This Baby Gronk Stuff is getting wacky
Are you him is the real question yes see I'm gonna punch him in pass that again Bro say man what kind of question is That you see my Instagram say that ready Hey baby girl are you him what kind of Question is that look at my Instagram Would you take her to prom someday Hey no say it again bro you gotta uh say Man uh I already did I already dm'd her And asked her and she said yes Hey baby girl would you take Lily Dunn To prom you think I already dm'd her and She said yes Damn damn What kind of tuxedo you getting OG James Bond style or what Yeah no hey say it again bro hey what Kind of tuxedo you get yeah I'm gonna Get a Gucci one ready And what kind of tuxedo you getting I'm A good Gucci one what are you gonna do You know to stay sharp and keep your Skills up if you're actually not going To go through with middle school and High school Does work out