The Power of Coaching Basketball: Quick Tips for Success
Learn the advantages of coaching basketball and how to effectively communicate with players. Discover quick tips to improve defense, positioning, and shot-blocking. Hear insights from a legendary coach from North Jersey. #BasketballCoaching #PlayerCommunication #BasketballTips #DefenseTechniques #PositioningSkills #ShotBlocking #LegendaryCoach #NorthJerseyBasketball #BasketballSuccess #CoachingInsights
So um so I think that's the beauty of Basketball like that's one of the things I actually enjoy as as much as I love Coaching football for all the years I Always say like I'm secretly I enjoy Basketball better coaching but um but Because you could you could talk to the Player and I think that was one of the The advantages of it and you know player Can give you an answer really quick like What were you doing here like you know Why didn't you roll like what you know You know why did you move you got to Move your feet here you know you're You're not you're not getting in front Of the the man on his way to the basket Like you got to put your hands up you're Not blocking a shot by by slamming them You got to put your hands up right so so There are things that like you get to Them real quick one quick point and they Go back out and do I like that about Basketball but I have seen listen you Know I'm from North Jersey like one of The greatest coaches of all time in North Jersey is a guy by the name of Jay Mahoney and he coached at a small school And he took he would take team after Team to the Bergen County