The Secret to Building Trust with Youth Sports Coaches

2 min read
The video emphasizes the importance of effective communication and relationship-building between coaches and parents in youth sports. Can a coach um communicate well I I Think one of the first pieces of advice I give coaches is you want to…

The video emphasizes the importance of effective communication and relationship-building between coaches and parents in youth sports.

Can a coach um communicate well I I Think one of the first pieces of advice I give coaches is you want to be able to Communicate to the players and the Parents so throw a barbecue at the Beginning of the Season make some Burgers absolutely and talk to these Parents and and let let them uh in and And just listen to their Journey uh you Know how long's your kid been playing What's your story because when those Parents trust you as a coach then when You drop that email that says we're Going to go about this the right way We're going to build character we're Going to create love of play uh the wins May happen they may not but that's not Uh the number one priority uh it's going To be a byproduct well then when you Drop that email that truth bomb you know What uh the parents are are a little Negative a little toxic you're not You're not going to not going to be able To yell at umpires and and show kids That it is okay to be disrespectful to Other people uh we're not going to Micromanage our kids from the sidelines That's unproductive they don't perform Well when they're looking over their Shoulder uh for your approval uh when You need to drop all of these dimes on Them they need to have built that trust First so uh that barbecue is is a huge Deal and from the parents point of view

Uh if you've got a coach that that has That heart

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