This is an amazing story about how Jon Gruden found Maxx Crosby

I have an assistant named Jeff Leonardo I swear to God Jeff has been with me he Drove the bus on Monday Night Football Jeff is the only guy I know that watches Mid- americ Conference football games on Tuesday…

I have an assistant named Jeff Leonardo I swear to God Jeff has been with me he Drove the bus on Monday Night Football Jeff is the only guy I know that watches Mid- americ Conference football games on Tuesday guy never says a word All he does is drive me to and from work Right he walks in one day and he goes There's a son about that J Eastern Michigan his name is Max Crosby I go Yeah okay see Jeff two weeks later There's a Easter Michigan Name's Max Crosby I swear to gu we get Into the draft process he walks in he Goes the guy Max Crosby's better than All these guys yeah and we're taking CLE Frero with the fourth pick you know We're signing defensive ents Jeff Leonardo is the guy he's the one me That's what he told me too PA up my ass For six months wow I mean he absolutely Loved you so what do you say Jeff Leonardo Jeff Leonardo I love you if you I don't just think you would have Probably ended up being a free agent you Probably being a canadi I would probably Be in but yeah

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