The Importance of Parent Behavior in Recruiting Process

Discover how college football coaches evaluate parents during the recruiting process. Learn why their behavior can make or break a potential opportunity for their child. Find out what coaches look for and how it impacts the decision-making process. Don’t let…

Discover how college football coaches evaluate parents during the recruiting process. Learn why their behavior can make or break a potential opportunity for their child. Find out what coaches look for and how it impacts the decision-making process. Don’t let your actions hinder your kid’s chances. #RecruitingProcess #ParentBehavior #CollegeFootball #CoachesEvaluation #ImpactofParents #RecruitingTips #StudentAthletes #CollegeAthletics #ParentalSupport #AthleteDevelopment

And it got me thinking about a recent Conversation I had with a division one Offensive coordinator and and I asked Him Point Blank it was I was at a Coach's clinic and I asked them like how Do you guys eval quarterbacks and and You know I was asking multiple questions But one of the things that really stuck With me is when the kid is on a visit he Is evaluating the Parents he's evaluating the questions They ask he's evaluating where they're Answering the questions for the kid what They're wearing Like everything he's evaluating the Parents I'm parents need to know that Like don't screw your kid over it's it's Literally coach it's literally one of The things like I just posted a video About it like a couple days ago you know Because I had an athlete go to a school And like one of the coaches actually Came back to me and said like hey like This seems like he's going to be a hell Of a player but I just can't do it with The parents like it's just is not going To happen

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