The Jaden Rashada Saga and How Florida Has Moved on

The Jaden Rashada Saga and How Florida Has Moved on @coachschuman on all social media This podcast is hosted by ( I don't think he's going to get the Money that he was going to get at…

The Jaden Rashada Saga and How Florida Has Moved on
@coachschuman on all social media

This podcast is hosted by (

I don't think he's going to get the Money that he was going to get at Florida that he turned around sit down So I think his agent made a big Calculated risk here and Florida walked Away my question on this the quarterback Thing is so from an explanation Standpoint you have to once you sign the Letter of intent then you can sign an N Deal right is that officially signed an Nil deal right everything yeah you can't Can't sign before that's a violation It's it's a glaring violation that even The NCA would enforce right so with the Difficulty in it having been an agent Right um you're you're making a deal to Go to an organization I'll just use an NFL side of it this is I'm gonna go to The New York Giants I'm a player I have

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