Special Episode: Developing The Youth of America Interview with Chaz Jackson by Coach Schuman

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Developing The Youth of America Interview with Chaz Jackson by Coach Schuman youth #football #success Subscribe for Updates ​ Find Out More About Coach Schuman’s NUC Elite Football Camps. You Can Register At http://topprospectelite.com using code Football19 for 50% off…

Developing The Youth of America Interview with Chaz Jackson by Coach Schuman

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All right well welcome to the success For Life Pro uh podcast and we're on Live here with Chaz Jackson uh author uh Speaker uh someone who goes around Speaking to the youth uh who who goes And and tries to help people achieve uh You know their own best life uh former Football player Collegiate football Player like myself so uh there there's Naturally a connection there uh so so Welcome to the podcast glad to have you On thank you for having me coach uh so Tell we we talked a little bit uh Briefly uh um offline uh tell everybody Your background where you come from and Uh uh kind of a little bit about your Journey yes and and before I even get Started again uh thank you for allowing Me to be here on your platform and just Being able to sign uh the light that That I'm able to um for for me Originally from North Carolina Uh played my colle ball back in North Carolina Small Town farity North Carolina where I grew up again played at Western Carolina University had Opportunity to have some phenomenal Memories made there at that University I Am now reside here in Texas Fort Worth Texas so uh actually recently moved last Year so still kind of new into area but Definitely bigger than the town that I Came from small friendly parity North Carolina but I wear manyi hats coach U

My husband a father two beautiful Daughters as you mentioned Before teacher coach and trainer where I Love focusing on youth leadership so Working with seniors and and college Freshman uh student athletes in regards Of just gaining more clarity focus and Consistency uh on and off the field and I love you know challenging undeveloped Leaders as they you know they strive to To accept coaching and training in Regards of you know finding more clarity Like I previously mentioned you know Getting good accountability what that Looks like and also you know just Finding a general purpose for their life So uh for me you know I love to deliver That through speaking engagement it's Also you know me being that that Mentor As far as coaching and training as they See fit and I enjoy it I I I love it and For me thinking from a student athlete Perspective you know dating back when I Played ball I would constantly that's What my focus was and where it should be But I created my entire identity through Sports and what I like to do with my Young my young uh athletes is really get Them to think I want a broader span yes You are that student athlete draw the Line plug in the blank your sport And there is some other things that you Can accomplish outside of sports you Don't have to completely put your

Identity there because you know Everybody don't go to the league if that Makes sense so for me you Know what else can we uh create and Developed as far as for me you know Growing as an entrepreneur and really U Not isolating myself just as far as an Athlete Because thinking back on my journey Coach you know I did that and whenever My career ended it was like a culture Shot for me cuz all I have my identity Set on was being an athlete so again Just just allowing you know athletes and Our young people to understand that hey Yeah this is a beautiful thing that Sport but you can strive and develop Other skills as well along your Journey how how did you figure that out For yourself obviously um uh I'm sure You had dreams going on to the NFL and And I as I did too back when I played Although I played a little bit before You but not that much you know little Not that uh but um uh H how did you how Did you work through that yourself and What you know and and how did you make That transition to where you are now you Know you're you're a published author uh Um you're you're coaching kid kids on on Where they should be and helping advise Them and and speaking H how did you make That transition Wow coach so it took some time a lot of

Failure was involved so so one of the Things uh you know specifically you know With you know freshman College athletes That that we talk about is you know Really setting a plan for post colle at That time and and that's one of the Things that I didn't do you know uh to Be honest man I kind of fell into the The whole College lifestyle you know I Was out of my grandmother's house I Didn't have a curse you and you know it Was actually you know I I was close to Actually flunking out my fresh mus just Because of some of those poor decision Makings but you know I got back on track And got a little bit more focused but One of the things even fast forward into My senior year uh I remember getting my Diploma coaching and just being thrown Out into reality and one of the things That I discover even looking back at That time is you know schools can teach You things uh to think about but not Truly how to truly think about them and And one of the things that I I teach Some of my younger my younger student Athletes is the networking aspect of Things um you know yeah I had this piece Of paper but uh at times as the C Ro Told me once you know it's not what you Know it's who you know and for me I Remember graduating my career was over Graduating with this piece of paper in Which I I got a double degree in sales

And marketing entrepreneurship thinking I was going to get out get this six Figured a job you know lived a high life And my first job was at Papa John's Right out of school you know um my Dreams of you know being that Professional athlete it kind of faltered At that time and this was back in 2010 When I got out got out of school and my First job was there so it was like a Culture shock to me like I went from This you know guy that was looked at This High tier athletes uh star Linebacker and then I was working at Papa John so that was a culture shock For me but again some of the things that Truly worked for me and really getting And discovering my true calling was Understanding that Failure was my friend in a sense meaning Like you know the things that was Happening in my life you know I have to Take those situations and learn from Them uh even fast forward and you know To the 2012 you know I had in that period from 2010 to 2012 and went into somewhat of a Depression state if you will I started Drinking more and I found myself Actually coached uh in Awakening to a Car horn where I had passed out briefly By the grace of God I woke up and I Remember turning that wheel to the right Inches away from a head on collision I

Remember crashing into a wooden gate Police was called I was arrested for Being under influence of alcohol and I Remember being in this jail cell coach And made a bunch of poor decisions when I got out of got out of college to be Honest with you simply because I kind of Lost my way kind of going back to where I was sharing putting all my identity And sports and I didn't truly know how To Transition again found myself behind Bars and there was just a lot of Emotional baggage that Chaz was just Carrying that kind of built me up to That moment and 2012 but by my fiance at The time my wife sticking by my side and And sharing and giving me encouragement And me really taking a step forward and Really interrogating that emotional Baggage what I just mentioned and Whenever I say emotional baggage I mean You know problems that I truly didn't Have a solution for and I normally when We have those things that and you know We can draw the line of plug in the Blank of situations traumas and drama Circumstances stuff that I can even Think about going back to I was started 5 years old things that just wasn't Dealt with of for Chaz Jackson and uh You know I began to really interrogate That really examine hey why was I Putting myself in these poor decisions

Uh situations and what was really going On there so for me again fell in Learning that it wasn't the enemy taking That step of really trying to you know Discover and over overcome some of the Things that was going on inside of me And once I really took that transition Of gaining more clarity and gaining Focus and consistency fast forward into The day led by God me being a man of Faith that was one of one of the biggest Decisions I made you know I was able to Truly discover some tips and techniques To truly help myself get out of that Slump that I was in that I feel Personally came from me losing that Identity in sports and gosh man there's Been so many good things that happened Along that Journey but again one of Those things of me truly finding an Identity outside of sports again getting Good accountability around me I feel Like that's really important uh mentors Coaches you know people that can pour Life into me and uh that led me on the Journey of find purpose for my life and One of those purposes helping you know Student athletes or anybody in general That's lost something that they truly Cared about Um and want and willing and wanting to Find a way uh to overcome some of those Barriers if that makes sense yeah it Makes a ton of sense so um uh let's

Unpack a couple of things there um so so Faith I mean uh uh much like you are I Mean I'm a uh I'm a big fan of Jesus Christ and follow of the Lord and and And when I placed my my faith and my Trust trust in in in the Lord I I think Uh that enabled me to handle uh a lot of Situations even though I grew up as as a Christian you know and and as you Probably went through your process I I Ended for me at least I ended up getting Saved in in in like 2008 2009 time Period even though I grown up a Christian I needed that kind of uh Rebirth and and you know I need it every Day I guess you know because uh but Knowing that living for the Lord helps I Think keep a lot of things in place um And much like you when when I was in College obviously playing ball was so Important to me um I I was a a very good Student but a lot of it was because I I Had a certain just aptitude for for School it wasn't that I did any anything Extra per se um but you know that that Finding the Lord and really getting in Touch with him um I think help guided me After that that process where I was no Longer a player and and I wish I had More of it when I was a player you know I mean because yeah I truly agree with That you're having a good time you're Playing ball you're having a good time You know all those kind of things it

Would have helped me I think the guy the The athletes that or or anyone in General um that that uh uh find their Way from that standpoint it it Definitely can help center you I think a Lot in in and and knowing that um you Know God's got the ultimate plan so that Part I thought was really interesting The second part part I I I thought was Really interesting I'll let you expound On on both those and then I definitely Want to hear your plan of how you tell Kids what to do from that standpoint or Anybody adult as well it doesn't have to Be youngster but because it applies to Them too um but when I finished Playing okay and and I was I was there For another year I finished in grad School when I was done playing the Biggest thing that I I think I missed Was the void of the competition right Now now I coach football for a long time So it gives you a little bit of fill in That void but for a lot of people I Didn't coach right away um that void Feeling is where you get that that You've worked so hard your whole life For certain thing and then it ends and You're very young right and and you Don't realize it when you're a young kid Going through but you really are your Career ends and you're very young if you Don't make the NFL you're 22 23 24 years Old and you're very very young and

You've poured so much into and that that Competition void is gone that that Excitement that thing that you're Looking forward forward to how did you Eventually handle that part of it Because I know I struggled with it I Know a lot of athletes when they go into Their career uh struggle with it what Are some of the things and tips that That you you want people to understand Of how you can balance the fact that you Want to be a competitor with figuring Out the the the important aspects of Maybe your your post competitive career As in Life so for me and that's a really good Question coach Uh kind of expounded on some of the Other things that you said too before I Even dive into that so Um even dating back To to when I I was younger you know I Can remember at 13 years old me Accepting uh Jesus Christ um me being Baptized at this Camp of South Mountain Christian Camp uh but as I was Expounding going through my teenage Years on the college I didn't really Walk that walk if that made sense of you Know I remember going to church and you Know it was more like on holidays like We got Easter Sunday coming up that Would be you know Christmas it wasn't And and and the teachings that was in

Church wasn't really inpound in my in my Household and and and for me growing up You know poverty environment where in my Neighborhood was normally for me to see The alcoholics was normal for me to see Drug addict so that's kind of going back To some of those emotional baggage that I was carrying traumas and dramas Different situations that was going on That created an identity for Chaz Jackson and I talk a little bit more About that in my book live learn Le Powerfully on some of those traumas and Dramas that I was just carrying that Never really had a solution but as we Progress on you know up into my college Years and and into my you know adulthood In general uh whenever I really Discovered those tips and techniques of How to overcome that stuff uh because One of the things I use sports for and I'm sure a lot of people that's Listening can relate to that if you're An athlete is that aggression that Competitiveness whenever you have that Emotional baggage it the sport actually Helped me carry that bag like I can go Out on the field and I can pound on Somebody you know I was running back the Linebacker so like stuff would happen at Home you can you can actually legally Get on the field and let your energy out On somebody I mean that was a relief for You you know that whole that whole

Competitiveness and and the Brotherhood You know the your teammates uh Definitely back in high school man I Mean you know growing up from Mighty M All way up to high school you really Have that Bond and and having all those Situations apart but uh I guess to kind Of come come back to 2021 with what I'm Sharing to answer you is how did I Overcome that was finding my true Passion outside of football and in some Of those circumstances like I was Sharing back in my childhood in my Teenage years even about coming into College and being in that situation that Car accident I know I've kind of bounced On some different subjects briefly but For me you know I don't want a child if I can prevent it to go through anything That Chaz Jackson went through so when Thinking about being competitive or uh Finding uh you know something to take That place because obviously after Something is removes you have to replace It with something I I did try to replace It with alcohol but I made a ton of bad Decision so I had to eject that by the Grace of God and I'm also happy to say To the audience I haven't had a a drink Of alcohol it' be nine years this Upcoming June so I just wanted to to Share that but me replacing that was With a passion to help others and to Serve uh you know being a follower of

Christ you know he said I did not come To be served but to serve and be a Ransom for many so for me I found that Serving other people was a sense of Fulfillment for me so and Al you can use Some of the tips and techniques and some Of your experience as an Athlete in your business if that makes Sense like you can be competitive you Know with whatever idea that uh you know God's leading you to do and and secondly Was just getting around hope givers I Know I talked about accountability and What's funny there's two hope givers I Talk about in my book it was my coach Coach Cosby he was my high school Defensive coach and also a physical Therapist his name was Brandon and there Was two situations where these two Individuals they was very passionate About what they did and and how they did Things and they left the footprint on my Heart and and I remember those two Individuals even at in my 30s right now And it's funny because of the hope that They gave me during times that I was Going through storms you know I I got Hurt in my senior year in high school Dream was a play Clemson for instance For Brandon the physical therapist I Broke my lower leg coach and him giving Me hope Meaning you know getting me back on the Field when I thought my career was over

Even though I didn't make my Ultimate Dream of playing at Clemson but you know By the grace of God I was able to go to Western Carolina University I was Recruited by Matt rule he's the head Football coach for the Carolina Panthers Now and I actually met him at Clemson Football camp to be honest uh and it was It's funny how God works and Works Things out for you but I say that to say This meaning you know really what helped Me is to to find Passion uh to to kind of withstand and And use some of the tips and techniques I use in sports but also uh to to Realize that I can be a hope Giver like My coach and Brandon was to me meaning Just installing water you know whatever Person's placed in my path seed of Greatness because for me you know I Believe we all have a seed of greatness In US physically we are a gift there's a Gift inside of each and every one of us And it's full of potential that's what Gift and a gift is all about that's my Brand I'm a podcast host as well and uh Also you know on that podcast I talk About we're all gifted differently to Make a difference and again those two Things that hopeg Giver this water in That seed of greatness to help whoever God places in my path by serving bring Their fruit to pass to share with the World and I feel like that's the

Ultimate uh plan for me yeah I mean I Think the the ability to serve is Ultimately helps you get to all your Goals and I think that's a big part of It and really awesome story Um book writing so tell me about you Wrote two books I know you're in the Process of writing a Third uh F first tell me more about Obviously I haven't had a chance to read Your book so people for the listeners to Really understand what your book's about Um and then I want to talk about the Book writing process because so many Young people now especially nowadays Want to write a book and tell their Story um or whatever their Niche focus Is on but have no idea how to go about Doing it so first tell me about your Your your book in particular and I know It's about gifting the gift but but Expand upon more uh about that with your Books yeah yeah I would love to uh so my First schol was posted back in 2019 live Learn and Le powerfully I truly believe Coach that that book is strategically Designed to on anyone's mind towards Greatness and you know I I I briefly Talked about my story from you know my Childhood all the way to that 2012 car Accident and the emotional baggage and You know some of the steps tips and Techniques that I took to kind of get Where I am now you know back in 2019

When that book was published you know as I was taking in so much information um a Lot of that has been you know led by got Me being a man of faith and again you Know I mentioned the accountability Aspect of things you know so many Amazing people was put my path when I Really you know got intentional about Changing making that radical change Really you know discovering another Identity and for me even doing the a Little deeper you Know I had some very low self-esteem low Confidence you know I didn't truly love Myself to be honest coach and whenever I Really discovered how to do that how you Know Chaz Jackson I'm okay like I I Truly care about myself I truly love Myself uh you know me being a John Maxwell uh coach speaker and trainer as Well you know I love John's Philosophy For team and he says you know each and Every JMT remember you know I encourage You to Value yourself value others and Add value to others so I say that to say This uh in regards of liy powerfully I Began to Value myself so then whenever I Learned to Value myself and I Was really dived into the word you know Told us in the scripture you know he Said love your neighbor as yourself so As I begin to Value myself I I I tend to Learn to Value other people a little bit More than what I did at one point right

And and when you value other people you Want to add value so again going back Information it was kind of like a forest Was in my head you know like how a Forest is really wild like I had all This information and it was like man I Gotta tell somebody about this stuff Like this stuff that I'm discovering and By the grace of God you know I met Dr Dar white she's a publist out of Alanta Georgia phenomenal lady and she helped Me make it a garden to information that I was that I was uh uh accumulating so That was kind of the birth of Li learn Le powerfully the tips and techniques That I use to overcome me you know Lacking the identity after I left school And the things that I used to kind of Overcome alcohol abuse and some of the Other emotional baggage that Chaz Jackson was going through and and I and I and I kind of condition it down into a Team leadership guide just hitting some Principles tips and techniques that I Did to kind of overcome some of my low Beliefs about myself and to kind of get To where I am uh back in 201 or 2019 Sorry and as far as the impact of Influence that book actually dropped This past Saturday chip Bakers Phenomenal individual whoever's Listening check out the success Chronicles uh this a phenomenal teacher Educator he's a third generation

Educator I met chip last year he he was A guest on my podcast he I was actually Introduced to him by Don Brightman who's Another amazing man of Faith the gor North podcast both these podcasts are Based on personal development but as Again you know in this world coach as You meet people those people introduce You to people and it's kind of like this Spal oil but uh I met chip the first Time just like me and you were talking Having a conversation the first time I Got in contact with the guy I knew there Was somebody that I wanted to be around More often and he invited me to go on a Journey with him to co-author in a book Along with uh 15 other amazing men where We Created the impact of influence and it Actually made Amazon number one Bestseller this past Saturday uh in 11 Categories so super excited about that Whole journey uh with that book but I Share briefly some of my story the name Of my chapter in there is I see Something in you because in that that Whole inch of the Chapter going back to that car accident A week and a half after me being locked Up in jail I went to visit my lawyer and He shared with me how I was going to Have to deal with some jail time and and Kind of telling you know me how things Are going to be a little bit tougher for

Me to to get back on track because at This point in 2012 I had lost my car Coach I lost my job you know I was Losing my apartment I was on eggshells With my fiance was just you know in a Really depressed state by you know my Alcohol abuse and and I remember Stepping out of the Office and using the bathroom my my Fiance kind of came out afterwards when We was in the car and she shared Something with me uh that I Mark as kind Of like a transition of my life and uh I Kind of talked about this she kind of Poured over and little Lear me Powerfully but she said something that This changed uh changed my whole Perspective of how I viewed myself and It built a curios if that makes sense um And it was based off of her saying like Your lawyer just told me to leave you Chaz and I was like what what do you Mean he was like he's never seen anybody Come out of what what I had already Accumulated for myself that you was Going to drag me down with you and I was Just toxic to you and at the time I was Just like yeah why don't you just leave Me I mean you know I don't have any Identity for myself I mean I'm just Going to you know go into to this pit I Like why don't you leave me and and she Looked me straight in my eyes coach and She said Chaz I see something in you

That you don't see in Yourself and you know it took me again Like I mentioned to be intentional and Make a change for myself but that just It it it rocked me to the core and I Feel like God used her as as a conduit To say that to me that I see something In you that you don't see in yourself so I say that to say this uh in that book The impact influence that was a very Influential moment for me and to kind of Transition to where I am now and I enjoy Saying that to our young people coach I See something in you that you don't see In yourself and uh and that something is That seed of greatness and you know I Just I'm just humbled and just proud to Water people's seeds man uh because I Feel like we all have fruit you know you Know it's great that I'm able to talk About you know scriptures because in Some Avenues you're not able to to Really open up with with Bible and all That good stuff but you know it talks About the fruit of the spirit you know Love and joy peace patience these these These qualities you know that that's What that seed is able to bring forth And and I love to get someone in a Position talking about student athletes With this whole session of being able to Bring that that those qualities out to Share with the world man CU we all have That ability and and that's and that's

Fulfilling to me to serve and and be Able to to get someone to that state of Mind but uh but yeah man that's kind of You know the whole ideal about those so Powerful so powerful I mean you know uh You're blessed you're blessed to be able To figure that out and God's working Through you and it's it's great to see That it really is and um and you're You're touching so many different people And obviously with a book too you touch Not just uh the people you work with Directly but now you're touch in the Masses which is which makes your reach Infinite right hopefully uh makes it Infinite so that's that's awesome stuff Um before before we talk because I want To talk about how how you uh wrote books But you mentioned you trained with John Maxwell I've read quite a few of his Books um obviously for people who don't Know if you could pick up some of John Maxwell's books or gosh Che out his Podcast he has a podcast too I know We're on podcast I'm just throwing out Podcast with amazing people but John Maxwell's podcast is just phenomenal man I mean I love his work man how did you How did you go and what did you go you Take did you go in order to become a John Maxwell speaker what what did you Do to go through that process because I I I think it's so cool because you're Young and and and a lot of people will

See someone like yourself and say you Know um I I I think I could do maybe Something like this but I don't know how Right so explain how how you you you got I know it's a little different from from The top but I but I think no worries man No worries yeah so so obviously if you Don't know who John M I mean the guy He's ranked like the number one Leadership experts WR he's written over 80 books I mean there's I think there's Like what like over 30,000 members now Like 30 38,000 members of of John Maxwell team members and just hearing That portion before I even got started I'm just like gosh me doing what I'm Doing I mentioned that I shared that you Know I have a passion about helping Undeveloped leaders find you know Clarity find accountability and find a Purpose in life because that's something That I I didn't have after I got done With playing sports and after I Discovered that that that's what I Wanted to do and I discovered John I'm Like I I mean if he's the number one guy Talking about what I'm passionate about What I feel like God's point to me to Dud I want to get around this guy so I Was first introduced uh my Pastor Bill Kill back in North Carolina phen another Phenomenal guy I was talking about you Know mentors and coaches that got that Kind of help Chaz overcome some of those

Those trials and tribulations he was one Of them and he invited me to do a Mastermind of John Maxwell and it's Actually John's book leadership whoever Hasen read that book if you're a leader And and whatever Avenue phenomenal book I was sold on John then um this was About a couple years Ago and I did another masterm with him Uh it was on one of John's books Becoming a person of uh influence Ironically the impact of influence but Uh but uh yeah another phenomenal book And again after going through those Bill And some of the other individuals as a Part of those masterminds I knew it was Something that I want to pursue it it's Not one of the cheapest Pursuits so it Was one of those things where I had to Get with my wife and we prayed about it And you know I kind of went on this Journey and got on John's platform and You know he has on there where you can Take either speaking or coaching path And I and me being a speaker I took that Path and and went on a journey and I Actually became officially a certified John Maxwell team coach and trainer this This year actually actually this month So this is a big month Man yeah so yeah that's kind of like a a Short ideal little journey for me with The John Maxwell but uh with that whole Program you know you just have to be

Really intentional about you know Networking and and asking questions John Constantly talks about that in his books About asking questions and and seeking a Knowledge because is so much man I mean I was just doing the IMC unfortunately It normally held in Orlando Florida but Because of Co you know and the whole Situation it was virtually this past uh A few weeks ago and uh yeah man it it Was it was I mean my brain was just Swollen of of information that that that John and his team kind of pour out there But uh but yeah if you're if you're Really serious about being a leader in Your field you you cannot go wrong with Being a part of John Maxwell team or Even just taking out his podcast I mean I mean he's given tons of value him and Mark Cole is actually one of the hosts On this podcast and John comes on there But Mark Cole he's he's he's like right You know right beside John as far as Being that that leader expert John's Constantly pouring into him but those Guys man Chris Robinson I mean Paul Marinelli those I mean the list goes on With those guys Rody I mean those guys are just Phenomenal people to to hold you Accountable and just to learn from so Yeah very cool very very very cool and And and last and this is this is really Flown by is is great um a lot of ton of

Information and I appreciate the you Know the intentionality is a key Component of of of working toward Success you got to be intentional in Everything you're doing and and and Understand intentionality and and how it Relates to um uh becoming successful Taking steps to be successful taking Steps down down whatever your journey is Writing a book tell me about that Process was it easy for You and H you know what are some of the Things that you think people need to be Able to do in order to write a book like Yourself you've written two um and and I Think that it's it's it's unbelievable Uh uh process there that you have to go Through in order to get that done tell Tell a little bit more about That yeah so guys I feel like there's so Many exit we can take with This um the first one that I want to say That I feel like you know it's very Important even for you to even begin to Write is finding your voice you know I Think you know we constantly been Talking about you know our younger People and obviously this can be for Adults too obviously but uh finding your Voice in Maya Angelo she she she said a Quote that I feel like will kind of Bring us bring us home with what I'm Wanting to share she says there is no Greater Agony the word agony meaning

Mental suffering than a bearing of an Untold story inside of you when I first Heard it Coach man I mean it blew my Mind when I really dissected what she Was saying uh there's no greater Agony Than the bearing of an untold story Inside of you there's so many untold Stories I know there's someone listens To us right now that has an untold story To where you know if you grew up in a Neighborhood like me you know sharing Your true self was a sign of a weakness Like if you shared your shared your Emotions or Shar things that was really Going on within you you know a lot of Times you know when someone asks you how Are you doing you say fine but really You know if you really dissect that Whole fine there's a lot of stuff there And and granted you know really opening Up and exposing yourself I talk about That in live and Le powerfully you know In the 3bs you know being predictable Being Exposed and being related and and one of The ways we can be exposed is really Sharing what's going on inside of us Because you know sharing man it actually Take some of the weight off of you and I Guess what I'm getting at is that no Great Agony to be on tell story inside Of you your story can be like a oxygen Mask to someone that's suffocating right Because right now you know there's a lot

Of pain that's going on in this world Your story is needed more than ever in 2021 so I think the first thing for Anyone that's wanting to write or get Started is really finding your story Finding your voice knowing that your Voice matters because there was a point In my life where I didn't feel like my Voice mattered I didn't feel like what I Had to share mattered and uh and and it Does matter please believe you matter Your story matter and there's going to Be certain people that I'm not going to Be able to relate to you that whoever's Listening you're going to be able to Relate to and same with me and you coach And you know again I feel like we go Through everyone has a story you know I Met people on my podcast in person Working in physical therapy I really got On that whole Avenue things but so many Stories of people that's been through a Ton more than me or been through less Than me so so so so many things out There you know there's nothing you know Truly unique about me but I feel like God used Ordinary People to to do extra Ordinary things if that makes sense and Uh and you are extraordinary who Listening to me so find your voice I Also feel like you know for me me Starting out early I really needed that Accountability so I talked about Dr Dar White she kind of she had already Wroten

Like 15 plus book I think she had wrote 16 books back in 2019 I think she Published a couple more since then So thinking about the the elevator of Life that makes sense let's say you know You have your basement in the in the Penthouse if that makes sense and and She was kind of at that Penthouse level They say I'm GNA put her up there Because she is amazing she's very humble Lady but uh she's amazing and let's say Like I was on level two right me seeing Her up at the pen housee and me having a Relationship to her that gave me hope to Say say hey I can achieve that right so So I say say that to say this getting Around people that has experienced what You want to experience uh John KFI he Talks about success leaves Clues there's So many Clues out there of things that You're want to accomplish whoever Listening to me that people are wanting To help man like and that's one thing For me like I I kind of felt at one Point in my life if I ask questions that Shows that I'm stupid or whatever the Case may be that's to show a sign of Weakness of me people not going to look At me as someone with Integrity or or or Leadership status asking questions but Man that is one of the biggest lies Anybody can ever tell you ask questions Ask away please because when you ask People's questions you're going to

Discover so much more you're going to Accomplish so much more and get in help Around you because there's Nobody that's ever created anything Massively Who doesn't have a team around him or Who has not asked for help I mean I I Mentioned John Maxwell was the number One leadership expert you think he did That by himself like he has amazing People around him to help him get there And I'm I me I'm talking to myself here As well is is remembering that hey you Know Finding Your Voice get around people that that's Already written a book getting around People that already written a book to Hold you accountable to show you that it Is real and Again asking tons of questions asking Questions getting around people that's Uh willing to to ask answer those Questions to make things easier for you And uh yeah and once you kind of do that Uh for me writing a book is really Getting a good outline in place and and As you get other people involved and Intentional about you want to write a Book a lot of that stuff's going to kind Of play out for you and that's what Worked for me is uh having people to Hold me accountable so Yeah accountability is a huge aspect of Of being able to get to where you want

To go really interesting stuff um I we Yeah we didn't get to talk much about Physical therapy but tell me how tell me How you got into that and how it relates To everything that you're doing right Now so it kind of goes back to those two Individuals of Hope right so I talked About Coach Crosby how he installed Hopeing me hoping me about being a Collegate athlete you know me growing up In that little small town no one really Went to Clemson University out of far City North Carolina so you know he and Started hoping to me I remember meeting Him my freshman year and I know you Asked about physical therapy but it's All going to make sense here in a minute I remember going to my freshman year in High school and me seeing him with a Clemson jumpsuit on right and I was like Man that's where I want to play and he Was like Chaz if you work hard at this We can get there man and he watered my Seed like I've been mentioned before for That seed of greatness that was inside Of me even though I wasn't aware of it The way I am now but that's what he was Doing he gave me hope when never you Know in other situation where I would Ask other people a man you not going to Clemson University ain't nobody from Pary played at Clemson University and And all the N naysayers the critics but He he allowed me to be focused and man

We made it all the way to Clemson University's football camp but you know I mentioned how the injuries and me Ending up at Western Carolina played out Which is one of the you know the best Things because I met my wife at Western Carolina University and I wouldn't be Like I said earlier it's funny how Things work out in life but I I Mentioned that I got injured my senior Year and I feel like that was one of the Biggest reason I go to Clemson because I Miss pretty much my almost my whole Senior year but I met that therapist Brandon who you know I was in that Broken State and he installed hope into Me you know he said Chaz if you do Everything that I tell to do I can get You back to play football and he he got Me back I was able to play and you know What's funny Coach I I tell you I say That those guys was hope givers and I Keep bringing them up you know that I'm A coach now and I'm a Therapist because they left a footprint On my heart I I remember I wor I told You earlier that I graduated in Entreneurship And I was working for this sales company Great people but but I felt I was Sitting in a cubicle and Brandon popped In my head and I was like man there's Something else I'm supposed to be doing And I find myself doing all this stuff

Because of how they impacted me um Because they was very passionate and Guys I'm doing exactly what they're Doing man because they they installed Hope into me during some of my darkest Times if that makes sense so yeah man so That that's kind of my whole journey of Becoming a physical therapist uh yeah Owe that to Brandon for being passionate About what he did and man I I've met Some phenomenal people along the journey I worked in Orthopedics and uh gosh man So many stories within that but and I Love it just as much it's a passion of Mine as well so guys man you know I Constantly you know say this man I'm Definitely living my dream and uh God I'm excited about what God's doing and And I don't say any of that stuff to Impress anybody just to press upon you If you allow God to take over your life Man and really be intentional and get Accountability and get real purposeful About about serving for me that changed My life so yeah it's it that finds your Purpose it helps you find your purpose And being able to roll with it well this Has been awesome conversation um tell Everybody where they first of your Podcast we got a lot to cover here your Podcast your books and then obviously Where they could reach out to you too if They want want want to get coaching or Or or just want to you know conversate

With you um where could where could Everybody find you yeah yeah so Definitely uh again coach thank you for Having me on your show it's been it's Been a pleasure a treat you're awesome Uh whoever not following this this gu uh The successful Life podcast please Please stick with this this gentlemen I Enjoy what you're doing even before I Get started on me thank you for shining Your light with all the student athletes That you work with and and how God's Using you that's phenomenal but you can You can find me at Chaz jacksonsp Speech.org that's my official website um On all you know social media platforms At Chaz Jackson speaks also my podcast That he was mentioning gift and the gift In which uh on that podcast I focus on Tips and techniques for young Males as they strive towards uh you know Growing in personal development and and You know I started that podcast last Year and there's been so many phenomenal People that I met through it phenomenal Guests from all across the countries Who's uh coming on the show to share Their story and share how they're Impacting the youth in their area of of Life and yeah so live our Le powerly is Available the the impact of influence is Available on Amazon where you can reach Out to me and also if you want to you Know find out more about me you can

Always catch me or give get in touch With just a giant here a coach here and Uh he he'll link you to me so again Thank you for the opportunity perfect Perfect perfect and and uh send me an Email on that stuff and I'll make sure We get it all in the show notes that was Great uh I really enjoyed having you on Your personality is infectious and and Um you know I I I could see the passion Of what you're doing coming through uh I Wish you much continued success and and Most importantly continued impact um Because I love the the fact that you're You're working with young people and Helping helping to help them grow um and Making that impact there so thanks so Much uh for the success for Life podcast My guest Chaz Jackson coach Schuman Signing off till next time thank you Coach thank you

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