Succeeding Against Any Defense with Jimmy Matsakis

105 min read
This week, Succeeding Against Any Defense with Jimmy Matsakis with Coach Schumana and Coach Depascale Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go…

This week, Succeeding Against Any Defense with Jimmy Matsakis with Coach Schumana and Coach Depascale

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All right coach we're back Monday Morning yeah you ready to go let's go All right we got a great guest on today Coach Matt Sakis um you know we we had did a couple Episodes already with uh um some run and Shoot guys and uh this is also someone That comes from a that long line as well Of wide openen offences and uh a lot of Fun and a lot of scoring and um and he's Been quite a few places so he's G to Share some wisdom with us we're get We're g to get some uh good knowledge And uh and have a couple of good laughs Along the way too so talking some Football without uh further Ado let's Bring on Coach Matt how you doing coach Great how's your Monday Morning what's up coach nothing how's Everything it's going good on my end Well we're excited to have you on um Talk about a lot of things with respect To football obviously um you've been Quite a few places as a head coach and So we've able to share some of that Wisdom uh along the way on that um and Talk a lot about uh you know obviously Your highflying offenses as well Um tell tell everybody your background And coaching playing and and uh the Career and and where where you're at Today h I'll kind of give you the uh Short version as I can because all over I grew up grew up in Ohio went to a

Small school very similar to uh where Derek went to the school in Shady Side Ohio uh it's a typical Midwest town of I Think I graduated about 58 kids so that Puts about 250 in the high school and That's including middle school but we Always had 80 kids on the football team Don't ask me how those numbers ever work Because it never really matched up but You know growing up with a father who Was a coach an older brother who played You know I had no choice but football no Matter how much my mother tried to make A stray away and learn that other sport Uh my high school's one of the few in Ohio it still does not play that other Sport so it's neat when I go home and They don't even know what a soccer field Looks like and uh I don't even that's Politically correct to say so my upbring Has been mostly all of football a lot of It was you know my father was a head High school coach in a two different Schools in Ohio so I played at Shady Side obviously then I went to I had a Brief stint in the Navy and then when I Came out of the Navy I finished up Playing at West Liberty University which Is a division two School in Northern West Virginia yep and uh I ended up Playing strong safety they forced me Into the role of kicking kicking and Puning because uh the head coach at the Time his name was Larry shank uh knew my

Brother from recruiting my older brother And said genetically you're our kicker And I'm like okay I guess that works for Me has nothing to do with ability just My brother was a kicker therefore I am So uh I mean I I did well enough I'm not Going to go into that but I also uh had The opportunity to wrestle so I did both Uh through high school and college and Then my first job was U with Don neelan As a student assistant in West Virginia And then I was offered after a few Months there I got lucky enough to get Offered a full-time job back at West L And uh it was neat the irony of it my First job I was coaching tight ends and Tackles and I haven't used one in 25 Years of coaching so I've used tackles Although people question if I ever have A true tackle because they're usually Converted receivers for me but um you Know so that was my first job there and Then from there I got the opportunity to Go work for Walt Hamlin as his defensive coordinator at Wagner College and that kind of was the First time for me to be on the east Coast and my recruiting area was New Jersey north of 80 and um I kind of met A guy who at the time was the head coach At Butler High School Bob Jones and he Became good friends with my older Brother who at the same time that I was At Wagner was in HRA and he wanted to

Put in the um the offense I think it Would have been 92 uh at Butler High School and he was Totally going against what they did in The past um Derek can attest to this in Fact you go to that town um they I don't Know if they remember anything but Power Ey Jack Davies because what he did was Uh legendary there just like Bob Jones And so Bob kind of you know made friends With him in 92 and then um from Wagner I Had the chance to go work with my Brother in Emporia State and we we had a Good run we had a young young man Brian Shay had set all kinds of national Records running the ball in a one back Spread triple shoot we called it Although there was very little option it Was more run and shoot I as a defensive Coach I used to argue with my brother it Was more Wing te than anything else and To this day he'll deny it but um yeah it Is it is a little combination of run and Shoot Wing te single wing kind of Throwing all together so it's a name That kind of just stuck and then uh when He left there I had the opportunity to Go to Glenville State uh on my way to New Jersey because uh as as you can Attest to coach youu it's like when you Go to college you never know how long You're going to be in any one place Unless you're the head man you're never Calling your shots so my time my wife I

Had a one-year-old at the time when I Came home to begin the family move to Another college she kind of like just Flat out told me you know we can't do This uh you do this I'm doing this and It wasn't what I wanted to hear cuz I've Been more about family my whole life Whether it my brothers or my own kids And she goes well while you were at Spring practice I took a job for you at Jefferson Township and I said first question was Where is that because idea if it was Jefferson Missouri and she goes no the Principal there is friends with your Buddy Bob Jones yeah and I'm like oh Marvelous so I I made it a deal that I Would um go check it out and I flew in With my father because he was the only Resource I had for high school football Because my three brothers are all Working in college um and he came we saw It and I came back and I was honest with Her I said you're out of your mind uh There's no way we can do this because um You know we grew up in the midwest Living in New Jersey coming from Kansas Via West Virginia it's it's a little More expensive to live here yeah Slightly and I said you know we're gonna Have to change our lifestyle you may Have to God forbid go back to work and Um and which she had to which is fine She sucked it up we did it and then

Probably after my first shellacking Against Don sming at lenpy Valley uh Which I believe was 49 actually they're Probably still scoring and this was 99 and I I actually that loss kind of Made me realize even though I was broke Making no money um I was actually have Found my calling because when you as a High school coach when you see the kids Faces win or lose you're you know it's Everything to those kids and college is More business I don't care what level Whether it was D3 Wagner or division one Kansas State where I had a good Opportunity to go help out in the Offseason kids are kids in college they Just kind of play the game move on come The next morning watch video but when I Realized how dejected those kids were Then I said okay it's time to like roll Up the sleeves and kind of try turn this Thing around so uh right you know and That's kind of how I ended up at Jefferson in a nutshell and it's always And through my high school career There's always been that connection to Butler and really Bob Jones and Jack Davies who I've only I know Bob Jones Very well Jack Davies I've only met but A lot of it everywhere I go the butler Connection is kind of always followed me And you know it's an honor just to be Considered here's Derek a butler dude And uh I never had a chance to coach but

Used to joke I love coaching guys like Derek dep Pascal when he was a player You know little nuts little loose like Me spoke as mine a little arrogant even When he shouldn't be but that's Derek And that's what makes him you know Special and you know I very Special and you know so I went from Jefferson we were there we went that 0 And1 99 and then four years later we're Playing Mount Olive in a snowball First State final that you know again we Should have won if I listen to my Coaches but I'm Greek and I don't listen To anybody but myself and then uh from There you know I kind of did the move The high point briefly that was a quick One yeah that was not Jim matsakis Territory I should say it's um that's a Hard transition because they were Different type of kids good kids but It's a wrestling Community which um you Know they can build it up around there And they have had success I know the guy That came to a after me there was a good Friend of uh Derek he did a great job Got to the playoffs and then from there I went to Butler And it was neat having Bob Jones as my Athletic director and kind of being at My first true this a football town this Is what we're looking for and then since There whether it was West Orange Pope John Livingston and now back to

Jefferson i' I've kind of been looking For that lightning in a bottle that um You know Butler had trapped because it's A unique place there's not many places That you know you have these little kids That and they are little some years that Just come out and lay on the line every Friday and when you're talking to them You know they literally buy into what You say and like I used to tell the Coaches if they do something wrong it's Because we're teaching them the wrong Thing uh because Butler kids one thing About they do exactly what you tell them And uh sarcasm isn't always the best Weapon there because uh you're gonna get It it's what's gonna happen yeah they're Little you know I had the chance to you Know go away to Camp with them before I Became the coach there oh [ __ ] I know Yeah they probably thought I was a Little twisted with some of the things I Say and do but it all goes back to the Beginning uh Midwestern you know if you Were in my basement two nights ago and It's right next to me um me and my Youngest brother who just took the job At calor were watching my dad's 1959 poh Haton High School video where he's going From double tight straight te to run and Shoe empty and he literally did Something that I'm going to incorporate This year and I'm putting it out there For everybody he would actually motion

Everybody to a shift and and then once They were set the quarterback would Start motioning backwards and they would Snap it to him in Rhythm while he's Dropping back and I'm saying this is 1951 I've never seen a quarterback Motion backwards and get the snap while He's motioning and um my father passed Away this summer and I told my brother Was like why didn't he ever show us this Because I want to know I mean his Quarterback's getting to the launch Point So much quicker it was just neat you Know we're watching 1959 and uh it's like holy cow again it Was I know it was a gimmick to them but I'm gonna put it In would be the first time something Like that we're not motioning to the Line we're motioning backwards so I'm Pretty sure it's legal but he doesn't Have he doesn't have toh drop even he Just turns and throws that's exactly What he was doing he was just like quick Game through the roof because he's Snapping it you know the balls in the Air when he's like like at three and a Half and he's catching it at 4 and five And he's set up and the ball's released So it was something that um we saw and Again everything I've done I've stolen So why not steal from my own dad so That's kind of uh moving ahead Derek's

Laugh because it's true you know Everybody well the question is how did You watch the 1959 tape do you have 60 Millimeter I have two of them do you Have them hold it here this is oh that's Great yeah I don't doubt it I didn't Mean to disappear but no that's okay The old metal containers and I have so I Have like 200 of these and I have a lot Of uh old Hayden fry Iowa cut-ups from Using the standup tight end so we've Kind of been um lot of always Researching it's like you you guys Taking you guys are taking a deep dive Lou trying to figure out what he's gonna Do Sprint football-wise that's it and And I'm looking to mix it up again Because uh yeah you got to change Something up yeah you know I talk to Coaches all the time I think anybody That comes out runs a power eye nowadays Might have the advantage because nobody Knows how to line up to it right that's We've talked about this a ton like it Went it went one way for so long with How to adjust like when nobody could Line up to any of our spread stuff right Now everybody's doing spread so Everybody can cover spread and now you Go back the other way and nobody knows How to line up and like tackle a guy Tackle a tackle well I have no idea They'd be shocked double tight three Backs I would I mean Dave does it Dave

Does some crazy stuff he does wacky Stuff than I do I just I just hand the Ball off to my tackles and stuff and Throw them Screens well yeah when you go when you Do any kind of unbalanced stuff like Whether it's backs or somebody over or Nobody adjusts to it any because because They're they're waiting for you to a lot Up and spread and I obviously a lot up Been spread my whole thing always has Been multiple sets right because yeah Like there are some guys that know how To cover X and then they don't know how To cover this you know and it's like uh Line up in spread and then all of a Sudden you see okay they're covering Everybody then you line up in uh like a Jumbo package and you realize that you Know you have more guys on the right Side and they have everything even You're like oh okay that's Great yeah you're right I laugh Sometimes at what some of these coaches Will try to uh will try to do to stop us I mean Derek I think was coaching the Onee team had the audacity to uh try to Play us in a two 29 I think it was Yeah I remember that 29 they only had uh Two two defensive ends and that was it Like an umbrella it was like I think we Were I don't I think we're still running The ball it was uh it was the weirdest Adjustment but um well that's one of the

Things I I had to like like I had to Tell Dave like I had a thousand yard Back almost every year I was in the run And shoot and it was like this is teams Just don't understand like the whole Premise is running the football that's The the whole the whole thing to it is You want to run belly you trying to run Pop out you're just coming downhill and Everybody just looks at it like oh Spread scores points points points but It's all run game based yeah and and What's neat is again the the butler Thing of just by lining up in it for Some reason I think they still they Think it's Conlin Davenport madine they Don't realize those guys graduated in 94 and they're not playing for Jim Matt Sakis I got myself and a couple other Guys that look like me out there that uh We have no four fours so it's always Been let's and when we do we're usually Pretty explosive but you know our Identity has been and Derek kind of said It to run the ball you know my first Year Butler we had a kid uh Greenberg Jared and um he you know we got over the Hump with him I think we ran the same Play 52 times yeah in uh the playoff Game against botin and uh but even your Even your first year you know even your Back at Jefferson with Robo like yeah he Was a monster this was a guard made Running back Dave like I like Dave I

Always talk to you about because of like Your skill set for like you were a fast Guy but a bigger guy like you'd have Been the perfect superback in the Offense of for what you did yeah it's That guy that's like you know he he Trades it he can be your outside Linebacker but he was probably a guard At the point but if you can have the guy That can break away into that next level And bang his head on the goal poost too As well as like run AAP it's Over yeah that's two good ones in high School I played in the do the eyee era Yeah A I was at the top i d a DI was a way Back seven yards that's right now you Know it has a whole different meaning to Me from Ohio right oh yeah go there you Eye you better be the president or Governor that's right that's Right that's Ohio State right there That's it but no that yeah we've never Uh well our you know the equated to that You would have been you'd be like a slot For us those are our tail backs yeah Right and um you know Robo was a kid That uh he actually was our guard he Wasn't even joking but the irony of it Is we moved the kid it was the superback Two guard we moved our outside receiver To tackle and then we moved our guard to Running backs and um I think he ended up With 1600 yards and yeah yeah his his

Key was he was you know a 5440 downhill Maybe maybe and uh but he would run over He was at with anybody in front of him Or anybody chasing him it was like a Very odd thing it was hard to slow Rich Down and uh but he was a perfect that Was a perfect group I mean it's like With any system whether it's run and Shoot Wing tier I the Right group of Kids makes it look a lot better and uh There's in certain pockets of kids in Every school I've been at that uh yeah Did buy in and nowadays that's the Hardest thing to do is get kids to buy Into uh whatever we're doing and uh Because everybody's you know pulling the Strings and the biggest thing people say Is being 20 years between being at Jefferson like what's the difference and Uh it's the specialty of other sports is The big I have no I think I had one Basketball player on my team right Which basetball yes yeah Jefferson's Become um we we had I had one Bas two Basketball players uh one of them Actually started for the basketball team The other was just trying out but the Time before we had probably half the Starters or more yeah on it and uh Baseball was the other one I have one Baseball player now and a lot of it has Nothing to do with football I think we Get a negative rant for like my coaches Or the coaches that were ahead of us

Because you know there was a time Football coaches beat their chest and Better be in the waight room better be Here I think a lot of what we do Offensively is football coaches everywh I think we do adapt to other sports I Don't know if they Reciprocate yeah that makes a lot of Sense I practice at 6: in the morning All summer everybody thinks it's cool It's neat it is we get it done early but The only reason I do it is so no other Coach can claim I'm taking time away From their sport even though football's Next so I'd be like right I want to say To like the spring Sports how about if I Just started having football practice in March right how would you like it and um Right I always lose that battle because Again I'm not a jersey guy but there's More guys from Jersey that believe like The same way I do oh yeah I I mean I Remember that you're you're always as a Football Coach adapting to you know DJ nus was The first to tell me like I saw it I saw It firsthand as his assistant way back In the you know mid2 or 2004 four when I Was with him the first time and he went In the morning and his whole philosophy Was you go in the morning in the summer And then nobody could say oh you know You kept my kid out of basketball summer Games right you don't even have to fight

That battle you no you don't well that's The thing and and the co and then that Was kind of how you you slowly got them On your side Y which was hard because You're 100% right that's that's always Been a hard reciprocation I was like I'll always do that from now on to Summer and then even the workouts in the Off season like have a a morning group Like that way you know like kids who Play multiple Sports there never a Conflict you know and I always say to Them like hey you have a game you have a Game this day you know don't you're not Coming in to work out right like you Know I don't know if you have like uh a Track meet or something like that you're The pitcher yeah already pitcher right You don't come work out that day and and That's that that was how but you're Right it's it's there's there's very Little like I'm you know oh the baseball Coach will com in at 6:00 am so you can Have football practice at night like That's happen Sorry happening I want to be at that School yeah that's that we might be Going to Texas coach well the funny Thing is is the baseball coach at Jefferson now played football for me Back then yeah you probably see K so He's like but he remembers because he Played both Sports so he's like been Very good right and um so that's been

Neat but you're right though I just uh Most places don't have that luxury and When you look at like the old big North I don't know if there's any kids in that League that that do both multiple Sports Other than track because you know Everybody's doing track now to get their Official times and right and all that But at the end of the day it's there's At the best level in New Jersey they are Specializing and it's hard one and done I mean it just trickles down to us just Like the transfer portal did and all That garbage eventually it makes it way To us and and that's the part of the Sport that I guess I'm trying I don't Like yeah that's the hardest part too Because football is a numbers game like You need numbers like there's no way to Get around numbers you know like Baseball Essentially I mean even if you didn't Have all the guys you want you probably Could get away with having 12 13 guys And get out there right oh my go it you Can't you can't do that in football um And have any level of success um and and Uh you know I remember my first years as Saddlebrook like our Varsity was 25 guys And we would be like okay if this guy Goes down like all right this guy's Moving to this position you know and This guy's moving from from uh wide Receiver a left tackle like that that's

That's what was going on um so that That's why numbers are so important and And it's the the pressure on Football for some reason always only Continues to rise as opposed to like Drop yeah no I think you're right I Think a lot of it is and I used to uh Joke football is a captive audience I Used to joke with my players and uh Parents I don't know if they got Offended I don't really care anymore but It's like you know I don't think it's a Real SP if you don't have to pay Admission and you know one of those Things and uh I said there's not many Sports you have to do it if I can walk In for free I don't consider it a sport It's an activity because if uh and again Part of it sarcasm but I think that Athletic director's look at us is or People in general is what's the one Thing people want to read about football That's like the buzzword so if I could Say the football coach gets this or Football program gets this or their Booster club does this my answer usually Is form your own and quit laying blame On football because it has nothing to do With football because I'm in a school Now at West Orange where the soccer Coach has it going on and I talk to him Every week and it's like weird to say I'm a football guy but I've become good Friends with Doug nans and you know to

Have the success he's had at that level Of a public school that he can compete It's sports or Sports and he recruits Kids in town and um he does a great job So I try to reach out to all sports and And realize that he gets a bad rap in West Orange because people think it's a Soccer town it's it's his town he's like The sheriff in town and can do what he Wants and Darnell does a good job Battling that and is creating his own Identity which is nice because I've Known him since I recruited Irvington Back in the early 90s so it's kind of Neat I think it's interesting too right Because football's always like it's just Look you have a good football season and You have a good school year just in General because I just think that the With the amount of guys that are on the Football team right like just sheer Numbers usually they're the usually the Biggest sports team in the school right They're they're usually the biggest guys So obviously if you have a football Player in your class everybody knows Everybody knows who plays football Within the school and they either get a Good rap or a bad rap and that just goes Across the board but if you have a good One man you're school year in general Every sport across the board is an Excellent year yeah I think the model Program and I'm going to upset a lot of

Butler people is Mountain Lakes I mean You look at 100% being in that District I mean there I look at it as it's two Seasons it's football state finals Lacrosse state finals and it to be able To go there I'm so jealous that uh you Know fusco's kind of built on Wilkins And you know they got it going and then In the winter they're competitive but For a small school with you know they do It the right way but you're right Football gets you halfway through the Year and then it's what the kids get Jazzed up for next but you know I know a Lot of places it's just how you take it And your personality I think uh you know Fusco up in Mountain Lakes does a good Job he's active in other sports I think He's the golf coach yep and that's a Great and he's got a perfect personality For that also and U you know he is you Know he took the Rains of Mountain Lakes And did a great job and really sets the Stage really eliminates the stage for Any excuses because he kind of took over A legend and kept and created himself One and I kind of respect that having Been a guy that's moved around a couple Times right and I think that's that's One of the mo that's one of the hardest Gigs to do right like you don't want to You don't want to be Bill O'Brien after Joe paa you want to be James Franklin Right you want be that next guy that

Gets that job because [ __ ] man I mean This guy that just took over for sa good Luck buddy like you know what I mean Like how you couldna pull that off no It's that's it's like taking over for Coach Schuman yeah Well if you take it over for Coach human You'll have much more rain to be able to Do whatever you Want that's they they they they don't Let me do nothing when I'm a as head Coach as Derek get a test no I Know it doesn't matter if I how much I Win oh oh he has no you're right then Everybody's opinionated on things they Don't have a right to be opinionated on Well I always get I always Derek would I Always get because I obviously I run a Business right so and and it's in sports And so uh as opposed to that being Looked at in a favorable manner it's Always looked at for some reason in a Negative Manner and that' always be the Battle i' fight no matter how much you Win no matter how much success the kids Have it's it was it's just always an Ongoing uh uh battle and it it's uh it's Just because it's something that people You know obviously if you're a teacher Or administrator it's something that That's you know usually foreign to how Someone's able to do that right so yeah Jealous maybe jealous but I know jealous Yeah yeah you know and that's that

That's always been the I I I remember When I was um and Derek was shocked this When I was at Pal Park when we we we Were starting to we really starting to Turn it and I was and we end up going to State championship the year we did this I bought the team Nike uniforms because We could we could had no money to get New uniforms it wouldn't let us fund Raise so I went out and paid $122,000 For uh Nike uniforms both um uh whites And blues I think it was we were and uh And I remember when I did it they're Like you can't do that I'm like wait a Minute I can't go and buy uniforms for The team I'm not asking for anything I'm Handing you new uniforms so when it Doesn't pour when it rains we used to Have you know you know the uniforms from The 90s right yeah so when it rained our I remember us losing a couple games Because our guys are our little skinny Guys were so soak and Wet yeah those things were heavy as hell To begin heavy so I got them the it was It was like the first time they ever had Like the tight forming like kind of like Wicking uniforms yeah and I'm telling You it it's crazy when you see kids how They respond you talk about how kids Respond um because they want because it Means so much to them they went out There that first game and they ran a Little faster that's for sure well they

Were running faster and I couldn't Believe just the enthusiasm it was Likeed up we're a different group we're A different group of guys this is a Different team and that team end up Going to the state all the way to the State championship but but that like you Know sometimes administrators lose sight Of like the things that get kids excited Right like it doesn't have to be much it It really as simple as like if you've Had uniforms that are the same for 30 Years and now you change uniforms to Something slightly up sted that could Change a kid's attitude and pride in Their Hometown you know Absolutely it's funny because they don't They don't it's it's not like a um it's Not as an adult you don't think of it as Being that big of a thing like hey work Hard do the things but like to a kid it Means everything and and I think that's The the the thing in in sports that's a A lot of that kind of stuff gets lost Because we you see all the crazy stuff With like like a media and transfers and All those kind of things but Fundamentally like a kid just wants to Know who cares about them you know what I mean and and uh uh a symbol of caring About them sometimes goes farther than You could ever imagine you know just Like you know coming off the field they Have a hard practice and say hey man

Tomorrow's a new day you'll be okay and That that makes a big difference to to To the kids and I think that part about Kids to me has never changed changed Like everything else has changed around Them but but the the the fundamental Just wanted someone to like coach them And want them to have give them a chance To be success I I think that has a Change now the parents around them oh Yeah everybody all the other stuff the Social media abely that's a whole whole Different world but um talk about some Of the things that you that you you Really like that for some reason I'm Frozen on here but at least you can hear My voice um uh that So so I'm a statue officially Um Derek knows I'll have to log back out Log back in that's all right but but but What what have you found that's really Like um uh the changes that you like About football things that you know Because you've you've you've seen a lot You've done College you know I actually Had a kid believe it or not when you Said West Liberty I say I can't believe He went to West Liberty I had a kid Charles Simons who played on that was Our star in that championship team who Who uh uh uh oh he went to West lib he Played yes he was a safety at West Liberty and he did do Sports there he Was like yeah he did he was a safety and

I think he threw the javelin there oh Wow yeah his name was Charles Simons he Played there he went to Joo I think for Two years because something grade wise And then um went to lacana and then he Was on scholarship at West Liberty oh Cool yeah no I'm still kind of friendly With kids guys there and when I get a Chance to go back for Spring ball I do But probably the biggest thing that's Changed is just high school Kids just recruiting which everybody Talks about it just not you know this Generation of kids it's it's now we're Minor leagues for junior college and D3 Because um you know the experience is Just not the same as what it used to be Where kids would set up their five Official visits and go check out Colleges knowing that they were the only Option you know now it's you know you Could be recruited by everybody and that The next thing you know somebody Transfers to that school and the kids Are left out so that's probably the Number one thing that Uh that has changed it really doesn't Make it enjoyable for anybody but kids Are still kids I said that in the Beginning with you guys and you know the Whole thing about you know I'm not going To change who I am and that's probably Been the number one reason I usually Leave places is that um as a coach you

Come times where you feel like you're oh There he is yes I can move I was gonna say something but it would Have been inappropriate from uh would Have been an Easter Reference I'll leave it like that you Know that's the um I laugh about this And Dereck will appreciate this one That's the Livingston effect on me where I've become uh over sensitive to the Most minor things that and that's really One of the things you were talking about That's changed it's you know the idea of Joking around with kids about anything Um it's usually not even the kid you're Joking around with it's the guy next to Him that tells mom and next thing you Know mommy's making a tick tock video About how bad your play calling is and How much better she would be and the Funny story about that is two years ago I had a mother that actually did that And I went to her place of work it's Starbucks and I made a Tik Tok video of Her at work and uh so we kind of uh it Was kind of funny and I just I just came In I brought my two little ones there One was at the time well now they're six And four so at the time it would have Been and four and I brought him in and I Said just be yourselves and and she it Was just funny videoing her lose her Composure and then me heckling her to Keep on her toes and afterwards I said

How does it feel to have somebody in the Background questioning your every move And then I don't think I still don't Think she got it but nor do I care but It's just that's probably been you Mentioned social media you know the First thing my teams do anymore is I Collect cell phones going in the lock Fck room uh because kids just want to do Stupid things so it's you know and That's not just in class but you know Again that's being a football coach and You appreciate this we're we we are Controlling these kids 247 and that's What yeah in other sports some guys that Do it the right way are the same way but You know if you're in another sport Sometimes coaches won't talk to you Until preseason you know we're football Is the ones that's we're worrying about Grades for eligibility we're selling Them to colleges we're making sure their Physicals are done because if physicals Aren't done for us they can't play any Other sport so it's just become we've You know I think we should all be Administrators and be in control of our Own destiny in New Jersey because uh at The end of the day I've seen some great Coaches lose jobs for being theirselves Whether it was Ed sadlock at Cedar Grove And oh you know I mean I think that was A travesty what happened there over Those are some very good in fact great

Coaches that were run out of town for no Reason other than being the same way They've been when they built those Schools into powerhouses and it's just Like parents forget and I always um you Know little bit of joke little bit of Seriousness I always say you know the US Needs another War it's a joke but you Know we need something to just test our Values and um I'm not going to preach But you know we're losing sight of you Know when kids come to school and we Have Veterans Day and there's four of Them when I was growing up I think every Male teacher I had in the 80s served and Not saying you have to serve but it was It was just a different Dynamic and um Yeah and that's changed and I guess I'm Fortunate to be now back at Jefferson Partly because Jason Luc is not leaving Butler and partly because I'm glad to be Back at a place where I know you know Kids are still brought up the way that I Was brought up and right funny story is I bring it like everybody does and I Bring in a young man like young man an Old guy Scott Palos who trains our kids Oh Scott H Scott and I' Scott yeah he's oh he's insane but He's he's a throwback trainer and There's a lot of great trainers you know I've used Brandon wood who's awesome Brandon Wood's great yeah awesome Doesn't but they're totally if you've

Worked with both totally different Spectrum and just like his coach is you Know we realize when our message is Falling on those ears it's time for us To leave or change the message yes so I Bring in Scott and this will give you The kind of the reason I'm back at Jefferson story and we're doing training And we have we invite the eighth graders Up because we're just doing some form Running and he's doing this one thing Where the kids are running and then when They get to the end of the Court they Have to break down and end in a good Position everybody does it this eighth Grader who's probably 61 230 big kid Still finding himself He can't slow down he goes face first Into the wall like he runs he don't even Slow down you just hear him hit the hit The hit the Wall come down eye puffs up The mother comes out again this is an Eighth grader 13 years old mother comes Running on and I'm thinking oh no here We go she's GNA see all these documents Want to know who this guy is who am I And I laugh because her first reaction Was and I'm not g to say the kid's name But she's like you're the reason me and Your dad drink I said what and then she started just Getting on him about I mean she was Laughing but she was getting on him About you know just paying attention to

Detail and doing what the coaches are Telling them so she's like a throwback In that you made a mistake you look Foolish where in other towns that I've Been at oh hell what kind of drill is That you have them they only have 15 Yards to slow down and it's just like Okay but and that's a Jefferson again They're not all like that but since I It's new to me being coming back last June and um but she kind of that's like A funny story that I think of I told There or Shadyside Ohio or Butler those Three places that I've been they would All apparent there would have a very Similar attitude and probably the king Of parents like that is the guy is your Co-host his dad like you know I remember Stories of Derek you know his dad Clearing the field with a bench from the Sideline when he was a young guy and was Warranted because I've been around his Father so you know usually when Craig Snaps there's a good reason it's not you Know just because he wanted to snap so It's like you know that emotion was Brought up through his son and there's a Lot of parallels and I even told Derek And his dad just growing up in Derek That I've seen the kids I've coached or Even my own self so I mean probably the Thing that keeps me going is the fact That kids and you said in the beginning Kids are kids I give a kid a cool long

Sleeve tea with nice logo they're Rocking out at school they're happy to Be part of the club you know we give a Kid you know a steak dinner for pick Sixes you know when we do that at the End of the year the kids like it because Like uniforms you know I've only been Able to do that once where somebody gave Me enough money to buy uniforms but I Actually remember when you did the Uniforms believe it or not because Everybody and again I didn't know you From Adam and us as coaches I always Joke we're a lot of like women in a Beauty parlor we are little gossip we Just go and I remember somebody said you Hear about Schuman down at Pal Park he Got you his wife went out she's loaded She bought all these uniforms and I'm Like what are you talking about first of All how do you know his wife and why do We care and I said and when when they Were saying this to me I'm like one I Wish my wife had that kind of dough to Give me I wasn't even married then so it Definitely wasn't even true that's there You go that's the funniest part so that Is funny single man So that was roesy your athletic director Roesy was my yeah because he's from Jefferson his son was the running back He that's his son who was the running Back so and that's and that's the other Thing about North Jersey there's so many

Everybody connection you know like when I I always laugh because everybody will Say oh how many WIS you whatever I Everybody coaches you have over 100 Doesn't really mean anything I'm more Enamored with the coaches I've lost That's funny yeah it's true you know Like when I look at my first loss was The Don smolen and then I showed up the Next week had to play Vic panan Ostro Yeah how many time yeah that's and then And then it Butler you know they have a Chance to go against Wilkins in Mountain Lakes or West Orange Johnson at Ridgewood it's like I've lost the Probably guys with over 2,000 wins and And and that's neat I'll tell you what's Funny too is like so Ro he's from Jefferson and his his son sery lost his Son in yeah yeah yeah we give out his Number every year Y and he's a great guy But I mean we used to sit and talk Because the guys above him would would Just I mean anytime he brought me in the Office it was someone from above him Like about something I was doing you Know I'm like and it's funny because Yester uh uh two days ago the day before Easter I was over at my wife's um a Friend of hers they lived in uh Edgewater and we used to get kids from Edge because Leone and Pal Park were Together so we had Edgewater Charles Simons was from met we had great

Athletes from Edgewater uh Leonia and Then Pal Park right they were all Combined and um we were we were over in Edgewater and after we got like done I Drove over to the Pal Park uh high School because it it I mean the kids I Have great memories you know from the Kids and and uh um but our practice Field people don't even because our game Field was Veterans Field which was down Below um the the county park it's like Turf which is really nice place like They would have the Catholic schools Play there and New York New Jersey Allstar game there once exact yeah Remember yeah yeah yeah yeah that's when We had no yep and then so but our Practice field is literally a patch of Grass a patch of grass next to the School it's and I go over there and it's The it's same exact thing and and we uh In the beginning we could never we had a Hard time getting good and I they had This like steep like Hill it goes to the Like Highway above it yeah and it's a Grass patch and I just started like this Whole thing I'm like you know we're so Even though we had a great weight room Uh because Ron panand had built this Great weight room Str coach yeah yeah Yeah he built this great way he was he Was great I mean honestly Ron Panda City Roesy they were they were the reasons I Last did for for seven years because I

Would have lasted two if it wasn't for Them but um uh we had this hill I said You know what we're just going to run This hill five times before every Practice and so we're gonna know what It's like to start slightly winded right Because that's our only hope is that That we could if like we could build Some so we started doing it and next Thing you know like as it started to to Slightly turned it took a long time but Slightly turned you you didn't even have To do anything the kids I used to say You don't go onto the grass and and we We had one line but it wasn't a football Line they had a baseball practice field There so it was a baseball line that Went all the way down and I said if uh You don't go inside the ba that line Until we're ready to go so they would Stand outside the line until everybody Was ready to go and then they would go Sprint to the hill they would Sprint to The hill and that's how they started and It was like see th those are the things I thought those are the little things Those are little things like they kind Of got a little success they started to Get some pride and a little success Meant going from like from uh not having A varsity program winning one game then From winning one game to four games like Yes that like like you know it's funny Because people talk about like obviously

When you've won a lot of games you're Like okay but like at some places like Winning your first game is a big deal Then winning four games a big deal then You know I mean the state the state Championship playing in the state Championship was a Monumental and you Know how everybody knew us this is the Funniest part about the uniform thing Because it was so con it was crazy how Like like you heard about people like Were like you know what they what we did With the uniforms we also took the um The ey the tiger from LSU that's in the Middle of the field yeah and we put it In our colors on on our helmets so we Had it I had a custom made they put it On the helmets right so I said you know It's the eye of the tiger right so we Always said we didn't have have two eyes Looking at you we had four and it wasn't From glasses so we had the eyes of the Tiger but people used to think it was Bug eyes cuz when I put it on I never Realiz you know what I'm saying I never Thought about it so they were like they Had these wacky helmets where they got These bug eyes on it but it was the eye Of the tiger from from the middle yeah But you look at that now and that is Stuff that if it was now you'd have you Know uh 100 million likes Or I mean this is what the society we're Talking about now that's all these kids

Care about yeah say hello it was funny But anyway um it is so interesting I you Talked about like how Jefferson still Has a lot of like American values I mean For word American like people don't want To talk about that anymore going viral Now you just said American values watch Out American values now now I'll be Banned on YouTube um Again again again demonetized again oh Oh please don't demonetize me again yeah Uh but uh I know it's like I had to Slightly conform I'm like ah I I won't Curse as much anymore yeah but um uh Yeah so like but those things to me are Important see football one of the things That I I I noticed this it happened in College so you you you probably know Manino because Um who who was the Kansas Coach be yeah Yeah when they ran him out of Kansas to Me this is how I looked at it they ran Him out of Kansas because mangino did Not look the way that football coaches Look now like for the most uh correct And I said that yeah I've said that to Dere actually Derek and my own Brothers Like um the idea of an overweight coach Or is no longer like we've talked about It used been be the guy at Toledo like The I mean buma was big and he's like he Might be the biggest now and the Maryland coach the Maryland coach uh who Coached Ruckers for a while oh yeah

Ralph frian he's fantastic coach they Ran him out for the same Reon so but That to me is like that's some of the Things that like the pressure that gets Put on football OB uh That is how they try to chip away like How do you chip away at American values Well football is like associated with Americ it's like it's the sport in America and it um in the rest of the World like I mean I mean I I laugh when They have the like America I don't know These like World Cups of football where Basically America rolls out uh a bunch Of guys that like play didn't barely Played a D3 and they beat like I don't Know the Japanese team for the national For the world championship you know like 60 you know like 60 and th those guys Played at like what's the school we we Uh C they played at Castleton you know What I mean that's our reference there We go they went play they started at Castleton and they ended up uh rolling Up the Japanese national team but but That's the thing that you so when I saw That happen with manin I said gez this Guy turned Kansas Kansas was the worst Was the absolute worst and and he and And he turned into his program and he's He was rough around the edges um he was A big dude and basically administrators Said that we we don't want to look at This anymore that's what I always

Thought about is like had zero he was a Genius offensively uh one of the Geniuses offensively out there obviously Came from the system that you got you Know you know probably very well Mike Lee all and your your guy system and um And and I thought like when that was the First time that was like 2009 maybe or Something that was the first time I Really was like oh football I mean I Felt it changing a little bit but Football really changed and obviously The concussion thing was just A big the pile on that's how you piled On football yeah that was how you piled On football and now you know we talked About this with the referees uh uh with Mike D Ambrosia um like the hip trop Thing it it's all these things are Coming into Football Which the the kid who's a tough kid from Butler okay I'm not talking about the Super speed demons you guys back in the Day those guys are gone now those from Butler they're they're working those Kids out of uh uh opportunities at the College level right like the when you if You say to somebody in college that Kid's a great football player like you Know what Derek you posted it um about Remember the kid we have that plays our Seven seven club for R Great a the first Thing I thought this is how crazy the

World has changed the first thing I Thought when Derek posted this kid is a Phenomenal football Player the first thing I thought is that People are going to look down on this When I posted it I said [ __ ] I should Probably take it down we have a kid 20127 great pad d'ang from Rand stud right's gonna be so happy he Has this kid I mean he look throwback Tough kid both sides of the ball offense Def he may have had more interceptions In the seven on this weekend then he did Touchdowns but just the kid that you say All right I need a play throw him the Ball does matter what we're doing get The he's that type of kid but like Dave Said if now I post that they're gonna Say he's a football player that means What he's probably slow probably doesn't Run too fast he's not very big right he Just knows the game and can get by right So I get what you're saying Dave 100% I I said it as soon as I posted I said [ __ ] crazy and the kid probably he Started as a freshman around he probably Runs already He he his vertical has to be I mean he Goes up and gets must be like he Flo the Other day 34 35 I mean it's incredible What he could do oh yeah but that was The first thing that's what I was like Oh my God it goes into my head now yeah That's crazy you know what I'm saying

That's how Football you know and the nil and all That other stuff kind of is trickled Down to like uh to high school in a way That is um well you saw it when you were At Pope John yeah just I mean because listen those Pope John Kids weren't getting what Bergen BOS Joe's what those guys were and it's just Not close it's like that's not what We're talking about yeah but now the Nils I know there's even public schools That 100% like that have them for sure It's just like you know one of my Friends has I think he said he has a $10,000 bank roll doesn't sound like a Lot but you know if you start giving Kids oh you want to say hello go ahead There Hey stud say hello to Daren hey stud Okay go get your iPad she wants her iPad It's another kicker now that we're on a We have to delete that scene my wife Knows my babysitting is iPad don't worry I'll handle the I could care back what I Said back to what I said in the Beginning yeah well that's why you're my Hero coach more than anything else uh You're you're an older Dad as I I I'm an older dad I so I I That's my favorite thing of all more Than your football accomplishments and Everything else yeah just show you're an Older dad like I am it's it works

Because I I have an eight-year-old you Know So yeah mine are what's Maria 27 the the Youngest is Five that's that's a big G but you know My wife is like I couldn't coach if it Wasn't like Aaron like Her being a division she reminds me this Every day she's the only division one Athlete in our house yep she played Soccer Villanova and she also REM she Also likes to remind me of uh you know Me being like Marv leevy always getting There and losing you know being for four And uh and her being the soccer coach of Butler and she won sectionals and um When she was at Butler they had some Good softball teams and soccer teams and And she would always remind me that Football wasn't real because we were Treating sections like they were state Titles yeah and you know being in the Section didn't mean anything to her but Uh so she keeps me on our toes and That's what's neat that keeps the Competitive nature going even in my own House like my most critical person is my Wife when I come home and she she's Questioning like why did I do something You know and then um and usually she's Kind of right so she can take out the um The passion or just the stubbornness That uh that I know I have when it comes To play calling because like anybody

That's played for me if I ask them what I give you a million dollars to guess What play is coming 99% of them know We're running belly and then uh oral Yaoa keyword that switches it to our Version of Jet Sweep uh pop out so they Know it I don't care and that's kind of That's the part of again being back at Jefferson that once those kids Buy in Like you said they're the key when they When they believe in what you're doing And they realize you're there for them Not their parents good things happen and Uh some places unfortunately the parents Think you're there for them and uh and That sucks So like um it was neat to go Back and like my coaches we took over The booster club so my booster club is The coaching staff and that's great oh It's awesome so I you know we still Fundraise and do stuff like that and Have a couple parents on our board but At the end of the day I said you know I'll I'm doing what's best for your kids It's like just the senior class and the Entitlement that goes back to what we Said about specializing in sports it's It's there and I try to discourage kids From specializing in football yeah Because I I do believe that you need to Do everything if you want to be really Good down the road if you can play other Sports I mean some kids may be yeah some Kids are just yeah too big like that off

Of lineman from Doto uh the the 68 420 pound kid Committed to Syracuse or something yeah This weekend yeah so I think he Committed but what's funny is over Christmas break one of my former Linebackers in Emporia his son is uh Starting guard for the Jets so they Surprised me over break so he showed up From T Texas and with him was his son With the Jets the other one who's the Left guard at the sto And he and he was 62 320 yeah he looked Little out there yeah well he looked Little but then he showed me a picture Of him next to this other kid and I'm Like what like yeah I one I couldn't Believe they were in high school but I Couldn't imagine my Jefferson kids with My biggest lineman could play for my Brother Sprint football like it'd be I Just couldn't imagine competing with Those kids but that big kid probably Can't play another sport which I think Is a a Northeast thing as well too too Right because a lot of Northeast a lot Of the here are multiple sport guys Right where wrestling is Big basketball Is big right in the spring you got all These other multitude of sports whereas You know California Texas Florida Football is all year around because they Have Spring ball and they have all that Stuff and we talk about you know Georgia

All the time I mean look we talked to Marian Bell like he made a move took his Kid down there to grayon and now we're Going to LSU right and he knew that and I and in fact what's funny is when he Left I remember telling him Marian dude You're you're being the dce we talk About yes he's like what I said here you Are telling me your sixth grader is Going to be a Sunday player what planet Are and he was 100% right like the kid Is gonna be a Sunday player and you know Marian was absolutely right on even when He go I remember him training all my Kids at Union High School and in Winter I mean that kid was a committed coach He's doing great things down there but You know it's it's tough anymore to get The the kids to buy in nor do I want Them to buy in and become only football I mean that that was kind of that was a Butler thing but the football players at Butler like Derek would do other sports Because they had fun playing them like Derek never went into basketball Thinking they were gonna win 30 Games win one bro yeah but they were Just playing because they were a bunch Of Little in trouble short Italian Guys Running around and and it was like yeah We're just gonna have fun we're going to Be tough like football and whatever Happens they had a great coach I don't

Know if Jeff Todd was your coach but the Best you know he was a great coach in Basketball and it's just like what crazy Was when we were at Red Bank Regional The basketball coach there had also Played for coach Todd oh wow so he came Down like and and checked it all out I Mean dude you want to talk about a poor Guy I don't he brought us pizza one Night because he's like you guys we just Got an A brawl I'm we're going to coach Here again let's have a pizza party Because I'm fired on Monday so congrats Guys appreciate it but what a great dude But you're right and and you're coaching Lacrosse right oh yeah I'm the head Coach at West Orange baby watch out dial It up here we go again I don't mind it But again it's more about the kids Because you know they haven't they Haven't had a coach in the building in Eight six years probably and so I told Steph Zella the new ad you know if you Ever need a guy you could probably find More qualified people but I'm in the Building and I will get the kids better And you know if you come to our practice A lot of our plays are the offense You'll hear me call it hook curl slide Dutch and those are plays we run Offensively and that's that's my offense So you if you see my lacrosse team line Up in like three to the right with the Quarterback it's really rip 60

Slide are like what I'm like we're we're We're picking anyway it's just legal in This sport so it's like you know I kind Of um and I told darnel that to get more Of the football kids out that you know I'm coaching you look at my polls Outside of driving sleds we hit bags That's normal we use the agil like Linebackers we look like DBS because Those are two sports that go hand in Hand yeah at Bridgewood great football Great lacrosse Mountain Lakes Lakes you Know sometimes a lacrosse team helps you Compete in football like Del Barton y You wonder I never would have been a Million dollars that they'd be as Competitive as they are in that League When we played them when I was at Pope John I'm like there's no way but they Made a commitment and they're doing the Right thing there to get kids in to Compete in that big North $23 million Facility which is insane well rampo is The same way with that with the lacrosse And probably Rumson also I'm guessing is R yeah yeah yeah it's yeah look at Mana Squan you know you know when you talked About like how Um I was kind of getting to think about It and I thought about this way before But all the other sports help make you a Better football player but but the other Sport if you play football it doesn't Necessarily make you a better baseball

Player I guess if that makes sense so no I agree so so what happens is I I I Thought about this because obviously Have a kid that's going through it and I And I see it now and he plays every He plays every sport but it it's all Making him a better and better football Player without him actually having to do A whole lot of football I don't know if That makes sense 100 I agree 100% but he Um but like if I don't have him out There dribbling basketballs all the time All the time and then we go and play a Game you know two weeks from now and he Hasn't done a ton of that he won't look As sharp in basketball so it's one of These uh um that with football every Sport helps you as a football player Because football is a sport that gener Even at the lineman level right General Athleticism power speed and and change Of Direction all that kind of stuff Which you can get a lot of other sports In the off season all contribute to Being a better football player Whereas um if if I'm a baseball player You know if I'm not taking my swings in The back cage that's that's that's a Difficult thing and I think that that's One of the now what I've heard coaches At the college level those Sports say That the reason why they don't want them Specializing in just baseball from the Time they're little is that as they hit

Puberty when they hit puberty the fact That all they've done is work those same Muscles yeah yeah limits their upside in Baseball or even LaCrosse or ba even Basketball is a little different because Height is a big thing but but uh a lot Of those other sports because once you Get puberty you you're you're really Your size in your athleticism makes a Big different and I could really get Those skills refined much more quickly But the parents think about the Completely the opposite opposite way Because they're like I got this Basketball game two weeks from now and My kid hasn't dribbled and now if he's Not dribbling when he goes out against Um XYZ noname aou club which you know I Don't even know my son's the name of my Suns Au Club I can't even tell you the Name of it you know so he plays but like XYZ name of name of the club and uh you Know they they're worried about that Particular game and that's what that's One of the things even like I've talked To my wife about it's like you know what Like we play so many games in these Sports these other sports there's never Practice well yeah and if he plays great One day awesome enjoy it the next day he Plays bad like this is just going to be Another game three days that's right It's not like football where you have to Wait right you basically practice you

Know four or five days for one day right And that's why you tell them like I tell The guys in very first practice look man This takes way too much time for this to Be a hobby for you so if you ain't all In like go over there dude like just you Know you don't need to be Here probably the only that you spend More time practicing than playing right And that's why you gotta love everything About it and I think like like I loved The process right like I loved practice I always told Dave Dave thinks I'm crazy Like Camp was my favorite time of year Oh yeah I'm trying to go back all you do Is just dud it's football morning Football midday football every football Sleep wake up football like I love that Part of it and some of these guys they Could they don't even understand what Like how do you practice no it's it's a Lost part of it Was for my kids like you go up to you go Up to like Wayne Gino who's the ad at Montville and say uh remember the Midnight Madness and it was a bowl game We played literally we pra we woke him Up 11:45 played the JV kids played a game From 12 to one in a varsity kids were The cheerleaders and uh it was fun I Videoed it and it was at Camp con what Derek said but those are things that Have gone to the Wayside um now you

Don't even have two days Yeah you're right it's more the the College three hour five hour rule not That everybody follows it no you know You go the Town right next to me and They're doing triples in the summer so That's that's that's the other thing That it's like we all know who's doing It and everybody wants to say it but I Guess there's a difference between uh Jim Matt sackis doing it and other People because uh it's funny everybody Knows where the things are happening Right and they're afraid to address it Because everybody's up upset I don't Know what it is but the only thing in Football that can compare to what you Said would be kicking which Derek did as Far as a thing that if you don't do it Regularly it takes you a while to get Back in that mood because B that's why We got basketball yeah everything else Is you know it's an acquired skill like Right right you know I think there Should be with parents and I always use This I laugh at the amount of kids that Um you know dedicate themselves to Wrestling in hopes of getting that 25% tuition scholarship and they're like What are you talking about and I say you Know I've get that they coached many State champs the best kid I ever coached His kid Dan bamont who was a NCAA runner Up went to Penn State you know it took

Him several years to get half a Scholarship and he was a two-time state Champ and then I have kids and Dereck Will another the one but I'm not going To say his name that was only reason he Got an scholarship to Pittsburgh was Because he was 65 and 240 and for some Reason the college coaches that thought They could make him a better player than Us because they just look at the metrics And I said well watch this game this Little you know 5950 pound kid just ate Them up yeah but he's long coach okay Good luck he made it one year Transferred yeah good kid but that's Where again I think sometimes in the Recruiting process colleges aren't Listening to coaches the way they used To it used to Oh and definitely the the and Dave and I Talk about this all the time because This this is the world we live in like The the the high school head coach is Almost cut out of the mix now because With all social media and the content And how these guys communicate they Either just go right to the kids or Write to the parents on Twitter or Whatever social media thing it is your High school head coach is kind of just There yeah it's crazy like these guys Don't want to like like I signed up to Coach football I didn't sign up to send Messages back and forth with coaches on

You know this guy here or this guy there Like they don't want to put the time in You're were talking about down here you Lose uh antonucci from Midsouth he just Left centino from Shore these are guys With over 20 30 years of experience gone Out the door yeah you can't replace that Experience either and it's like and some Of us also screw ourselves again I don't Want to bash coaches but I can it's like Um where we oversell kids not knowing Who we're going to have in the future That that's it so then a situation will Come up and sometimes we're right on WE But as coaches we tend to buy into the Hype of our own players of course so you Need those you know people and it's like I remember when you know Josh Allen was Struggling to find a school and I never Forget when John called me from Montclair he's like I don't know what's Going on you know I've called these Schools and the best he can gets like a Partial somewhere and I'll never forget Calling banac it he was the head coach Of Duan no Robert Morris and I sent him The video I said coach can you watch This kid he's a rare Talent he had his recruited coordinator Call me back and say if he'd be willing To walk on we would take I said excuse Walk on to Robert moris I said did you Look at the kid he's well he's a little Light what can he play I'm just telling

You he played against me and he made the First three sacks scored the first 80 Yard touchdown on a go route He's the best player I saw yeah he's Little but then it's like then I'm Finding out that a lot of it had to do With nobody knew who he was or we were Overselling previous kids from that School to where people like sure coach Whatever you said that about so and so Three years AG how often do we talk About that Dave about endorsing a Certain player like I'm not just giving This name to you like because now my Name is attacked and it burns my kids in The future if I now you know send this Guy some schlop and it's like dude well The last time you sent me remember we Got worried about that when we had one Of our players from RV go to Mammoth for You know a day and a half and then it Was after we had put the great now we Sold him and now he's not now nobody's Gonna listen to us it's it's ridiculous But I just remember that happening it's Like yeah and then he ends up as an Allamerican at Kentucky and he's making Millions now but it's It's just tough Because we do do that and sometimes we Just need to be realistic to the these Kids but we're almost afraid to be Honest with them and that's true and I I Think it's there's a college football is Such a a cycle of where now the turnover

Is so high especially at the lower lower Levels meaning like G assistant coaches By the time you recruit a guy you're Gone so the turnover is so I mean OB Turnover is high obviously at the Highest level but the turnover at the The the the position coach level and and And GE is so high that those guys won't Stand on the table for a kid unless no Way it's slam dunk so that Parts puts a Cycle that's tough to it I did when we Had Adam brenman on I thought one of the Interesting things of the discussion was Um that at least at division one level The highest level they're going to go to That that NFL format where you have General manager player personnal star And you know haven't been an agent for Six I was an agent for six years NF Agent and the thing that I like about it Um having obviously been a high school Coach and dealt with college coaches and Then been an NL agent deal with the the Thing I liked about it was this it was So much of a business meaning that like Uh guys jobs lived and died by being More right you know what I'm saying About a a player and when they took Chances on them there was five guys in The Personnel Department looking at them Not like a tight end Coach who really Likes this kid and then he makes he Makes a mistake and then he gets fired Because he fell in love with the kid

There's five Personnel guys looking at It so if they bring in like my guys were Mostly you know late round free agent Guys if they brought my guy in they like Double checked it over and over again You know what I mean no M no matter how Much I sold them they still went through That process and they still had the Coaches look at it too right so hey Coach is this a kid that you think you Can coach blah blah BL blah I think at The highest now the lower level is Completely different I don't know how That's going to work out but at the Highest level that will in the long run Maybe create a situation where you can Get your kids a little bit better Evaluated um not necessarily from the Coach may not touch it as much but at Least you can have a few people looking At that kid from the lowest level to Maybe a higher Personnel guy and say Okay this is a guy that should go on our Depth chart now let's move from here Where is now because the way that Transfer portal is and there's no real Personnel departments and the coaches Are stretched in every capacity to the Max so many things are falling through The cracks like I brought guys to people That they were like I didn't even know Who this kid was and he was and great oh He's now on our R like I'm like wait a Minute like this kid has eight offers

You know I'm saying it wasn't like a kid That was a noname like oh you know I Didn't real he has eight offers already And they because they're so stretched And in at looking at everything that Maybe and I'm not 100% certain on it but Maybe that model could help a little bit With the recruiting process because you Know the greatest thing about recruiting The old days to me was you know uh Whether it was uh Scott lacos whoever or Whoever the whoever the guy who always Did Jersey for r or UK did it for years Yeah yeah the same guys you you knew Those guys right like that guy came in My last couple years my last coaching Head coaching was rbr just in the two Years it wasn't the same guy I was Dealing with the next year I was like Holy you know meanwhile like it didn't Matter what what what Jersey Scott Lacitos was wearing you know what I'm Saying SC Laos over and over and over And over again you know so you develop Those relationships so when you had uh The players that came through or you Know say same thing flood and all those But the same when you had players they Already knew they knew you so well right It wasn't so much about your players Like I know how this kid's getting Correct I like look I'm sure you know Whenever your brothers are on you know Recruiting spot like there's certain

Schools they always hit regardless of Whether they have a dude or whether they Don't you're gonna go to Ramapo you're Going to you know what I mean you're Gonna stop him out and like depending on What your division is or whatever like You know you're going to hit those Programs I don't know how much even I Don't even know how much of that works You know these guys are in they're out They're There a picture stop that's what it is Now it's a picture XYZ School came into My school they're not recruiting any of My kids that's okay but they hey here I Am oh Sacred Heart coach is here let's Take a picture you know like next week He's as bad as all the offers it's like It's like I I I think that's where the NCAA they got to do something because You want to talk about I don't even know How you word it taking advantage of Inner city kids yes it's sad when you See Penn State offer kids that couldn't Play for me but that you see a kid tweet Out you know God bless to receive an Offer and they thank Allah and God and Easter bunny whoever they want and and It's just like you're really this kid Like how did this happen and it could be The kid just saw the coach walk in the Building and put it on himself and Y Nobody verifies it because I don't think You can but it's like a lot of times

Kids will say they're getting offers but The only reason I'm bringing that up is I have Sophomores that like one of them plays On one on the these seven on seven Leagues he went to a tournament right Phenomenal player for me and he's always Coach where's my offer where's my offer So and so is on my for 15U yeah and he's Got three offers and I'm say dude I can Give you an offer but it won't be real Yeah committable well I'm the same way And this is where I know I'm different Than probably 99% of New Jersey like I Will not nominate a kid for the super 100 if I don't think he's one of the 100 Best players in New Jersey exactly like I don't think it's right that you know You pay a hundred bucks to be a member Of this Association therefore I get a Kid that I could say and I know that's Gonna and I've never done it you can ask You know why does Jim because top 100's Pretty special you know not $100 it's Like that's a joke and it's just like It's we've watered things down because Coaches are afraid of parents being Upset that's exactly everybody needs to You know you know who does a great job He was he was I think he's still our in Our section uh in Central Jersey but I I I loved them because he just like cut Through the mustard on This was um cardi From I think he's bound the younger

Brother yeah so he he was in charge of It and he would go hey you have who the Guy the kids that are going uh I need The guys that are going division one and FCS put scholarship correct right and it Was and it was that way too it was Scholarship first then if the kid was a Walk right so because he didn't want any Of the BS right because and then got Then I then then the I would only go and Derek would know this I would only go if I like had a guy that had either Basically an FCS or because I would tell You're not getting a guy you're not Getting a guy on there and I'm not going To sit there and argue about my kid that That's going to a division three School Versus this kid over here who had he had 140 catches okay great that great coach He had 140 catches you know I you know So I said unless he's that kid I'm not Go I'm not doing it I'm just not you Know gonna go and and um but he was Great about I was he was great about Because you get to the end and that's Exactly what happens is that like oh my Guy rushed for this and two division Kids yeah there's two two division three Kids which is fine but the coaches are Arguing their stats over it and it's Like they don't know each other nobody Knows who and we're gonna vote on who Nobody knows yeah well I'll tell you a 100 catches at Butler is probably a

Little different than a 100 catches at Bergen true true so and again I feel bad But it's true that's like one of the Things because I'm getting some blowback From my parents were like why didn't we Get anybody on this team yes well how Nom north south game yeah I mean I hate To tell you 100's Elite you know you're Saying he's one of the top 25 in North One and then you look at the list and This is where it does come back on me And my players we play against some of These kids that make these teams they're Like we smoked them like I kicked his Ass why am I not on it I well because These 30 guys in the big North are Better than you and it's like it's not They should just call it a who paid your Dues Allstar team that's you know and And go from there because it's a sh Which coach is on the committee all Right he's got kids yeah I mean it's Like let's keep it real I mean I try to And and if they look I just don't Nominate to nominate it's like we do That you want something behind it like There should be something that you make It for Jim Matt sck I believed you were One of the top hundred again that's Minor there's so many other things that Are screwed up but I I wanted to shift Gears because obviously I the title is Scoring against any defense right so Which by the way we've talked n none

None of that at all which is which Obviously makes it way better by the way But I do I I do uh uh and dererk will Tell you like we'd rather just sit up There and talk about the stuff we like To talk about obviously people are like Oh what are we talking about what are we Talking about everything but exactly how To beat somebody on on in a game um but No I didn't want to talk about because Obviously I Dereck knows this I'm so Fascinated by the run and shoot like And so any Derek knows if he has any guy Like the click the click that you guys Are in that the talk about the run and Shoot offense like it's always to me Like uh first of all the personalities You know from the guy who I played coach With DJ nyus to to to you guys like DJ know DJ yeah I know DJ we've had Wimberly on we've had nyus on we've had Coach Mick on we had Tony Deo on so Tony Bone nice D two two weeks we have Tony Deo and nyus at the same time wow out They wanted they wanted to do some nyus Wants to do a thing with to with Tony on At the same time so I I I don't even Know if we'll even talk football in that Conversation that would be funny Tony Used to make uh when we did film Exchange with wasburn we'd have to give Him the video and Canoli that was always Tony's thing so I Remember we would send the G up with a

Box of canoli and it's like what but Tony Tony's a good dude Tony didn't even Get to prepare for when we played him Oh yeah gun triple the unbalance like And again I was a defensive coach mostly In college so unfortunately that was the Famous um we're playing wasburn and Literally it neither team could stop Neither team I think it ended up like 49 47 whatever it was it was a shootout but Uh I remember we're winning by three or Two excuse me with like a minute five Left we kick off to them and my older Brother clicks over on the phones and He's like Jimmy um you need to let him Score quick I said excuse me he goes I Got it figured out we need 47 seconds to Score so either get a turnover or get Your kids off the Field and I'm like okay he's got to be Kidding I've never heard that so I'm Like I know you're being a jerk Manny We're going to stop and watch this as Soon as I say that they hit like a 40 Yard play down to the 20 so now I'm like Okay we're in it now because a field Goal we lose and my brother's like no we Can still do it there's 43 seconds left Score he calls a timeout brings the Defense over he says okay I want Everybody off the field I said man you Can't take everybody off the field the Officials come over they're like coach Get your guys he goes no I want them the

Score and the official looks at him goes You really don't think they're just Going to run and take a KNE and run out The game and call a timeout he goes I Don't think they're smart enough to do That talk about Tony so I'm like nanny We cannot do this so long story short They get down to the one yard line they Call a timeout they go for the Game-winning field goal and a kid from Ohio Joe Kaminsky blocks it we win the Game yeah but it was like I tell kids All the time if I ever click over say Let him score I mean it and I've been a Part of it and I was a part of being on The defensive side of the head coach Telling me let him score we didn't but I Got lucky but that's always been our Mindset is like The Reckless abandon and Kind of like we are a click like Wing te Is a everybody's a click and my oh we've Had the Gallaghers and the sadlock had Those Crews of I went to the wing te Clinic in Pittsburgh you would have Thought it was Easter and Jesus rose me Walking in and like Gallagher all these Guys like what are you doing here I'm Like I got I got I play enough of you I Might as well figure out what the fuss Is but it was kind of like his podcast There was no football all we did was Drink and tell stories which was a which Again for me was great right right and I Like that but no it's pretty cool to uh

Just to be a like DJ I remember actually Was derk's year in the playoffs he was An assistant for Al and um I remember Him changing his hoodie he brought it up Was the signal guy and he thought we Were stealing signals and literally he Wi it at halftime and put his hoodie on The coach next to him and I'm like that Could be the funniest thing I ever seen So by he went from a black to a red but He was still singling but he had the Other guy and I'm like if you don't Think we know who you Are or I first off you're like six Whatever yeah you're like the tallest Guy on the field I go second if you Think I can look at your call and call a Defense and the butler kids can line up Right right yeah you're giving us way Too much Credit so funny but he's a good dude I Then I followed his when he left down With the he did some great things offens Riverdell has always been was has been a Great place and he's had some great Players that have come through and like But he listen even he talked about it Like because now he's what do he say Dave two years out of the school retired One or two this will be his third season I think I think it's this is his this Will be his second full year retire so He just talked about about like I mean The he just felt like he didn't have the

Pulse oh that's an awesome gig yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so but you know DJ if you know D's a track guy DJ DJ not Being able to be a a teacher in the School right is Like he's glad he's not teaching but but But that was like his whole I remember That was his whole like thing that's Used to be how he so he's trying to Adapt to not being in the school as much Right I mean what did he say He took like a two we position to get Back in just to get the feel of it again Yeah oh yeah yeah well it's tough It's Like me being out of the building it's a Whole different yeah that's gotta be Really hard at Jefferson because you're Still at West Orange and then going you Only see the kids at and that's one Reason we go night workouts Tuesday Thursday so I see 90% of them right but That's the hard part you don't see them Day to day they talk with their teachers When there is an issue right is a too Like that trust me there's schools I Wish I didn't talk to teachers yeah no [ __ ] as a positive because again add That to the list of things guidance Counseling is another thing that uh that We do that a l you're guidance counselor You're a casew worker you're a freaking Spe concession you're a freaking PT guy OT like you no you name it co coach tell Me on the run and shoot side

Offensively tell me what like about what You you Tred do like the versions of That you're running right and and and we Talk about Derek talks about this all The time about how it doesn't matter how They line up right you you guys are Going to be able to move the ball Against them you have your your your Adjustments for everything talk about Like the kind of the with with the run And shoot H and how your version of how You run it um what you're looking for as Far as trying to to take out a defense And really to to dissect how your guys Can go down the field I guess probably The easiest way is you know we're like RPO Run game I should say where um a lot Of people are but we practice it where Every single every single play we have And we always practice get what works But every play has a sister play that Works if they do this and we we kind of Practice so haphazardly meaning I just Tell the defensive staff I don't you Have 17 kits you can put them all on the Field I don't you have to have 11 you Can line up wherever you like the only Thing I care about is that you keep the Safety Integrity there like three High One high two high everything else I Don't care about the box and everybody's Like doesn't that screw up your Numbering well it doesn't because we're More about exploiting where you're not

So like everybody knows we run belly Jet Sweep and again within that it's I can Do one signal and it could be any one of Four plays it could be an inside run Right or left an outside run right or Left or a pass action off of it and I've Done nothing but make one signal so it's Kind of empowering that's the difference Between me and the coach I played for uh Ty Fleming in Ohio where if he called 23 Power and you were in double eagle and You had a walk up linebacker sitting in That three Gap you're still running Power and praying you don't care you're Praying your guard even though he never Would get there would wrap around you're Running it because you had blind faith That your head coach was calling a play That was right when looking back he was Usually wrong like he would just force It because we were Tougher I'm not that way that's the Difference and I think a lot of it is Being coached that way we teach other Way we're like yeah I'll call belly and There will be games like when we had Rich Ro blesy or I would tell the Quarterback I don't care for his 12 guys In the Box you're running belly because Robo will make the first guy he's Getting three no matter always and he'll He'll make a three yard a 20 yard yep And um and we he snap from the first day Of camp when we're not even in pads the

Ability to go from belly to pop out on Nothing more than snapping the ball like We don't even tell the line sometimes so When we look at every one of our Run Game whether it's under Center or Shotgun everyone has a sister play so if You're going to line up the defend and Shotgun you think we're running counter And you're going to overload the counter Side we'll come back and run speed Option weak and if you try to be Balanced on both sides and everybody Gets creative I'm going to have two Overhangs then we're going to fake it Run quarterback midline so but it's Nothing the kids don't practice because We in practice we go about a play every 12 seconds because my pet peeve are Coaches that do this or t whistles and Dude and I'll fire coaches I have done It everywhere I've been I I'm like Collegiate where like every year after My first year I usually get rid of two Or three coaches and it's not that They're Bad Dudes I just say you're just Not Jim Mets ja his guys right and That's a good thing to some people you Don't have to be but I if you're going To talk to one kid you can't work for me You got to coach on a fly coach on the Fly the kid out put the kid in the Replace and get the kid back in if the Kids understand that's how we Coach they then they go quicker right

Yeah so my run and shoot thing is the Thing that I did get from coach leech And a lot of it had to do with going to Clinics and really it was the clinics You had at like 2 3 in the morning in The in the hotel lounge When coach is having that big Lipper and You're just saying you know what was it Like the coach at Denmark and he'd be Like bro and he would just talk to you And be like okay that's cool but this is Where we had to you know get the timing Of the routes and when the quarterback's Foot he has to have his first read on This step second read on this step and Then if it's not their run that's high School football because I don't have a Line that's G to ever give us three Seconds ever no if I can't create three Seconds by my run game it's not going to Happen so everything we do is predicate At off of the timing of being able to go One two three read four five throw six Escape and we practice it and teach it And the kids adapt but again it has it Is the run and shoot scheme so when we Run smash concept it is smash I don't Give it double numbers I teach the kids Words because I'm a word guy y I'm gonna Call curl and a lot of it has to do with I don't have kids or may no I've never Had a kid go ivy league so I don't have Ivy league players um so I'm not going To be able to get there and go over

Every Dynamic but I tell the outside Receivers if I call hook you're running Hook if I call curl you're running curl If I call slant you're running slant we Make everybody else think so when it Comes to putting kids in a position to Make a play we know there's a certain Type of kid that can play outside and a Certain type of kid that can play inside And we don't get caught I guess I'm the Traditional I don't label players like We don't even go x y a z you're just Either inside outside because with the Tony D Mayo influence where I do go on Balance you never know when you're going To be the outside receiver will motion The outsides across and now my inside is The outside it's like oh no am I the X No you're just a receiver just a wide Out yeah my version is I'm not is into The labels is like my older brother is You know my older brother had x y a z Super and he would tag why bubble why You know mine is no because I don't have That luxury other than West Orange That's probably the only place where I Could say I had two different groups of Skill kids everywhere else the same kids Play both so our version has become Really watered down pass scheme but it's All timing that I like because I know i' Never have a line that can do it so you Know we read high to low 90% of the time Even though my quarterbacks like to go

Low to high or they claim where they Just throw the ball deep and they pray Like Dereck ol because we had a kid at Butler one that could throw the ball Country mile nobody would be within a Mile but he would literally he would Release Itd go and then they'd realize there's Nobody there and they'd let out a ah and Then and it was like Pete come on there I gave his name but that was his junior Year he's still coaching with you it's Fun well well actually he's a new highe At uh calwell University Dad yes that's Great he oh that's good for Pete man Good I ended up con him but I got two of My former assistants to how did you oh My God Lou likes I know what system he's Going to run I said Pete's running it Since fifth Grade We Know listen it's the reason he Didn't make it in college because he Can't figure out another system other Than the run and shoot that's right you Don't know how to take a snap but no so I mean that's probably with the run and Shoot our version it's it's more run First and then shoot later because I've Never you know I don't think I've ever Had that Elite Scotty Brown that Butler Had or Jefferson had the kid McCarney That played at Colgate I coach yeah then He had a a sandwich with the Giants I

Believe so I've never had that big time Quarterback I had good quarterbacks Within my system ever had one that made It work but like Pete was good Wally if We're going to Butler was a system guy So system is around the the running Backs and the slots the key to me Has always been and everybody knows it Are the slot receivers if you can stop My slots good things will happen for you It's kind Of that's remember like that's what I Always say tell you right I say look it Doesn't matter what the defense does it Doesn't matter like what that is like we As an offense my the mindset was always I'm dictating to you what we're gonna do And it's really not that hard find green Grass open space sit down and catch a Ball like that's really kind of it's Clear what you do with the kids in Spring we want to what like I told Parents my first meeting if I give a a Baby a football what's the first thing They usually do they usually try to Either run with it or throw it back so The first thing you teach is to throw so Why not do it throw and run so it's kind Of we do our balls to glory and that Kind of sets the the tempo whether it's An offensive or defensive Days Every Practice starts off with receiver Basics And everybody does it whether you're the Left tackle yeah or the best receiver we

Do balls to Glory just to get our hands Going and for me even last year I had a Kid that played receiver quarterback he Ended the year at tackle so it's like Same way we used to start our practices At rbr Dave like 10 lines across dude And everybody's Dave takes every athlete That can do anything and makes them like A pseudo quarterback like everybody can Because in his situations he's had so Many times where his quarterback has Gone down and he's looked on the bench Like well who's the next guy up all Right it's you every Joy budy just Becomes a quarterback and it's it's Genius because now God forbid those guys Are all comfortable taking a snap and Just doing whatever you know you know Who I got that from I got that from DJ I I never seen that before because when I Was when I was at Saddlebrook we were we Were um Navy triple option and we had Literally you weren't there with Darren White were you yeah oh yeah I was Darren White oh wow good dude yeah great dude So we and as good as good as he was a Football coach softball softball Greatest he's like I say he's like Bergen C he's he might be the the Greatest Bergen County softball coach in History he's up there he's up There's H the guy Indian Hills I don't Know if he's still there he was great Too um yeah there's a lot of football

Softball guys Cosmo I know he coached Laruso was a m big softball guy mck big Softball guy he'd rather talk he'd Rather talk about his girl softball Players in his quarterbacks or funny Yeah it's so DJ taught me he he I came In there and like like the one of the The super backs was throwing the ball I'm like why is he throwing the ball He's like you you don't know who's going To play quarterback he's like he's like You don't know what's going to happen Take all your athletes and they play Quarterback and and then you know what If something happens they go on so one Of the funny stories is I actually ended Up although I didn't get the finished With his career it worked me out of There at Pal Park but um but I had this Kid adami the Silva who went to play at Villain Nova and he was he was uh uh Came to me as a sophomore from he was at Pamis Catholic the first year we played Him at like receiver and quarterback the That very first year and we went to State championship but he was like kind Of a part-timer his junior Year which was the next year we were on This like crazy run we were just winning Games by a bazillion points and he was Great he could run and throw but the kid Who had played quarterback the year Before he got there he by four just was Forced he's our he was our running back

He had a play quarterbacks kaj Huggins The whole year at quarterback so we're Playing we Hawking you know and and Something happens at the beginning of The game he throws a touchdown pass but He goes down and Taj Hawkins comes in Has to go in the next Drive Taj hugin Comes in he runs runs a Zone read pulls It takes off for 60 yards for a Touchdown and and and Addie Ami sitting The silence oh you know I don't know if I hurt my head or I'm telling you as Soon as Taj hit the end zone he's like I'm good I turned to my right and he's Like I'm ready to go I'm like you're Ready to go he's like Ain't No Way Taj Is taking my quarterback job ain't no Way he's taking my quart that's exactly How he said it to me ain't no way he Says I know what you're gonna do I know What you're what you as soon as he went In score I know what you're thinking I'm Like I'm like all right get in there Okay buddy yeah but it was so funny Because because Taj could like he ran For like I don't know almost 3,000 yards For he he knew that you know what I'll Just run Zone Zone re and that kid'll run for Like a bazillion yards and we won't Throw a pass even though the other guy Can throw all over the all over the Place and he was in there and he's like He's like that ain't happening coach

That ain't that's competition brings out The best right oh yeah and that was one Of the things I learned about it was Like anytime something like that Happened you know you I always had a guy That could go in and he could do the job You know I might have to shift a little Bit of what we were doing yeah you got To tweak something things but at least They're somewhat prepared for it and I Think that's kind of like the call System they system group one right You're coming from small schools where Look the guy who does this also does This this this this this this right like You know you talk about it all the time Like one guy is the punt returner kick Returner punter kicker like that's That's the school those are the schools You grew up at coach that like Schuman You're a you're a group one guy I'm a Group one guy I think it gives us a Different look when I I do that with my Did my I coached my son's eight-year-old Team now they'll be nine yeah yeah yeah I so we we do the same numbering system One two three 4 five same numbering System they're on wristbands and U and Uh but they probably could do it off Like the words that we use they probably Could do it I I just uh I'm worried About some of the linemen but the uh but The but skill guys all know it like They're all interchangeable and we would

Practice four even though my son's the The plays most of the time a quarterback We we had four guys practicing a Quarterback and the parents would be Like how come he plays quarterback in Practice but he doesn't ever go in the Game I'm like well that's that he's my He's my slot okay and he carries the Ball but like I like there was like Controversies so I'm trying to explain To them like like you know like you're Going to see Troy line up at the at uh Five and when we do like our double Tight stuff he'll he'll be the tight end And he'll run his little out route even Though he's our quarterback and they're Like that doesn't make sense I'm like Just trust it and we're gonna score Points and bunches and they're all gonna So all the all the running like the the Skill guys yeah they all can line up a Court like if something happened to my Son or the second quar like the third Guy could literally line up there and And run um run yet you know you guys Would call our belly and then he could Roll out and throw and and he and he Could do it like you would you'd be Shocked because all of a sudden he'd Come right out and he would just call it Boom go right it wouldn't look like this Is not supp to be Happ no different you Know yeah the only difference is maybe The talent level of the guy correct but

There's but as far like he would look Great and and people like why why I'm Like listen you could teach it to to any Kids I was doing wristbands and one two 3 four five with my six-year-old kids Flat when they when he was doing flag And and it was we'd go no huddle and People like I can't get my guys lined up I think that's because I'm like I can't Get my gu signed up I'm like we're ready To run the play Mr official what are we Waiting for I well I think that's one Big thing too that like you know you Hear all these guys calling plays and The verbage is just in watch too Protection and this I grew up man here's What it is it's formation which way the Plays going and then here's the play one Word like Done like yeah your play Sheet's bigger Like what do we like yeah how do you Even and then it's like well they only Need to know this part when they hear it They need to know this no I want Everybody to know what's going on the Nonsense I call I call the Gruden Nonsense that's exactly Gruden's listen Everyone he's a legend I said when I saw Saw the stuff and how they call it I go I I couldn't I'm very high IQ I couldn't Remember any of that there's no way I Could remember that stuff and and I just Think that like why is it so like when I See that when I used to watch the Gruden

Why is it so hard why are make it so Hard no it's crazy you know like if your Quarterback's a genius great you know What I mean like great he's a genius Okay you you can G you can give him more But I can tell you that your wide Receiver is not a genius okay he he he Wants to know what route he's got to run And be able to understand it quickly so He can play Fast the last thing you want Is your receiver standing out there am I Running a curl or am I running yeah no It's Nuts it's funny be and you see it over And over again and what I love like the You talked about coaching on the Fly how Many and you know this because you fired So many guys because of this that is my Pet peeve why why are you not coaching Him as we're getting lined up he's like No I need to talk to him right now I'm Like no talk to him as he's lining up Yeah tell him what he's doing John take Him out yeah get his back up in get his Back up in exactly yeah you know crazy Listen coach Dunn who I coached with From old Japan who's meshed like the Wing tea With all the spread stuff and he's done A great job when he when he had um what Was the quarterback that was uh the Great athlete like really H ja had studs For years well they had that the kid who Played at UCLA as oh Fuller Fuller so

The first Fuller not the one that's in The NFL Now that was when he went to gun and Really started going to holl and Everything and um I coached with him in 2016 and when I when I was a assistant I Was the Special Teams coordinator but I Was literally the running backs coach And I was like oh you don't need to be Doing anything the running back I was The linebackers coach and the running Backs coach I'm like okay so I would Coach the running backs and as they Would be walking up like this was Expected his his system just like DJ Just like yeah coaching on as those Running backs were walking up like I Would be correcting that what where Their eyes should have been dude on the Fly you got to move you how many running Back coaches don't say anything the kid Runs the ball and like get stuffed and They just yell at him because like he he Didn't re he didn't he didn't read the Hole well did you watch the way he was Stepping did yeah no they don't it's Like the guys that are coaching Receivers and a kid drops a pass you Gotta catch that no [ __ ] yeah well like No [ __ ] my there's a lot of pet peeves But the other one I have is game day and I'm really bad with coaches on this I Hate when we watch film as a staff after The game and we noticed something in the

First quarter and the kid's doing the Same thing wrong in in the fourth and Then you go up to the position coach and You're like we were talking about this During the game why why why still in and Why is he making the same mistake and It's just like some coaches just want to Stand on the Sideline Polo and act oh I'm a coach and Unfortunately you have to weed them out Because the kids can sense that they see Right through they don't deserve it kid Kids want to be coached it has nothing To do with winning and losing if they Win they want to know that we were equal Partners believe it or not I don't even Know if that makes sense but but it's Just like I am getting inundated with How many coaches just don't coach on the Fly and it shows game day because if They don't do it during the week and Game day when you're literally on the Fly the kids don't they think some they Panic oh my God coach is now yelling at Me he hasn't yelled all week what did I Do wrong right correct correct M making Those being able to coach on the Fly is Is it's such a game changer it's such a Big deal at high school I me all of them Are coaching that way but in high school They're not you know why because I I Think a lot of it is and you correct me If I'm wrong coach I think a lot of it Is wherever they played in high school

Okay their position coach basically sat Back and didn't say that much and if They didn't play at college and didn't See their coaches getting you know F Like my linebacker coach will follow me Up the field like who's following me all Of a sudden you make a great play I'm Like who the hell is on top of the pile It' be Veron Hargraves Veron Hargraves Be on the pile Like that's what I mean it it was the f I I used to love I loved him as my liveb Coach because he was just like an inside Drill you make you you if you made the Correct read and and you you blew up the Play and got him for like he was you Would hear him on the top of the pile That's right I told you that's right you Wrong I'm exactly right he's yelling it He's on the pile like you're like can I Get off this pile he's on top of it like Literally jump on top of the pile but That was what made him such a like a Memorable coach I wasn't shocked that he Went to Miami and all the places he's Been and had success he has because his His ability to coach on the Fly even When he wasn't like the coaching staff He was at when I first got there was his Guy and then skip Holz came in he wasn't Really skip holtz's guy but skip Holz Came kept him because he was so good Yeah and then eventually he moved on to Miami uh to get more opportunities but

Like that that that's always if kids if Guys play in high school even if they're At a great quote unquote high school Program that had success yeah you know What I'm talking about right they still Not even getting they they still don't Get it like they they they don't get and They're looking at you this is the Funniest part and this is why you have Turnover on your staff because they Start looking at you Like you don't know what you're doing That that's one of my peteves you're Looking at me like I don't know what I'm Doing and you're the one that actually Has no idea what you're doing yeah and And it's like that that's always a Source of conflict and those are always The guys that go to to the Administrators and complain in my Opinion they're always the one that like He wants me to do this and he wants me You mean I want you to work yeah God Forbid I want you to research it I mean I laugh because a lot of times some of The best coaches I had or then never Played they just researched their job And I and I tell my coaches every year I Don't want you to know a scheme I I Don't want that no I want you to be the Best running back guard whatever you Coach you research it and I don't it has Nothing to do with your prior knowledge Just care enough and I go send kids

Videos do something you know pick a Player learn how he does it coach it up But these guys unfortunately now they Don't make a lot but they coach for Stiens and They the recognition teachers get in the Building when you're young you know F You before they get tenure I want to be The assistant coach I want to break down Video with you I call and then tenure Comes and they're no longer you know They don't they quit coaching they do Whatever and it's just like I think Tenure B should be removed if if you got Your job because you coached and you Stopped coaching you no longer should be Employed that's a great Point what did I Said Dave how many times do I tell you Like that's where I'm on such like you Know and Dave's never been in like you Know never never taught or any of that Right but NBA so he sees it all from a Business side he's like yo what the like But I want to run like a business that This not doing job you fire them there's Nowhere you can we don't make a lot of Money you work 180 days people the Teachers are they're not happy and now This will give me crap if they're not Complaining they're not a happy Teacher Correct it's like number one all the Happy Teachers complain and they all Complain about what they don't make and I'm like okay if you're a re I couldn't

Imagine being a regular teacher that Clocks in at 7:30 and leaves at 2:45 or 3 o'clock and you're done like you don't Have nobody calling you you're like you Don't exist you go home to your little World I'm like I can't imagine the last Time I was able to leave school that Early or not have a parent call me on a Sunday night and say coach where are we Going do we have what do we got this Week it says a you people complain let's Complain about the 25 cents an hour they Pay my coaches right to be here in the Summer yeah nobody gets that stien I Know you know I had one player who Played for uh Derek was a DB for him That wanted to come coach with us at Pope John and first thing he said when I Told him I said dude we might be able to Give you $5,000 which is pretty good for A position coach he's like coach I need At least 50 you're like said yeah I said Me too I said yeah I go what do you Think we make he goes well I know what You make it West orang I said no I make That as a teacher teacher right football Is different football St he's like well I don't believe you guys only do it for5 To $10,000 yeah we do I we do we're we Still want to compete and when you're my Age the only way I can compete is Through coaching like yeah I don't live Through my kids they do their own thing I compete Fridays and Saturdays whatever

Sport I'm coaching and that's it that's What keeps me I don't have like my dad I Don't have another hobby my hobby is You're not gonna see Jim matad sackis With Dave Albano mountain biking anytime Soon because that's Dave's Hobby and He's is that what he's doing now oh he He's always done it it's been like a Closet closet bike guy so when we're Drinking and doing our cigars and i' I've became really good friends with him Since 99 when I moved here because funny Story about Dave is Jefferson actually Offered him the job before I ever came Into the picture and they called him and Said hey there's some guy from Kansas if He passes his practice we're gonna offer Him the job would you be interested if He doesn't pass his test so two years Later I meet him at a Morris County Luncheon he just got the job at parh Hills I get introduced he comes up he Goes you're the [ __ ] that took my job I said excuse me yeah you've been boys Ever since and then he told yeah and We're like actually he's probably my Closest friend in New Jersey and it's Like but we talk about things that have Gone wrong kind of like you brought up Earlier and it's just like we stay in it Because in our warped minds I think we Think the longer we can hold on maybe There's some hope it circles back to What's right instead of everything

That's going wrong because when you lose These young Co like the kid at Randol I Don't even know his name he was only There two years na there go did a great Job great job now he's going back and Then the guy at hunterton Central or North hunterton won a State title gave It up and they're all using the same Thing family family I'm like bro you're The head coach make up your own schedule Like how can you have a family issue When you're the head coach like when I Was an assistant in college if manino Called me and said hey coach you got to Go to the airport pick up the eight Millimeter I'm not I'm getting coffee on The way and I'm gone now it's like I Want a title I want this I want that and It's just like we're losing losing good Young coaches because the parents are so Unreal when they say family they mean I Don't want to deal with the [ __ ] Anymore yes it's not my family it's you All your family and it's like they're Winning like it just blows my mind and The sport is losing I mean even the kid The the kid I feel bad when I say kid Like Jerry who I replaced at Jefferson Did a great job he was a great player on And I coached against him but like what Ran him out of a good situation one he Knew coaches don't leave programs when You know you're going that Jim Matt Sackis is the only one that leads

Programs better than they were and you Can research that one go to Butler we go To the finals four years later they're Winning it West Orange we do our thing Start all the young kids we leave four Years later finals Jefferson same thing Maybe I need to leave now come back and Four I don't know but it's just like I Know we're doing what's right because One I'm big on building the message yep Getting him to understand I am a 1980 we Run an 80 system it's just disguised With all these cool terms you know I Don't use the word RPO because I don't Want a 14y old thinking he's in charge Yes but they know my options we give Them so you know it's kind of neat and Just trying to get this new generation Caught up but it's it scares me the good Guys that we losing and it has nothing To do with knowledge of the game I think Clinics need to be Revamped my father and I should have Brought it down I have I have a glass They used to do the National High School Convention in Atlantic City and I think In 1962 I gota look at the glass you had Vince Lombardy Woody Hayes uh Bear Bryant and George Allen was with the With the Redskins I believe they were Keynote speakers at the convention in Atlantic City I'm like holy now we just Get the ruer staff not that That's you make a great that's a great

Point the last great Clinic I haven't Gone to any in probably two three years But the LA before Co it literally was a Couple weeks before covid happened There's this guy a Connecticut runs uh This guy in Connecticut runs the N their Yeah the Nike one yep I remember yes so I went to it and um they had uh Ed Orin Davo Sweeney um and the quote unquote Undercard was the Iowa head coach um her Friend friends right um uh the Yukon Head coach at the time Randy edel right Oh okay was a bunch of guys it was a Bunch of So Randy Ed so I I go and and Randy's still the head coach I know Randy pretty well he was right after Skip um and just from over the years so I'm like you know let me sitting on Randy so every you know everyone's Bashing Randy because Randy's you know He's his second round the Yukon was not What it was the first round right and Maybe he wasn't putting in the same Level effort but I never seen him speak On a clinic you know and he's a DB guy And he goes he talks he did the whole d Uh DB talk and the different Coverages and I mean I was just floored I said this is why Randy edel is where He he is like this guy was breaking down Not just DB play but the coverages and When you utilize them and um and it was So good it was I mean I was writing Copious notes on it you know I went you

Know I knew Randy I talked to him after And you know I said to myself I was like Gee I'm like Randy edel is is is a Brilliant guy with the defensive backs How many of these clinics do should need Would be great if we would have Randy Edel breaking down DB play you know uh Davo Sweeney breaking down wide receiver Play which is what he did that day Ed Orin broke down he they were the two big Speakers Sweeny and uh Sweeney and um or But oron the whole Clinic the whole Clinic he spoke after he said oh we won The National Championship it was right After he won he did an hour and 40 Minutes he was supposed to be on there For an hour he did hour and 40 minutes On defensive line play and Specifically just technique on the Defensive line so he was literally Walking through everything and I can Tell you that all whatever guys were in That big Auditorium everybody was at Attention it was so good it so detailed And you don't have guys don't want to do Clinics man they don't want to go there They don't want to do this stuff it's All online so they just feel like Whatever that's what changed the co Changed it made the camp clinics go Online that I agree I just miss again I Know I'm dating myself with like the old Stories from coaches where like you go To a hotel and Y smoke cigars and the

Biggest alert was when the Clinic's over You're literally in a Lobby till 3: in The morning with a chalkboard and drinks And beer and again I'm not promoting all That stuff but it's it's what used to be It just doesn't doesn't happen now it's Hey let's go to Atlantic City where not Only am I not going to learn anything I'm not even gonna hang out with my Peers because I'm only with my coaches And we're all drunk at the Cino doing Our thing and it's just like okay the Best Clinic is the one that's not in Atlantic city that has you just go Somewhere it's a hotel with football Guys and you're right about ozer on I Remember doing a clinic at FD you and he Was a speaker and there was a o line Coach was at Syracuse at the time and he Was doing o line technique and and Ed Was in the crowd and next thing you know It's full board oneon-one Against this guy and shirts are being Ripped he's going go ahead grab me I'm Gonna do this and he's like I'm like Where am it was like awesome and this Would have been like 92 I was right when I was at Wagner College and I'm like This is cool again it was Little Clinic But but the knowledge and the one to one That you would get just doesn't happen Now it's like you know the speakers come In they talk they give you their five Minute here's my business card email me

I'll send you what I got yeah you don't Even have to take notes because Everybody wants to send it to you car And carich and Mello used to run a great One too yeah remember that that one used To be a great they did a good there was A good one even the guy at uhh Bob Valley I think used to run Bob Valley Used to do yeah that was a good one There was Stango used to do a great one With the old Line they're there but it just seems Like I think there's not enough young Coaches that give a crap that like right Now want to go out and perfect their Craft and that's where I have a they Just want titles they want you know That's where I have a problem like Everybody wants to know why have I never Had coordinators I don't want anybody Know who because I don't want them F I Don't want anybody else to take the fall For me like if you want to be a Coordinator you can call yourself that But you don't have I'm still running Everything right it's just like here's Your script and you know defensively I've been fortunate because I've had Guys yeah that I've been with long Enough like now back at Jefferson my D Coordinator I hired in two 99 the first Time I was there and he's managed to Stay the whole time so having him back Gives me the freedom of dude Billy you

Got the defense I'll rock the other two Out of three maybe get Derek to come Back up north and coach specials at at Jefferson Township but he's not leaving The shore he's living the dream he's not Coming back north of 80 anytime that's All right short conference defenses Don't I'll just go to our house of Mana Squan when I want to see you I you CL as I get what do you want Bab well coach what what we don't want To we we we've taken two hours of your Time which by the way is fantastic you Wow I didn't even know that put put you Automatically in the top three of uh Time we've consumed so uh you know we We've Rob we've robbed you have two Hours you but it's been phenomenal I Mean it's a great talk with you and and Appreciate it man yeah I mean like it's It's anytime you ever want to come on Like I think I think we're gonna have to Bring you on with a couple of these uh These guys all at the same time and just Do a little um I think it'd be awesome Like yeah you gotta get Fusco on he's One of the best like darl does a good Job and he's talk about keeping you Captain He's one of the fun oh my God and he Knows football which is a surprise Because I used to think it was always Just a goofy dude with great players He's actually very very know he knows

His [ __ ] he knows and he's smart enough To get out of the way of his coaches Well and I think that's like when I was When we were at that New Jersey you know Football coaches association like and His whole like you look at the slate and You see Mountain Lake staff speaking That just tells you a little something Right you actually hear them speak And you can tell each one of those guys Has that full responsibility underneath His umbrella but he is very much a you Do your thing you do your thing but Those kids all Buy in so and he got that From Wilkins and just like the machine Rolls on and usually you know lenp Valley hired a guy at work for small and I don't know if Ridgewood did did he Work for Chuck the new coach at Ridgewood I'm not sure who's the new Coach at Ridgewood he got it last year I I've been out I haven't played him in a While they had a guy that was there but Then Chuck came back yeah right and then He went somewhere else but I don't know If did he I I'm not sure I haven't Looked at that's all right don't I mean Ridgewood has that System that thing has been rolling yeah Yeah I actually student taught at Ridgewood that was that was my that was By the way what finished me off for Wanting to be a teacher even though by The way Ridgewood I mean when I say it

Was easy peasy the guys were great Because Chuck John Chuck John he was Great with me and um and the guy who was My uh uh student the guy who was what Whatever they call it your Mentor yeah Yes I was older than him by the way but He was my mentor he was great and um I I Thought but I but I realized I realized That I loved I loved what I was doing Already and I was like ah you know I'd Rather do that and I enjoy I'd love Coaching but I I I didn't think I wanted To sit in um class all day I just you Know that that was really well that's Like my three brothers they'll they'll Never They'll never go to high school because They can't imagine doing sitting in a Classroom yeah and for eight hours every Day doing something that's not football That that was what went through my head As I was sitting there and and when I Had to uh climb the uh you know you know I was I was doing gym and I I had to Climb they had made me climb over uh uh Uh a ladder with everyone holding it by Ropes and you it was a trust thing trust Thing yeah yeah so here's the funny Thing about it is this this is where I Decided there's no way I'm doing this so I I'm doing it I I taught it all and it Was great and that's every kid went over The my mentor goes now coach schan you Gotta go over I said what you're like

That wasn't part of the plan I was like I I don't trust the Kids you're like absolutely not so so I Go over as I get over to the other side I get over I get over the other side of It you know and I did that was a good Sport about it came down the other side I thought there's no way I'm doing this For 20 years no way oh there it is no Way someone's dropping me at some point In this at some point no way I'm doing This but um but it's Kudos obviously to You know you you and Derek taught Forever it's it's it's it's it's really The most important thing it's just for Me I was just like it couldn't be Couldn't be yeah no no I'm with you get To the point where I don't know if I Didn't have the little ones I probably Would just be doing a DJ thing in Coaching football only but I still got a Long time with the youngest I got to Coach little Manny that's it all right Coach well we'll let you go it was great Having you on thanks coach okay take Care great day thanks so Much all right that that was that was Phenomenal trip bro we we oh Wow uh I don't can you see the I'm Curious if you're able to see the number Of continuous viewers at the same oh I Guess I only see how long we like went For you tell a lot I see what I see Couple people in the chat Clarence

Williams the fth uh a couple Asian hit Individuals I see that and then yeah Some guys bore football hey man it's a Couple people but I know I can't see any Of the viewership so so it's I guess I Guess maybe at the ministry I don't I See now you see though R like you know When I talk about when you're like yo When you call offense you're this way That's exactly why I'm that way it's Because you can see his whole philosophy Is built off of dude we're doing this This this and this I don't care what you Do and he's not bullshitting when he's Talking about hey you have 17 guys for The defense go put him out there Wherever you want I don't really care Like and people look at it like he's Crazy and it's like what are you doing You're try you're only playing against 11 but practice he's like dude I don't Care where you throw guys out there we Should still be able to do what we do And up and do all that other kind of Stuff like he's 100% like that's what he Does and you know like that's you can Tell why you know some people don't like What he does is because he's gonna give It to you the way it is and that's kind Of look like there's a certain type of Kid that either jumps on board or either Doesn't and if they do it's a hell of a Ride and you learn a [ __ ] ton and by the Time you get to the next level it's all

There for you right but some of these Guys just can't you know I think it's There's there's two kind of sides of Football right like like where we are And um coach Matt sakis and nyus and d And and and um that style of football Move fast play hard and then Coach on The fly like just like nothing you don't Really gonna dwell on anything you know What I mean just next play next play Because just like football next play Next play next play and then there's the Other system which is Count complete Counter to what we do which I I couldn't Handle it I couldn't handle it I I Wouldn't be able to I I I've never like As when I've been an assistant I've I've Always chosen the places that have kind Of uh been in line with the only place I Didn't choose the first one was Saddlebrook because um just going home I Was going home I was lucky it was a it Was uh it was one of the great learning Things because I learned and you Probably learned more from that Experience triple option absolutely and I look at my stops too because I've been At a lot of places at this point now Some because I chose to leave some Because you know I didn't choose to Leave and we're just it just happened That way but I've definitely taken Something from every place I've been and I think you know I've worked at

Different size schools private publics Right like different you know whether it Was that whether it was a football place Or not a football place whether it was You know there's a lot of intangibles That you take from where you actually Are in that school and then yeah some of Them move like can just you can keep Those same values as you go everywhere But you have to make little changes Depending on where you're at and what's Going on oh no doubt 295 continuous Viewers I'm assuming most of that's the Twitter but um spring break's a Beautiful thing spring break somebody Needs something to do yeah well these Guys are mad as hell be raining all day For the next couple pissed oh it's not What it's going to be the next couple Days I think I saw raid all week oh gosh Well all right let's let's let's get it Uh ended and rolling and we'll go from There great break podcast I'm sure we'll Have a lot of night I can't even keep up With all the I'm trying to get Clips out It there's so many good Clips I I can't Even do it quick enough like I I loaded You up this week I have 30 clips from Brenman I haven't got out like I I've Gotten like a few here and there He did a good job he cut a lot of his Stuff up like he cut he cut it and used That content from our for H like good Dude he he whoever he has doing his

Stuff is good great stuff yeah good Stuff man that's the way to kick off the Week no doubt

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