The Importance of Being a Game Closer: Strategies for Success

3 min read
We explore the critical role of game closers in sports and life. Discover how focusing on the present and winning every quarter can unlock your true potential, both on the field and off. Let’s redefine what it means to clinch…

We explore the critical role of game closers in sports and life. Discover how focusing on the present and winning every quarter can unlock your true potential, both on the field and off. Let’s redefine what it means to clinch victory! #GameClosers #WinningMindset #SportsStrategy #FocusOnThePresent #Motivation #TeamSuccess #LifeLessons #CoachingTips #PerformUnderPressure #SelfImprovement

Who cares half the time people don't Even remember who started the game they Remember who was in and made the big Plays at the end right so I think that You know that that's my thought there I Think to your point like you know Mariana rivera right for the Yankees but Single-handedly I know you know you got Jeter you got everybody else but he's Single-handedly like was their MVP back Then because if you don't have a guy That can come in at that point of the Game right and he'll go down as one of The greatest closers if not the greatest Closer of all time what's more important Of a role than that like someone tell me Like okay a guy pitched really good for Seven Innings cool now that the score is Z z but he can't pitch anymore who's Coming in to close this thing out right He's just sat for the last three and a Half hours right warmed up for 10 15 Minutes and now the game is on in his Hands on the line that's the greatest Compliment you can get is being that guy Right that guy or girl like let me be That you want to file somebody at the End of the game I want to be the person That's got ice in my veins who can come Nail the free throws to lock this game Up right so what I do with my kids too Historically um because we've played Quarters is whenn win every quarter Right so quarter one ends let's just say

The score is 10 to eight us okay we won That quarter now it's z z right so a lot Of times when I go into halftime it's I Don't care what the score is on there at Z0 so you know I try to preach that Because you know sometimes if you get Too caught up at yes it's like a book Right like you could to your point about Finishing the book once you get the gist What could you do you could just go to The last chapter and figure out what's What right people want to skip ahead to The end but the middle is where all the Meat is you know so it's like how do you Break that up so that you're focused Just on the task at hand and I think Those games that you talked about before Where You know oh we should beat this team by 30 those are the hardest games to coach Because your kids already know that they Already feel that and that drives me Crazy because I'm like don't come out And play like you're supposed to beat This team by 30 right like in other Words like half the Motions like oh we Could play half speed and probably still Win this game right okay I don't want You to because once you get into that Complacency right it's hard to it's hard To get back out of that you know like You can't just be up for the big games You got to be up for every game

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