The Evolution of Football Players: Trends and Changes in Recruiting
Discover the transformation of football players over time and the impact on recruiting strategies. Explore the growing emphasis on talent, skill sets, and player treatment. Gain insights into the importance of commitment, hard work, and the challenges faced in today’s game. #FootballPlayers #RecruitingTrends #PlayerSkills #CommitmentInSports #FootballChallenges #PlayerTreatment #HardWorkInFootball #YouthSports #FootballRecruiting #AthleteDevelopment
Who understand Personnel so it just in How you when you build that department Out you need to make sure that every Single aspect of what you need is Covered and accounted For it it it's wild on the recruiting Side Um what do you see in playerwise so I I I I know you're covering all these Things but as far as the type of players That are coming through now like Talent-wise um is there a change in Those players over time uh as far as Their skill sets is their Trends in Recruiting that people like are are Starting to kind of go towards the Players are as good as they've ever been Before um they're they're practicing a Lot more they're doing a lot of seven on Seven and and you know I know some guys Don't like that but they're getting a Lot of reps in the big difference in the Players is the the way that they're Treated when they're really good and Some of them aren't as good as what they Think they are it it it hurts the Seriousness of how how serious football Is like football is a hard game man it's It's a damn hard game and you gotta work Really really hard you gotta be really Really tough um you gotta be a guy That's committed to to getting hit over And over and over again and I think that We've lost some of that you know in the
Way I was at a seven on seven event on Um was it Tuesday night and I was just Really and I talked to some of the kids I was just really disappointed you know In some of the body language you know How kids aren't playing they weren't all Playing hard they weren't all competing And at some point I say this all the Time they're gonna expect you to be a Good football player at some point Especially if they pay you and I tell This to kids all the time if somebody Pays you they're going to treat you like They bought you right so there's going To be an expectation of performance There that's a great Point um because if You're it's just like if you work for Somebody right