Quincy Wilson could be the first under 42 im 400 one day

1 min read
Quincy Wilson ran 4420 yesterday to break again the u8 World record uh what he's doing in the 400 meters is by far unprecedented maybe In anything in track of field he's just Going to be a junior in high…

Quincy Wilson ran 4420 yesterday to break again the u8 World record uh what he's doing in the 400 meters is by far unprecedented maybe In anything in track of field he's just Going to be a junior in high school next Year just finished his sophomore year um He's 16 years old the times he's running I'll show the video in another uh uh Clip and put go talk about his race but He is such an upside because his form Development of his his technique and Running is only going to continue to Improve um and if he keeps training the Way he is he I mean he's a guy that Could be easily a sub 43 and maybe a low 42 or lower in the 400 down the line Yeah I said it he's that kind of a Runner

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