Talking Football with Kean Univ. Head Coach Dan Garrett

71 min read
Talking Football with Kean Univ. Head Coach Dan Garrett Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to to register Get the…

Talking Football with Kean Univ. Head Coach Dan Garrett

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Welcome back coach D how we doing how we Doing bright and early right Bri and Early ready to go um today we have a Fantastic guest uh head coach of keen University coach Garrett um been in the Game for a long time had a tremendous Amount of success um but not just a a College coach but also a mentor to a lot Of a lot of guys just like yourself Right coach um and you could talk about A little bit about that as well we Before we bring coach coach on how you Know coach originally and and um got Connected with him as a player right and Uhre and uh you know that whole Experience yes so coach uh coach gett And I go way back to when I was uh uh Being recruited out of high school uh he Had just uh he was originally from uh Obviously he played at Montclair State So he was an Alum there uh and then Ended up uh getting into the Keen head Coaching job uh so was kind of part of The whole recruiting process for me and Then ultimately uh I ended up playing Against him as a head coach for three Years when he was at kead still and then Uh just kind of developed that Relationship uh as a mentor kind of Continue in to um you know speak and uh You know he was very open always about Any any questions I had in terms of you Know coaching or or any of that kind of Stuff when I started to get uh when I

You know after I finished playing and Whatnot and has just always been a great Guy um you know was always there any Type of questions whether it be on the Field off the field uh and I think That's really kind of the type of coach That he is um and he'll speak to it I'm Sure uh as well um you know the D3 world Is a little different so you can develop Different types of I don't know I just Feel like different relationships and uh You know like I said he's been a mentor On and off the field you know from day One so excited to have him on excited to Kind of hear some of his viewpoints on Some of the things that we talk about on A regular basis from a D3 aspect and and Whatnot he also has a son that just went Through the process um in terms of he's Graduating going to Mammoth University And he's got another one who just Enrolled in in high school who's a Freshman so you know he kind of sees a Lot of sides to this whole thing and uh You know I think our viewers are going To get a little something out of It absolutely let's bring coach on right Now um and and talk talk more to him and And Coach what's going on great to see You what's up guys good morning thanks For having me always great being around You too coach appreciate it man thanks For coming on Absolutely yeah I'm excited to talk to

You I I think um uh you know and I was Just talking the guy I was playing uh Pickleball with this morning my next Door neighbor uh he had a couple kids That played college sports played soccer One played soccer division one the other One played uh division three basketball And I was I was letting them know that We we were gonna have you on and I I was Telling them about you know you know This not just the success you have but How college football even at division Three level has changed over the years And it's been interesting because um you Know as you go through it over the years You you've been in the game for a long Time but one of the things that you've Had a tremendous amount of is stability At at one spot which you know for for Lack of a better word is today's college Football unusual right so um and and and Not unusual from a wins and losses Standpoint I'm talking but you know guys Are always looking to go to the to to The next thing more more along the L Those lines um but you've had a Tremendous amount of success you you've Been in a place that really established A program and and because of that um I Mean in New Jersey everybody knows you Know coach Garrett and and what you've Been able to done and I've had quite a Few players that have gone on and play For you have had a lot of success um

First of all W welcome to the podcast Tell tell just kind of walk everyone Through a little bit about your career Um you know how how you got to Keane you Know your years at Montclair State those Kind of things yeah um you know so it's Crazy you know what dererk talked about About playing at Montclair State and uh As soon as I got done playing my senior Year I I thought about what am I going To do now and Coach Gina Cola um you Know obviously one of the best to ever Do it in division three football I was Fortunate to play for him and surrounded By a lot of great people uh he asked me To coach uh and I didn't hesitate didn't Pause didn't ask how much didn't care About the salary uh said yeah and didn't Hesitate and then from there uh 1997 was My first year coaching linebackers at Montclair State uh and then two years Later my mentor Billy Johnson leaves and Takes a a head high school job at Pake Valley and I'm 25 years old and Coach G Cole is asking me to be his defensive Coordinator uh and Dave you know this And both of you uh at that time I Thought I knew everything I knew nothing Uh I just said absolutely what a great Opportunity to be a coordinator at not At my age but my the school where I Played uh and grew right up you know Right down the street in Clifton New Jersey and um you know that's kind of

How it started um defensive coordinator Montclair State and then um our Offensive coordinator the time Charlie Kusza uh gets a head job at Kane and in 2003 you know I was part-time at Montclair you know and I never asked I Didn't care about the money you know I Think it was I think I paid $3,000 to be The the defensive coordinator at my State part-time and it I didn't care it Wasn't it was never about the money for Me um so in 200 um 2002 offseason um I Had a chance to go to Police Academy Port Authority police academy my Family's big Port Authority csula Everyone's involved there my me and my Brother took the test we were going to Go in the same Academy um I get asked to Go be the full-time assistant at Kane With Charlie kusza and I probably took About a $70,000 pay cut to turn down That Police Academy job to go coach at Kane again it wasn't about money I I Just couldn't see my life without Football uh to take an assistant job for $29,000 at the time um and then three Years as a de coordinator at Kane in 2006 I had a phenomenal opportunity to Be elevated uh and then this is going to Be my 18th season as a head coach at Kane and uh and Dave I think we met Probably somewhere around 2004 when you First did one of your first showcases at Kane uh back then yep yep that was we

Were running um shoot you you let us run That ultimate 100 Camp yeah and the kids Came in from all over the country all Over it it was a I mean at the time I Didn't expect it to be to be the the way That it was but it was kind of one of The early booms in that whole kind of Space face and uh there there were so Many kids that went on to like uh Actually even NFL that played in that Thing I look back at the videos now at This day too and how how how different It was like we used to let kids like if They wanted to take their shirt off to Run the 40 yard dash we all right I Guess you know like if that helps you Run faster you know now everybody has to Wear you know required uniforms and all That kind of stuff but it yeah that was A launching pad and I remember that was Um you really had just gotten that brand New facility I think which was Phenomenal for division 3 at the time There wasn't too many facilities like That um you know with the scoreboard and And the field and then the the Fieldhouse y uh just absolutely yeah you Know be beautiful facility but yeah it Was it it it was interesting because it Was one of the first Montclair obviously With coachi andca that's was an Established division three program you Know the home of Sam Mills and and um uh Had had a phenomenal reputation and you

Brought a lot of the things that you Guys had at Montclair to keen and then Put your spin on it and really developed A fantastic program at Keen University And like I said like keev Kevin Hines he Probably gradu was he graduated yet Kevin Hines yeah I mean I know he's he Um God it's been a while now but Kevin Was heck for player for us he came when You when you coached up there he came in As The Freshman started for us right Away at Center I he was a great Kid that's that's incredible so um and And I that's why I loved about like your The way that you recruited like I took Over at Indian Hills it was not we were Not a very good team um we were trying To build it up at the time and then end Up going to Red Bank Regional but um Kevin Hines himself was like the Quintessential player that I think does Really well with you he came from a Program that at the time you know really Didn't have a lot of players come out of It every once in a while we have one or Two players but didn't have a lot of Players that came out of it he himself Was not just a competitor and a really Good player but was driven and was a Really good leader and you were able to Find those qualities in him and I Remember his recruiting process some you Know he had really high Expectations and you did a great job in

Showing him that Keane was the right Program firm which I think is so Important nowadays and you know it Probably eventually get us to where we Talk about the transfer port on nil but Uh but that's one of the things that Kids don't do as often as they should Find the right program for them talk a Little bit about that yeah and you know It's such a great Point uh because again You know the old man in the room here And Dave you know when we were in high School there was no internet no social Media no platform like this where Everyone thinks they got to compare and Contrast themselves and if they're not Not getting validated to go division one They're not good enough and and it Couldn't be in my opinion any any more Not true um we talk from the very Beginning in recruiting with parents and Kids and players we talk about is it the Right fit is it the right fit for you Number one first and foremost for our Level financially is the right fit for You academically and then athletically And really in that order because if Football you know you know this man they Go to Camp they go away every kid thinks About in the first seven days I don't Love football anymore this isn't for me I I I'm not made for this and you know It's just feeling and you can't act on Feelings but those things become

Important because if if your mom and dad Or whoever you live with your your Single parent your aunt your grandma Can't afford it it's only going to be a Disaster from from the first day in the Door on if you can't pay bills and then Two academically because you are setting Yourself up for life you know with a Piece of paper and a piece of paper is In the end all be all but the piece of Paper opens doors for you and I'm a Perfect example I hated everything about School and I tell my guys this all the Time there was one reason I went to College and it was to play football and And ultimately as you grow up and you Mature or you realize that you need to Do certain things to set yourself up for Success and if I didn't have that little Piece of paper my dad was a plumber Right and and he didn't go to college But we had a great childhood so the Piece of papers and everything but for Me specifically if I didn't have that Piece of paper you know I coach football For a living I I've only coached at two Schools you and this is year 21 at Kane University so if I without that piece of Paper in 2002 going on an interview I'm Not even sitting here you know I'm Probably in the police academy so and Then then when you talk about and Dereck Mentioned earlier you know my son just Went through it I told him I don't care

About anything I don't care about levels I don't care about it all we entertained Everybody go where you're wanted go Where people want you and go be around Good dudes period and I'm telling you we Took trips up to Vermont to to the the Nesca schools in division three the high Academics and all the way you know all Around the country uh and that's all I Cared about as a dad who's been around This game for for so long go be around Good people and go where you're wanted Because if you're not wanted it's going To be disaster and how do you know if You're not want anymore that's a great Question you know you got to really Trust your gut because unfortunately There's some snake oil salesmen out There who tell people whatever they want To hear um and that's we we start the Recruiting process we tell them like hey Man how is trust established you know And and everyone looks at you you know Kind of like what are you talking about Like well it's a repeated experience Over time right so if I lie to you on Day one of recruiting you and then you Figured out at some point six months two Years from now that I'm a liar well our Relationship's never taken off the Ground and and it's it's built on Nothing that's worth anything so you Know it's it's the recruiting is so Crazy it's just you got to figure out

For yourself who do you think is real Who do you think is genuine who's a good Dude how do you do that you lean on guys Like you guys who've been around know um Maybe your High School coaches who know People who've been around you have to Ask you got to do your homework but it's All about the right fit man and you got To go where you wanted if you don't go Where you wanted it's it's it's such in My opinion it's just not ever going to Be a great Experience I think those the two things You said are the most important things And and it um and I think it trickles Down to all levels I'm actually and Derek will tell you this I'm doing this Already with my eight-year-old because As he's going to do different things as A good athlete and going where you're Wanted and go being around good people Are really so important I mean i d der Could tell you tell you offline like I In Youth Sports the things I'm already Experienced with my 8-year-old I'm Already like okay you know people like Oh why you why are you why do you want Him to play over here here or you know If I'm not coaching for example well Because I think these guys are going to Take care of him and they want him to be On their team like I want you you want People that want you there and that Changes your experience completely what

You know it's a huge thing in recruiting Now because guys are chasing people that Don't want Them I I'll make it even simpler if You're trying to date a girl okay and She does not want you even if she goes Out and a date with you she's thinking About somebody else right so find the Girl that wants to be with you that that Thinks that you're the greatest thing Since sliced bread you know and that way That gives you doesn't mean you're gonna Have success there's no guarantee but It's gonna give you a better chance for Success yeah and and Dave you said it Because even when you talk about Recruiting and I'm and and this is year 18 in in 21 years that Kan I've never Promised a single kid playing time and We had transfers from you know Jason Galtney Long Island who went to West Virginia started over Steve Slayton when He when I first talked to him I said Look I'm not promising you anything if You're the best guy you're gonna play And that's really what we've said in my Entire tenure like if you're the best Guy we are gonna play you but to get you To come here I don't have a crystal ball Because what if something changes what What if someone else comes who's better Than you um and and I think that has a Lot to do not everybody wants that Though everyone wants to be there's some

Kids now who just say hey I want it and If you're not telling me that I'm not Coming and and I'm okay with that Because you know at the end of the day You know I tell my own kids my you know Just like you your eight-year-old like There's only one thing that's going to Work for you and that's hard work and if Hard work and if you're working as hard As you possibly can and it's not good Enough that just means someone's better Than you it doesn't mean you stink it Doesn't mean your value goes down it Just means you're on a team and someone Might be better than you you have to be Okay with that in today's world in Today's world it's not okay because There's so many expectations in these Youth sports that you brought up that Little Johnny at8 is gonna be playing at Notre Dame well what if Little Johnny's Not playing at Notre Dame when he's 18 He's not a good son anymore you know so We talk about these things in recruiting And I tell my guys the one thing we're Not trying to sell anybody on anything Because again we're not salesman right And I know that sounds a little like Whatever but and there's nothing wrong With being a Salesman my point is we are Going to tell you exactly what we are Who we are what we do and if it's not Good enough for you that's okay because It's not a good fit and if it's not a

Good fit for you again you don't want us We don't want you because eventually if You come here it's not a good fit for You it's not it's that's not going to be A great experience for any of us it's Going to be nothing but conflict and and Trying to resolve issues and you know I Think that's the big thing that maybe Some people got away from especially Maybe I don't know because I've never Coached higher but you know I think People get caught up in that because you Have to because you have to get the best Because if you don't win right you're Gone and I understand that I have a Plenty of friends who who've been Through it and and experienced that and You have to do whatever you have to do To get the best recruit that's kind of One reason why I've never left division 3 you know I never wanted to have my Family move around around the country And live out of a suitcase every two or Three years I got plenty of friends who We've had the conversations plenty of Friends who've offered me positions um You know but it yeah sure it'd be great To be somewhere for a year or two but am I going to be there for 21 years I mean I still got an eight-year-old you know I Got an 18-y old an eighty old my my 14y Old so um it's always about quality of Life right coach and I think that's Where you're different and just this

Profession itself is different in itself Right cuz you know everybody wants to Get to that next level or continue to Pursue their career and move up and move Up the ranks but that you know grass Isn't always greener right at the end of The day our job our livelihood putting Food on the table for your family still Depends on an 18yearold 20y old kid Playing ball you know playing a game Right and sometimes those things just Don't work out well so you know for you To stay to program for as long as you Have with those opportunities really Kind of says something about who you are As a as a person and and overall just The program in general yeah and listen I Think that again I'm very fortunate very Blessed you know I think Kane still Wants me over this over this tenure um And when I say that it's because when we First walked in the door Derek you know And I played against Kane you know I Only knew I only knew Kane as an Opponent for for she's four years as a Player and seven years as a coach so I Knew myself and doormat for most of it Yeah I think a lot it didn't mean it had Bad Dudes it just means there you know There there was never a stability right When you talk about that you know there There you we got in there in our team GPA in 2003 when I first got there that Team GPA was was under a 1.7 and and we

Walked in the doors in that in that Spring of 2003 we lost 39 players Because they were under 20 they were Acade academically eligible and we're Talking about they had some dudes and Kane always had dudes right but the Thing in college football if you can't Get that dude from year one to year two And then year three to year four like Year four is what matters year four is Where you're going to win and we've Definitely had some highs and lows but The the main thing we've been able to Have you know stability our graduation Rate now we we graduate almost eight out Of every 10 kids we're 77 78% give or Take uh and that that that number gets Skewed because in division three if you Can't afford it right that goes against You because they can't come back they Can't pay bills and you know these kids Are on their own but our team GPA is Always hovering now between a 27 and a 29 not a 17 and a one nine and that's How you develop kids by keeping them in Your program whether they start whether They don't play like we've had plenty of Kids who were in our program for four Years I it's going to sound crazy to People but who maybe never played a down Of offense or defense as a starter and And I know that's hard for people to Fathom you know but those kids man you Know they wanted to be there and they

Were great teammates and the teammates Wanted them there you know and and I Think that's also gets lost in today's World too it's always about the star Players and you never hear about the you Know the guys who contribute in other Ways so to speak in a locker Room what has been and and that kind of Leads into like the change in recruiting Over your tenure um and one of the Beauties of asking this question is that You've been at the same place so you can Really see how it's affected you know Your program as well um from the time You know like I started coaching High School football as an assistant in 2002 to now amazingly people are always Like how does football change so much You know even though it's the same sport Like what's being played between the Lines is for the most part the same um How does all these things of recruiting Change and I say it's changed Dramatically it's like used to get uh Well when I played it was 60 millimeter Film then it went to then went to uh VHS Then to DVDs in in the early 2000s now Huddle has completely changed how fast You can get links and all those kind of Things um but even more so social media Twitter in you know Instagram um how how Has recruiting changed and what are like The things that you like about the new World and the things that you think you

Know you'd rather leave at home in the New world yeah you know you know it's a Great question and obviously Dave it's a Loaded question but I think the number One thing in recruiting it's still about People right it's still no matter how Much it's changed no matter how much Maybe stayed the same it's about people And and I've and I've said this now Probably for at least 10 of the last 18 Years as a head coach guys no matter Who's on my staff and we turn over all Time just because of the money and this Part-time salary um we coach people First and sports second I'm going to Coach someone's kid like I'm coaching my Own kid and what does that mean it Doesn't mean I'm not going to Cle you it Doesn't mean I'm not GNA I'm not going To take it easy on you it doesn't mean Just doesn't mean I'm not gonna berate You I'm gonna talk down to you so when You talk about recruiting I still think The number one thing we speak about even Though it's changed drastically because The camps now the camps man it's like Camps camps camps camps camps and again When you talk about that you know those Guys at the higher levels they used to Do maybe three or four camps they had Their own Camp maybe or ghost uh guest Coach at maybe one or two others and Then they had you know June and July off Now it's like they're at everything the

Whole month of June three or four of Their own camps and and my friends are Like they're around the country the Whole month of June and maybe they get Two weeks off in July so I think Obviously the camps and me the one thing That drives me personally crazy um you Know the D3 offer thing um I think I did It once off season because you know Between my son who was at the time maybe A freshman like ah dad guys love that And I I said all right I'll try it my Assistant coach is always saying hey we Got to do this offer because everyone Else is doing it you know an offer to me Is when I'm paying for your education You know an offer is is I'll be able to Take care of your family financially I'm Offering you a roster spot there's no Doubt and and we have a restriction on Our roster so yeah it becomes Competitive but to me and this is just My personal leave on recruiting like if I don't offer you a graphic that says We're offering you a roster spot like And you don't want to come here goes Back to the right fit again you're not a Right fit for us so and I say that in Recruiting like that's one of the next Things things I'll say to parents in the Room like hey man we're not doing the Photo shoot thing even though my own Kids and all my coaches say we're going To get you in uniform we should do this

And that get the strobe lights Out uh you know I've never done Something in my life just because other People have except that one time with The graphic I just talked about and I Got away from it right away because I'm Like guys this isn't us like I want to Offer you something that you feel Connected that you feel that this is Going to be a right fit that you feel You're going to trust your coaches for Four years to have your unequivocally Back no matter what we're talking about On the field off the field we're going To be there for you for the next 40 Years when you graduate that that's what I want I don't want an offer graphic I Don't want to do a photo shoot and again I'll even say that to parents like hey Like we'll set up this the backdrop with The cane on it and we'll put our Under Armour mannequins on there and say hey If you want to take a picture of mom and Dad you should like this is a great Moment not everyone's getting to go on a Recruiting visit we're just not going to Do the hoopla that comes with putting You in uniform and and all the strobe Lights and those things so those things Have drastically changed because again Why are we doing that social media right So 20 years ago 40 years ago the guys Who played at Penn State in in Wisconsin And Miami from New Jersey they didn't go

Through that because there was no social Media we just feel that we you know Those guys at the higher level have to Again right because you have to compete With what you're up against me I'm not Offering your family money so in my mind It's just like all right if this is not The right fit for you and if that means That we didn't give you a graphic for Your offer and we didn't give you a Photo shoot and that's why you're not Picking us it was never a right Fit yeah that that's I think the human Interaction part of it is a huge thing Too now that So initially with social media and I I've seen this more and more with Players just like from our club and Stuff and when they talk to me about Like the recruiting process I'm sure High School coaches are go going through The same Thing um because there's so many of These camps and there's so like like you Can walk into a division three school And they have a thousand kid you know They're told all these schools are going To be there sometimes they are sometimes They aren't um and and even if they are Like you know I I try tell kid you got To go to the even campwise the right fit For you in the summer because what Happens is just because it says I don't Know just because it says Ruckers or

Syracuse or or pit or whatever Penn State a school is is going to be there You know those guys have a deal with XYZ D3 school to be there there's a reason That goes beyond but you'll understand What's going on for them to be there yes If they find the guy they're going to Take them no doubt okay but with a Thousand kids you're not making your Odds real good right you could be a Great player literally a great player But if you didn't walk in the door at Six' six or you didn't blast the 4440 you know it becomes a situation Where you could have had a great day and You're like then you come out Discouraged and I was say you shouldn't Come out discouraged you you should have Chose a camp where you're going to have More opportunities find a camp where There's a aund or less guys there if if Keane was hosting a camp or another Division 3 school was hosting a camp for Players that are prospects that they're Most interested in you're not GNA have a Thousand kids there you might have maybe 150 200 kids but now the coaches can see You and have personal interaction with You and what they're what they're really All craving but they don't realize it Because they're told so many other Things they're they're craving it goes Back to what you said in the beginning Someone that really want wants them to

Be a part of their program and someone That they could trust to be around you Know and I understand obviously there's Wide variety of different coaches but um But those are really the two things that They're really trying to figure out They're just being told all this other Stuff right they're being told this is What you should do you know I don't I Want to name names a school but everyone All these 5,000 kids went to this school For a camp this division three school For a camp and we should all go there Right If you want to go there just because you Want to compete nothing wrong with that You want to go there to compete you want To go against other players that are Good players you want to get better Those good but if you want to get Recruited you got to ask questions of The schools that are interested in you As to if I come to this Camp will I Actually get an opportunity to get Looked at you know will there be a an Opportunity for me to actually someone See me say you know what I really like You you know oh you got to improve this You're not the right guy for me you for Our program or this is not the right fit For you those things are things that are Acting how how can I mean I know you do It you know and so I'm not you're not Included in this I know you do it but

How can more coaches create an Opportunity where kids understand that You know what come to my school like it Might be a communication thing I don't Know like Phill Nova does a great job With this they have a smaller camp for For FCS kids a lot of those kids come Out you know they only offer kids that They think that they're interested you Do the same thing you you you bring on Roster spots and kids that you really Want to be there how can they Communicate that better to kids you know It's it's funny to say that because even Though we don't offer a graphic right we Tell kids like what you know you know How crazy the division 3 world is like It's it's a mass recruiting right so we Probably look at somewhere between On Any Given year you know a, to 1200 kids Right film visits High School stops Whatever it is We tell kids from jump right if we get You on campus for a visit that's our Offer we want you right if we don't Bring you on campus we don't want you And I and I think like you said the Human interaction becomes big because Again that's our first step to Establishing trust we're telling you if We bring you on campus for a visit with You and your family that is our offer And we'll repeat that again throughout That visit hey we brought you here this

Is a special day because this is our Offer you're not going to get a graphic But if we're bringing you here you know This is our offer to you and and again We'll probably bring up you know if we Got to get 35 to 40 Kids On Any Given Year you know the math usually tells me We have to bring anywhere up between 120 150 to get 30% of whatever we need of Those visits because again right fit Financially academically is just to Right what you're looking for um so I Think it does start with the the the Human interaction again I think it all Starts with somewhere along the line and Again I'm over I'm generalizing Everybody but we we we we started mixing And mincing truths with hey man we just Whatever we got to tell the kid we got To get them right and I don't know I I Think at some point those things come to Fruition and it can get noticed whether Again in your first preseason camp in Your first fall and your first spring Hey man wow maybe I'm not here for what Originally was told and and I think that A lot of guys do that I think there's a Lot of you know straightup guys Straightup Shooters um especially you Know when you're talking about you know Mom and Dad have to pay sometimes 40 $50,000 for you to go to school I think There's a lot of good dudes out there I Think we're talking about you know

Minority um but I think it's just starts Your human interaction being straight Honest with them and genuine and sincere Because those things don't get lost you Know when you're genuine and sincere to People like those things come out to the Forefront and that's what we tell our I Tell our coach all the time hey maybe we Can't offer them a great financial Package right maybe we don't have great Academic packages for guys who recruit But what we can sell is that feeling of Being real genuine and sincere when we Have every communication with that kid With that family when we're in front of Them and and at some point that does Stand out and then we'll get the right Kid that we want um you know and whether Or not you win games that that's just About hey how talented are you do you Have the right kid in the right spot are You are you making the right play at the Right time but from The Human Side I Think that that is the human interaction Again right and that's something that I've taken away from you coach was the The people aspect of it and and really I I really took it in terms of just even You know using it towards when I would Go on a job interview you know everybody Used to get all worked up about job Interviews and whatnot you know to me it Was always this isn't a dog and pony Show I'm not going in there to put a

Song in a dance on like this is who I am It's either the right fit or it's not Otherwise you know you go in there and You put on a dog and pony show and now All of a sudden now you get the job now You have to reenact that dog and pony Show every single day for something that You really aren't so at the end of the Day like is it really the right fit or Are we only you know delaying the Inevitable of this isn't what it is and You know I tell my guys all the time you Know listen the football part of this Whole thing the x's and the O's that's The easy part I can teach guys to tackle Can teach all that stuff yeah the talent Needs to be there but the hardest part Is that offseason and those interactions And like you said continuing to have the Right fit with your players and it might Not be directly between you and the Player it might be an assistant coach That has that direct you know maybe that Has a little bit of a relationship to Him so just you have to surround Yourself I think with the right people And I think that's the key to kind of How you sustain I mean listen we can all Be Oney year wonders and win something One year two year but the the Sustainability how do you keep it going Over that long period of time I think That's where the interaction with people Really turns into it because you know

The kids see right through all the BS Absolutely and I think that's so Critical and you guys know you've been Around this a while Dave's been head Coach numerous spots I think alignment Is so under talked about like I've been Blessed man I've only had so we don't Have a full staff at Kane so my Full-time assistance for my first uh 13 Years was one guy Keith miglino I love Him like a brother um when I hired him As my full-time coach uh he might have Been 24 years old and and the ad said We're not hiring this guy the the VP Said we're not hiring this guy and I Went to bat for this kid because I said The number one thing that I want is Someone I could trust and who's gonna be Loyal I don't want a yes sir I don't Want a robot but you know it was my First head coaching job I'm I'm 30 years Old 31 years old college program in the State where I grew up and I said the Number one thing for me is having a guy That I can unequivocally trust next to Me and then he leaves and in 2014 I'm I'm blessed to get that that one spot Split the two and I've had Matt krier my D coordinator and Dave galante just two Phenomenal human beings and again same Thing like those two are like Brothers To me now and that is so critical Because I know a lot of my friends are On stabs it's like H offense hates

Defense defense hates offense linebacker Coach hates a running back coach man at The end of the day we win and lose Together so you know I'm very fortunate To just have be surrounded by great People and it and it's just about the Culture you want to set as a as a as a Head coach like for me you know the Number one thing for me is culture 's Purpose is to drive behaviors that win Right behaviors because behaviors end up Winning games for you right and talent Does take over sometimes there's no Doubt but in the long raw 365 the Long Haul of it there's 365 days you got a Behavior modification some guys right Because they're coming in they're all The dudes from their school that's the Hardest part getting them understand That hey man we gonna we're gonna have To modify Behavior you don't have to Necessarily change it completely you Just got to tweak a mindset and attitude Um you know just change a little bit Because you're not going to be the guy Right away so for me and I think that Culture drives the expectation and when You have behaviors then that culture Drives belief and the expectations and Beliefs drive that behavior every day Right you talked about offseason you Talked about Spring ball and how it Changed Dave you know we didn't have Spring ball back in 2003 or four earlier

It was just you know workouts that you Could you couldn't even have with your Coach like it was all with like on your Own and if the school was lucky to have A strength coach you're able to do it Now we we have a strength coach we have Spring practice we have 16 practices Three practices a week in a helmet one Practice you're in pads I remember being Told back when I first started King we Would never see a football in our Non-traditional and we went to a towel And then we went for a football and now You'll never see pads and now we're in Pads but my thing Is that's a safety concern so for me That you can't play football without a Helmet and shoulder pad so how do you Teach tackling right without a shoulder And helmet on and think you're going to Be safe teaching it you could right the Helmet you know you can talk about rugby Tack and all that I understand but for Me the game has changed so much but Culture has it you know that that's my Thing that they going back to that Culture it all starts with culture it it Drives your behaviors it drives your Habits it drives your beliefs it drives Your expectations and and now it's about Getting 125 guys coaches and staff Included on the same page with culture And the more you can be aligned with Your assistant coaches and the more

They're align with you you know that's How you sustain success and true success Isn't always the Championships and wins I've learned that over the years that's Why I'm Gray I try to keep it short um On the side but for me it's you know Real success is about the people the Loyalty um the relationships you know Being able to get a phone call from a Guy who graduated a few years ago and And say hey coach you want to get a Workout in the morning hell yeah I want To get a workout you I haven't seen a Couple years like those guys who want to Call you invite you to a wedding like I Know it sounds cliche but as you get Older you know the 25y old back at Montclair State hell I thought I was Goingon to be at Ruckers in three years Right and that's what I wanted I wanted To be an assistant for for Coach down There but then you start realizing hey Maybe that's not what you really want And maybe you want to make an impact Right in your own thing and I remember Back in the day Dave you remember George Deion used to do clinics in Northeast All the time Northeast Clinic um and I Stayed uh I was 19 it was actually 1999 My first year as a coordinator and I Knew his whole backstory with pascone And them guys and I said you know coach I want to get to where you are you know You started West uh Western Connecticut

You moved up and you've been at Syracuse Forever I said how do I get to where you Are he said you coach your beep off Where you're at and people are going to Take notice and and you just keep Working and you just keep doing good Things and people are going to take Notice and I'll never forget that and That changed my mind mindset I'm like All right I don't have to get to a Division one and I didn't have a wife or Kids yet either I'm just like I'm just Going to coach as best as I can as well As I can wherever I am and that was it For Me yeah I think that's that's a big deal Coach D Leon uh was was one of the most Genuine guys I Mean even even when he went to the NFL Like if he came around he would still Still talk to he used to come up man he Recruited me but I mean this is this is So long ago but he he actually recruited Me when I was at s High School when he Was at Syracuse with pasc Leone and um I I that relationship from the time and This this is what a lot of players don't Understand even if you don't go to a Place you know they didn't end up Offering me a scholarship at Syracuse But they recruited me very very deeply They ended up offering another kid from Edison uh who was a linebacker I can't Remember the name now but um but he he

Recruited me for a long time we built That relationship and it's still went Forward in years of coaching like when He would visit me when I was when I was First ahead coach at at Saddlebrook and I had um uh Steve maner was was my tight End and he he ended up going to Temple And part of all those things were th Those Relationships um you know denafo and and And yeah who's obviously still still Around as a coach but D Leon used to Come up and talk and he would just he Didn't even want to you know the first Thing he would want to do was just you Know talk about you and talk about like Literally like what are you doing Offensively and defensively now like What what and and then talk about you Know some of the players that he might Be interested after um those things in Football are were some of the most Important things to me as as a coach for Over over the years and those Relationships how does that like so Someone who's who's been around for a Little while like yourself how do you Continue to translate that to galante And and your assistant so they can carry That forward yeah I think it's easy man I think that you know especially when You talk about Dave Dave played for me You know so Dave played at Kane and and GA for me and then went to GA at Ruckers

And then went out to Bucknell with Coach Susan another great human being um yep Then came full circle and and saw that World and want to come home I think he You know when you when you experience All those levels right you go from D3 And then you have a great appreciation Wow I'm I'm I'm in I'm in a power five And and and living that life and then Going down to you know the onea level And seeing what they have there I think He appreciated division three even more Because some of the things he had and Well you're saying well how the heck can You appreciate it more well you realize What you have is is special and and and Not that the big guys don't have those Relationships because we all do like you Have the coach player relationship but It's it's just different man and I can't Even maybe verbalize it um but he sees It he sees it he sees his friends who Played for me and how they talk about Pain and their experience they had and And and whether it be respect Pride Admiration whatever words they use for Me um he wants that you know and I think Every coach does man I think I think at The end of the day Matt krier played at Tcj n Jack guy um G8 for me in 201 11 And 12 part of our Championship run um And he sees that and then he went to High school went back up to um the North And and he came back to be my full-time

Assistant when he left and and again Same thing I think when you're around And and you you get to see maybe Different things and come back I think That was like man I want I want this and And I could see you know Mt rder Especially has a little baby now you Know just turned one years old and um he Said coach and I see what you do and how You balance the family and and your job And I want that and he goes maybe maybe Football maybe more football in my life Isn't necessarily a good thing because We all we all get golfed up by football Right I mean at the end of the day it's About choosing when and how to pull Yourself away so your own family doesn't Take a complete back seat because August Through December potentially they're in The backseat all the time so you know Trying to find that balance I think That's how they do it they see it Firsthand they they know it's not just Lip service it's not just something That's that's hypocritical they see it They they've been around it they they View it and they hear other people talk About it and then again real and genuine Sincere and I think that's what that's What it is right and Coach you can speak On it and look maybe it's because of you Know we're two fortunate guys that Played for a coach who was in the same Spot for a long time tremendous amount

Of respect I mean you're talking gener Generations and generations of players That literally are talking about the Same things that we are where I just Think you know we are a little different Than others because of having played at Montclair State for Coach G where he was A people person yeah would he take some Swings on some guys every now and then But at the end of the day like listen Coach was about being like you know who He was ultimately and kind of let us all Know about this is how things are done This is the way we go about it and then Just to see him firsthand how he Balanced his wife his family and you're Talking somebody that was Allin for so Long you know I think that put us a Little bit at an advantage when it came To to certain things and you know there Are guys that have played for him who Haven't done it that way and that's all Good for them but you look at some of The the majority of the guys that have Had success in whatever they're doing After the fact whether they're teaching Coaching you know with their families Careers like it's just come from where We and how we were you know how we were Taught to play the game on and off the Field I think that's just an impact that Not a lot of coaches have now I think to The extent that we do um because guys You know want to leave at the firsthand

When when things are are bad they want To just you know you know drop and run And kind of go from there but I think That program that we came through at Montclair State with Coach G kind of Changed and shaped all of us for the Future yeah there's no doubt and when You talk about those guys you know I Always think of it you know I was Playing I I monair state to me was Richi Aola Richie oconor Charlie kusza Billy Johnson right and those guys were Together Forever before them it was it was moose It was God Rest his soul coach Hill so Like those guys were so aligned for so Long I mean I it just was like that was The four horsemen so to speak as you Know the 80s and the 90s and and you Know those guys were together forever so Right and those runs those guys were it Was that same group and so we grew That's what we saw we didn't know that Wasn't the norm right like we assumed That oh every year we come back it's the Same coaches same people right for the Most part the core nucleus these are our Beliefs this is how it works and that's Not the way of the world no when and and Again when you're 18 19 2021 you don't Know what you don't know and as Dave Said earlier you know it's maybe it's Not rare that to be somewhere for 21 Years but hell nowadays it's certainly

Uncommon and like I said I don't I don't Ever wanna I'm never gonna run because We're losing I'm never gonna jump ship Because we're winning um as a Montclair Guy you know I I know the running joke Is with the Monclair guys you know all Those jokes that you guys have back in Day with me at Kane but but that's also A common denominator like that also Connects us because of that so um I Found a home um the home found me Whatever you want to say but it's been a Hell of a ride and it's going into year 21 and and I wouldn't change Anything no it that's that's really what You guys have is unique um because I I Mean where I played at Yukon we did not Have that we you know I was there I was Recruited uh I don't even know if you Would remember this name but Tom Jackson Was our head coach at Yukon and he was fired at the end of my Red shirt freshman year and then skip Holtz came in and then turn turned Around the program and then after he Left well he was there for my last three Years and um you know and then but then He moved on and then you know after that Randy edel came in and uh to the program But it was it was totally totally Different atmosphere it was like uh that At osphere you knew something was going To happen like I remember playing Because I started out as a fullback and

I remember playing as a red sh freshman And playing knowing that if we don't win This last game which would have gave us The championship we end up losing and we And we didn't win the the uh what was it At the time the um Yankee Conference Championship we we lost be we knew he Was going to be gone like I I remember What that that was like you you were Every play you were living on and not Only were you living on it but obviously The coaches were because they didn't Know what would happen to them and their In their careers after that and then and Then skip Holtz came in and it was a Different environment just because he Was going to have a certain amount of Time to have a chance to be successful Um but it was also I also learned what It was like to no longer be wanted I had To prove myself to get on the field Which I was able to do but I was not Wanted I was not his guy uh I was Tom Jackson's guys right and and you know That that was something that and that's Why I really radiates with what you said Because I remember that experience I Remember having to prove myself knowing That maybe I may never play I I was a Starter as a retro freshman and you know I may never get on the field again Luckily enough I was good enough to be Able to get on the field and start again But I remember that feeling it was a

Feeling of desperation what do I do what What am I going to do if I don't get on The field again um because what do I Have to do to prove that I you know I'm Good enough knowing that he was going to Bring in more guys to take any job that That I possibly could have and even when I was a starter and I love skip H holds He was great to me um even when I was a Starter you knew that you had to play Well because your job could go and then And then I see that goes through Anything in football you're always there There's always a guy that could take Your job but um but Players understanding how important it Is that someone's by your side whether You're the starter or not this person's An advocate for you this person wants You to be successful and um that stuff Made me stronger as a player I think it Helped me as a as as a coach um but it Was something I you you really had to Learn I think the experience that you Guys have with Coach Ian Cole and and Obviously players that play for you now Is is a treasured experience that that Um can teach you a lot of things about What kind of people you want to be Around where the experience that I had Is probably similar to a lot of players Experiences now because there's such Co Coach turnover um whereas you know they Have to kind of constantly get this

Feeling of figuring figuring it out on Their own right um and and I think that That's important and reason why I Emphasizing that point because these are Things that to me I've learned that Really have to be valued like you have To Value someone that's in your corner Whether you start or not no one can Promise you you're going to be the Starter but that's someone's in your Quarter in your corner and that's Rooting for you to be successful not Just the football field but in life they Want you to be successful in life right You don't have to prove that to them um What I I know long winded for me to get To a question because that's just how I Am but Um what do you tell players that are Interested Possibly in going to keen and possibly Coming to play for you what is the best Way for those guys to get in touch with You get to know you you your staff uh The university what what is the best way For them to do that yeah I think you Know when you're not talking about Camp Season I think the number one way is you Know either emailing us all our stuff is On Athletics and you can go to Any of our coaches and email myself uh Coach galante coach crer obviously the Other other way is is Twitter uh coach Garrett um

53 uh coach gante coach coach kater I Mean you know the DMS you know as much As I hate them um I'm definitely more of An email text Guy uh than DMS trying to Keep up with a DM inbox is crazy um but I think it starts with a simple email um And then again how you construct that Email right because like the guys who Say hey coach Garrett g a r t I delete If you know the guys that spell with one R or two t one t and two RS I I stop Reading because if you can't care enough To spell my name right in the first Three words I can't care enough to read Your email and just honest or if they Say hey coach Garrett I really really Look forward to playing for you at Rowan And you know it's a generic email they Just couldn't even take the time to Change the school I hit and that's Something coach I think in in in your Terms right like even your not to cut You up but like even your right like at That division three level where you Don't have 5 gas that are sitting here Running through your DMs going through Your you know oh okay like you have to Have a filtering process and you're Talking about right fit right type of Stuff like this is kind of how I have to Do it like here's the initial filter I Have all of these thousand whatever if You can't spell my name right dude you Might be you might run a 44 be able to

Run jump all over the place but sorry Man I I don't have the time I don't have The like this is what it is yeah there's No doubt we don't have the resources we Don't have the computer software that Auto autog generates the responses to a Thousand recruits you know it's it's Crer me galante all you know taking time To either individually email you back or Individually hit you a DM back whatever It might be so we have to have a Filtering process because again if you Can't care enough H you're not the right Fit for us you know because there's a Certain way we want to go about it and That's just it so you know those things Are are are really how we do it Dave I Mean and that's how people can get a Hold of us and obviously Camp season's Different I think the best thing about Camp season any kid that always comes up To me I don't care you know we've had Them we've had the studs come up we've Had the the kids who maybe can't play at Us any kid that comes up to the end of Camp and says thanks coach thanks for Your time thanks for your coaching Thanks for whatever you know I tell Every kid my my oldest kid down to my Eight-year-old before every practice Whether it's little league whether it's B basketball soccer you go thank your Coaches um because they're they're Donating their time and maybe it's

Different mindset for a camp but those Kids stand out we'll remember that kid And we'll talk about that kid well hey Remember that kid from SLE river that Came over at to Rucker camp and said Thanks coach hey man he was pretty good Maybe he's a tweener but that kid that That kid it's not always about talent And it's not always we've taken kids With lesser talent and and developed Four years down the road to be a player For us it's some people don't have the Patience to develop they want to play Right now but at the end of the day you Know you're really about development of A player you know and that's our job Coaching people but getting them to Motivate to develop to be their best They possibly can be with reaching their Potential is what we talk about so those Things we Remember also about fitting into a role Right like hey I get that you were a Starter here or you caught this many Touchdowns over here or hey man maybe You might be a good safety or maybe hey Your job is to just you know this is Your role on kick return or hey go block This punt right like to get those guys From being the dude to now being part of Something bigger ultimately to win I Think is is is huge I think it's huge Too and earlier I talked about behavior Modification you know in preseason camp

The last thing we do every night um you Know we prac practice we we get up in The morning mandatory breakfast uh we Have special teams meeting at 7:45 we Have practice at 9:15 then they get Lunch um then rehab wait Room walk Through then dinner but at seven o'clock Every night we have a player manual and I'll go through our player manual to hit On those topics one night a week I mean Excuse me one one every night there's a Different topic maybe one night's about Loyalty one night's about rolling one Night the behavior modification trust Teamwork whatever it is but we'll sit in A room after all that long day and it's Really about trying to just change their Mind mindset a little bit because They're so used to being the guy and we Say you don't have to be the man but you Have to be a man a man decided to come Here and play college football a man has A responsibility to not just himself now But his teammates a man does what he's Not necessarily always what he wants to Do right Dave we don't always want to do Things as a husband a father but we do Them because we have the responsibility To do them so those topics will hit on Every night between 7 o'clock at night And 7:45 and is it is it weird for some Freshman who walk into that every year I'm like man what am I doing sitting in This room listen this guy talk but and I

Don't expect the Freshman to get it Right away hell sometimes I don't expect Them to get it their whole freshman year But I expect them to sit in that room as A sophomore and now be like okay it's Clicking and then junior year and Senior Year they're leading the Reigns like They're taking the truck and they're Driving it and they understand fully What we want from our culture so there's Definitely a transition but that Behavior modification attitude Adjustment whatever you want to call it You have to be able to talk about that We have 110 guys in our team and only 22 Are going to Start you know right right and you're Different right because NJ does the NJ Still cap camp we cap it at the NJ caps It at 125 but Kane caps at 108 so you so 125 for the for the N Jack 108 for you Specifically where Mount Union can go And bring in 210 kids they might be able 400 if they want Wow not know that yeah it's something That's something that that's something Oh yeah that's something that we've Dealt with it was always an is and I Believe if it's still the way it used to Be those say you set that roster at 125 Right let's say five of those guys get Hurt another five quit you can't replace Them on the roster your 125 is your 125 I did not really I never knew that it's

Not like you can have 10 guys that are On you know the pup list and all of a Sudden this guy goes down and you can Just roll this guy out in the middle of The Season like you're L that's why it Was always such a big thing because Listen you have three quarterbacks two Of them go down you only got one you Better start looking for who what Receiver played quarterback in high School which happen to me my very first Year at Montclair State we ended up not Having a quarterback just because of the Way the roster is right like one kid Just couldn't come back because of Financials they didn't get a couple Recruits that fell through last minute So now you're sitting there with you Know an athlete being your punter Because you can't go recruit a Punter so the NJ does a little yeah the N Jack's a little different I never Realized that Mount Union could and and That whoever so then you got to compete With them if you go to the playoffs That's you have to compete with the Group that has a lot more people to Choose from that's that because Obviously at the got 27 receivers and we Got seven like yeah yeah obviously FCS And FBS everyone has the same amount of Guys that they can bring in and and I I Never realized D3 depending on what League you're in yeah and now now take

It to a different level Dave put your Coaching hat on for a minute and and Think about now you're going out to 300 Schools in New Jersey you're trying to Show face and be the state school to go And say Hey I want to make sure I get in Your building But now you're only bringing in 35 kids Because you can't bring in more and then When you tell the coach and you know Some coaches get it some coaches don't Hey coach you don't have room for this Guy well he's a good player I know he's A good player but you know for us it's Just a matter of you know when you talk About roster restrictions how we do it Is all right if Dave Schuman visits and Dere and da and and Derek visits but Dave doesn't say yes to me right away But Derek visit after Dave and and Dave Says yes to me and he took that last Safety spot if Dave comes back in April And says hey I want to come to you Dave I'm sorry I don't have room and then the High School coaches are calling but That's where it gets crazy because we Are limited we don't have full Reign we Don't have we have a a roster cap and That's It that's very interesting I I never Realized that at the division three Level espec it's not like that at some It's not at all division 3 League Specific right and I'm I'm guessing that

Schools like even um like the private Schools who just try to bring in as many Kids as they can because it it increases Their enrollment in the school right so Um like I don't know like an alagan Maybe or used to be used to be schools Like that I mean I don't know if they do That anymore but um interesting I I Never realized that wow that's that is a That that makes it's a it's a game Changer in in terms of play you know What I'm saying like you know at least In the end everybody has that that Limitation but once you get to the Playoffs and you start going seeing some Of these other teams that are outside of That endj and they can have you know I Mean they can replenish the roster Throughout the year every time somebody Gets hurt just you know oh this guy's Back here comes another here comes Another and just kind of roll with it do Do you guys um I know in the in the old Days you had more transfers but I don't Know if with the transfer portal that Affects you I'm I'm not as familiar with The transfer portal at the division Three level how how does how has that Affected things you guys do yeah you Know I think everyone thinks that's the Quick answer go to the portal go to the Portal and we certainly have but here Here's what happens right Dave and you Know this from from what you do if a

Kid's in a portal from Yukon that kid's Not looking to go to Kane or Montclair That kid's looking to go to Marshall or Miami of Ohio or Buffalo or maybe he's Trying to get to Wisconsin or Penn State Right so when you reach out to those Kids you know some of them are polite And like hey coach now I'm really trying To get a scholarship or other kids you Know laugh in the face yeah yeah because The portal really is is and listen it Has served us in a very very small Percentage but but still to this point I Think transfers at least from my Experience right now as much as we try To hit the portal and see who's Available especially from New Jersey I Think it comes back down to human Element again those guys tell their boys If I'm coaching coach Derek and he's on He's a safety on my team and his boys at Sacred Heart or his boy who we knew from Another High School still talks to him On Twitter he'll be like yo man why Don't you come here because da d d d and His experience at our place then sells It it's not even the portal like we've We've got some guys coming in who played In either you know the CIA or or power Five schools transferring in this year And it nothing to do with the portal Everything to do with hey man my boy Told me to hit you up because I'm Leaving and I'm gonna I want to come I'm

Like all right coach I also think that And this is kind of where this new Transfer portal and I whatever type of Thing is is coming about is I think that Now let's say that kid right okay you Didn't get that kid coming out of High School right but you went about the Process with him correctly you were Honest with them you you said hey Whatever I can do for you in the future Please let me know now these guys go Away that pretty picture that was Painted isn't so much that bounceback Where am I gon to go where did I feel You know what that coach made me feel Comfortable and now let me reach out to Him and see that situation so like you Said I think at the end of the day People matter that relationship matters We all have to recruit our own rosters Now whether it be High School I mean Dave Dave sees it in in you know the Youth stuff with his eight-year-old kids Going from this team to that team to This team it's craziness right but in my Eyes at the end of the day those Relationships that you established with Those guys and now hey maybe they're Gonna bounce back maybe they have a grad Year where they're just you know hey I'm Not sure what I want to do I want to Figure it out let me go play ball like You said with a coach that cared about Me maybe with one of the boys that I

That I've stayed close with and he says It's all go you know what I mean this is Really what it is to get that person Perspective of hey this is really how it Works I think that stuff's it Just it it gives you so much more when You do it that Way Yeah go ahead Dave no you know my quick Thought on the transfer portal for Division 3 and you correct me if I'm Wrong is that in the old days when they Went down a level and they didn't lose a Year that was an advantage go to Division three school like correct Because you could play right away I Remember back when I played like there Were guys that went to really high Levels that were playing at Rowan that Were playing at Kean that were playing At Monair division one Bonafide All State Guys you know my Maj a lot of our a lot Of our roster at Monclair were Bounceback guys guys that came back from Mammoth from ruter from Syracuse from Any of those big schools and obviously Like you know coach G was just the guy That just he he knew when they went off That they would be back right so he just Kept that relationship stayed steady and Then when those guys he had heard Through the grapevine or somebody on our Roster was like hey my boy that went to

Syracuse is coming back now made a Living off of it back when he was at Rowan you know um and uh my thought is That talk about the original transfer Portal right there my thought is that The transfer portal does not work as Well as it used to work work well it Wasn't a transfer portal but as it used It used to work better for d3s in the Older days under the old system versus Now now it's it's you have you actually Have to deal with maybe more headaches Because the old days they were grateful To have an opportunity to come to Keane Like it didn't work out at Penn State But now I could start right away at Keen Right that same person at Penn State is No longer like hey I want to go to Kean They made it a disadvantage and I and I Didn't think about it we just started Talking about it but really it sounds to Me that it made it almost of a Disadvantage for the division 3 because Now it's like you look at it and it's Like oh they look I in my eyes I see Them looking at it as a lateral move Right like okay I wasn't good enough to Play this power five but that doesn't Mean I'm not good enough to play at that Power five right so now you're going From here to here whereas now you know Back in the day it was I can't go there Because the rules won't let me play Right away so I have to go down in order

To play now that stuff doesn't happen as Much and I'm going to take it even I'm I'm going to go deeper here just because I'm in it Dave's right though back in The in the 90s You know people were more grateful to Say I'm sitting at wherever and I'm Going to transfer back to mclair Rowan Kane wherever it is in the endj and I'm Going to go be a dude now you know again Social media didn't exist it's all Glorified and personified on this social Media where people feel they got to Compete and if I go down my value goes Down I'm not I'm not as good anymore Which you know whatever um I don't Necessarily agree with it but you know I Think that has a lot to do with it Because everything is so social mediad Driven and your value like people put so Much value on themselves in how many Whether it be a star or whether the Level whatever it might be you know you Can you could put whatever behind it um And they see themselves well I don't Want to go down because then everyone on Social media is gonna know I'm down and I don't want to be there as opposed to Saying I'm gonna go down be grateful I'm Gonna go be an ass kicker there for the Next three or four years or two years Whatever right win two titles make a Make a run in the playoffs like think You're gonna be in the NFL that's that's

Bottom line to me like see um I remember Gus orstein going going from Notre Dame To to Rowan right and you still got to Go to the NFL he still got to go to the NFL it wasn't like that went away right It was now Gus orstein actually got to Throw a pass because at Notre Dame he he Was never throwing any passes there uh And that's just one of like zillion they Had it oh yeah zillion stories I'm sure You hear about that stuff yeah that and And look the the guy who went and played At um uh what's the school it starts With h in New York that's in the NFL now He's a guard Oh H yes I mean so me's realize the NFL if you don't play the NF you're Definitely not gonna get your Chance I mean I don't to me that's the Thought proc is like hey you have to Actually get on the field you know That's a big part of it yeah and I think You know you said something the said Something earlier about when you T Started talking about again whether it Be Coach G or Casey Keila or whatever it Is like when you talk about guys going Away I think it starts with the one word We all use all the time in our position Is leadership right and what's Leadership leadership is influence so When you talk to that kid you know he Might go away leadership we started Defining as it's actions words and

Attitude the best leaders right your Words matter your actions but then your Attitudes felt in such a positive or or Like such a a demanding way like man all Right that guy really means something to Me right so he has there there's Validity there there's some substance There it's not just ah he said this and I saw act like that and then his Attitude was you know when your words Actions attitude marry Up yeah it's it's what you're putting Into your shake you know what I'm saying Like what ingredients am I putting in And those are those are really what it Is if those there are certain guys when You sit down in the office and you know You know and you're across that table From that coach or or whoever even if You're having the conversation on the Field like there are guys where you just Feel it like you know it you're like Damn this guy brings the juice right Like he's all it don't matter you Sometimes it don't even matter what's Coming out of his mouth but you can just You just you have that feeling right now You add what's coming out of the mouth To match up with the juice and all that Stuff and then when all that gets Aligned now you're really cooking with Gas but I think you have to have each One of those things in order to fully Grab the guy that you really want yeah

Because the days of when when Dave was And I'm older but the days of as a coach Do as I say those days are gone that Cookie cutter mentality of like hey no Everything why well why right these guys They have access to so much more right So well coaches telling me to do it this Way let me go on here and let me check Let me check and see if this is the Right way to do it well all right what Are we walking what are we talking about If you don't trust me enough to Understand what I'm saying is kind of or That then we're already you know what I Mean now we got more work to do or you Know we've already this isn't the right Fit so it's kind of that work in Progress but I think that Trifecta of Like all those things that kind of go Into everything I think that's what Really brings you Forward and it builds that word trust Again yeah Trust covers it all trust definitely Covers it all no there's no doubt about It well on that note I guess oh I could Talk to you all day I could talk to you For eight hours straight I I I don't Want to take more of your Time fascinating it really it really is Fascinating and um you know especially Talk to a college coach and you know We're around the kids it's important I Think for them to hear things from

Someone who not only has been around it For for a while but has had stability Has had success has grounded values um Because ultimately like what we want our Players to be you Know if they get to play football Forever great you know but ultimately You're going to do other things and we Want them to be able to to to be able to Have the right values to be able to be Successful and to be able to identify Them right to be able to Identify I I I I can't believe I'm Saying it but like to be be able to Identify could values in another person But um you know I want them to be able To do that more and more yeah and Dave You know this because again as older Statesman dererk you're getting there in Your age um you know this this sport That we've been so blessed to be around As a player and coach and be around it Every day this is there's no better Vehicle to teach life lessons in my Opinion than this great game because it It it when you get too high it's going To knock you down you're gonna figure it Out and and when you're not having good Times and you got to be able to persever And be resilient and get gritty you know It's just it's just constant and it's And and when you think you arrived you Man you you better freaking understand And recognize no chance because that

Race ended and new one started right Back up so it's like this great great Thing to learn from and I I'm still Learning I mean you know every day I'm Learning from this game and it's it's Such a blessing to be involved and be in The role that I Am thanks coach for coming out what What's your Twitter again just so so They they if I know you don't want to Get too many DS but just I want to flood Your D for You I'm at the point now Dave if I don't Check it I'll give out the wrong damn Thing so I'm gonna it's coach Garrett 53 My Twitter's coach Garrett 53 perfect Thanks coach so much for being on and uh Obviously we'll see you soon um but Thanks so much best of luck this season Appr appreciate you appreciate you too Man keep doing the good things out there I appreciate you guys talk soon thank You so much all right guys take care bye That was phenomenal good dude right oh Yeah that's you've known him forever but Just to hear you know I've I've heard All of that you know what I mean like And I know all that stuff because I've Just that's just been my relationship With him from from the jump you know and That was based off nothing more than you Know did he recruit me a little bit in High school yeah but that's pretty much A relationship from three years of

Playing against him as an opposing coach And then literally just like uh first Coach's Clinic I ever saw him at hey Coach how you doing and that was it off And running you know and it was just a Matter of staying close and and and like I can reach out and he he you know he Give you he'll tell you anything and Like I said it's a good perspective Because he's got a son that's been Through the recruiting process now you Know what I mean coming from a the kid Played at a big school in you know what I'm saying like it's a reputable he Whatever he's got a middle schooler he's Got another young one right so he's Balancing he's got three kids a wife who Has a full-time G you know what I mean Like the back and the for the life stuff On top of the football stuff you know And then you got to hear a little bit About like well why didn't you ever go Somewhere else because you know this is A jumping spot right and he like yeah it Wasn't really for me you know he's more About relationships than wi and Losses it's it's refreshing to very to See that there are and look he talk but You know the great thing about him to is That I love is that look he doesn't do It that way but he also doesn't bash Anybody that does do it the other yeah Yeah like he's not one of those he don't He knows guys are saying whatever to

Other people and all that kind of stuff But like that's just not him and that's Not how we do it at Keen so you know What if that's not what you're looking For you don't come here everybody's Values are different and judge he Doesn't judge someone else's values Right even though even though you may Not agree with him but but you're also Not shunning him and like you know no It's I think he works very much so on a Case-by casee basis right you're looking At some people you know in terms of Whatever like I've seen him take a Chance on some kids that nobody else Would have given a chance for you know What I'm saying and then I've seen also Him just say you know what that's not For that's not for us that's not the Right situation a couple things I Learned that I did not know number one Was although I don't know if you're Cutting out here for some reason for Some reason you're freezing up I don't Know what happened here oh there are you Back are you not or am I freezing up why Am I freezing up you're freezing up I Can't am I freezing up you're Frozen Right now I'm Frozen what but you could hear me I can Hear You all right well I I'll say this well If as long as you can hear me that's all That matters I yeah yeah yeah um number

One I I never realized that the the um The number of players that yeah between You guys and let's say a Mount Union Right to be way worse and then number Two it came to me as we were talking I Didn't I did hadn't even thought about Even though I've been dealing with all This transfer portal stuff I hadn't even Thought about it the bounce back for D3 That how much it really is a now because Remember they used to go there because That was their options right like they Didn't have any other options Dave I Never because because nobody wanted to Sit out or nobody wanted to do that so You just go back to your D3 school and You were like when you got there you Were jazzed you're like yes let's go now These guys no they don't want to go you Know or the rare guys D3 like I just Played a Ruckers I'm gonna go to I'm Gonna go play at monair then you walk in And then those guys that actually do you Want to talk about an eye opening Experience like I hope you got your own Gloves buddy because this ain't Ruckers Where you walk in and say let me get a New pair like it don't work like that You know yeah that that that th those Were two real real eye openening things And then the third thing was uh I knew This but I didn't think about it until We were actually talking about your Experience and Coach Garrett's

Experience as players stability versus My experience really wasn't my you know I was not stable my experience as which Is incredible for both of us to talk About because that's not it's not the Way of the world dude like we played for A coach was in the he was on that staff In some way shape or form for over 35 Something years amazing you know same Person same thing and like I he was very Much a players coach never heard the Guy Yell yep like never heard him raise his Voice I never heard like I never heard Him curse you know he wasn't that guy it Was moose this is what it is this is how It goes and believe me there were times When my man needed to curse you know What I'm saying like he needed to just Unload and let it flly it's a look to me And to me this explains the type of Person he was pregame right hey guys Take a knee bow your heads and it was Pray to whoever you pray to that was it That's all it was or if not don't pray Right but this that was how I saw him he Was hey guys we're all a bunch of Individuals talk to whoever you got to Talk to and then when you're done here's Where we are and now we're going out as A team right so allowed you to be an Individual but also stay part of the Group and I think that's where to me he That type of coaching separates itself To allow you to be your individual allow

You to kind of do your own little thing But also like push that envelope a Little bit you know but know that I'm Here to care as a coach right like Because it wasn't just you know whatever X's and O's football stuff you know Coach G wanted to know you know what's Going on with life how's Dad how's Mom You know what I mean like how's your Sister doing all that kind of he knew That about everybody on his roster so For the two of us to have the same coach And it wasn't just our head coach right It was the other position guys that were Pretty much in place too and kind of a Lot like him right like he he fought for That he fought for migs to be his Assistant because he knew this is a guy That I need right and then split that to Two and now he's got gante and his DC Who's a great dude like those guys now What's that where's migs at now migs is High school I believe he's a I don't Think he coaches anymore I think he's Just a administrator oh really I didn't Was at Northern Highlands that that was The he took the northern Highlands job I Believe and then he was the head coach In Northern HS when I was in Indian Hills right correct right and then he And then I think he went into Administration that's that's right That's right right which is in all

Honesty because he was originally a BOS Coach too right when he left uh I know Well he went to bosow he went to bosow He never yeah he's an Alum from there Got it okay yeah I yeah I remember Sitting next to him great dude great Coach phenomenal listen and that would Be something that I I would love to talk About that aspect in terms of you know When you talk to him about his I mean His coach you heard him talk about it my Coaching staff turns over all the time Because it's just with the money and Nobody's a full-time I'd love to hear His on like whether he which assistants He thought were whether it was like a Younger guy who had never experienced College whether it was like because he Gets a ton of former High School head Coaches right that get out of a program Right I would love to hear like what his What works the best you know I knew what He was I know what he'll say he'll say Oh you know just a guy that l football And loves Kids he's great with that but I mean Also like you know keen's not exactly You it's gotten way better than it used To but reputation wise academically like Location wise just to get people there To that nobody wanted to go there no I Remember well well it did help when he Got the facilities was a nice big Addition the school itself too right

Like like everything like you know it's Not like a commuter school like it used To be anymore more there's dorms there's That whole kind of stuff I think a lot Of that goes into it but you know I Think I think uh do you know James phy You know used to be used to do my line Stuff for me for million years For I think James fely and Guy bero Were G for you know I forgot I think They were gas For for a coach at one point well I'll Tell you I've seen coach change a lot Right and I'm not I wouldn't say a lot But he talked about being a 25y old like Like I know I mean he wasn't he got that I'm not saying he wasn't deserving of it But he got coaching he got the head Coaching job at Kean because there was An issue like the other guy got fired Yeah yeah I remember that I think right Like there were some issues or whatever And then they just kind of right like And then they kind of went with him so He was kind of like thrown to the fire And kind of just how do I figure this Out and I can remember you know he used To go about it one way where he was like Big in the he took a lot of transfers a Lot of one-year wonders right I mean he Talked about the team GPA being a one Below a one n like that's incredible That's like California penal like those Are like the dudes that got off the bus

In Necessary Roughness right like with This shot okay we're gonna go scrimmage Now like but I can remember that dude he Was talking about from West Virginia That bounce back that was not fun trying To tackle that Dude yeah that's that's that is amazing Yeah it it comes full circle Yeah Coach coach Garrett must be about five Years older than me maybe a few he was a Yeah because I think I want to say when He W listen he was a hell of a player Too at college right right right he had Little like T records yeah like and they Were known I me obviously M State's Known was known for their def Sam Mills Was the 70s so he proba yeah no he was Earlier but like like he talks about Playing for Bill Johnson right like Coach Jay and that was who I learned Defense from first two years of coaching Because he was at paic Valley so that's Who I learned defense from and I mean he Talks about like that whole that's where He learned it from you know so I mean It's just it's just he's just a great Dude he really is and to be at a program Like that for that long sustain it you Know to a point where everybody know hey He's a good dude it's a good place it's A if you're looking if this is what You're looking for there's nobody better To play for absolutely all right we'll

Let we'll let it go that was that was Great podcast good and I know you got I Know you got the guests loaded up so We'll have some more good ones too um People are asking me now well you know What the the podcasts have been so great So far um just people are asking me our Interaction has been great the Interaction with the guest's been great We're letting them speak which is hard For me and You and then this mute thing works well What's that the mute button works so Good it does work good actually stop Right uh all right well till next time Um it was great Podcast I got from this one and the last One we'll get them out Soon but we'll see you all soon later

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