Notre Dame was the team that was like we're Gonna show the world that we don't need Brian Kelly and the first half that's What I saw you know what I'm saying I've Seen it in high school so many times Like when a CO that people maybe like or And and leaves and the kids are mad About it or something we're going to Show the world the first half is this World beater thing and then reality sets In which is the game and then the other Team has a chance to take over that's The you know probably the better team Anyway right and then the next game now We've lost right so how do you come back From we the biggest thing and this is From my coaching side of things the

Biggest thing you see in a coach to me Is what do you do from week one to week Two right what happens from week one to Week two a really good coach to me when Something they they could had a lot to Build on from the Ohio State game right Right it should have came right Out uh crushed Marshall I'm not I'm not Taking away from anything from Marshall They've got players they always have Right but they should have came right Out took it to Marshall that to me is an Issue with coaching where you at not to D the begin with you know they're Players there obviously they should have Came right back and said hey we could Build off of this we had a chance out How say now we've got to go to another Level let's take it to Marshall and show Everyone that we're we're on the rise Right they didn't do that That's what I mean Marshall came into Their place and just threw him around It's at home I mean that's really just Bad you can't be that flat at home you Know so I don't know listen if if I'm an LSU fan I'm worried about Brian Kelly and his Cultural fit if I'm an Notre Dame fan I'm worried about Marcus Freeman and Being over his head if I'm an A&M fan I'm worried that we spent way too much Money on Jim Bell Fischer if I'm a Nebraska fan I'm worried that we're

Gonna hire somebody who you know is Similar to Mike Riley and Scott Frost Success wise and we're never going to be Good again there's a lot of concerns out There um you know and this is why the Teams that win should appreciate it you Know there's no Dame I mean on Alabama Fans out there they were upset about how Sloppy they looked and you know blah Blah blah just appreciate the fact that You win every freaking game even when You come out and suck and your offensive Line stinks you can't run the football And you you commit penalties that you Usually don't commit and and you win on The road against Texas team which isn't Bad take the win be happy with it and Shut up because you could be one of These other teams that's just like I Don't know what to do um you know who's The other one Texas A&M Notre Dame Nebraska I mean there there's some other Programs out there too that that have Concerns that used to be good um Wisconsin Wisconsin lost to Washington State at home I mean come on so I think You should Iowa Iowa sucks their offense Sucks Brian ference is the head the Offensive coordinator he sucks it's Horrible you know so be happy with what You got if you got a good football team And maybe [ __ ] a little bit less what About by this was a a shocker now and by No mean the guys have F been shown to be

A fantastic coach at Baylor yes but BYU Beating uh ba Baylor was a shocker yeah That was a good one too well see here's The weird thing about that though is There was a very tight Line winning in BYU is hard um y you Know they've got Jaylen Hall the Quarterback is very diff but they were Missing their two best receivers uh Especially puka akua who who's a really Amazing talent they're missing their two Best receivers so a lot of people Expected including myself that Baylor Would eventually you know outpace them With their speed and it just didn't Happen and this game team just stuck in Stuck in now look at the Notre Dame Schedule this is what's funny you know Preseason they're number five they give Ohio State trouble Preseason you know Notre Dame fans were Like find me more than two losses I dare You you know maybe we lose to CL And maybe we lose to Ohio State but at Worst we're 10 and two now look at their Schedule they got BYU on that Schedule they're a lot better than we Thought Syracuse is on that schedule They're freaking two and 0 I know they Beat Yukon but they destroyed Louisville And Louisville just beat UCF um USC's on that schedule and they They I expected them to start a little Sluggish you know against a rice and a

Stamford team that really slow the ball Down and play you know physical and the Trenches and I didn't expect rice to Beat them but I expected to be sort of a Sloppy game it wasn't they destroyed Them Stanford punches people in the Mouth as good as anybody uh USC didn't Flinch so now you're looking at six and Six in fact I just wrote that it went up On the website Notre name's GNA go six And six I think um and at the beginning Of the Season 10- Two was the worst you Could possibly think so think things Aren't getting better uh for Notre Dame North Carolina's on this schedule too I Mean that defense that gave up 26 points To Marshall is going to give up 30 plus to To North Carolina and are they going to Be able to score now that Buckner's out So things are not looking great for for Notre Dame right now with a fairly easy Schedule coming into the season um and This is what I like because when we get On the field we get to see stuff you Know how many times do you see a big win Over some over rated SEC team you know And then we find out that that SEC team Sucks and the big win wasn't big at all This Ohio State win over Notre Dame is Going to go down as a win over a top Five program in the country and Notre D Is not even close to That there's no doubt about it no we

Should probably wrap it up yes because It's been what an hour oh yeah it has Been an hour let let wrap it up that was That that was great seg I I tell you It's uh this I mean this is the best Time of the year best time of the year You know what you should do under coach Schum you should put that wwwmy foot Division1 yeah see I'm shamelessly Plugging my website here yeah you are Shameless very Shameless you should at Least put a website up there or Something so people I mean are you that Famous where you could just put up coach Schuman knows who you Are a lot of people do they called me Coach Schuman at the pickall tournament Which shocked me so a couple people did So wait did you win no I no I I ran it You didn't play in it no I'm playing Next week in a tournament but I I ran it Um i r i it was my tournament did you do You make money running this I have Another company called Boardwalk Sports So you do every sport pickle ball Lacrosse like everything do no we're Starting to we're doing uh we're doing Flag football for the kids in our area Over here uh so we have a couple leagues We have uh um I pick ball tournaments we Started we're doing basketball in the Winter we'll probably do um some Club Track and

Field um yeah I mean but it's all it's Um but it's totally different than kind Of like my football thing is like my all Encompassing right I'm doing each facet Like a lot of the areas get covered These are really more um either clubs or Or events and that's that's kind of the The breath it but but it's fun I I Wanted to do something a little I wanted To start to do Something um business-wise that was not Just I love football but I've been doing Football forever you know just like you Right and so I want I wanted to try some Other stuff you know I'm an entrepreneur Uh Mike you know like I'll try things I'll try things we talked about that Earlier I I'm a Content producer and That's it and that's all I've ever been And I'm putting up 880,000 articles and Uh you know I need somebody to step in And monetize it for me because that's Not my issue so you know we talked well You you throw it around your head think A little bit about it I mean I've got The one stop shot for Content it's it's Insane it's great I go to it I watch it And and and we just put up another one In Factor fiction and and you know it Was is Notre Dame going to finish six And six you know should Nebraska have Fired Scott Frost before October 1 uh no They they it cost them $7.5 million to Fire they could have waited till October

First and his buyout would have been Reduced in half and they could have Saved seven and a half million dollar Like he sucks we get it you suck and What they were worried about nobody Really thinks about this they were Scared to death that somehow this Nebraska team was going to go up set Oklahoma and then they wouldn't know What to do because how do you fire him After he beats Oklahoma so they they They dipped after Georgia Southern early Cost them seven 7.5 million and then on There is Texas A&M's recruiting going to Drop because of this loss in this season And the answer to that is yes so I got About five more articles going up today Uh it's just the problem is uh SEO man I Need an SEO well may I I might take a Look at that too because there might be Something that I I you need to do too There I just had somebody look at it I Had my guys in Sports Illustrated look At it they just came back to me they Said things are looking great from an SEO perspective filling out all the Required films enough keywords every Algorithm will understand the content it Just takes time for Google to figure out Who the hell you are and I'm like come On man figure me out and it will I'm Just not a patient person um you know And I'm not an entrepreneur like you are I was a corporate shill for 24 years man

You know now I'm on my own and I got to Get used to that that that that side I'm Telling you it's better on this side I I Worked in corporate for a few years I Get it I get it but you also are a Friendly person you like talking to People and I'm not I'm not a friendly Person well they argue though and I'll Tell you this they ARG they do argue That the introvert could do very well as An entrepreneur they just have to Understand what their focus like you you Said a best you're a Content producer Right so you're really an entrepreneur In that area you have to fill in the Other parts that complement what you're Great at right which you're starting to Do that's why we're working together and You're doing but you're starting to you You kind of have to fill it everyone has To know like what they're kind of good At like I am nowhere near like I produce Content but I'm not you I can't do that You know what I mean like I it's just You got to know what you're good at Right so yeah like you analyze it from An an when you analyze teams you're Analyzing things from a a a analyst Standpoint which is awesome I'm looking At things like if I was a coach in this This system like how would I try to do Things and what is what's a flaw here Right so it's a you know if I looked at It from purely how you looked at it I

Don't know if I would do as good a job Right so everybody has different Strengths well and also I mean people Don't know you as a as we call it a crap Stter you know know like you're a nice Guy and a coach everybody knows me since Day one and it wasn't my fault it's just That that's who I am as as a as a Crapster guy you know like oh whatever Opinion frell has we like the opposite You know I could go out there I could go Out there and say something you know I Could say something positive about Freaking I don't know I don't even want To say the words but it's just think of The the the worst human being known to Man I could go out there and say well Yeah he's great people I mean people Would disagree with me yeah I mean not To say he's great I could say he's Horrible and people would be like no no He wasn't that bad right you know like Because frell said he's he was horrible No no no no it wasn't that bad I'm like We're talking about the same person here We all knew who we were talking about It's just whatever I say people want to Say the opposite of it and that's what Leads to you know people reading the Stuff and and but it's well you know I You know I love Uh I haven't done it in a while but when You're doing your your lists um your Like position lists and I would do like

A little thing about hey this Mike fr's List on the funny thing was people were Right on there that uh towards me and I Would actually say like this came from Mike FR sports right they would say you Don't know anything about running backs You don't know it wasn't even my List yeah that's what they want to do And here's the thing those lists are Great and they're great for engagement And I don't really do it during the Season but my guy who put those Graphics Together for me you know he's a he's a Yuk Conrad like you um okay he got a job At Yukon which is great he did an Internship for me for what five months Now he's got a job at Yukon and I'm sure Not sure if it's the football office or Not he's gone now I got to replace him And this is the other part of it it's Like you know when you started I Remember how many people you had and how Many moving Parts you had and you had People doing this that and the other and A lot of them weren't doing the right Things by you and some were and they Were loyal but they weren't and they Would dip out you know oh can you cover Can you cover this camp for me this Weekend oh no I can't and you know dip Out for three months and then come back When things are going well and say hey Buddy I'm back like where the hell were You for the last three months where it

Was really hard there's a lot of dipping In and out and so every time I think I've got like every hole plugged in the Boat there's another one comes open and I got focus on that so now I'm trying to Find a graphics guy and that's going to Take my attention away from this that The other it's just it's it's it's too Much for somebody like me who's used to Handling one thing to handle I'll get Used to it but you know all the juggling That's concerned there and and man it's Just not easy to do so go to the site go To go to myfootball D1 as well If you're looking for promotion if you Know somebody everybody knows somebody Who has a high school football player Who needs promotion who needs a little Bit of a uh you know a boost um and just DM us we always answer every DM Everyone there's no doubt about it check Out my football you can also Go to H D1 this is great talk college Football do it all day I'll let you run Mike all right see you it's good talk d

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