Simple Inside Zone RPO Breakdown That Every Team Can Run

3 min read
Coach Schuman Breaks Down Simple Inside Zone RPO Breakdown That Every Team Can Run #ChalkTalk #coaching #americanfootball #RPO Subscribe and Follow @coachschuman on tik tok, Instagram, facebook, twitter and spoon -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “(287) Legends Live! Is there…

Coach Schuman Breaks Down Simple Inside Zone RPO Breakdown That Every Team Can Run
#ChalkTalk #coaching #americanfootball #RPO
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Okay coach human hear me give you the Example of a real simple RPL that can be Run off inside zone one of the things That from an inside zone standpoint that We really work to teach is we didn't Really want to bring it front side if a Camera want to try to bend it back You'll fight a little possible so we Want to kind of take this path for Inside zone so when we do just drop the Blocking scheme and show you who we're Gonna pick on in it's really two areas It's real simple RPO if you bail to run And it's very effective Okay so you can immediately see from the Blocking standpoint with the tight end There's a big bind that's put in place On the Sam linebacker so if the defense Walks him away you immediately have a Six on five with your option read which Is gonna be real difficult for the Defense to really stop their answer may Be to insert this free safety so to get To try and get another person into the Box on this but get tough matchups on The outside here so on the backside you Can do whatever you want you can once Landsberg you know verticals whatever And for this purpose is the inside zone You want this halfback to really press The front side a gap he's gonna bend it Back more than likely that play is gonna Be kind of cutback in a lot of cases it Could cut back all the way back towards

The b2 depending on what kind of push The double-team gets all right you get a Bubble screen the slant and the outside And you're picking on this outside Linebacker now this outside linebacker Is inside here okay then you're you know You're throwing right away no matter What if you get in a situation where This guy goes and attacks the bubble Screen okay and you get a pull read Right away then you're throwing a slant Okay so he's gonna go in for a slant Okay if he comes on the comes down Harder you get a pull read again and he Holds and he just sits there and holds Okay then you're throwing the bubble Screen and you're making this guy make a Play here so either way you're getting One-on-one matchups that's where you're Really looking for okay if you get a Situation where this end does not come Up field okay I'll just draw the wire back here this End does not come up fell then he just Holds all right then you're giving the Ball to the running back and he's gonna Go and take it up inside you got numbers There if you err you err on giving the Ball but it's it's a kind of situation Where you the defense cannot be right And I could go of this all day different Scenarios the the best option would be To get out of zone and if they try to go And play some sort of man-to-man and get

Another guy into the box then you're Gonna work the back side so there's a Lot of different this would be the back Side here so there's a lot of different Things that can really get done here and Very very difficult to defense to play That's the example real simple RPO from Inside zone

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