Rick Barry on playing in nba today and what it is like
Say rck you guys couldn't play today I Said get out of your mind I said you Must be on drugs I said you know how Much better I would be if I was playing Today seriously I had no weightlifting We had no strength coach no agility Coach we had no dietician we did Everything we did nothing to help us I'd Be faster stronger quicker more Endurance jump higher I'd be so much Better a basketball player today than I Was back when I played the officials to Called it by the rule book okay stop the Traveling stop the carrying the ball Stop the moving screens call the damn Game according to the rule book because Players will adjust if you're going to Allow them to get away with it tell of Course I'll keep doing it call the game According to the rule book it's such an Advantage to let a guy carry the Basketball or take an extra step that's Ridiculous you know or a guy to move on Offense I mean why are you giving all This Advantage the guys they're breaking The rules call the game according to the Rule but I charted the game a few years Ago Chicago Atlanta 59 moving screens Wer in called 59 that's insane