The Power of Family: A Key to Success

Understanding the vital role of family dynamics in achieving success is essential for everyone. Join us as we explore the importance of parenting, support, and community, reflecting on personal experiences and cultural insights that shape our paths to greatness. #FamilyDynamics…

Understanding the vital role of family dynamics in achieving success is essential for everyone. Join us as we explore the importance of parenting, support, and community, reflecting on personal experiences and cultural insights that shape our paths to greatness. #FamilyDynamics #SuccessStory #CoParenting #FamilyValues #CulturalInsights #SupportSystem #PersonalGrowth #CommunityStrong #Empowerment #FamilyFirst

You know what their families aren Willing to do that and they may not have That much money but they understand the Value of family and I think African Americans are waking up to the Importance of that the importance that It helps them succeed in life okay for a Long time there was it listen it's to be Admired single uh black women who were Single that have raised kids and turned Out to be great kids it's admire how They have but they shouldn't have to go Through that in life They should be able to have and look There are divorces that happen but you Need a mother and a father involved in Your life I'm not saying divor I come up From a divorced family yeah co-parenting Yeah I come from divorced family you Know what my father stayed in the town That we lived in yeah they co- pared Teacher in the town so you can imagine Teacher coach Hall of Fame coach how Embarrassing it probably was for him to Go to work every day to know that people Probably were looking at him because he Was going through a difficult divorce Back then yeah yeah especially back then He stayed in the town because even Though the family wasn't together he Wanted to make sure that the kids had a Father and the mother you can't President yeah and I tell you that's why I think Hispanics are voting for Trump

Because that's a big part of the success If you want to be successful in America the best way to be successful And I'm not just talking about money but Is to be able to have the family Together as much as you can the family Dynamic for Success um Frank first of all you look Like you may be in the cave where they Found Obama I wonder if that was true Obama or Osama Osama Bin Laden sorry I misspoke Again no no no you may be correct I mean Obama May devastating loss after this Devastating loss I Mean he could be there too so this is What I would say Dave Dave I always can pull out a one Line that that's why you that's why you Continue to uh put me on air every now And then you nailed that one you nailed Um

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