Protecting Players: The Future of Football Helmets

Discover the truth behind football helmets and player safety. Explore innovative solutions beyond technology, including reducing practice impact and starting tackle football later in life. Let’s prioritize player health over profit. #FootballPlayerSafety #PlayerHealthMatters #InnovativeFootballHelmets #ReducingPracticeImpact #YouthSportsSafety #SportsInjuriesPrevention #PlayerProtection #GameChangers #FootballSafety…

Discover the truth behind football helmets and player safety. Explore innovative solutions beyond technology, including reducing practice impact and starting tackle football later in life. Let’s prioritize player health over profit. #FootballPlayerSafety #PlayerHealthMatters #InnovativeFootballHelmets #ReducingPracticeImpact #YouthSportsSafety #SportsInjuriesPrevention #PlayerProtection #GameChangers #FootballSafety #PlayerWellbeing

I think and I think as a culture and and Then sort of the business side of this Is that we all want sort of Technological solutions to the problem But all the advances we're making in Helmets are are nothing compared to what The advances we could make by like Hitting lesson practice or starting Later in life with tackle football but Nobody wants to talk about that because There's no profit there it actually Could hurt profits so you know we we try To put the helmet discussion sort of in Its place where it's it's somewhere in The top 10 things we should focus on but It's not in the top three

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