The Libertarian View: Should America Stop Fighting Wars?

The Libertarian View: Should America Stop Fighting #Conservative #republican #libertarian #rebelrepublic Maybe we'll revisit that but right now We got to get our ship in Order that you you're saying that you Want to eliminate those departments Whatsoever now if…

The Libertarian View: Should America Stop Fighting #Conservative #republican #libertarian #rebelrepublic

Maybe we'll revisit that but right now We got to get our ship in Order that you you're saying that you Want to eliminate those departments Whatsoever now if you're a foreign Country okay you're a foreign country And you're looking at the United States As like this is always this is Definitely one of the the arguments that People make um we we don't want anymore To be allocating fighting any wars or Fighting you know um you know uh Ram Paul used to be this big thing right I'm Libertarian we don't we don't fight any Wars period end of story that's it get Rid of it out of our government budgets Forget defense as far as we're not Policing anything I'm not going to Forget defense take care of any threats That are uh foreign at all okay whether It may affect us or not affect us we're Only going into and we eliminate that Group that budget and you're all you're Saying is that the government which you Don't trust is now going to go do the Right thing and allocate all this money To the poor people no no no no no maybe Maybe they don't maybe they don't Allocate it at all maybe it's just not Spent and that way the budget reduces Our national debt we we have to reduce The national debt spending voting on Budgets who votes on the budget the the The people the people that you say you

Congress are trustworthy right right now All of a sudden going to trust them to Go and say okay you know what we're not G to have a foreign defense fund and and We're we're not GNA you know fund any Other war or anything like that okay Right right right theoretically you know That I I say on theory that makes sense Right Theory wise it makes we're gonna Take care of everything at home and We're going to say you know what Government officials are now going to Take all your money and put it Into Uh eradicating poverty in in this Utopia World there is this is how what the Chance of that happening is zero because You're relying on this the state evil That you can't proc bureaucracy to Allocate funds all the way down to the Lowest level the only way that that can Happen is by giving people opportunity To pull themselves up to be successful There is no Topdown okay situation that is auto Other than opportunity now if the state Says I'm gonna go and give everybody Who's poor enough money to eat do those People then say I'm going to do what's Necessary to make myself not be poor or Be in that situation there are people in Destitute situations there are people That are mentally maybe maybe uh um uh Handicapp in that in the situation there

Are people that you know might have uh Uh issues where they grew up extremely Poor and don't know how to get out of That situation I think all those people Deserve some level of help with the Opportunity to figure out can we get Them opportunity if we can't there is a Large group of people that are on the Government roles from a financial Standpoint that we do have to take care Of

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