The Changing Landscape of College Recruiting: The Rise of Personnel Departments

The Changing Landscape of College Recruiting: The Rise of Personnel Departments with Coach Schuman, Coach Depascale and Adam Breneman Subscribe right away and get all the great updates #football #camps #recruiting #collegefootball #highschoolfootball #footballrecruiting #transferportal are you looking to get…

The Changing Landscape of College Recruiting: The Rise of Personnel Departments
with Coach Schuman, Coach Depascale and Adam Breneman
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So I was in charge of finding the tight Ends evaluating them all over the Country figuring out who I wanted to Offer and recruiting those players Well I also at the same time have to do All the recruiting coach my current team Game plan on the weekdays and all that Kind of stuff so during the season I'm Not all that focused on evaluating the Best tight ends from Louisiana you know I don't even know who they are because I'm the season where some programs now Texas Tech is a great example of this Have changed the structure where they Said listen it does really make sense For our coaches to decide who they're Going to offer just like in the NFL the Scouts and the general manager decide Who the players are the coaches coach so At Texas Tech they're saying we're Taking off off the plate of our coaches We're taking off their plate any Evaluation of players coaches are no Longer in charge of evaluating the Talent that's going to be the Personnel Department who are going to go watch the High school film and decide who to who We're going to offer and recruit and That flows up to the GM and then I think It flows the head coach um and then the The coaches the coordinators position Coaches get told who they're recruiting Just like in the NFL they get told who They're gonna coach now I'm sure the

Coaches have some say but for the most Part it's kind of separating the Personnel Department from the coach Staff coaches are just recruiting now They're getting told who to recruit and Then they're coaching whoever they get Uh and and I think that that kind of Structure we're going to see more and More of in college sports as things get Crazier and crazier right and you Actually see it like you know I know Dion is doing it at Colorado like you See a lot of these staffs now actually I Mean look you go to the website and you Click on coaches and it's no longer you Know head coach offensive coordinator Defensive coordinator position coaches No you're seeing person player Personnel You're seeing who's responsible for nil Each one of like college staffs are now Expanding and there's so much and it's Almost like you know the off the field Guys that aren't on the sideline that Aren't practicing an like running Individual every single day those guys In the Personnel Department are almost If not more important than those guys Coaching up the X's and O's you you you Think about a guy like Courtney Morgan At Alabama now general manager at Alabama right was at Washington correct It was at Washington with kayin theore It was at Michigan before that correct He's the guy that's responsible for

Literally putting these rosters I mean It was kind of funny the national Championship game right was basically Based off of it was like Hey man SE are Your two rosters that you created and Now they're both in and like who's the First guy that guy hired when he went to Alabama the guy that put my roster Together yeah I mean yeah Courtney Morgan's become one of the more powerful Uh figures in college football because Of that

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