The Rise of Women’s Sports: Honesty and Connection in Commentary

3 min read
The video focuses on personal journeys in sports commentary, connections in basketball, and the rise of women’s sports. Her parents her grandparents are Watching the game so that's a big thing For me like I just want to respect the…

The video focuses on personal journeys in sports commentary, connections in basketball, and the rise of women’s sports.

Her parents her grandparents are Watching the game so that's a big thing For me like I just want to respect the Game respect the kids playing it but Their parents are watching and the Coaching staffs of both teams um are Watching it and will watch the film back With a critical eye and those are the People that are important to me in the Way I call the game and I know that you Grew up in West Hartford um no a she's A you live in West Harford correct yeah I'm a transplant yep I grew up outside Philadelphia right right uh okay so That's what it said Bucks County right That's right that's right right right Bucks County um how does someone from Bucks County Pennsylvania wind up at the University Of Connecticut was that something that You were interested from the start or Well particularly in 1988 I mean that's The real question yeah um well you know What and it's funny because Maria and I Collaborate in in a couple different Areas in life with basketball and it was A basketball camp actually it was Cathy Rush basketball camp that I was uh I was A camper at in high School and Kathy Rush who was in the Naith Hall of Fame now but she coached The immaculada women's team back in the Day which they made a movie about them But she started this Camp Empire back

Then and I believe it was the first Girls All-Star Camp uh um in the country And coaches came and Gino came to the Camp because he was from narst toown Which was like oh wow 20 minutes up the Road and and this basketball camp was at Del Delaware Valley College which I Think it's now a University um but I was at that camp and He saw me play and that's kind of how it Happened so but when I got the first Time Chris da called me I think I was a Sophomore junior um you know we talked For an hour um and we were born in the Same hospital she from new brunswood New Jersey my my mom is from there we knew a Lot of the same people she knew my aunts And uncles so we had a connection and Then the first time I talked to Gino it Was an an hourong conversation and we Just kind of clicked and maybe that's Why I'm still around I don't know yeah No it's amazing that that's how it Happened and Maria you both um you're Running camps right now you're taking Time out of your day to do this Interview because you're both running Camps And you've built up very popular camps Where you know girls are growing as far As their interest in sports especially In basketball and the numbers are Improving and getting bigger and bigger And Maria we've talked about it

Especially um this past season women's Sports is is coming to the Forefront

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