The Complexity of Government Funding: Explained

The Complexity of Government Funding: Explained #rebelrepublic #conservatism #politics #trumpvsharris So the Biden Administration for example There there are issues that are local Based issues okay so if you if New Jersey has a poverty issue let's say and You're…

The Complexity of Government Funding: Explained #rebelrepublic #conservatism #politics #trumpvsharris

So the Biden Administration for example There there are issues that are local Based issues okay so if you if New Jersey has a poverty issue let's say and You're we're expecting okay let's say Let's say they said Newark has a poverty Issue I'm just using this example I Don't know whether they do or they don't Okay but let's say new Yark has a Poverty issue at first is the Citywide Government is is handles it the way they Have they get funds from the state to be Able to do that Okay the fund the state okay is getting Tax money from its citizens to be able To do that those are the allocations From the state if an if the state needs More money from the federal government Say they have a particular a a an issue That is very very pressing for example Disaster relief for example okay then They would go and kick it up to the go The federal government to ask for Disaster relief for example a good Example ex Le of that would be the whole Complaint during when George Bush was President when we had Hurricane Katrina Right and we had the situation that Happened in New Orleans the complaint Was that disaster relief money was not Getting kicked back well it turned out That some of it was being allocated and Not used properly right so is that George is that is that Bush

Administration fault or is that the Local government fault these are the the $50 million questions that happen but It's not it's not we give to Israel and Take from the poor that is not at all The case or we give to the poor and Don't give to Israel right I I get your Point but my thing is this instead of 20 Billion to Israel and 20 billion Allocated to the poor let's take the 20 Billion and give it to the poor let's Hold off on everything else right now

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