Story about Landon collins and how he arrived at baton rouge part 3

Um but Landon Collins was just a Fantastic athlete Ball Hawk every once In a while we would have guys that would Maybe have better hips or something like That but every Camp he went to he would Come out…

Um but Landon Collins was just a Fantastic athlete Ball Hawk every once In a while we would have guys that would Maybe have better hips or something like That but every Camp he went to he would Come out as an overall MVP uh DB MVP Because of his ball skills his Physicality his speed um and just he was A great football player uh but he but he Was a great person he was really easy to Get along with a great guy obviously When I tremendous success at Alabama in The NFL um but you know got to really Talk to his father over years who was a Very big guy as well um while while he Was at those events so not surprised by All the success he had um Landon Collins

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