Sometimes a show can give you just the right inspiration #coachschuman #nucsports #leadership

History So I'll be giving you the lineup card That's it I should be put in your Personal back on defense when we Belongings that's exactly what I said Didn't I yeah it's not intenseful my Ex-wife's the one who…

History So I'll be giving you the lineup card That's it I should be put in your Personal back on defense when we Belongings that's exactly what I said Didn't I yeah it's not intenseful my Ex-wife's the one who brought him into Our shoes and then she's always been a Bit Randy but I never thought she would over an entire team Hey That matters when I'm holding the doctor Please Bye today Tell Rupert guys have underestimate me My entirely And for years I never understood why I Used to really pop But then one day I'll drop my little boy In a school and I saw this quote by Walt Whitman painted on

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