Scholarship Success Unleashed: Empowering Thousands through High School, College Football, and Re…

44 min read
Scholarship Success Unleashed: Empowering Thousands through High School, College Football, and Recruiting with Coach Schuman & Coach Depascale Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events…

Scholarship Success Unleashed: Empowering Thousands through High School, College Football, and Recruiting with Coach Schuman & Coach Depascale

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Up back back here we Go you have a great guest oh you're echo In again I Guess I think we're gonna have to buy You a new mic Uh see let's see when that can get into The Budget yeah Why maybe I'll just send you one they're Not actually I might maybe I'll send you I have a couple Anymore that would be good that would be A bonus that could Help or or there could be something that You have on your settings that I'm not Sure you you know I would have to look At your Computer uh like sometimes It could be your what you have setting Wise as input and output and stuff so um But without seeing your side I can't I Couldn't tell you uh so we got a great Guest on today we gonna have T homman From St Thomas Aquinus who head coach there this will Be his second year there they had a lot Of success last year um uh the pro Programs a pro uh a smaller pario Program but on the rise and and really Uh Starting to get a lot of good Players and and gaining traction and and He has obviously a great path not just Up from a coaching standpoint but he was

Division one player uh at Penn State Right and and uh really had that uh Experience uh being a big time recruit So we'll get to talk to him about that Which will be really great um and and What kind of his process was many moons Ago and how how how how maybe that's Changed over the years um I think also Talking to him going from I think he was Uh mostly a public school coach until Going to St thomasin so that's probably Uh um a little a little different change Um we'll find out you know from him if It is and um talk more about that but he Has great experience uh you know he he's Uh one of the leaders in the state from A coaching Standpoint um and uh you know it would Be great to talk to him uh not just About football but you know kind of how He approaches Everything yeah uh coach has been around I've known coach for you know a couple Years now since going back to North Jersey days when he was at Rand High School uh been at a couple different Spots um always been successful in terms Of whatever teams that he's been a part Of uh like you said coming from a you Know a lot of tradition in Rand High I think we may have lost coach D um technical difficulties for him but Yeah so um you know coach D's known him For a long time you know we're excited

To talk to to to coach uh when he gets On some really so for those of you who Have not who have fallen off the cliff On this standpoint last night we did Have uh I saw a lot of stuff going doing Arounds because obviously the Jets had a Preseason game if you're out here in New Jersey but a lot of you know the Everything is kind of kicked off which Is really cool and and the Hard Knocks Is going so I gotta watch that first Episode I saw some some great stuff so I I'm excited to watch that um college Football's not too far away I think Three weeks before we start games High School probably pretty much the same Thing so it's going to be pretty Exciting uh season especially Interesting to see with nil and transfer Portal how this has really affected a Lot of teams we'll get to see uh the Effects good bad and ugly of all those Different things from a uh a standpoint Of oh Coach T on are you on the phone [Music] Can you come on just from your from your Face from my phone yeah yeah cool all Right so um so yeah so so it would be Really interesting to see I had how About that that's the first time taking A call uh on the call um we're going to Really see uh uh unfortunately I just Found we just found out to RI hullman is Not going to be able to be on the show

So that's uh a little bit of a bummer um But we'll carry on and uh I guess edit It edit it to what we are going to be Talking about which we're going to talk A lot of college football here talk About what you need to be really doing To prepare yourself and while you you Are my football D1 promo make Sure you check it out um uh you know and And really um Uh get an opportunity to get yourself Recruited this D1 promo that me and Mike F are doing is second and N there's Nothing like it in the world and it is Helping kids get recruited get offers Like nothing you have ever seen Um you know it's this is the time right Now my football D1 promo this Is the time right now to get on there And really get yourself an opportunity To get recruited it's a big big deal and Um you know check out me at if You have questions about the D1 promo um DM me this is the time don't wait until Your season starts is 2024 because then You going to be up you know what's Creek And you're going to be in and all of a Sudden oh I got under recruited well Here I am telling you this is your Opportunity to not be under recruited DM Me you know uh at coach on Twitter um we Just had a bunch of guys commit you know Griffin Eagan committed To Harvard um our linebacker out of

Florida Cyrus Abu just picked up his Second offer Now um and we have guys left and right That are uh oh uh Carson roner Quarterback just committed to Holy Cross So I mean I it's just one after another Um and the mistake that people think is That I need 50 offers I need I no you Need a few yeah you need one that's Really all you need but you need that's What we're looking to do like you get Some get yourself that exposure it's It's going to make all the difference It's the opportunity that you need so Check that out I got coach dback on the Cell phone first first Time welcome first time caller uh well Listen I guarantee you the mic action Sounds better probably and I and I don't Have any Echo so obviously it's Something to do with something whatever Yeah I mean probably settings like I Said you know as we grow and do stff Like I would like to like you know what I mean like I have a mic for you a mic Would be good like that stuff would be Good as we grow and do I mean look we Kind of started this kind of just like Hey let's work with what we got and now Like you know as we get a little higher Level right maybe start to get some Different types of people on I think we Can kind of grow and go like that but it Definitely sounds better but coach I'm

Glad you were mentioning the D1 promo Because like you said these guys now Like this is time the time is now right Like you're starting to get into your Seasons you're going to start having More tape whether it was or whatever Now's the Time you know because these College coaches you know they're worried About their Seasons but the recruiting Aspect of it never stops so that's just Something that continues to grow so guys Don't wait too long to jump into it Because I'm telling you with the you Know the stuff that we've seen from the Guys that have participated and done it You know once they get that first one Too with our help then it's just kind of Just keeps continuing to go and go and Go so definitely something that guys Need to look at and jump on if they have Questions like you said they can message You and kind of ask them and you'll Answer them and be good to go so Definitely something to look into no There's no doubt about it um it it makes A it it just makes a huge difference Like just you know I did a Post I can't remember if it was Braden Kelly was the last post I did but what Whatever the last post I I had just done And within three hours it was over 10,000 views right and it end up being Like 20 25,000 I mean if you have a 100 follow

You're gonna get like 200 views you know On your thing and they're gonna be from Like Grandma Grandma and dad you know What I mean it's it's not the the look We want them to view your stuff too but At the same time yeah yeah yeah when This is posted it goes to a certain Clientele that it's the clientele you're Looking for right it's the clientele you Want to see and had you not had they not Participated or had not made the Connection with you you know they may Not these people will not see their film It's just how it works it just it is What it is it's not going to get in Front of the right eyes that you need it To get in front of in order to get where You want to go well recruiting is gone And and you know whether people like it Or not if you're in a super high end Like really really high and unless you Want you know to be on our promo program Because you want to be the number one Player in the country okay which I could Serve that purpose but if you're the a Guy who's really a slam dunk you're You're not going to need that program Right unless like I said we had a couple Kids that wanted to be the number one Player in the country unless you're Trying to leverage it for something else Something else and you can leverage it For nil like There there are other ways to leverage

It which we really haven't tapped me and Mike not tapped that like does this Promotion if you're a top tier kid help You get Right more Nal deals does uh a year long Of $1,000 dollar end up getting you 10,000 from you know down because you Get more right that that's something we We have to explore more that potentially But those as far as recruiting wise Those Guys um are going to get recruited to a Certain level unless they're in some Level of obscurity for whatever reason Those top tier guys but then There's F CS to group of five what I Call right and even lower power five Lower not meaning lower level lower Meaning they hav't maybe not as Prominent a program I'm not going to Name but maybe not as prominent a Program but still playing in a power Five Conference those players which is Like every year I don't know between all The grade levels what are we talking 12 To 15,000 guys at least you know that Each between each grade level Um those guys really have to work to get Their name out there because of those 12 To 15 that maybe that get the Scholarships in each one of those Classes like maybe like that's like Three or four thousand each class

Um of those Guys it's probably about a 100,000 Players that are all within range of Each other of those 12,000 and I don't Know if that makes a ton of sense that's Why I trying trying to like kind of Figure out the best way to say it but There's a pool of 100,000 players Fighting for the FCS lower FBS lower I Mean a a group of five lower power five Conference schools right 100,000 players And let's say there's 12,000 or 15,000 Spots between each class freshman Soper Jr all them Together they're all pretty close people Don't realize that the top top tier Which was identified when the NFL Started um focusing on flag football a Lot the big push for flag football their Philosophy I've read this um Troy Vincent put this out there he's the he's The number two guy to Um uh gell said the 3,000 guys that we Need each year to be NFL players those People are different guys those guys are Going to always be out there It's the rest of the people that they Want to really they're worried about Enjoying the football now whether I Agree with that or not I don't I I Actually disagree with that statement Because if you don't have a large pool Here eventually this pool here is less And I use boxing as the example right

Boxing was a huge sport you know Joe Lewis I mean we weren't alive but you Know I read all the books Joe Lewis uh Um um Max schmelling uh uh Jersey Joe Wall all these heavyweights were there Was a large pool boxing was a way out For lots of people because a lot of People didn't have corporate jobs back Then a lot of people were working class People there's still a lot of Working Class People but there's M there's a Rise of White Collar jobs right So larger pool boxing you get lots of Guys that are pretty good you know Joe Lewis maybe was at is was at the top you Know Rocky Marciano after him but There's a lot of guys all those fights Were back Now let's look at boxing Now I first of all heavyweights does Anyone even know who they were the two Big guys from Russia they lasted forever At the top right the last time there was Really a lot of heavyweights was when You know 80s and 90s a decent time Period and really the last time people Were talking about boxing being you know What I mean like when you know UFC has Kind of like come in and kind of done That and created like uh Dana White's Got a nice little business business Model he's also kind of like a non Nonsense down like you know he's a Different type of CEO I want to say

Right like you know so he he presents Things a certain way he was one of those Guys that during covid kind of tried to Like hey I can take advantage of Something here and like all right let's Just put all these dudes on an island And like go from there and figure Something out whereas you know the Boxing world has just continued to kind Of like you know the whole it's it's so Violent now with more concussion stuff Coming out of like who would want to do This and that there's just been other Ways for those guys that now used to Look at that as a way of survival now it That that there's other ways out there's Other avenues I don't have to box to get Out right so I feel like that kind of Hurt a little bit but at the same time You're looking at the same exact thing If that doesn't if there's no now pool Right so if we were continue just the Way football looked like it way it was Going when when the concussion stuff Started to come out and people were Starting to go away from it or it's a Violent Sport and we need to do Something else so we started to kind of Change it and whatnot you know those are The things that that had to happen in Order for it to continue so it's it's Comparable right and and I'm not saying It's going to go on the extreme level Because football's obviously much more

Popular boxing but but when you talk About the pool of player why why is Mayweather last and my Mayweather and Pacquiao last so long without anyone Close to them right like because there Just isn't enough of a pool of guys to Get other guys to the top at that level Right so when someone gets to the top They stay there because there isn't that Many people to knock him off the cliff And so and UFC is a great example who's Increased by marketing increased their Pool of people their pool was very tiny In the beginning right they Actually it's like a gimmick right it Was like a oh well it's not wrestling But it's not boxing but it's not this Right it's kind of people were trying to Feel feel it out and then when they Realize kind of like what it was oh okay This could be something that we enjoy Right also you know you don't I don't Know boxing it's like hey you have a big Match right and then you gotta wait what A year two years for like another big One to come about you know what I mean There just there wasn't enough you know Football's every Sunday you know like You're getting something every Sunday Where boxing you got to wait a longer Time where you know so now each one of Those big time fights needs to be just That it needs to it needs to be a Super Bowl like atmosphere in order to create

Any type of Revenue or any type of Anything I just think it's too much for What this you know we live in an Immediate Society right like we want Things now we don't want to wait a year For the next fight look at how many Years they waited for Mayweather Pacquiao to actually happen and then When it did happen it was kind of like Well p is Pacquiao still who he was is This guy still who you know what I mean It happened six years Later right and and so coming circling All the way back to the D1 promo on This if you have a pool of Players that are fighting for a certain Number of spots and everybody has A Certain range they're in promotion makes A big difference because if everybody's Pretty close and what we find out about One but we don't know about the other What are you gonna do to separate Yourself and this is what could be that Separation That that's correct and and and um I I Mean I'm so excited about it because It's worked really for I mean if you Like you we talk all about a proc the Process but in in this case you want to Know does the end result actually happen The end result has so it it's it's a Huge difference and um but yeah I mean You know football which is coming around

The next few weeks which is s like I'm Super jazzed up uh college football next What three weeks uh High School same Time right yeah 25th and then three weeks from like Basically Friday right uh we're talking And then Um uh then we got obviously the NFL Started last night uh I've already I've Already had to see clips of Travis Wilson uh tripping and uh I mean boy This Guy was he not well tell you watched I Didn't watch the game you I remember and I watched specifically that play where Third and two he makes a great move to Like get out of it right like it looks Like oh cool first down and and the dude Slips Like it's like he can't catch a break You're like this poor dude right like All everybody talking about is how he's Like such a bust and now like he's just Gota whatever and play behind r i mean For him not bad being a backup making That kind of money right if but if You're a competitor now you know I you Still have that fire you're also you Know what do you do do I just I mean you Take it because you're getting paid Whatever you're getting paid but you're Still looked at as like that bust right And now you're sitting behind you know Probably a Hall of Famer I guess you

Just sit there soak it up and kind of go With it you know I don't really know how You approach it as a competitor I'm Pissed as an as a businessman I'm Probably not as pissed I'm probably Satisfied with collecting my check Sitting in the back there and then Learning I don't know it's it's a really Weird hard situation you know you kind Of feel bad for him but at the same time Like get Better well uh who is better um Tim Bole Or tra uh Wilson bo uh bo I like just Because he's like steady Edie but he's Steady Edy yeah you know he's always He's never gonna be the two because They're the other guy too much money oh Yeah yeah I was just curious who was who Looked better I mean Wilson has a a um Yeah I mean he's got a cannon he's just He you know look in the old days those Guys sat for a couple I mean Aron Rogers Sat for five years right four or five Years Steve Young sat For a long time behind Montana majority of those guys sat Because it was hey this is an investment Right like this Isn't you know we're down the road we Got to get this guy prepared we're not Just gonna throw him to the world you Know pay was one of the very few guys That came in started from day one and Just I mean I don't know games he won

First season not a lot no I'm curious Did LA start right away uh too oh he Might have because he was like I'm not Going here if not if I Don't right like he I feel like he was One of the first guys to say I'm not Doing you know like Noh like I'm not if If I'm gonna get drafted there or Whatever play baseball so he didn't Start uh L joined one of most highly Talented he was Local Craig Morton retired in 82 so he was the Backup he's basically backup split split Time early on even he didn't start right Away he played though he did play There's Something like playing And my whole thing is I look at it too Like you know I personally don't I feel Like look in some way shape or form your Backup quarterback's gonna have to win You at least one game during the Season just the way the NFL works you Know Like well I typed in Joe Joe Montana I Ask first I typed in Montana I just saw A beautiful picture of Montana which is Where I'd rather be right now but um Yeah it looks a little it looks a lot Nicer than than Jersey I'll tell you That I mean although it's been nice out this Week gorgeous gorgeous these guys are

Spoiled if you're if you're in Camp in The weather happened this Week that's nice now last week with some Humidity no Monana did he start right away Montana Did not start right Away I I was just curious a year a year And a half then he became the start I I I just curious in the old days like like I'm sure Johnny United started right Away because it pro started right away Because there probably wasn't anybody Else you know some of those guys in the Early early years right but but like When it started to get a multitude of Quarterbacks I feel like I feel like a Lot of guys you know that 70s 80s maybe Uh maybe the 90s have probably started To change is my guess yeah like Troy aan He did did he sit I don't think troyan's Troy that's a good question Troy I know He I think like you know I know he Struggled when he came In Troy Aman Troy Aman okay here we go Troy aan was 89 it looks like He played right Away right he Uh this his have you ever seen the I Don't know what it is with a thing on Troy Aman but like covers his I don't Know if it's an NFL thing or or what by Seeing it like on Tik Tok but it was

Talking about so when he was at Oklahoma And he was the starter at Oklahoma he um Let me get this right so when he was a Starter at Oklahoma they I don't Remember what they went to they went to Bowl game or whatever he did really Well um and then he got I want to say he Got hurt and the guy who took took his Place was Jamal Holloway that's your Guy yeah I I I just happened to see Other other because I knew he came in And I knew he was playing but I didn't Know what H I didn't know what happened He got hurt and Jamal Holly went in and They won the National Championship That's what it was and and that was with Who Switzer that was with Switzer Troyman was triple option but they were Throwing a decent amount with him Because he could obviously throw right And Switzer called up um in the Offseason called up uh the UCLA head Coach and Said I have a guy and he's a star and And he was skeptical because he said Most of the time when people call him up Like well back then for a transfer it's Like it's a headache it's uh they're Just TR you know they're they're lying Because they just want to get rid of This guy you know they're not telling The truth but he said I'm telling you This guy is a first uh a first round Draft pick he's just you know we're

Running a triple option and he's we have A guy that's you know jelle holl who Basically became the greatest one of the When people think about the greatest Triple option quarterbacks of all time He is probably on the Mount Rushmore of Triple option quarterback you probably Don't know he is because you probably Were a baby or you W even born yet I Caught him at the end maybe at the end You but he was like of his highlights it It's it's like he makes run in the Triple Option he makes people want to do it Well no you he makes people want to Choose that offense rather than have to Be forced into it because of personnel He makes it look so e he makes it look Easy dude like that too that too that's A problem because then when people go to Run it they're like oh we could run it Because this guy does it and you're like No bro like no you don't have this guy You don't have this Guy this guy I wish I could have I ever Brought up Clips let me see if I I don't Even know how to spell I would be Curious to see like I wonder what Michael Vic would have done in a triple Option this is offense you Know because he was just so fast but he Was a different type of fast you know That would have been uh I got I got I Got it would also be interesting to see

Some of those programs that used to do That stuff I if they still did it you Know that would Be yeah that right and could those and Then could those teams still compete With who they compete with doing that Can you see let's see if you could see This yeah you could see It there you Go let's watch Jamal look at those terway oh Tays are Great they they were awesome terway and Everything's astro turf that hurts so Bad let's see right let see how see Highlights of Jamal I me look The just so fast oh my God Wrong yeah he's not big but I think he's Like 5'9 maybe 510 oh that was the Boss you know who that is guess who he's Throwing to there that guy Yeah that's um he's a Hall of Famer uh Tight end used to play for the Eagles Um c a million balls oh uh See look at him throw like imagine him Running zone Reed I mean he has an arm but I'm saying Imagine him you like you know he didn't He couldn't well he wasn't like hey I'm Just a Runner what's amazing is he like he Holds the ball one hand half the time It's amazing how athletic he is like Just

Freakishly freakishly athletic Freakishly quick you know Heisman winner Or no I think he was a c a finalist oh One of the years I think his senior year He might have gotten hurt oh you know in That offense you know but uh yeah yeah Yeah and then obviously didn't Charles Thompson took his place look at that Look at him oh man look at him go oh my Goodness oh yeah he's little he's little He's moving now look he's holding one Hand he must have big Hand here's a little throw okay Buddy I can't believe I can't oh Keith Jackson that's it the tight end oh I got So you know Keith Jackson was like a Three-time All-American or something Right but guess how many catches Keith Jackson would have in the year it' be Like 10 you know like 11 15 yeah like oh Wow we're getting up in the pig numbers Now how good you have to be imagine so Like you take a quarterback like him put Him in the back field and now you're Running like all your Zone reads with All your rpos like really The only only analogy watching him run That he does remind me of is like a Kyler Murray kind of deal yeah you know Like I guess KY Muray Like it moves it always has the ball in One hand you know you know Kyler would Have it in one hand a little bit right

Like when he's scrambling he don't talk It he just kind of leaves it out there Kind of letting it Go it just shows you the evolution of The game though you know what I mean Because now most guys nowadays are this Guy go play Receiver yeah well because well if He he throws a good ball though Phenomenal yeah no you're right they Well they are or or maybe's a running uh Maybe like a a slot or running back and And actually the truth is in today's Offense is probably that's where he Should be you know so yeah that guy in The slot that can run Jet Sweep that can Catch those quick passes right get the Ball in his hands and kind of wiggle and Make moves go right like be an athlete I Think he you know some like him had no Chance of being a pro back then because Back then not well not at the Quarterback spot right like they would Have firmly made him change Positions and I don't think I think he Was probably an option quarterback his Whole life and I bet you the whole time That was to go to running back would Have been hard and the slots weren't a Big deal back then didn't do anything I Today's game he would be like uh a Wesley walker uh Tyreek Hill um well Tyreek plays all over but because he's So fast but like um an Edelman like he

Move can move around slot you know even Likeon Smith from from b a couple years Ago little guy right like he can do what That guy does Just Bounce all over the Place but offenses weren't geared like That like you use the tight end more Than you use the slot Receiver yep yep no you're right it was Like a tight end I think there was one It was a flanker probably I bet you what What what what what did they do was it a Flanker or was it maybe it was a true X I guess some I feel like they were Double tight end were they Double were they double tight end they Must have been double tight end I think Tight or maybe they were or may I heard New offense what's that I heard that's Your new offense too Tight well it's default my Offense yeah too tight Think about that right like if you first Off you rarely s saw somebody in like Four wide or three wide receivers right And then if it was you just took like a Tight end and put him out there in the Slot or you took like your fullback and You put him out just kind of lined them Up and was like hey they weren't really Doing anything but now you look at it Like that guy's pivotal and like most Sets are 10 Personnel so you're talking About working with an entire different You know I'm sure there's a lot of guys

Guys that go back and said man if I Would have played today I would have Been this or I wouldn't have played Because that position doesn't exist Anymore you Know well the running backs are uh very Upset not very human Beings I saw another thing where a guy Was like oh oh I know what it was it was Ingram I saw a video by Ingram Ingram Said Ingram is no longer in the league Right no are you talking Mark Ingram Like like Yeah like Heisman winner yeah yeah no He's I don't think he's in the league Anymore he said he said he's probably Salty as hell too because he he was like Bounced out before probably he felt he Should have been well he said that he um Felt that he said he's going encourage His son to play a different like Quarterback or a different position or Uh receiver or DB bro just go play Defense and you're playing three defense Dude you want to play go play defense And play three Downs sorry you got to Work a little harder to get the Recognition you're not scoring Touchdowns I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure That your name still gets all over Twitter if you have an interception or You have 10 tackles in a game you know Defense just opportunities are are I Don't have to come off look if I play

Receiver how many times are you even Gonna throw me the ball maybe maybe You're going to look my way seven times A game maybe right run around for the Most part 100% you're doing stuff so It's whatever yeah okay I might have an Opportunity to score a touchdown that's Great you can make three tackles in Three plays and you're already you know What I mean like why not I don't know That's just always it could I agree with Your defense dude so like I I always Lobby that way but I'm just saying if You want to get on a field you want to Play the most football you can where You're actually a part of it go play Defense no it it is amazing You know people look at uh defense as Like it's it's so funny when I like are We going to do the little kids are we Gonna do offense today I said yeah we're Off I said but most the offense like Most of you guys are Blocking you know 10 of you blocking of You are blocking on a play like on Defense you could all get to the ball All of you right and then it becomes Like a competition like I'm gonna beat You like I'm gonna beat you I'm gonna Beat like so it's just like I don't know I I don't I don't understand it I love When I get the look like man you should Play defense and then you get that look You're like you get that look like well

I want to play offense it's the same Reason when we do any of our showcases Or anything when we go one-on ones There's 450 receivers and there's a 100 DBS it's like dude like you want to get A scholarship go do that even half of The half of whatever and you'll be on The field right it's crazy to me also More opportunities there's only so many Quarter how many quarterbacks are there I'm pretty sure there's one right like I Think there's one yeah there's one That's that kind I think there's one Right yeah okay and then you know now You look at like DB I mean damn even if You want to break it down even more so You could play DB that's four positions Even if you want to say Corner safety You still have two opportunities to get On the field like maximize your Opportunity and then critique it from There or go from there right I don't Know I just that's just me because I but I was always a guy that just wanted to Play you know I was picky about oh it's Got to be this it's got to be that it's Gotta Be I didn't care let's just just Get me on a field that's all I want to Do is just let me just play right that I Went to the schools that I you know Chose the colleges that I chose because I wanted to play I didn't want to sit Around for four years put all that work In and then do something little no I

Wanted to participate I wanted to go out There I wanted to play right away Couldn't stand sitting around but I Don't know a lot of these guys are so up In their feels about I got to be a Receiver I gotta be a quarterback I Gotta be this that they just want to Play that position and kudos to them if That's the way they want to do it but You know when you don't get the Opportunity that you expect then know That that's why you chose that path yep There's no doubt about it Um what else do we got going on in uh College any updates on the PJ Fleck Thing I haven't seen anything come out Of that really that kind of got hushed Real quick I didn't even see it until You said something to me about it now Look you can really look at I mean he is The ultimate motivational type of like I Mean he's got an acronym for every Freaking thing he does Row the boats This all kind of stuff right like he Really pumps that a ton and for these Guys to come out for the people for guys That don't know what we're talking about PJ Fleck the head coach uh at Minnesota Kind of you know people some of his Former players have come out and said That it's you know what like a cult like Following kind of like or it's it's it's The the the mental messages and stuff Are bordering on you know you know you

Know kind of bullying type of thing Really kind it looks like they got rid Of it mostly so like it's not like Northwestern where they had to get rid Of the head coach yes no it's definitely Not right and I don't think it was Anything like of that nature where there Was hazing or any of that type some of His guys I guess at Minnesota just felt Like it was the motivational stuff was So like over the top it was bordering on A certain way now those guys that Probably said that are probably guys That have never that never took a snap But I like I like that's my feeling About things is usually those guys that Are loud about those types of things are Guys that are not happy with their Playing situation well oh that's always The case but um if you're starting you a Sure as hell ain't saying this is like a Call what would their SL so they they it Was something like what would be their So their slogan for 2023 it's just Because he's like a very like I said He's an acronym guy he's always got a Slogan he's always got something right It's always like you know Row the boats Or or you know it's the same thing that Shano does with his whole like chop Thing but he only has chop that's it This guy's got a motivational acronym For for something for everything well he Said uh this year they

Poise uh they're at their their thing is They decide on Poise and then they they Uh weew Poise control balance and H Situations how could we get this message Home that's where the poison Band came In to play Poison we could play that Anytime they're in the locker room and If they don't have Poise they'll have Poison in that locker Room they all of want to listen to Poison I Guess I mean okay you know like okay That's an 80s band that you there's no Way you listen to that group po obvious Yeah from you know how I know him from 80s movies like oh with they weren't They like a hardore aren't they like a Uh hairand AR they like a guns and& Roses type of like along those lines Type of thing like these guys with long Hair and stuff they're they're a hair Band they're that's what they are right Like a hair band they're different than They're little they were kind of like Hair Glam almost oh like like a little Like all let's let's let's get let's get The education of uh uh what are they Were they considered Metal they were considered Like that like that hairband rock I Don't know uh yeah like that stuff was Big that yeah that stuff was let's see If we can find something good on these

Guys Glam oh glam metal they called it I Can't believe that's I didn't I was not Really a fan to be honest as you would Probably expect but um but I do know all The songs because everybody's playing That crap all anybody ever probably Played yeah know I do know them all but It was like definitely it wasn't my Thing I can tell you that there they Are oh God they look like girls to me 100 yeah They look like they're in like a like a Whatever Simmons workout Video Richard S see I knew him a Richard Civ workout Yeah everything's like uh you know Everybody's in like their hair is all up In the bands and it's like they're all In like these like I don't know leotards Or whatever looks like they're going to Like a a freaking gymnastics Meet Richard Simmons see I remember Richard Simmons sweating to the oldies Yeah sweating to the oldies right but Like he's the only guy I knew that Worked out every single day and looked Exactly the same how did he never get Any Improvement how you never have any Muscles or anything like that dude like I don't know how is that possible I Don't know apparently I just always Wonder that how does someone work Out like he worked out and Never never improved physically I

Guess Richard Simmons here he is I mean Also like you look at like uh like Remember who was the other dude too the Uh the Taio guy remember that was for a Thing for a While right Billy Billy Blanks or something his name Was right Billy Blanks same Thing Billy Blanks though was built That's what I'm saying at least he kind Of looked apart right like this guy's Like hey work out look like me it's like That's what I want to look like I guess If what the alternative is but like Still interesting I don't know and now We look at these college weight room Programs right these guys go away and They come back 20 pounds heavier and It's like and you're like okay so that's What that's how you change your body Right not sweating to the oldies over Here sweating sweating to the Oldies Interesting what's uh any big first uh Co weekend College Matchups uh I think there's a couple um Obviously like out of conference stuff I Think um what I saw something last night I think it Was I think Oregon's playing somebody That they're like normally not whatever I don't know I gota look at Nebraska I Gotta See nebras opens Nebraska opens with Minnesota that

Should be a Win for who Nebraska or Minnesota Nebraska I would think depends on what He do it depends on how much work he Really had to do when he got in There uh yeah well isn't Minnesota good Though I mean I don't Know I just there's not that many There's not I don't see too many big Matchups the first Florida State Somebody TCU plays Colorado that should Be good TCU coming off of a playoff Appearance and obviously Dion's gonna Have a lot of uh I almost like want to Cry when I see these videos dude he's Always out there in like a scooter he's Always gimping around like he literally Has like one foot now it's crazy did did They have to do surgery or no what did They yeah if you watch some of the stuff Like seen over the last couple days I Guess Camp started or whatever he's like On like a he's on like a Paul Blart Scooter and he never has a shoe on It really yeah like to that extent like He ain't out there like walking from Drill to drill he's like riding from Drill to Dr really yeah it's a shame It's really like it's kind of Sad that's crazy wild Right you know it's uh I I wonder if I Wonder even though he handles things Very well I wonder if the stress makes It worse for him like that blood clot

And stuff you know my eyes in my eyes I Think stress kills every stress you Know right it's a silent killer you Really have no idea right and and Everybody deals with it in different Ways so I think that has a lot to do With it too like some guys are are it's Very easy to tell when they're stress And then some guys you think it's you Have no clue but on the inside it's like Silent killer dude yeah and I you know For as much Persona as he's like all Good whatever you know blah blah blah I'm sure he's worried about Everything gotta be stressful it's Something that's like because it's also Like a genetic thing right like he Didn't even know he had it until like he Had it and then he had to call his mom And be like Mom do we have blood clots In our family and she's like oh yeah You're uncle and you're this and you're That and he's like [ __ ] I needed to know This you're trying to coach football Like not only trying to coach football You're just trying to do something Unprecedented he yeah he try to build a Program build a program a certain way Being who you are so you got live up to That every day you're trying to your Kids are part of this whole process so To me personally when your family's Involved in something like that like I'm Gonna give it a little more juice and

Pay you know what I mean even more so Than anything else like but he's also Got to rep now his brand and did you see That he resigned with Nike uh Dion did yeah so they're Bringing back like his old school like Turf shoes and stuff Oh wow Bruce of that stuff right Like wow it's interesting Bruce you know Bruce Feldman is Bruce Feld yeah he said that he he he thinks That Dion's gone by 2024 meaning if if it goes really well He's out if it goes really bad he's out So that he he he he thinks that no Offense the foot is a Great it's a great what like if it don't Go good it's a great oh Like not that he's that person no but You know you might say it's not worth it If it's not going well Not it's going well you'll stick it out Like look I don't need to do this I Tried something my Health's more Important or then it could always be Like hey if we we could have if I would Have been healthy or something like that Right but then if it goes good it's also The same thing like hey this is going Great I'm gonna leave it this way I Gotta go because my Health's more Important well I would well he was Saying that like if he does really well He's moving on to another place you

Think you don't you don't think so you Think that you think that his health He'll he'll do this as long as he can And then it's that's just it I think He's yes because I think this move in Itself has been more than he was Expecting like I mean I'm sure he Expected whatever but you can never Really predict typ and this is at Colorado now he's what gonna go do it Again and go to what like a Florida State I don't know dude I don't know if Like and personally I think his health And being around with his family is more Important than even jeopardizing that in The slightest as it is they're already Talking like hey we got to take your Foot like that's the next phase of this How he's seven years older than me so He's so's not young he's 56 56 yeah that ain't look it's young but It's not young but to be out in the Football field right like Nick Sav had How many hip surgeries or this or that You know like Kirby SM I didn't even Know he does oh I I believe Savin had Hip stuff already yeah oh Yeah um but that's another thing like do People don't think about a coach's Health love how you know all this stuff You're right he he did have hip Surgery you're a good reader he he yeah He did have uh hip surgery I also like To me I pay attention to that stuff

Because like when he's off life of a College coach never stops it's it's 365 It's seven days a week so you know when Did Nick Sav you you know he he had when Did he have time to take off to get his Hip done right like you The same day deal so he went in they did It in whatever and I'm sure the second He came out of surgery he was like like Are you coming to Bama are you coming to Bama are you coming to B I just had Surgery where and I'm I'm Tweeting or I'm texting you from my hospital bed That's how bad I want you to come to Bama group tax for Coaches now probably pissed like get off The damn phone Nick like we need to heal Here and he's like no no no no this Guy's a five star I got to get him in Building he's going to Georgia tomorrow I gotta make sure he's coming he's on a Group text with his staff I also you Remember send the letter to some of them Right remember wrestler Bill Goldberg Yeah yeah yeah yeah ball dude whatever Bama just offered his kid uh a preferred Walk- on spot as a receiver just to keep Him from going to Georgia is like how They're spinning It like there's no way this kid's ever GNA play aama he's literally looks like A 58 wide receiver but I mean obviously He's Bill Goldberg's kid he's yolked but Put together but he uh I guess yeah I

Guess Bama offered him a pwo just to Keep him away from Georgia or something Why is where he went Georgia or Something I guess he was like yeah I Guess like he's just like you know just Like one of those things like hey he Could help but like you never know so Like let's just keep him from there and It said like D's done this in the past So I was like okay well it looks like He's as tall as his it looks like he's As tall as his dad I don't think Goldberg was very Tall Gage Goldberg a line linebacker Prospect given an opportunity as a Preferred Walkon Gage Goldberg I'd like to watch His highlight tapes see and Listen you know I'm on it already right Now I gotta see how good he is I saw it The other day I loved it like oh he's 6 Feet 205 p and Size here he is a pictures with Nick Sabin yeah he is really not that big no I told you he's like the same size As he ain't six it says he's six feet Yeah I told You that's one of those Inle he's six feet he's six feet in Soro Than you're six feet there I'm 65 that's saying you're six5 Yeah if I was coming out now I'd be like I'd be like I'm 6'4 people they be like Beat

Me no doubt I mean what your guy from uh With Coach Jackson from um uh West Virginia said about these guys with Height and he laughs he's like now goes Great now I'm walking a guy who told me He was 6'2 he's not even six foot and I Gotta walk him into coach Brown's office And I just wasted 10 minutes and he's Like now he's pissed Like like please give me because I'm Gonna figure it out eventually and we're Only wased everybody's time you Know he's he's not fast um Goldberg's Kid he is aggressive you would I mean I'm watching It move was like the spear right like Didn't he like I don't know I thought it Was like a charge type of whatever move I sometimes I think these guys get Offers just because or they're just on The scene because of like you know Well he after watching his film I could Safely say that he is A preferred Welome well he's preferred because Nick S's no dummy that's Why do Nick samon's like Goldberg's Gonna be a part of the program now right He's Al okay so now I just got every Wrestling fan whatever come over and Then you know I also don't have to worry About this kid whatever because he's got And I Obviously he's got his own nil I I

Wonder now so to me now that's something That is interesting right with nil think About it so a guy like that obviously People are gonna throw money at him Because of who he is he's Bill Goldberg's kid oh yeah he he may not Steep foot on the field and be a player But now he's in the locker room making All this nil money and the dudes that Are actually playing aren't making Anything how did like what does that do Right like do you guys not even care Because it's it's like whatever dude you Don't even play or it's well that's [ __ ] I play and I still don't make Money what's so funny is how people get This wrong one one news out reports he Gets an offer from a scholarship offer From Alabama that's not true nope it's a Preferred walk on see people don't know That it's so funny how like the whole How you can Skew dude smoking Mirrors it's great easy you can make Yourself a way better player than you Are by just Like going to Georgia that's why I think When coach Jackson was saying I'll talk To whoever right like high school coach Seven on seven coach Trainer I'll talk to all these guys Because if I'm gonna offer you a Scholarship then I want to know who you Are around the whole thing don't just I

Just don't need your hand telling me how Good you are I know that part Absolutely U well hot water heaters it Can be a problem oh yeah coach coach H He just he just textt me again Apologizing and uh he had a hot water Issue so my basement's flooded I said Well that's gonna be rough since Camp Starts on Monday buddy is it raining up There or by me is it raining by you or No yeah it's starting to drizzle Temperature's been nice though are you Uh you got any plans to head up to Jets Camp next uh may maybe next week like Friday or Saturday uh this this today We're going to go till Sunday go up to Well Ghana I don't know I don't know What the weather's like but we're gonna Go to Lake George for a couple days like Saratoga Saratoga yeah so Jealous you know stay in a hotel and um The SAG more no messing I've stayed There I've stayed there but so hard to Get in the summer with can't get it's Too expensive for what you're Getting unless I just love late George Bro yeah sag I we stayed in the Sagamore When Troy was I Remember and we we got a great rap Because it was it was it was the year we Were year you weren't Coaching 21 No so I think you were able to go later Or that it it was the year Co year

Maybe it was year I didn't Coach it might have been Troy was a baby It was the year it was when we had Troy So the first year I remember you go in There and I'm like oh you're at Lake George like Lake George is the best Because my uncle's Farm's 20 minutes From there you know my cousin has a boat My cousin has a boat right we did stay There Twice the second time was like a Um it was maybe after right um we Weren't coaching but the first time I Went was when he was first born I didn't I didn't coach that year and we got a Great rate because you know when we went After the season the sept like like After Labor Day He the most amazing time People don't understand like it's and And being down here when all the north Jersey people go go back right and it's Day like that 21 season where we didn't Coach and we kind of just like floated Around man I'm telling you like to have August and September there's nothing Like it it's phenomenal especially after Being in it forever and just kind of Like okay here comes August Here Comes Camp here come you know the same dog and Pony show the same routine that Most underrated time I think in the Northeast is That first week in October because look The water's still warm right like I can

Still go out on the wave runner in late September and the water still be 70 Degrees the first Frost hasn't hit yet Like you're still out there there's no Traffic nobody's doing anything every All the prices and stuff have come back Down because now the summer pushes out It's just great like going up to see a Game at at uh at army Miss Stadium right On the water nothing Like great place to see a game Atmosphere wise phenomenal I'm gonna I'm Gonna try and go some games this year if I can well think about it you have a Nice little cre too right like you can Now hey Troy what friend do you want or You know another dad that maybe you work With or something like that the four of You can go and kind of whatever or take Nicole she's a rider now she good like That that's a that's a good that's an Awesome experience to go to some of Those games I mean you can go to any Ruckers game you want for free pretty Much so you know I bet I could go to any Uh West Point game yeah just call and Ask yeah listen we're we have the we Have a club that's I I wonder how they Um like they have to now even though Have to cater to those Club Teams yeah like hey I'm the Bor be 77 Club and right like hey I got a couple Guys that I'd like to bring to a game Like what yeah they so from whatever

Schmo high school and I got Billy Taylor Who's you know thinking about going okay Sure come On I'm try to take like I we should Actually it's something we should Probably talk to send out to our guys if There's uh if you're interested in going To well they could probably just do it Through their high school though but Could but if those guys aren't talking About it or taking advantage of it yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah School coach are Worried High School coaches are worried About I got to win next week not hey I Gotta get you to Army on Saturday now Those guys may call like so we do it all We see it all the time right hey so and So won't make Saturday film session Because he's going here or he's going Here that's what Saturdays are for That's why High School football is Supposed to be played on Friday night so That's Saturday you can now go and visit Whatever School wants you to be there That's how it was posed to me you guys Have to get yourself a A Murray for your staff what do we need Unless you already have You need like a BRI you know how Brian Murray helps was uh Nikki was saying That a DFO behind the scenes he actually Hit me up yesterday was pretty funny oh Really yeah he's like heard you got some Two new heard you got some nice two uh

Heard you got two looking uh two Freshmen that look pretty good I'm like Look buddy settle down dude yeah he was Messing with me he's like keep those Boys in house I said come on dude like Really stay above the bridge bro like We're good but you know he's just funny But hey I get it plus they're coming Down here to scrimmage why not take a Shot are they uh who are they Scrimmaging here we're scrimmaging we're Scrimmaging though to Paul yeah our we Have a quad it's Us deul St Augustine And St Thomas Aquinus when is that that is our first One so it's the 13th 15th something like that it's our First scrimmage quad so I want to come Watch oh yeah it will should be a goodie Is it at night or in the morning uh I Think we're going in the morning CU it's Our first one and then from we only have One scrimmage and then we're doing a Game scrimmage against man alipin and Then Game I like that that's a good way to do It all right let's wrap it Up of a scrimmage we're good all right Man good Talk good Chat top out He

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