Special: National Signing Day Recap Coverage, Alabama 1, Ohio State 2..Best class ever for Bama?

Special: National Signing Day Recap Coverage, Alabama 1, Ohio State 2..Best class ever for Bama? with Coach Schuman ohiostatefootball #alabamafootball #georgiafootball Subscribe for Updates You are invited to Coach Schuman’s NUC All World Game In February. You Can Register At…

Special: National Signing Day Recap Coverage, Alabama 1, Ohio State 2..Best class ever for Bama? with Coach Schuman

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Welcome to national Signing Day uh Co Schuman here we're GNA Talk today as much we can about um National Signing Day and everything that Goes into it um and and cover each team And break them down uh couple quick Thoughts now number one one and number Two looks like uh as far as from a Recruiting class Standpoint uh it's going to be Alabama Which may have the best recruiting Class um they've had ever uh so we'll go Through each class we'll pull them up We'll we'll go and and look at uh 247 Sports and see what they have as far as Rank goes and just kind of talk about Some of the players uh as as far as we Know um all day long we'll be tweeting Out stuff as well at NC sports.com and National under class I mean uh at Coachman on Twitter uh before I do that I want to give a shout out to to to my Own guys at Red Bank Regional um we Already had Owen LA and Simon Richmond And now we have Nim Abdul s Castle State And uh Brian Nitzki um uh so who's going to be Signing today as well and he's going to Be signing with Baldwin Wallace Uh in Ohio so it's really really uh two Of our linemen and and our quarterback Linebacker so pretty cool stuff um so But we'll get right into it um and I'll Share my screen as much as much as I can

As I kind of go through some of the some Of the uh uh top prospects but now you Know I'm getting a lot of my information From the net from uh 247 Sports some of The other outlets uh that do a great job Of covering it but obviously we want to Make sure that you kind of get the the The skinny on everything and yesterday I Tweeted about the controversy around Tennessee and um and their prospects uh And and how they've resented an offer And before I talk about the recruiting Classes I think that that's one of the Uh um things that's happened more and More and a lot of people are confused About how that happens and why that Happens and why someone resend a Prospect's offer there's multiple Reasons and uh you know obviously I Don't know the details of everything um But what what the prospect claims and And Uh and the what the top prospect claims And what Tennessee claims are kind of Two different things uh Prospect claims That you know Tennessee basically uh Took their offer because they didn't Want them anymore uh or didn't have Availability uh after being committed For all that time and then Tennessee Says that they didn't think he'd be Eligible from a recruiting standpoint Who knows there's obviously Tennessee is A big mess that has to be get cleaned up

And um you know I think that's going to Affect a lot from a ranking standpoint And and what continues to happen there Um because Tennessee is in a situation Where uh they got an uphill climb after Many years of having trouble uh in Recruiting and um you know they got a Major major uphill climb from that Standpoint the other cool thing that's Going on you got a ton of uh um offers That are going out as well that's become A new thing so national Signing Day Becomes one of those uh uh deals where Uh people are signing because a lot of Them sign on an early Signing Day um and Uh not as many sign as they used to on National sign day to sign that early Signing period so you have lot of Schools that use the opportunity to Offer players on for 2022 and 2023 and Beyond um so that's really cool cool Process that that I see happening more And more um from from that standpoint So but this is this used to be the uh The Christmas Day for for schools and um But it's not it's not the case as much As it used to be but it's still a huge Huge huge huge day this is a day that Now people are solidifying their class Um and there's all kinds of different Things going on which is really cool From a recruiting standpoint like I said This is definitely a a uh a Bananza um with people trying to get

Their last player signed um you saw a Couple I tweeted out earlier today uh The Raging cinjun had a bunch of guys Signed and they just had a great great Year um you see and they're they're Reaping the benefits of that as one of Those sleeper schools out there um Alabama signed a uh the running back That they were hoping to get signed uh Which was um uh a five star and and so They got that taken care of um Michigan Signed a top D lineman so we we we'll Break down you know who's who so far is Signed or enrolled in this 2021 class And what's really cool is Alabama has uh 14 already uh in enroles in this class And then another 12 that signed the Letter intent so they already have 14 Guys on campus they got 12 more guys Coming in uh it's an incredible class as Far as their R national rank like I said Before they are number one uh last year They were number two they they have an Incredible number of five-star commits Um in this group they let's get the Breakdown of that um and this a five Look rivals.com or or 247 sports are Kind of domain providers of those things So you could kind of look at uh they're All pretty much in range but Alabama has One two three [Music] Four Fives four five

Six looks like six five stars just in This class alone uh and everybody else Is a mega Prospect four star higher Other than two or three guys um so some Really really interesting Prospects um they signed as far as from A top tier standpoint and he's already Enrolled uh the number one tackle JC Leam from IMG Academy uh nationally Ranked number two according to 247 Sports to number two um number two Offensive tackle in the country Tommy Brocker uh from All Saints episo out of Fort Worth Texas the number one uh Number one cornerback uh J Quincy Mckinstry out of Pinson Valley Alabama The number two uh wide receiver jakori Brooks out of IMG Academy uh Let's just going to get through their Top guys and then get you some Interesting ones too in their class uh St Thomas aquinus is Dallas Turner the Number one player at a defensive end the Number four player at defensive tackle Damon Payne from Belleville Michigan um We to we announced this earlyer the Number uh number two running back of the Country five-star kimar Weaton um who is at 511 190 out of Garland Texas Lake View Centennial and I think that's the bulk Of the five stars uh in this class uh as Usual they and they already have a lot

Of these guys enroll they have the two Top tackles which is just unbelievable Um they got the number two offensive Guard uh from Fort Valley Georgia teren F Ferguson on the offensive line um they Also got I know I'm missing him here I Thought they got a center yes yeah I Said cater James brocken Meer he's Number one uh player at his position um And Then jayen Roberts out of Houston Texas Offensive lineman so they basically have A four out of five offensive lineman That are top tier and defensive line Which is always a huge huge get for them From from from that standpoint and um It's it's a situation where they they Now have um uh a lock on getting great Linemen and so if you're a quarterback That goes there and they sign to dual That quarterback as well you you're Talking about uh a a group that's going To be protected and why and that's why You get more and more skill players Coming there uh running backs receivers And their wideopen offense always you Know don't they don't Hire assisted coaches they they they Hire Um they hire they don't hire assistant Coaches they hire head coaches so you Know as assistance which is amazing and Which brings in even more talent because Nick sa could say hey he's got so many

Former head coaches on his staff um the Guys he gots are has huge NFL experience So that that parlay is is a huge huge Thing from a standpoint of what they're Doing there from a recruit standpoint so It's incredible um so B's number one This could be the best class that Alabama has had of all time I mean 2447 Sports say the highest ranked class In their history Um uh a couple other announcements I Announced this earlier Kentucky beats Out Auburn for fourstar linebacker Trevon Wallace who who's definitely Definitely a top player um so now you Get over and you say you know how does It affect their Cru I mean the Separation between top programs and You'll see as we get to number two here Uh Ohio State and as you go through the Ranks and this is 247 I'll give you Rivals rankings too 247 has Bama one Right now uh it's probably gonna stay That way but Ohio State 2 Georgia 3 LSU 4 Clemson 5 which I think is interesting Uh Oregon six USC 7 which I think is Really really interesting as well as Texas A&M and 8 Notre Dame kind of Consistent where they are at nine Michigan's still recruiting strong at 10 Um and so you know that's your that's Kind of your top 10 uh other other Surprises and and I'll go through Classes that had some surprises as well

And like I said I was wrong Alabama had Seven five stars four uh 15 four stars Ohio state has Ohio five five stars 13 Four stars Georgia has uh four four five Stars and um 11 four stars he's still Kirby Smart's still getting top players Uh Ed oraron still R High even though They had a little bit more of a Difficult year um LSU at four with two Five stars 15 four four stars Clemson With three and 14 Oregon 194 Stars USC One5 five star top player in the country Mind you which I thought was really Interesting 14 four stars uh puts USC in A great position Texas A&M one five star 15 four stars Notre Dame 12 four Stars uh Michigan one F star 12 four Stars Oklahoma's at 11 uh University of Miami with big move At two5 stars uh at 11 uh and 11 four Stars Florida Uh with uh at 13 North Carolina 14 it's A big move for them from last year Wisconsin 15 Tennessee at 16 uh if they weren't in the SEC that Would probably be good um the Salvage in Class it's interesting what they're Doing I don't agree with some of the Stuff but you know I don't know the big Picture Texas 17 Mar Texas obviously Going through uh with sarkeesian he he Got a five star we'll talk about that Maryland with at 18 which is incredible That's one of the top um in the Big 10

Old Miss at 19 Nebraska at 20 um and then let's go down a little Bit of the list Pittsburgh uh a little Bit of a surprise at 25 which real good Class for Them um we go down Kentucky at 31's Pretty good for them although for the SEC not great but um some dips in in in Classes I saw with um Washington down to 34 Um Minnesota's definitely a little bit Of drop from where they were Ruckers With a big move up to 41 two four stars 183 Stars Cincinnati at 42 24 three Stars that's an excellent class for Them Memphis with an outstanding class With 25 three stars so really Interesting uh from from that Standpoint uh if you look at by Conferences you look by Conference if you look by conference Um we go through these rankings and You'll see the accs Clemson 1 Miami 2 North Carolina 3 Florida State four Pittsburgh five big 12 Oklahoma 1 Texas 2 O which is putting them back in range Oklahoma state three West Virginia four Baylor five Big 10 Ohio State One Michigan 2 Wisconsin 3 Maryland four Nebraska five Penn State is now six That's a little bit of drop there uh Like I said big mover from uh for Ruckers which was probably last last Year or near last is now number nine uh

Um so that's a big move for them Talent Pack 12 Oregon one USC 2 California Three UC 4 Utah five I think it's pretty Darn good by Utah being in the top five Uh uh some you know stanfords at eight I Mean that's kind of they're never near The top uh from that standpoint and uh Alabama one Georgia 2 LSU 3 A&M four uh Florida five like I said Tennessee's Held it together uh South Carolina's in Deep trouble there's there's a lot that Has to go on There that they've got to do to improve And then um uh some really big surprises Normally a top 10 when Gus Malon was There or and at worst the top 15 uh Auburn in the country that is Meaning top five in the SEC Auburn at 12 Which is uh a shocker a shocker there That is a shocker Auburn Auburn at 12 So those are those are some really Really crazy thing things you know Auburn's going to have A a huge uphill climb huge uphill climb Here and I don't know with Alabama in Their state you know uh the move away From Gus Malon curious move there as We you know other than that you got your Big big dogs up there up top um Conference USA Cincinnati one Memphis Two SMU three which is a big move for Them uh ucf4 us F5 which is uh a big Move there Houston dropping a little bit They're at

Seven um Temple at 9 they they were more Towards the front early you know Navy Does it more more with less than any Other team in the country and I don't Mean less from a talent standpoint they They get their rankings they they they Get great players that do what they need To do and and so uh Independence ah I Don't know much about some of these but UTSA is a big surprise at number one um Who's their head coach who's UTSA Jeff Trailer where is Jeff trailer at before Curious that Jeff trailer was at Where was he at Before I mean that's that's a big big Move there by them um UTSA being number One in Independence uh uh that's that's Pretty impressive North Texas 2 Florida Atlantic 3 North Texas been steadily Getting better and better recruits uh FIU 4 race five then you're kind of Moving down the list there Um Marshall at 11 is a little bit of a Shocker and you know they were they are One of the Powers uh in that Conference I Mean in the see what do we to See the A I'm sorry Cincinnati's AAC I don't Know what he talking about AAC was Cincinnati Conference USA is UTSA um these the some of these other Confer get confused by AC okay all right

So why isn't oh that's right because Yukon went Independent got it okay Independence Notre Dame obviously number one BYU Number two 163 Stars Army 3 Liberty 4 New Mexico State 5 Yukon Six that Massachusetts seven so Yukon is Behind New Mexico state in Recruiting I'm G have to take a hard Look at That my Goodness brutal did they sign any away From New Jersey Yukon they didn't send Anyone from New Jersey said Don McAn Deon McAn all right so myma Mater uh Hopefully that's not a reflect hopefully Those players get developed because if That's their Ranking Brutal okay Mack we go over to Mac Toledo is one michig Central Michigan is Two Miami of Ohio three Northern Illinois four ball stay five uh whatever The M West is I don't even know what I Thought that used to be the Uh e Mountain West okay uh San Diego State Boise State UNLV Fresno State Colorado State uh San Diego State eclipsing boy State's a little bit surprised UNLV Being number three is a little bit of a Surprise in that conference amazing off The year W San Jose State has that the

Still 10 everything else kind of makes sense Appal hent State W is winning the uh the Battle for the sunbell conference the Rag cage is doing a great job in Coastal Carolina number three Georgia Southern Four Georgia State Five very Interesting um nailing their recruiting Base Coastal Carolina leveraging that Great year same thing with the raan cun Leveraging that great year that they had Um to really to give them an an Opportunity So let's look at uh let's take a second And look at first of all the top recruit In the country Corey Foreman um one of the things you'll see From from from Cory Foreman first going To USC the number one Prospect in the Country from beginning to End Cory Foreman will will we'll play a Little bit there just so you guys could See what uh uh the top prospect in the Country looks like if I can pull up some Stuff Here it was never about the gold it was Always about the Goals all right Cory foran Cor Foreman starts and and this is That's right he's California from Centennial California Corona Corona Centennial California 65 275 270 uh Defensive end we we'll show you a little

Bit What It Takes now they didn't have a Season so he started out as the number One player um has has continued all the Way through as number one Prospect Uh despite the fact that he did not have A season him going to USC is a huge coup For Coach hton um being able to get a Prospect like Cory Foreman to stay home Stay in his backyard at USC uh when you See something like that you know that There's that quietly like they they Played better this year they're quietly Improving uh USC is a is a program that I think if they continue to go in the Direction they're going they they could End up being back uh with an opportunity To be uh a power in uh the the Pack 12 Conference and that's a huge move for USC in getting Corey Foreman he was the Guy that we talked about as being the Number one we we featured him last year Um we talked about him uh in the past We've done a bunch of videos analyzing Him um you can see those over on YouTube If you're not joining from There Corey Foreman's prospects as a Recruit at 65 and 270 and he can Fly uh is incredible we'll watch a Little bit of film here real quick and Have a little fun with this But is Cory Foreman all Right there he is the I mean the speed Off the ball let me just lower this a

Little Bit but Cory Foreman speed off the ball I do like little a little bit of music a Little bit of music makes it a little More fun man I mean you don't want to Just listen to my boring voice the whole Time get his ability to pursue is Unbelievable um this the number one Recruit in the country he's already Signed early he's his his size is Overwhelming for for high school players At the time does a good job with his Hands he has unique gift of size that Most prospects do not have he's going to USC can play inside can play outside um He's got to work on staying a little bit Lower that's my only complaint that was My complaint last year as well but that What we have is that 2019 film remember We don't have 2020 film on Corey Foreman This is him as a uh a a junior so um Unbelievable Prospect and we got a little glitch here Okay and Cory Foreman um making plays Coming down the line uh physical I mean Look at him his punishment There Cory fan is is the number one Player in the country uh listed from Beginning to end and uh I you know I Talked about a prospect like him and What kind of impact he's goingon to have On a defensive side of the ball uh in The Pack 12 defense is GNA be a huge

Huge the team that has more of the Defensive line that can make sacks and In the spread offense are going to have A huge advantage AG uh over everybody Else so Cory Foreman going to USC uh and in that signing is is is huge For them I I can't underscore that I'll Take any questions if you guys have Questions as you're going through this Process um what should 2022 prospects be Looking at uh so real quick rundown of USC's rest of their recruits they're Ranked seventh nationally according to 247 Sports uh Corey Foreman was uh their Number two ranked team in the Pack 12 um A couple of the guys they picked up that I really like Pro style quarterback Jackson dart at a COR Corner Canyon uh Draper Utah 63210 He's big physical uh Pro Style guy uh USC loves those kind of Quarterbacks and and should be able to Deliver um because they also signed Another quarterback out of Mission Hills California um Miller Moss from Bish Alami high school so they got two Quarterbacks to work with and then I Really like uh kayn Bullock there their Athlete from John Muer out of Pasadena Um you'll see the theme they signed Almost all their prospects from California they only went outside Probably for defensive lineman and Offensive lineman which is my guess but

They did sign Maximus giz from St John BOS which is a local guy at 6638 385 He's a monster moner guard Ty Buchanon From C Callin uh Corpus Christie Texas Another guard at 65280 uh a a real huge emphasis um they Already have three enroles and Anthony Beavers from narbon uh Brandon Brandon Campbell from ktie which is a Powerhouse Program in Texas a running back uh for Both four stars and Michael J Michael Jackson from Desert Pines at Las Vegas Three star uh excellent class for USC Okay and I said I get around to it I it Took me a while but Ohio State uh who signed I mentioned before Uh a good amount of five stars leading With the leading the way from a five Star Standpoint is uh Jack Sawyer I mean so They have 21 guys that have signed a Letter of Intent okay I didn't see any roles yet Uh player Personnel Mark pant Tony did a Great job of compiling everything along With Ryan day and his class they made Some moves today as well at the um uh at The Position uh of on defense and um so they Made some moves around there which I'll Get to in a little bit but want to kind Of stick with so Jack soer for pickery North again they did a they USC's Improved their National

Recruiting um even more than when Meer Was there and Ryan days really exploded That so getting Jacka defensive end at 65248 for Pickering North we'll we'll Take a quick look at him a little bit Later um they got him five star Mecca Egbuka from uh stum Washington and went Way out west to get him they have Donovan Jackson from Episcopal and belir Texas Trey vion Henderson of hopwell of Virginia uh running back five star Uh M McCord Pro style quarterback five Star of St Joseph's uh Philadelphia PA Uh fantastic Prospect from the time he Was young number three in his position Trayon is number one in his position Donovan Jackson number one in his Position a guard uh Mecca number one in His position at wide receiver Jack Sawyer number three at his position Number one in the state of Ohio and I Think we might have featured him earlier Uh this year uh so th those are their Five star some other prospects that I Think uh could do you know some amazing Things you know you don't have to leave The state of Ohio to to find a Linebacker and they got a great one Inside linebacker from Iron Ohio and Reed uh kico um and then Marvin Harrison Jr obviously son of Marvin Harrison uh St Joe's Prep in Philadelphia at 63190 um we'll take a look at his film As when we look at for at the Ohio State

Guys in two Seconds um and then I love the size they Got at offensive tackle with with Zen Molski um out of Indiana um they got a huge tight end Sam Hart from Colorado and they got a punter All the way from Australia so incredible Class incredible diversity as to where The players are from or from around the Country Ohio State taps the whole entire country and Um So fix something here but that's that's A huge component to what what they're Doing now uh Ohio State and from a Recruiting standpoint that gives Ohio State uh the ability to call themselves A national national uh recruiting base Um that's huge for Ohio State huge have A national recruiting space and not just Be locked in to the Midwest states they Do a great job of getting the best Players out of the Midwest but they also went around the Country and um two two pulling two guys Out of out of Florida I mean uh Philadelphia uh QB and wide receiver you Could expect those two to have a Connection that's going to be uh Fantastic out of say Joe's Prep So let's take a little look at Marvin Harrison back in the 2019 although we Probably have uh some film there for That and we'll get this

Going so this is Marvis Harrison Marvin Harrison Jr son of Marvin Harrison who Played for the Indianapolis Colts Hall Of Famer one of the best receivers of All time played with Payton Manning Fantastic route Runner we'll watch a Little Marvin Harrison see what makes Uh him so Special isolated one receiver side he's Got that same L length his father Has Um they play against top competition He's got some good he he really has a Similar body frame there's that comeback Route that made his father famous uh Marvin Harrison making a staple on his Own he has the ability to go and get it High Point the ball Puts his foot in the ground great route Runner you know it's interesting when When kids grow up and and they mirror The athletic movements of their father Or mother and um you know the the Genetics on that is incredible and and He shows that like the toet tap there uh The great route running on the on the Quick out route I mean you could see That he could run every route and as he Continues to work at improve you're Going to see Marvin Harrison Um let make little glitch there Marvin Harrison really becomes something Special Marvin Harrison Jr that is Uh and having a chance to play with his

Quarterback from his old high school Could make a unique experience for them Uh that's Marvin Harrison Jr I think one Of the uh interesting pickups for Them at Ohio State the number two number Two Rated class according to 247 Sports We'll take a kind of Gander real quick Over at what rivals.com Has and I'll just take a second to pin This video here so we have this uh this Coverage here for you Pinned and then uh go here on YouTube [Music] Here if you have any questions you could Always go you could hit me up here if Prospects have questions about Recruiting if you're a 2022 2023 and you Have a question about recruiting don't Hesitate ask those questions that you That you need to get answered now um Don't don't be shy in asking those Questions it's important to find out 2022 and 2023 is you you guys are on the Clock and it it it's time to to start You know establishing yourself from your Process you got to reach out today's Today's a great day to start this Process if you haven't already they're Going to move on from 2021 most have Already obviously started 2022 and if if You're 2023 this is the time uh to start Getting your name out there because Recruiting is critical uh we just

Summarized Alabama Ohio State they they Locked up most of their Class very very early on in the Process uh most of their players signed Early signing day I think Ohio State Didn't have to sign anybody uh if I'm Not mistaken uh I think That uh Alabama had to sign the running Back I don't know if they had to sign Any others I didn't see too many others That had spots to how to get filled so That's important to know from a Recruiting standpoint what the roster Looks like at these places and when You're choosing place it's interesting Because it seems to me that the rich Keep getting richer in the recruiting Process And uh the Ohio States of the world um Let just put this up here national Signing Day the the Ohio States of the world uh The Um the Alabama of the world now you see Uh some of the other schools that have a Have a chance there to try and get move Into the top five with auburn kind of Jumping out of the mix so you're going To start you know obviously LSU was in The top five um Notre Dame every single Year is in a top 10 it's important to to Start reaching out to those schools Right away because they are going to Pursue the next class and the the

Earlier you start getting in the mix There uh the better off you're going to Be the earlier you start getting your Name out there the better off you're Going to be and from a recruiting Standpoint it makes all the difference Um because offers go out early so Players like Corey Foreman who's the Number one player in the country he was Out there and and talked about from the Time um he was on varsity and he was at Camps dominating camps uh and you know So those those are kind of things that Every Prospect needs to start doing they Need to to to you know get their name Out there now start reaching out the pro To schools now in in finding out you Know what they're looking for and Finding out what their rosters are so They have an opportunity to get Recruited I'm G to be at coach Schuman Over on Twitter and you guys can go um And I'll put this up here for you guys So you can see It this one of also have this video here I'll share with you quickly this is one Of the most tricky issues for athletes Right now how to get recruited during During Co there's some specific things That you can do to really help your Situation um but if you're at a class of 2021 and possibly even class of 2022 This is going to be a difficult process Because the NCA is allowed uh athletes

To be able to come back and uh have Another year so with them having another Year uh coaches are going to stick with A lot of times players that have already Been in the Program and uh part of the system uh as Opposed to getting new players uh AKA High school high school athletes or even Uh some of the Joo athletes or even prep School so that's the number one most Difficult thing that you have to deal With uh number two thing that you have To be aware of is the transfer portal so In this 2021 and maybe a little bit for 2022 as well well the issue is there's Been a huge increase in players in the Transfer portal signing with uh division One programs and FCS programs how does That affect athletes that are looking to Go to schools well ultimately less Scholarships so a simple way to think About it is if if a team has 20 Scholarships Available uh for their class for 2021 and five of those are taken up by Transfers and 10 of those are taken up By players returning that normally would Have graduated that's 15 scholarships Gone which means they only have five Scholarships Available now that's an important thing To understand Because it's it's simply uh a supply and Demand thing if there's less number of

Scholarships available it's going to be Much more difficult and a lot of Athletes are going to be in pwo which Means preferred walkon uh OPP uh Situation so it's important to know the School who the scholarships that they Have returning and ask those questions About that so if you're interested if if You believe that you really do have that Level that you can play at it's Important to ask those questions about Um what scholarships are available um And how many players are going to sign That class because you don't want to Waste any time with a place that's not Going to have any scholarships ail Available for you um so it's real Important to figure those things out Within that process Co has had a huge Effect on the fact that you have a lot Of athletes coming back that might have Normally graduated and moved on in their Situation from a recruiting standpoint So it's important to ask the questions About uh at every school and the second Thing is if you do want to play in College and there are no scholarships Available what do you do next so if You're a very good student I don't Recommend going the J route um because You lose eligibility each year that you Play in Juk uh go the prep school route if you Feel like that you need another year to

Develop because of that situation but There's no guarantee so um a lot of Athletes have take preferred Walk-Ons That would not have normally or will Have to take the opportunity to play at A uh division two or division three Level because if you think about it if Guys who were recruited at FBS level um were no longer able to get Scholarships let's say because there are Fewer scholarships they get pushed down To FCS and so on and so forth so Everyone may get pushed down half a Level or a level because of the fact That uh there aren't as many Scholarships available so this is a key Component to Understanding uh your recruiting process Then the second qu the the next question Is how do I get recruited if I can't get On campus so everybody's hopeful that This summer we'll be able to do it maybe The end of spring Nobody Knows the Answer to that question whether be able To get on campus so there are three Important things that you should think About number One how are you going to Market your Capabilities whether it's your coach or Or yourself how are you going to get That out there Okay in the past um there was there's a There will still be a Full Slate of Independent camps which means tied to

Not not tied to colleges which I think Are very valuable for building your Resume building your competition base um Building your Exposure the summer camps for Colleges most likely will be back this Year but don't know so you can't take a Chance that you're hoping for that like You did last year like a lot of athletes Did last year and it doesn't work out so A really key component is to figure out How can you showcase your skills so one Of the ways you could do that is do a Virtual combine uh I've seen colleges Like Penn State send instructions for it We have a instructions for it at Nu Sports and we'll break out that film for You um but they're doing a virtual Combine following the parameters that The school outlays asking that school What they'd like to see and then doing Those drills videoing them and sending Them out okay Camp film if you go to Independent camps if you can get Yourself Camp film from these combines Or camps you're going to have to utilize That until things go back to normal Usually it's used for purely exposure But now you might need that film okay Obviously your game film if you got the Play this year your game feels important If you didn't get to play this year and You played an allstar game or you play Or or you attended a camp you're gonna

Have to use whatever film you have or do A virtual combine and send that Information it's not as good as what you Would normally get um but it's Definitely better than doing nothing Okay or seven on seven as well if you're Doing if you're with the club 7 on 17 the next thing you have to do is how Do you position it out there you're Going have to have all of your traits That make you a recruitable player be Able to tweet them email them text them Whatever opportunity you have to reach Out and you're going to have to reach Out over and over again if you don't Reach out over and over again you're Going to limit your opportunities okay That's a critical component to it you Got to reach out over and over again Okay I would make phone calls to the Tools that you're most interested in and Talk to their coaches see if you're Someone that's going to be on their Radar screen I would do all of those Things in order to put yourself in a Better position okay uh and then finally You're going to have to see if you can Schedule appointments with coaches that You can get on Zoom or whatever online Conference call program they use to be Able to meet them in person I recommend Making a video of yourself introducing Ing yourself showing all your your Intangible size height weight and reach

Doing all those kind of things uh your Wingspan and then also showing your Athletic skills with an introduction to Who you are what kind of student you are Uh why you think you could be a division One player if that's what you're looking For um you know what it is you love About the game just so they can get a Little bit more insight because they may Not get to meet you and then hopefully You could schedule that Zoom call or or Uh conference call with them where they Can meet you online uh if they haven't Getting if they're not having a junior Day or some sort of opportunity there if Things open up you got to attend Junior Days you got to get on campus combined With all the other things that I already Mentioned okay you're gonna have to be Proactive in this process more than You've ever been okay and just to get in A situation where you think that Um uh if you think think that not you Know waiting for someone to show up at Your door that's this is not going to Happen anymore it doesn't happen anymore Period okay there is no such things Being discovered where you could send Hle links and they get 10,000 of them You have to be persistent you have to Showcase yourself you have to show why You're different and you've got to put Multiple things together that can help You uh from that standpoint hopefully

These things can help you get recruited Uh if you get a chance subscribe to my Channel uh and you see Sports uh and you See foot football um follow give us a Like comment if you have any questions If there's a video you'd like to see me Do hit in the comments a video you'd Like to see me do because I'll be glad To to do it for you and answer great so We covered uh a ton of stuff there if You're prospects that uh uh you can find You can ask questions of me over at Coach schan if I don't get to it right Away I'll get to at some point today I'll ask answer any questions I'll try And answer them live for you here as Well If I can um and and so if you ask me Questions on Twitter or on Facebook or On Instagram I'm trying to kind of get Through those hit hit those into me in The DM um uh you know it's important That you start that process now when you Guys send film out make sure you send Enough information on you obviously Coaches are going to be in tied enticed By height size and weight and that's a Big deal um it's it's important for for You to be able to to understand that in The recruiting process and uh uh you Know so that's a deal um any questions On those kind of things please just Tweet it tweet at me and DM and I'll Answer them I'll even do them live for

You right here uh we're we're going Through that Prospect right now uh we Just broke down Ohio State uh did a Little little kind of PSA for you on the Recruiting process uh we're going to Continue to to hit home from a Recruiting standpoint everything that You need to know uh to make sure that You understand this process while we're Also breaking down uh the top programs In the Country um and I think that I'm gonna Have to get a microphone that's a little Bit more uh I I want to get one of those Mics that you can kind of walk around With because this is sitting in one Place thing is not for me but it's it's Important tonight as well I'm going to Be um a special guest uh from for Mr Gadney at the Playbook athlete you can Check them out at Playbook aete um they Do a great job of of of helping Prospects and I'll be his guest tonight This evening uh so if you want to check Me out there I'll be talking about the Recruiting process in depth again Tonight uh live on the air on his Podcast um breaking everything down for You all of this information is Signing Day stuff will'll be live for you at our Podcast we're going to have them on all The prospect podcast at the kitchen sink I'll put it on our successful Life Podcast so no matter where you go you

Could find out everything that happened Today in the recruiting I'm going into Number I went through Alabama already I Went through Ohio State um and now I'm Going to go to Georgia so Georgia I you know I think if they could Improve From an offensive standpoint and Continue to get the pro the prospects They have and opening things up a little More uh being number three again uh from A recruiting standpoint the state of Georgia is an exploding State uh with Recruiting prospects so it it's Incredible what University of Georgia Has Done Uh they have JT Daniels coming back they Had uh two two Um uh you know he was a number six Player over 2018 uh but Georgia has signed some of The best prospects of on national Signing Day that anybody has had uh you Could see Kirby Smart is on today Rivals.com Um with Mike farell and they so they Signes they had a heck of a day over I Mean well early signing period was a Heck of a day Um but they have their number three in The country and we'll break down a Little bit of what they ended up getting Done from a a recruiting standpoint and

Like I said national Signing Day is no Longer a signing day Where Uh it used to be everybody signed on This day now people lot the majority of The top prospects sign in early signing Period so it's not as dramatic as it Normally would be uh but Georgia According to 247 Sports number one a Three team in the country uh five star They signed is already enrolled they Have 16 guys already on campus um four Guys you know that have uh had had to Sign the letter Intent um that have signed their letter Intent uh all the five stars are already On campus so they Four Guys Marius Mims From beakley County and George offensive Tackle 67 315 Brock Vandergriff an Amarius number three at his position of Tackle number one player in the state of Texas Brock Vandergriff dual thck Quarterback fantastic Prospect athlete Uh can put the ball in the money we'll We'll break down his film quickly uh Number two Prospect at his position Xavier Sor number one Prospect at Outside linebacker at 63214 could fly Smil M and and and Xavier sh Is part of a lot of the way the new Outside linebackers are even more so Than he used to be they have to be able To coverage like a like a strong safety Um and then be able to come off the ball

Because a lot of times you can't just Sit in a 42 anymore um with linebackers Coming downhill otherwise you can get Taken advantage of in the passing game Smil London from Bon County Dallas Georgia another outside linebacker Georgia in my experience from running Camps all over the place have literally Uh been loaded with prospects from that Standpoint um Mike Morris is a Unbelievable fourstar so offensive Tackle that's two gigantic offensive Tackles that they've gotten um Corner They sign Nyan green who I love his Number four Prospect as position out of Newton Georgia we've seen him in the Past of camps David Daniel out of Woodstock great a he can go anywhere on The field for you uh third at his Position a bunch of guys signed from Them that are already there and then a Big prospects and the the best Prospect Of the guys that have not yet enrolled Are Dylan Fairchild offensive guard um Along with Jared Wilson so you got four Five six linemen five linemen in this uh Group four linemen yeah four linemen in This one two three four offensive Lineman two guards two tackles that are They're going to make a huge impact They're really trying to shore up that Offensive line so they could really Improve their run game get get the dual Threat quarterbacks going um and and

Really leverage JT Daniels for for next Year but the guys that bringing in for The future are going to make a huge Impact uh There and uh so that that's Georgia We'll take a quick look at Brock fer Griff's film from uh Prince Avenue Christian School out of bogar Georgia One of the things you'll notice about a Lot of the SEC schools now Alabama goes All over the country Georgia doesn't Have to go too far outside of its state Just because of the number of prospects It's it's probably it's it's always it's Pasted California a couple years in Prospects but it's three or four in the Country every single year uh from a Prospect standpoint and uh obviously Brock Vandergriff had a season so I'm Trying to see if I can get any of kind Of his his Uh Future these this year's Highlights [Music] Um let's see We all right here we go this is just Some highlights from a big game they won By a lot and you'll just kind of see Some some basic things but his Deliverability his athletic ability his Size are are unique here and then I'm Going to take a a brief pause as I come Back to to break down more of the

Classes here but let's share the Screen so Brock Vander Griff huge Prospect The off the power read throwing the Slant delivers the ball with with great Velocity runs an offense that translates Really well I mean spread he has the Mobility can deliver the ball like so His quick release is is is a game Changer um which is why he's going to be An unbelievable Prospect from him you Know played at a private school which There'll be some some real good athletes Um you know but they'll also uh they'll Dominate some programs too because of That um he could run the ball well I Think he's a good runner uh he's got Excellent size which will allow him to Be that kind of downhill Runner uh and He has you know some explosive Speed um but you'll see the quick Release the ability to get the ball out Of his hands now and deliver it fast and Furiously is is a huge impact that's That's the kind of prospect a Quarterback that Georgia needs Especially with some of the turnover They've had um and and you know they got They got a little Lucky in that JT Daniels is exactly what they you know is Is a better Prospect than they might Have thought Uh they weren't sure if he was going to Be what he ended up being this kid right

Here Brock Vandergriff is going to be uh What they need uh his arm and his Athleticism but just to release the Ability to get the ball out of his hands I is is electric literally Electric um I Mean can throw from any positions Interesting really really interesting Prospect we'll return a little bit later I'm going to take a a little break here Um and uh just come back with you guys So just pause Here this is one of the most tricky Issues for a thetes right now how to get Recruited during Co there's some Specific things that you can do to Really help your Situation um but if you're a class of 2021 and possibly even class of 2022 This is going to be a difficult process Because the NCA has allowed uh athletes To be able to come back and uh have Another year so with them having another Year uh coaches are going to stick with A lot of time Players that have already been in the Program and uh part of the system uh as Opposed to getting new players uh AKA High school high school athletes or even Uh some of the Jo athletes or even prep School so that's the number one most Difficult thing that you have to deal With uh number two thing that you have To be aware of is the transfer portal so In this 2021 and maybe a a little bit

For 2022 as well the issue is there's Been a huge increase in players in the Transfer portal signing with uh division One programs and FCS programs how does That affect athletes that are looking do To go to schools well ultimately less Scholarships so a simple way to think About it is if if a team has 20 Scholarships Available uh for their class for 2021 And five of those are taken up by Transfers and 10 of those are taken up By players returning that normally would Have graduated that's 15 scholarships Gone which means they only have five Scholarships Available now that's an important thing To understand Because it's it's simply uh a supply and Demand thing if there's less number of Scholarships available it's going to be Much more difficult and a lot of Athletes are going to be in pwo which Means preferred Walk-on uh OPP uh situation so it's Important to know the school who the Scholarships that they have returning And ask those questions about that so if You're interested if if you believe that You really do have that level that you Can play at it's important to ask those Questions about um what scholarships are Available um and how many players are Going to sign that class because you

Don't want to waste any time with a Place that's not going to have any Scholarships available for you um so It's real important to figure those Things out within that process Co has Had a huge effect on the fact that you Have a lot of athletes coming back that Might have normally graduated and moved On in their situation from a recruiting Standpoint so it's important to ask the Questions about uh at every school and The second thing is if you do want to Play in college and there are no Scholarships available what do you do Next so if you're a very good student I Don't recommend going the Joo route um Because you lose eligibility each year You play in Joo uh go the prep school route if you Feel like that you need another year to Develop because of that situation but There's no guarantee so um a lot of Athletes have take preferred Walk-Ons That would not have normally or will Have to take the opportunity to play at A uh division two or division 3 level Because if you think about it if guys Who were recruited at FBS level um were no longer able to get Scholarships let's say because there are Fewer scholarships they get pushed down To FCS and so on and so forth so Everyone may get pushed down half a Level or a level because of the fact

That uh there aren't as many Scholarships available so this is a key Component to understanding Uh your recruiting process then the Second qu the the next question is how Do I get recruited if I can't get on Campus so everybody's hopeful that this Summer we'll be able to do it maybe the End of spring Nobody Knows the answer to That question whether be able to get on Campus so there are three important Things that you should think about Number One how are you going to Market your Capability Whether it's your coach or yourself how Are you going to get that out there Okay in the past um there was there's a There will still be a Full Slate of Independent camps which means tied to Not not tied the colleges which I think Are very valuable for building your Resume building your competition base um Building your Exposure the summer camps for Colleges most likely we'll be back this Year but we don't know so you can't take A chance that you're hoping for that Like you did last year like a lot of Athlet did last year and it doesn't work Out so a really key component is to Figure out how can you showcase your Skills so one of the ways you could do That is do a virtual combine uh I've

Seen colleges like Penn State send Instructions for it we have uh Instructions for it at nuc Sports and We'll break out that film for you um but They're doing a virtual combine Following the parameters that the school Outlays asking that school what they'd Like to see and then doing those drills Videoing them and sending them out okay Camp film if you go to Independent camps If you can get yourself Camp film from These combines or camps you're going to Have to utilize that until things go Back to normal usually it's used for Purely exposure but now you might need That film okay obviously you're game Film if you got the play this year your Game film is important if you didn't get The play this year and you played an Allstar game or you play or or you Attended a camp you're GNA have to use Whatever C film you have or do a virtual Combine and send that information it's Not as good as what you would normally Get um but it's definitely better than Doing nothing okay or seven on seven as Well if you're doing if you're with the Club 7 on 17 the next thing you have to do is how Do you positioning out there you're Going to have to have all of your traits That make you a recruitable player be Able to tweet them email them text them Whatever opportunity you have to reach

Out and you're going to have to reach Out over and over again if you don't Reach out over and over again you're Going to limit your opportunities okay That's a critical component to it you Got to reach out over and over again Okay I would make phone calls to the Schools that you're most interested in And talk to their coaches and see if You're someone that's going to be on Their radar screen I would do all of Those things in order to put yourself in A better position okay uh and then Finally you're going to have to see if You can schedule appointments with Coaches that you can get on Zoom or Whatever online conference call program They use to be able to meet them in Person I recommend making a video of Yourself introducing yourself showing All your your intangible size height Weight and reach doing all those kind of Things uh your wingspan and then also Showing your athletic skills with an Introduction to who you are what kind of Student you are uh why you think you Could be a division one player if that's What you're looking for um you know what It is you love about the game just so They can get a little bit more insight Because they may not get to meet you and Then hopefully you could schedule that Zoom call or or uh conference call with Them where they can meet you online uh

If they haven't getting if they're not Having a junior day or some sort of Opportunity there if things open up you Got to attend Junior days you got to get On Campus all the other things that I Already Mentioned okay so we're back here I Don't know if I was muted for some Reason okay we're good and so now the Next thing that I want to talk about so We we went through one two and three so Georgia uh was three number two was Ohio State number one was Alabama we broke Down their class um the next one which Really really had an unbelievable class Off of A two years ago winning the national Championship um this year struggling a Bit um having to make some moves but Defensively was a huge issue huge issue For them uh hopefully they fixed it and Uh they had to move some people out at The coaching position um but the Recruiting stays strong and uh their paw That's LSU uh Corner 247 Sports has them at Number Four and uh you Know they're a program that is Completely uh with oraron Ed oraron First of all is known to being a Fantastic Recruiter fantastic recruiter there's

Maybe no other well Nick Sabin obviously Is the number one uh probably recruiter In the Country um Ryan Day quickly is Establishing himself as Being uh maybe a Top Maybe being the number two I mean That's you know I would have said Ed Oraron but you know Kirby Smart Ed Oraron now Ryan day um I don't know if It's because of Ohio State or or Ryan Day is that good but whatever it is They're winning ball games they're Getting the national Championships and uh Ryan day has Improved upon what what Urban Meyer was Able to Do which is is just a huge impact in Their recruiting but number four being LSU uh their recruiting and uh what they Were able to do in this class is uh Fantastic Again LSU needed to fill a lot of spots having Lost a lot of Players to the NFL last year and so Because of that you got a situation Where uh LSU struggled this year with Opt outs to fill all their spots that Needed to be filled so receiver spots um Defensive on defense it was a Disaster um and they should be able to Fix it with a lot of the prospects that They put in the pike last year and the

Ones that they got in the pike for this Year so let's take a quick look um at LSU's SES Here okay and LSU Um first of all they had a huge sh with Uh savan Jones keeping him at home I think that Was a big one that they wanted to make Sure uh they had their um Savian is a Dynamic Prospect who can Run um from the defensive end defensive Tackle position he's going to get bigger Uh but that's a huge huge keep for them Um Louisiana State University is huge Huge on keeping Louisiana prospects Louisiana the state of Louisiana in my Opinion is the most underrated state in The country when it comes to recruiting Having run many many many many many many Camps there I'm always impressed with The athletes and their dedication to Football so Louisiana State University LSU has done an unbelievable job of Building a football state I call it Little Texas because of just number of Prospects per capital there's only 4 Million people there and they have Something like 80 80 or 90 division one Prospects every single year probably More I I gotta look that up I gotta fact Check on that um but

LSU in in in according to to 247 Sports Is the number Four rated team in the country five star Mason Smith already enrolled they have Nine enroles 11 that have signed the Letter of intent there other five star Sage Allen from Lafayette Christian Academy um he's the number two at his Position at safety ma Mason Smith is Number two at his position at defensive Tackle at Terry bone at of Louisiana and Sage at Lafette um again Louisiana their theme You know they now have the ability to Recruit nationally but when you see Their recruits most of their guys going To be Louisiana And then a little bit of Texas a little Bit of Mississippi what Ed oron's be Able to do is be able to get a couple of Guys here and there from different Places like Greg Penn from uh damic Catholic fourstar Prospect inside Linebacker uh he went you know out out To um Ohio to get Corey ker which is From Roger Bacon another a Powerhouse Program a running back that's what they You know much needed uh someone who Could be dynamic in that position going Forward Uh on the defensive side of the ball Where they really need to get some some Uh defensive players they got Derek Davis fourstar from Gateway High School

Which is a traditional power program out In Pennsylvania for many many years uh They got wide receiver Deion Smith from Jackson Academy and Mississippi they got Quarterback Garrett Nme is that um I wonder if that's n Meer Son Doug Doug newm son is that possible In my uh 611 A2 um fourstar Prospect out of fow Mound [Music] Um uh they Got uh an outside linebacker that could Fly again I talked about that those Outside linebackers now are like Borderline strong safeties they used to Think about him as strong safeties at at 64 193 from haille Charter in in Atlanta To Georgia um they went all the way to Georgia to get that four-star prospect There 11 11th rated at his outside Linebacker position he is an athlete in The half uh Landon Jackson from Pleasant Grove uh defensive ENT at 66 240 um wasn't a huge class in the Offensive lineman only signing two that Is a little bit of a concern for me uh Want to see the their class very heavy In what they were missing skill running Backs Was also signed Armani Goodwin from from Uh Tres Alabama and so LSU got a lot of Things that they need to fill they need To fill some of the skill position they

Lose because so many of their guys go on To the NFL um it's one of those kind of deals There that uh that you see happen uh for Prospects by the way today um if you do Go to Nu sports or top prospect Elite.com first first of all if you go To NC Sports there's a wealth of Recruiting information there for you top Prospect elite.com is where you can go And sign up for events you could use Code NSD 21 NSD 21 uh to get 60% off today um for National Signing Day celebration of all The prospects getting signed today um I Love national Signing Day it's one of my Favorite days of the Year uh it's so interesting to see all The different prospects of where they're Going this just came a couple Interesting ones just came in um akan Just signed Dante par that's a guy they Were waiting on a defensive pack uh a Unbelievable athlete out of Pen Hills PA Um they just got that in that's a big Big get for Them see if a couple other ones that I Just saw coming through Here uh I just saw Michigan State Michigan state Is is has not been able to hang with Michigan or some of the other big 10 Programs uh which is Surprising let see what I saw here I

Just saw Michigan State and by the way if if you sign um And you want us to TW retweet it out This is the time to do it we're we're We're getting them all out there kobby Field signed uh with South Carolina um and Kaden white so that That's a huge deal over there uh two Prospects um signing with South Carolina It's everything you know they they they Need a lot of help from and Beamer's got It really worked at uh we covered Savon Jones earlier today uh from LSU uh I don't think we covered this yet I love Louisiana raing cinjun their Class man there's plenty of prospects in Louisiana uh the Raging cinjun signed Another one from uh Keno Ken Crow Kendall Williams uh running back who is Definitely one of the the sleeper Prospects of that State so kendrell I'm sorry Williams there was I I just saw a Michigan State prospect come through That wanted to comment on See what we got Here uh let's See aalo Catholics High School Keon Coleman signed with Michigan State which Is a big get for them uh explosive Athlete at Louisiana and anytime you're Able to dip into States like Louisiana Georgia if you're from out of state Those are Florida obviously these are

Hop beds um on what they you know you Need to be able to do Michigan State Needs more of that um it's you know the Biggest the biggest news of the day was Michigan flipping uh Oak Parks ran Benny From Michigan State um and then he Al They also added a a Colorado flip so Harbaugh uh I guess getting stability There from from a situation where he Signed you know contract again and and So they're getting more stability which Is why they got a top 10 class let's Talk about stability in these recruiting Classes before I get to the number five Class in the Country before I wrap up my early part Of the day here on national Signing Day Um Stability in the coach that you have has Become a huge part So some of the uh upstart programs that Are signing coaches but lose them every Few years that's been a problem in Getting top recruits Nick Sabin has Shown stability at Alabama it looks like Kirby Smart is showing stability at Georgia um Todd hton at USC they gave him V of confidence he got Time to do it if he continues to win They could have stability there in USC In getting and getting recruits Oregon Has some level of stability There [Music]

Um so you know does Texas A&M have Stability with jimo fer I think so I Mean he's always been a great recruiter Uh LSU at Ed oraron LSU is always Recruited great is there stability There that's this year is a big year for LSU this year is a huge year for LSU Because then they could establish that Stability that they need in order to Keep pulling those top five classes Every single year uh Ohio State Obviously Ryan Day in a very very short Time period has given recruits the Understanding that that's a stable place To be able to get Recruited um so it's it's important for Recruits to be able to feel like even Though a lot of them are looking to go To NFL in a very short time period Recruits seem to want to have some level Of stability in that school and if they Don't That they have a a cache coach or a Coach with personality that really can Get other players to come there and I Say that with like you know what remains To be seeing what Mike Mike Leech at Mississippi State um um Lane kein at Mississippi uh sarkeesian we'll see what Happens at Texas but some of these other Places that have not let so Arizona State is starting to get obviously uh Some stability there so with her Edwards And if they could win and create that

Stability then they're in good shape so Reason why I bring that up is Michigan's Uh signing hard ball um I'm guessing They're thinking they got stability There it's because their prospects are Pretty good even though they haven't Been able to they didn't have as as good A year this year and so that stability Goes a long way why do you think Ruckers Goes and gets a much improved class I Would say even though it's his first Year shano provides stability okay And if people believe that there's Stability in the program top prospects Are going to be more likely to entertain The opportunity to go there and I think That's a huge huge part that's Underestimated and Undervalued uh in recruiting uh the Stability of a prospect and what uh the Prospect is looking for from from a Recruiting St point so I think that's a Key key thing and I think that um you Know when when prospects are Looking uh to find players that's what They're looking for uh to find coaches They're looking for a level of stability That is a is a GameChanger for them and There's no doubt about that that's the Case There at a lot of the bigger schools That's where you do see that separation And the upand comers um need to have That stability as well it'll be curious

To see what happens with uh programs Like Minnesota um Indiana going forward who Had um Indiana had a great year this Year uh Minnesota expected to be better Did not Iowa State um which doesn't get The I what were they ranked in Recruiting Iowa state Is I as Iowa stadium in the top 50 they Must be in a top 20 Yeah Iowa State according to 247 Sports Is 53 and Indiana is 54 so you know when you talk about the Recruiting rankings too like how Important are these recruiting rankings And how good are they are they just Raing the top guy like I I guess in the Top five yes when you get out of maybe The top 10 Is there big differences in the three Star that's going to Indiana versus the Three star that's going to Arizona State I don't know that there is I think it's How they develop I think size and Athletism is a big part like I love what What Iowa state does with their Recruiting they they signed Tyler Moore Who says 65245 pound tight end out of Iowa they Signed uh a Canadian wide receiver 65 200 PBS Tristan mhaw they're they're Thinking outside the box from a Recruiting standpoint they sign an

Offensive lineman DOD saer from the State of Iowa they get their Iowa Prospects better than the University of Iowa maybe even they signed a 67260 Tackle that needs development out of Davenport Iowa from assumption he's Going to give you everything he has they Signed Jim Bon bonafos 65255 these tight end like tackles who They can develop into big giant guys When they get him into the waight room They sign W uh weeks side the end 64220 Out of North Scott Iowa Joey Peterson I love what Iowa state is doing Even though it doesn't look traditional Okay that's an important thing to Understand Malik Vernon from Hamilton Ohio that's a big giant athlete 64205 um they're gonna get Themselves uh you know a a prospect Um from an athlete position that can do A lot of different things for them and Um as long as they can keep getting a Quarterback that does what they need to Do they're getting the different Allpurpose backs out of Florida out of Lut Florida Dean soles they're 53 rated But they got a class when you look at These class I think size in in Athleticism if you have height is going To have a huge impact at the college Football game and Iowa state has done That So you can't underestimate what they

Have Done okay so we go into the top five Rounding out the top five I you know I Can't be remiss without and end the show Until I get back with you later today Clemson number one in the ACC I would Expect that but uh signing will Shipley As an allpurpose back five-star Fantastic athlete number one APB in a Country a Weddington Powerhouse program In North Carolina now Clemson has to dip Into a lot of different places because They're not going to get enough of the Players from uh South Carolina they go Into States like Georgia they go to California they go to Florida they go You know St Joe's PA which had a ton of Prospects this year Jeremiah trod at Inside linebacker 6 feet 210 a lightning Faston on linebacker they got gigantic Jake bring stall stool sorry from Tennessee out of Raven wood at 65 215 Another star wide receiver from St John Bosow and Bo Collins at 63 195 and let's get to what you know the Guys that I really really like here so Um you know at offensive guard Marcus Tate from True prep and Florida uh I love the length of Nathaniel Wiggins from West Lake uh Georgia uh I love the size out of Defensive tackle paint paage you can Really that's that defensive tackle Position where you just can't run on

Them they like to clog it up there with The one Tech uh out a Dudley Green Greensboro North Carolina um they got a Big back out of Grayson where they're Just produced players like you can't Believe out of Grayson High School in Georgia out of Loganville Georgia Phil Mafa at 61 215 and a fantastic Center at A Ryan lithicum uh at a Damascus High School in in Maryland so those guys are All enrolled they did get a uh two five Stars that have yet to enroll but Obviously roll a regular time period and Barck Carter North winette and trist uh Outside linebacker 61 220 um physical Person uh they got Tristan Lee from Robinson secret secondary another Offensive tackle and you see you got to Get those big tall offensive tackles They got a ton of lineman they do a Great job with that um uh Pro style Quarterback bber Chandler who's a three Star um I didn't now they have it's Tough to get a quarterback because they Have one that's a freshman that's going To start for the next four years three Years whatever um so it it's tough to Sign Quarterbacks um but they got a good one Out of North okani okone uh and Bogart Georgia so I thought they did a really Good job number five is good obviously Uh I think if you're in a top 10 you're In good shape if you're number top five

You're in really good shape um and I Think they got a lot of prospects that Could fit that Clemson mode um it'll be Interesting to See they got five guys out of Georgia Three from Florida three from North Carolina two from Tennessee one from California Maryland one from Pennsylvania one from South Carolina one From Texas not a ton from South Carolina Uh four offensive linemen four receivers Three defensive CL pretty rounded class out there for For Clemson um a lot of players that are Really GNA have an impact for them for For Clemson um and uh you know it's Important it's important to recognize That the prospects that are coming in How they develop them and before I go I Want to talk to a couple of my homestate Things so we went through the top five Bama won Two is Ohio State Georgia is three four Is LSU Five five is Clemson let's see let me Just go over to rivals.com real quick And look at their 2021 class this was 247 Sports who had their team me Rankings Rivals slightly different they Have Alabama one Ohio State 2 Oregon 3 LSU 4 Georgia 5 haon a little bit on Clemson there I said the USC is is the Surprise uh out of all of them um I

Guess Oregon nailing Tai Thompson from Gilbert Arizona at quarterbacks a huge Get for them that's a five star and Kon Sum mataya from Utah offensive line at 6636 those are two huge gets for them um And and signed you know early on in in The Process um they're waiting on Byron Cardwell he hasn't signed yet everybody Else has signed I do love the height of Their prospects at at Oregon Joon and Miller from uh Tucson Arizona 6833 and Uh Maliki mavo uh from Henderson tight End 66240 the height I mean I'm just Going to give you a rundown of their top 10 Heights okay 68 66 66 65 three of those four are offensive Lineman and one's a tight end 65 tight End another one 65 DN 65 wide receiver 64 quarterback 64 DN 64 wide receiver 64 Athlete they have a lot of height I I Talked about this earlier that height is A big deal in football because you could Pack size onto it okay you either GNA Have to have speed and athleticism or of Heighten athleticism and those are those Are two things that that come at a Premium uh you have to be able to have It but that's that's rivals.com type Five a little bit different than what You have in the top five over at 247 Sports I want to break down Uh a couple of you know some Hometown State

Ruckers um their prospects their top Guys are Elijah Clark at a defensive Back from cam New Jersey fourstar K Kyrie Banton from Newark linebacker 63 215 Carnell Davis uh wide receiver out Of Melbourne Florida three star Al Shahidi Salam from East Orange running Back 59 170 athlete can do a lot of Different things chaquan loyal DB from Uh from nework um huge representation Over there from from New York New Jersey Cameron Stewart from Shillington PA 64225 DN uh Jordan Thompson athlete out Of moris plains 63235 kaan Griffin Um from Hamington New Jersey at 65260 Let's look at their height so they got Kevin Toth at 66 I think he played the Hunt school um they got Hen Henry Hughes At 66 228 they got 66 66 o line dline Linebacker 65 DN 65 tight end 65 DN 65 At Ruckers 64 Cameron Stewart 64 Desmond Uh bson um athlete from Union 64 Irvington 64 offensive lineman Philadelphia Tyler needam six and then 63 lots of Height I think that they did a good job There that that height is a big again I Love height uh and and your prospects You know I think you have a chance even If you have a um maybe less then you Know the height is a huge advantage and Then go my so I thought Ruckers did a Great job we go over to my Moder

Yukon try not to look at the star Rankings because you get caught up in I Just want to see height here see and This is where I see the difference you Know so defensive end 64 245 o line 64285 o line from doto great Program though 63 260 linebacker 63 225 220 I like him Langston Hardy and another linebacker Alia Hela Florida deandri Spate dipped Into Jacksonville Florida for a lot of Different Prospects not a huge class they are Returning a lot of guys so I know that Was a strategy in not playing they get All their guys to return so that'll be Interesting to see um I think yukon's Best sleeper Prospect maybe Christopher Johnson on a Jacksonville Florida the athlete [Music] Um they always love going into uh def um Canada to get a player So my guess is if you can learn the American game mcbell could be a good Prospect at defensive Back uh and then the size of on price Yates out of San Antonio Texas defensive End hopefully those guys can can help do Some things because they gota have to Develop these guys Um because they're not getting you know Their size alone is not as big and and And you compare that and it just makes

It tough when you when you get in the Game so but we're hopeful anyway that's Uh through lunch today uh that's a Little breakdown of the top five classes For 2021 national Signing Day uh Continue to go over top prospect Elite.com uh use code Nsd2 and uh we'll be back more today Tonight I'll be on um Playbook athlete Talking about recruiting what you could Do to improve as a recruit uh that'll be A great show on there with j gadney and Uh talking a lot about Uh the recruiting process uh what's Going on now with everything with covid What's going to happen what's the change Going to be is there going to be any Changes what what are we going to look At for the future 2022 athletes 2023 Athletes today's the day start setting Your stuff out now if you don't uh you Don't want to be behind the eightball All right we'll talk to you soon coach Schuman signing off national Signing They enjoy it I'm going to enjoy I'll be With my players today that that are Signing and and uh taking lots of Pictures and and enjoying that process Um doesn't matter where you are you got It it's where you're going keep improv And keep working on what you got to do To improve uh enjoy national Signing Day Live out your dreams keep pushing keep Pushing the envelope to be the very best

Player that you could be you can you do That you listen to your coaches you Listen your to what you need to improve As a team you do those things and you're Going to have a great chance to have a Great career in high school and Hope F In college don't sell yourself short Reach for the moon coach schan signing Off

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