The Market Dictates Your Value: Understanding College Football Scholarships and Player Recruitment
Learn how college football scholarships and the transfer portal have impacted player recruitment and the value of scholarships. Discover why some players are now encouraged to walk on and earn their spot, while others are advised to go where they are wanted from day one. Explore the importance of understanding the market and finding the right fit. #CollegeFootballRecruitment #WalkOnOpportunities #PlayerValue #TransferPortal #FindingTheRightFit #CollegeFootballScholarships #PlayerRecruitment #ChoosingTheRightCollege #CollegeFootballMarket #PlayerDevelopment
Like I've always said like really with Anything in our country like the market Dictates your value like 100% like like It doesn't matter if it's postco and There's fifth year guys and the transfer Portal and that's why I don't get a Scholarship or whatever like yeah for Some guys you know obviously the numbers Are the numbers and that's going to be True like The Fringe guys but it's been A trickle down effect right like so Those guys are highle FCS players the The low FCS players are now high level Division 2 players right like and so on And so forth but what happened was the Guys that believe that they're Scholarship players have now been sold That bill of goods of hey come walk on And earn it right at our place and Knowing very full well that like maybe One out of 50 guys you know are gonna Actually ever achieve that and and Ultimately like the other end of social Media is like those success stories Those outliers are like magnified made L Like hey like this guy walked on he was A zero Star and now he's the NFL you know and Like like he he he got it out the mud And he grinded and it's like yeah that's One human sure like how about like go Where you're wanted right like how about Go somewhere that's gonna value you from Like day one right and I think that like
That's that's something we try to preach Is