The Surprising Impact of Gassers on Athletic Performance

2 min read
Discover how the seemingly counterintuitive concept of gassers – intense running workouts – can have unexpected effects on athletic improvement. Join us as we delve into the science and psychology behind this training method. #AthleticPerformance #GassersWorkout #TrainingMethods #SportsScience #FitnessMotivation #PerformanceEnhancement…

Discover how the seemingly counterintuitive concept of gassers – intense running workouts – can have unexpected effects on athletic improvement. Join us as we delve into the science and psychology behind this training method. #AthleticPerformance #GassersWorkout #TrainingMethods #SportsScience #FitnessMotivation #PerformanceEnhancement #AthleticImprovement #PsychologyOfTraining #EnduranceTraining #WorkoutTips

That's what with the gassers that's what It's doing like if I'm the fastest guy In the team and we run gassers and I Know I'm faster than everybody else I'm Actually getting worse because the guy Who's not that good might be getting a Little bit better because he has to work Hard the guy like me I'm not getting Better like a guy like me right where I Wasn't the fastest I wasn't the biggest But [ __ ] I won every Gasser right like And I sure as hell won that last one we Did because I was winning it right like And I was out to prove a point that I Can be first without having all the Other intangibles you know I so I don't Know it's it's it's it's it's it's mind Blowing it's such a crazy concept and Even today right like you look at all The uh the youth guys what's the first Thing they do when all the young guys It's like guys take a lap like okay here We go I'm like I did that [ __ ] when I Was freaking in Middle School these guys Are still doing laps like holy hell okay I I've watched a youth coach and I love The guys they're great guys the football Coaches a lot of are great they're just Great guys but I watched his super heavy Lineman they send him on like laps They're sending on laps when they're mad At him and I'm like this Kid is thinking to himself why am I Doing this as he's running like a 400

Yards especially the kids now cuz they Always want going to go more than three Steps you know half time in a game and He's running 400 yards and I and I think To himself wait a minute that's you're Gonna need this kid

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