The 3 Best People to Help Your Recruiting from & Coach Schuman

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The 3 Best People to Help Your Recruiting from & Coach Schuman See more videos like these at! National Underclassmen Football Combine and Football Camp for Top Prospect Football Players looking to get recruited for…

The 3 Best People to Help Your Recruiting from & Coach Schuman
See more videos like these at!
National Underclassmen Football Combine and Football Camp for Top Prospect Football Players looking to get recruited for college football

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Foreign Coaching we're back here on coach human Explains with some more tips and help For you Uh as you go along that recruiting Process to help you get your name out There uh get more help with you as how To get your name out to different Colleges And uh some informative tips Uh to help you not only get recruited uh But to go to different camps and Combines and and events that can help You get along the right path this week Or this today i should say we're talking Very simply about people that can help You And the right and wrong people From that process standpoint There are three very important people That can help you out number one your Coach Is probably your most valuable asset Your high school coach is your most Valuable asset or someone that's Handling recruiting on the high school Coaching side for you Is your most valuable asset in that Process from advice from a highlight Tape standpoint what level you belong at And much much more you must go to your Coach to be able to help guide you With respect to the schools that you can Belong at and the recruiting process

Great resource for most people 99 Percent of the athletes will be a great Resource for you Number two your parents are a valuable Resource they can help you with phone Calls to the college coaches Most of the time the coaches want to Hear from you the athlete but they could Certainly help organize that process With you and sit down with you map out a Plan From a recruiting process standpoint and Number three you yourself you're the one That should be doing the phone calls You're the one that should be helping to Put together your highlight tape because You know which plays that you've had That were exceptional You're the one that knows what level you Want to play at and And you're also the person that control How hard you work every single day So You yourself is the third person in the Recruiting process that can help along The way there are some ancillary people That can certainly help um like i said Recruiting services like That run events uh you know any of those Scouting services like rivals or scout Or 24 7. those are those are Auxiliary help that because of the Events they run or because of the Write-ups they do

On you those are ancillary help but the Three main resources from a direct help Standpoint are the coach Your parent And yourself A lot of people talk about third parties That can go and help you your club coach Or or anything along those lines those Guys can be valuable assets i would use Them more from an advice standpoint but It's important that you always Communicate with your coach and your Parent because in football in the game Of football those people are are the Coaches the last line of defense i Always say for an athlete because They're the person that The college coach is going to ask about Uh what he thinks of you and your parent Obviously the person that loves you and Knows you Uh best so they can also help and advise You in the right direction i hope those Tips help you out we'll see you back Again tomorrow coach human explains Those are three tips on what kind of People can help you in the recruiting Process You

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