Prospect Podcast – Offensive Line Play with Ian Tatum
Prospect Podcast – Offensive Line Play with Ian Tatum with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale
All right all right we got a great show Today I'm back we have Coach D obviously Below me here um back as usual and then We have our great guest today coach Tatum coach Tatum's uh High School coach Um but really specializes in his Expertise on the offensive line and he's Got all kinds of uh great content with Respect to that you could spend he's at Uh it's Walkertown right is the is where You the uh sir Walker Town y um and uh In addition to his OC duties he really Does a great job both on Instagram and Twitter with like putting out stuff from Offensive line Standpoint um techniques uh Clips things Like that to really help uh athletes and Coaches right get better with with the Offensive line So um without further Ado coach it's Great to have you on hey I I appreciate The opportunity I'm humble to be asked To come on and join youall I I love Doing this cuz I'm usually on the other On your side right I'm usually hosting These things and usually talking getting Guests on so I love to come on and just Talk and kind not let the pressure is Off because I gotta I gotta hold up my End of it but I I get to actually you Know participate instead of you know Asking the questions so yeah I love this You get to enjoy yourself a little bit Yeah not having to produce and making
Sure things are coming in out and asking The question so yeah this is great no no Doubt um talk about so talk about your Background as a coach and and obviously Also all the things you're doing kind of Some of the things they really looking To get across there yeah for sure so I've been coaching for 10 years um Predominantly High School um I I here in North Carolina uh I played some private School ball in high school uh got an Opportunity to be a preferred walk on in Garden of web University right outside Of Charlotte Um after a year I I decided hey I want I Really want to get into coaching so as a Student assistant I was helping the Offensive line coach with from you know Helping with meetings to setting up Practice to doing filming and and all That type of stuff so basically was was Like a a grad assistant but you know not In grad school so did that from there I Transitioned to to coaching some private School ball and some middle school ball Uh so I volunteered for four years out a Out at of College I coached two a Varsity and JV and in middle school so I I coached three different squads for Four years all volunteer so uh kind of Got my feet wet real fast you know I Kind of you know you know it was a grind Right I I would substitute teach in School uh and then I would go straight
To middle school practice and I would Leave and drive about 30 to 35 minutes Uh to the Greensboro area to to coach Until about 8 o'clock at night so that Was before I was married so I was a I Was able to do that and um that about Four years and then I moved to Virginia Beach uh was at Tallwood High School Right before covid this is 2019 at that Point um great great time out there but I went from coaching you know not as Much talent at Middle School to coaching A 68 ball I had five seniors in my group That started for me and it was I learned A lot uh you know dos and don'ts um just Kind of you know as a young guy and then Co hit end up coming back home and was That uh a small onea school they called North Rowan High School was there for Three years and that's where I that's Where a lot of this stuff that I I do Now really took off because I I got in With a coach The head coach there was a College coordinator uh an offensive line Coach South Carolina state um Nel Pearson huge Mentor mine and that's Where we really developed hey this is Where we're gonna really start getting This offensive line stuff going Especially in my head like I thought I Knew some I knew a little bit I know I Know to be dangerous to get my guys Going but then I really started develop As coach um so I was with him for three
Years and now for the last going into my Third year here at Walkertown being a Coordinator uh and just offensive line Coach um had a lot of success this past Year went eight and four uh lost in Second round of the playoffs to a team We beat in the second week of the season So that was a little Heartbreaker um but So that last 10 years have been a blast Um coaching I don't I I'm the first one To say I don't know everything I don't Um but I know has made us successful and I know some things that I believe in um So that's a little bit of the coaching Side uh outside of coaching uh with with Social media and and just my own Personal brand um especially through my Ex and YouTube um at coach Tatum uh I Just I want to help coaches uh and I Want to just share some things that We're doing some things that I I've seen Be successful uh and then a lot of times One of the big things that really Started was uh having young offensive Line coaches hit me up like hey coach Man I I just got in got thrown into Coaching offensive line either I played It in high school and so like I'm the Only other guy I can coach it or um you Know it's it's a veteran on the staff And the coach trust them so they just Thrown in offensive line they've never Done before um so that's what we really Have started to hone in on coaching
Offensive line uh through all the social Media uh platforms um and we I love it We host clinics uh all day all day Clinic I think we do a really good job To our own horn there for uh for a Second but had about, 1500 coaches the End of January come on and uh we had 24 Guests 30 minute uh Intervals from from 8 o'clock to 800 PM Uh all day for me is a long day but I Enjoyed it um so it's just it's just High school and college coaches come on Just give them their time and uh it's All free so uh and we have we have a Coordinator one at the end of March Which be the same deal so really good Stuff that we we decid to to hone in on And really start doing uh with social Media and uh I get I get a term that I Don't like is big time I when you get Called big time it's kind of like you're You're too good for people so I hate That term whenever I see people at Clin It's Tatum it's big time no that's not Me like I I try to be humble try to kind Of just trying to help right I really am So that's a little bit what we're doing Uh you it's offseason now so I love Clinic season No no doubt about it that's that's Pretty impressive 1500 people coming to That clinic oh yeah yeah I was I was a Part I was fortunate enough to that's Kind of where I linked up with coach and
Kind of you know just watched the entire Process of of how that whole thing went Down I mean it was impressive I mean it Was impressive to to to hit it on like That every time and he's troubleshooting And doing what he's got to do and and it Was just I mean and all for free too so You know a lot of good stuff that that Kind of went into that and and extremely Impressive is that what you're doing Coach yeah that was our that was our Third one that we uh this year was our Third one and kind of kind of gotten Some worked out some some some some Kinks uh whereas I stopped people like Hey 30 minutes is up we gotta go because First you be schedule was getting off And because I was kind of like well it's Good stuff but n hey cut them off boom Uh and then uh yeah this was our biggest One so far and then hopefully the one in The end of March will be great but next Year I know the fourth one's going to be Even bigger so yeah I love doing It um it yeah it's it's it's incredible When when you get all those people Together I uh have have run me and Dererk run a lot of events so we know uh We know the troubleshooting end of Things and how it all can work so um That that's really cool stuff it you Know many years ago I could have used uh Someone like yourself when I got thrown Into the fire of being being an
Offensive line coach and it was it was Tough because we we we won the state Championship that year And uh uh the head coach had I had Coached with him previously and he Brought brought me back he said yeah the Addition of doing the Special Teams You're gonna do the o line and I was Like I was like wait What I I I had been a a a head coach Before so um but I it's funny because I Really that's really where I learned o Line play was when I was thrown into the Fire there and I dove into everything I Could um so it's awesome to see the the Resources that you're providing for Coaches because that is uh something That happens a lot of times uh someone's A head coach and they have a coach that They they really like and they think This guy could really be good or they Trust and they figure he'll just figure It out you know what I mean and um uh And then you're but you're like whoa You're like uh you know like uh Especially the first time you're doing It right so um it's really interesting And it's completely different I always Said uh when I went to o line uh as an Assistant that that was my most Challenging and rewarding year up to That point because of uh the guys you Know and um even being a head coach it Was that is more it was actually I
Thought doing it for the first time was More challenging being offensive line Coach for the first time than even being Head coach you know because uh um you Had to know the intricacies of of what's Going to happen on every single play and Um and you can't you can't match the Experience until you actually do it but Obviously having resources to help you Is a huge huge thing so talk talk a Little bit about Um uh first of all how you really Started to hone your craft uh as an Offensive lineman and what were some of The things that you initially learned a As you know I mean it's really Interesting because you started as a Student assistant I think that's a Bigger Trend now too like a lot of guys Go going to playing college and they Realize you know what I ain't gonna Maybe go to the NFL you know I'm a good I'm a good player but like um you know You play for a couple years and you're Like you know what let me uh let me see What you know I I want to be a coach Like let me just flip over and do this Thing now like you know I mean let me Stop wasting time uh even even though at The the two things are different things Like they're related very related but They're different right so talk about uh When you really first started what you What you started learning and some of
The things that you started putting Together offensive line to really kind Of scale you up there yeah so I guess When I was in school uh you know my Offensive line coach Kenny Ray great Dude uh still we still talk to this day And he he's not Miles College down Alabama um D2 HBCU um and so we I just Everything just picked his brain right I I I'm a watcher I observe more than than Talking uh I when you talk you you you Get in the way right so uh I watched his Process whether it be drills whether it Be way he conducts his meetings um Breaks down film recruiting all that Type of stuff because I was like this What I want to do for the rest of my Life so I need to start doing this now And so whether it be scheme scheme is Scheme and I I tell you like plays are Awesome and I love plays like anybody Else but that stuff will change based Off a Personnel um you know or tweaks to It but your process uh what what drills Do you do um you know how like your your Way you relate to guys right the Relationship you build all that stuff Won't change right uh it might change Player to player but it's not the Overarch the overarching thing is not Going to change um so just kind of Learning from Him um for two years was was a great Resource uh and I can ask him any
Question I want right and that's the Best thing you can do U from there once I started to coach middle school ball it Was troubleshoot it was like it was Those guys are like chickens with a head Cut off they're just all over the place Right the middle schoolers they don't Know any better so um trying to figure Out that process and I had and my my Head coach for the Middle School uh he' Been coaching for 40 plus years right He's this old dude getting ready to Retire so he had seen everything right He a lot of conversations with that so I Guess what I'm trying to get at is just Mentors and just people that resources You could talk to um because even when I Started coaching you know private school Ball you know it was kind of just me Right my had had my head coach was a Great man he was like I want you to make It your own right like he he knew he Knew offensive line play but he said Make it your own I want you to fail Because I want you to succeed in the Back end so I I was able to to to do a Lot of different things um figuring out My own process and figuring out what do I like what I don't like what works what Doesn't um and and how to community Medicate with the kids so I think it's It's a combination of you know having Guard rails those mentors who can balce Ideas and then having freedom to kind of
Experiment so I had the best of both Worlds there um and then again just I I've predominantly worked for offensive Line guys so that that really helped me As well um you know like I said when I Got to North ran coach Pearson you know He was he was he was a college offensive Line coach like nothing better than that Right so now had I've had two in a span Of like seven years that I got to work For uh and and find out their process so That kind of was help helped me and then You know doing the YouTube and Twitter a Lot of guys don't have that right like Like I said they get thrown into it um So some things that I've like hey man I've known this for most of my career Some guys like I have no clue what You're talking about so I like let's Share some knowledge right I don't know It I didn't I didn't invent it right it Was given to me so why don't I share What I what I what I have so that's kind Of the whole process There um angles and and levels of attack For offensive Lineman um shoulder pad level pad uh Um uh when to when to kick and pass game When to kick hard when to be under Control there's so many nuances of the Offensive line position and then couple That in with scheme right so you know Are you a Zone heavy are you pin and Pole you know um are you a power team so
So it there's so many different things That that go into it what is the Baseline of where you start with your Players and your advice to coaches from That standpoint um what what does ground Zero look like and and and how do you Build up from there Yeah I think it really it depends on What personnel you have um and kind of Your own knowledge base um if you if You've only been a Zone guy inside Outside Zone only thing you've ever done Right then probably need to start there Um you you don't know much about uh you Know a gap scheme or even like what Would call a man scheme uh probably Don't want to start there with your kids And then vice versa um but also it Really is know skill skill dependent if I have just some Huge bruisers yeah probably want to run Little more zone right because I don't I Need them just to step and get on their Double teams and let's let's Road grade Um and then you have your you know your Smaller guys that that that are that are That are tough you know or that can that Can pull and it can down block like a Champ doing a little more Gap scheme so It really is a pick your poison Bas off What kind of kids you have now for us We're Gap scheme like I am Gap scheme Forever right we we runs Zone but I like That's where I'm going hang my hat on
Right um but it is based off what you Guys if you don't have a kid that can Pull why are you pulling right right You're not setting them up for Success Um so now I feel like I could teach a Kid to pull now if you're just Unathletic then dang but Um yeah good luck you ain't winning many Ball games regardless um but um you know Teach him teach him those how to pull And different things what whatever kind Of pull you're trying to do and finding Guys that are successful at it and I Feel you can you can you can you can do That um but yeah it depends on what what You know wholeheartedly and then what You can teach and what kind of what kind Of personnel you Got that's a great point and it's it's Funny because when I first started I was Like a big Zone guy big huge Zone Guy And um as a as as a head coach and then As an assistant even though I came from My first assistant job we were literally Triple option so um but I when I took Over as a head coach became a big Zone Guy and then the guy who hired me to Throw it threw me in the offensive line Um Wanted like to run a lot of Zone Schemes so it was like really good fit We had those kind of we had like Basketball players as like linan you Know what I mean so they would just they Would just get moving and they get on
You and we had backs that would figure It out you know so um you you know I was I I was for for I took over the next Time as a head coach I was just like man All you got to do is just run Zone man And it's it's all day the backs figure It out and all a I had I had no no linan Um I had but I had two guards that were Basically they were actually fullbacks Who had to make guards because there was Like there wasn't a you know what I mean There there wasn't anything and I Started doing some like pin and pull With them because they they could pull And I was like Wow and we ran the team Was okay it was an okay team wasn't a Great te it was a middle the road team But they ran for ACR because those two Little stocky guards would pull they'd Be coming around and they would they Would pick up that block every time the Back would hit it and they ran it was One of the most yards that we ever Rushed for as as any program I ever Coached um and like I said it was an Okay team wasn't a great team overall But they would had they had a great Offense because of those those two Little suckers would come around and They were smart as hell they were smart As hell right and they would tell the Other guys like they would literally Stand in the line they would tell the Guy who was supposed to D the go the
Tackles who were to down you just tell Them you're down blocking here and they You know they just wrap right around Them and they would do it all day and it Was great it was and I was like man I'm Like I gotta start doing more of this so I was like in the half and half world And then I started to realize that pin And Paul I could do a lot more with big Guys I could do a lot more with small Guys and then I really would run Zone if I had to run jet or something like that You know what I mean um or needed like a A switch up type of thing so I became Heavily like almost exclusively a lot of Pin and pole and then just run it for Like a jet or if I needed inside Zone Like you know or Zone read as like a um Uh as a switch up but really I did most Of the the greatest thing about pin and Pull is you're you're still reading off That backside end you're just wrapping Guys around and it makes it more Effective for the back right so that was What I loved about it um so talk about Like uh um before we talk about Technique and stuff uh Personnel like What what is it About uh and I touched on it briefly but P pin and pole and what you've seen has Really helped like the kids that you Work with be able to to do well in the Offensive line with that yeah so Reference see what you just talked about
How your two guards were like fullbacks Like I've always said a fullback is a Third guard and a Titans third tackle Like so so that that's I believe um Especially being a run first guy but I Think pin and pull we see for us we've Used it as a tag on the front side Outside Zone and we've used it as a Whole play uh some people was like oh Buck sweep to me it's different um and I Get I love the argument and the debates On that some of that stuff but um I Guess for for the front side outside Zone especially for to G against odd Front you got head up techniques um you Know we'll tell this guy or for ey on The front side we'll tell that tackle And just pin that thing down the guard Will just fold around you now the back Side the center back side they're still Running outside Zone but we'll we'll Fold around with the guard just to get To the to the alley or get into that That that middle backer a little quicker Right um so uh we we've done that as a Tag or we've done as a full play where Everybody if you don't have a backside Defender on the first level you're Pulling um so simple rules right if you Have it down take it down right so your Backside head up backside take that guy If you don't you're pulling just you Know if you're the first puller which Usually is it's G be the playside guard
Or the center you're have to trap up the Edge everybody else is pulling and Rapping um so yeah I think it it it's Simple rules I know zone is simple right The process is not simple but what you Have to who's who's doubling you know Who covered uncovered that stuff can be Simple you got to WP it a thousand times Um you know whether you're you're full Doubling it or you checking hips and Climbing stuff like that or staying on It that stuff can get a little more Complicated but who's going where Zone I Mean step play side Right end of the day step play side Block a gap that could be a little more Simple but um that's a great Point That's a great point you made there Zone In theory is simpler from the concept And when you explain to somebody almost Anybody can get it pretty quickly yeah Pin and pole is a little more difficult For people to understand in theory but In practice when you're teaching it for The Lineman it's I think it's easier because The double team aspect can be very Difficult in zone because absolutely you Really need guys that you know can play With their head up and and pick up Things as it comes along the way and um Happens on the Fly Right like you got And you gotta kind of know each other a Little bit right like hey like this guy
Gonna like we'll be okay here or you Know and it's kind of changes game to Game against who you're going against a Lot right because determining how you Know can we get this guy on the regular And then maybe we can't you know what I Mean there's just a lot to that that has To be kind of you know learn through the Fire really right and how and how you Know the live rep aspect of it right Like you know what I mean the other Stuff has concrete rules and this is What we're doing and now we're good to Go yeah I think with with Zone doubles You know especially like for right now Like spring stuff going in the summer You know I work those Zone doubles like Every day um because I I I changed it's Not the same as the Gap double and I can Talk about that in a second right but The Zone double I I have over Communicate right that is that is a Absolutely standard that is a standard Of of playing for me you have to over Communicate okay I'm talking about like Exaggerate right so if we're doubling And me me me me me like you like Whatever he needs to be right or shoving A guy off because eventually you know if They're playing next each other like all Spring all summer that can almost be Nonverbal right I can feel oh pressure He's knocking me off I can take over um But I know I they've been communicating
And yelling at each other they know Who's coming on who's coming off on Their double teams so much that they can Get almost nonverbal by the time we get Into the season um but but for Gap Doubles you know especially like say Power or counter you know I know if We're gonna double a three technique to A backside linebacker it's not as Immediate right there's not as much of a Threat right now uh whereas in zone We're going to a I call an on linebacker A stacked guy you know more often than Not that guy could just plug right now And and we gotta come off right now Whereas going to a backside he's over There right so I know my tackle from Let's say it's three technique my tackle You know we Gallop uh where you stepping Down you're knocking over you know a Three technique I tell them the main Objective of this double team is to put This guy in a gap and you're climbing to A linebacker that's the number one Objective now will things get muddy will That guy be a war daddy down there and Entrench himself sure knock the hip over And let's go um so it's not it's not Happening as uh you know now because We're trying to build a wall versus Trying to get cover up a linebacker That's coming down hill so so the Running back can make us right um so I Think that's why I think again I think
Gap schem is a little bit easier because You're not you're not as you're not it's You're building a wall versus I'm having To go block a dude now so uh and I don't Know I think the way we teach it you Know I teach all my guys to play I don't I don't speal I don't you know Specialize certain dudes like hey you're A right tackle all you need to know on On power to the right you're blocking Down like and that's all he knows he Doesn't know we're pulling anybody he Don't know where the back's going like I Try to teach my guys the whole thing I Feel like once yeah once kids know why They're going to buy exact especially With these type of kids right that we're Dealing with now like this generation They always want to know everything Right so look I understand why guys do It that way right it's simple it's hey You only have to know this you only but I just think when you know especially Being a secondary player playing in the In as a safety like I wanted to know Everything that everybody was doing it Just fit together it helped me fit the Puzzle better when I knew what this guy Was doing that guy was doing everybody So they can kind of fit into it the same Way with offensive line play when you Could teach every guy what's going on Like I just feel like they get it more Well and if a guy on the play side is is
Is blocking down if he just knows you're Just blocking down he's like all right Well I step here and just stop I block Down right but if I show him hey if You're trying to get this this this guy Into the a gap to build then climb build A wall there's a guy pulling around Right and the and the running backs Fallowing him so the more movement you Get on this V got Defender put him into The A and build our wall here with our Double team the better the play is gonna Be oh well that makes sense right so now I know I got I gotta work my butt off Sorry got work my butt off to get this Guy going down they just B I mean I just I found they they bought in a little More um I said there's no right or wrong Way to do it I just know what has worked For me um right but yeah 100% like I Teach I teach the whole play cuz if You're if you can only play tackle right Tackle then you're one five but if you Can play let's say maybe you can't snap With lick but let's say you can you can Pull let's say you know what you're Doing to tackle now you play four or Five you're way more valuable right if a Guy goes down especially I tell my my Backup guys or my sixth man like hey if You know everything as soon as somebody Goes down you're my number one you're Going in right because I don't think Well Johnny only play left tackle my
Left tackle's good but I need a Right Guard well I can't put him in who who's Playing guard no learn everything right Now some guys that there's some guys That can fit in the mold of certain Positions some guys I can pull some guys That you know can't play dead in the Cowboy movie but you gotta figure out You gotta figure you gotta figure that Out you know so I don't like yeah I just Try I try to teach them all the um the Same the whole play and I found value in That that by the way that's that's a Great line I had write that down can't Playo I stole that one from from my head Coaches you know I love I love the guys That have the one liners I try to pick Them up because I I want to be that old Guy one day that has a thousand on Liners oh yeah oh yeah that's that's Phenomenal um you talked About tags Um uh I became a big believer in tags With with the offensive line kind of Looked at it just like I did with my Skill guys like hey if I could tag a guy In a slant I could tag the offensive Line to do something um and not have to Change the name of the play right and so Uh talk talk and where I first did it Was on sweep we used to run Sweep with Zone and um and then we we you know we Would Zone wide Zone at all the time Pitch sweep and or or or Jet and then
Then I um I realized that there were Teams that kind of started to pick up on Because we were no huddle like on what We would call so I said okay so we we Put a tag on there where the lineman Would pull and instead of them zoning They would D all they were down other Than the two pullers like the Lombardi Sweep we would run it basically and it Became and and then the back knew that Instead of kind of trying to get out Wide you're looking for the first cut up Opportunity if you can get it right and Um it kind of happened by Accident um over over time I I was out Of place and just give you back quick Background that was terrible program one Of the worst in the state and we were we Had to get real creative you know so uh And then the kids got creative with you You know what I mean so we went from Being one of the worst programs of the State to going to state championship in Like four or five years um but but some Of these things became part of what we Did right we were very effective at this Stuff so we tagged it and all of a Sudden teams would overrun and that's Why I I know all of a sudden they were So that we used to have a great sweep And then all of a sudden people started Figure it out and then we put the tag in There they overrun and amazingly in the State semi finals uh uh team did exactly
That the back put his foot in the ground The but the the lineman picked up the Actually barely didn't really have to do That much he just bar you know barely And and he cut it up and he went like Like 50 yards to the house untouched Literally untouched and uh so talk about That was just one way we used it but Talk about how tags could be real Effective for the offensive line and Things that you utilize it for yeah so One of the biggest tags we use um Because we run Duo and power right so um We have a power call on and let seal Power to the right you know the backside Guard which is the left guard is going To pull and skit pull for linebacker Well if that backside linebacker walks Down in his gy he'll make a solid call And and that that all that does it Doesn't change anybody else but the Offensive line so they know hey solid We're running Duo now because the H is Still kick on the front side and the Back still inserts and a gap everything Nothing changes there's just no pull Right and that gets that kind of gets on Some people's nerves Duo's power with no Pooler it really is we just that solid Call instead of doubling to a backside Linebacker we know hey we're doubling Playside now like it's automatic we rep That and then the center and the Backside guard know hey Center's got
They got the one or the shade technique And the backs side he's got he's got the Wheel that's blitzing because on Duo That's who they're responsible for Anyway um so that's a tag we use um like I said it it they can use it at any time Because we are good with running duo or Power whatever so they're good to call It because it doesn't change anybody Else um we've also used especially uh Against odd front teams especially on Our counter play we we we'll call make An arc call uh playside tackle Arc out To overhang uh outside linebacker uh and We'll we'll trap the four eye uh or the Four head up four um if we don't if you Want to run it just traditionally uh you Know either the tackle he'll pick his Outside foot up put it down he's kind of Reading what that four is going to do if He goes C Gap he's blocking down if he Stay he he starts to penetrate or go Inside he blocks he blocks him down so And then the the puller is outside Whatever's off in Man line scrimmage off Of that block but because an arc Backside guard knows hey we yell at ar Ar ar whole whole line does it so now we Know hey that guard he's trapping a Little closer now and then the back the Running back knows hey this thing's Going to fit a little closer because We're we're gonna trapped four um so That's that's a little bit like that I
Mean other other tags U like U Lincoln Riley had what he calls crab uh which is You know the playside fans right they Block man on man and then we we GT the Guard and the tackle wrapped inside um Especially if you getting like really Hard spill teams and come in the long Arm and try to spill it outside well We'll just make um we just make make a a Fan call so fan fan means we're Soo on The front side so now he you can't Really you can't spill a base block cool You gonna do that you're spilling like For no reason um you're not getting a Pull at you so we're just we're Especially really against three three1 a Three and five side you do that and then We just pull inside in the AAP on GT Stuff so it's it's really just it's Solutions to to plays if something's Giving you an issue just like I talking About with with the pin and pool on the Front side of of outside zone right you Can't double that four and get to that Mic all right we'll just pin it and wrap Around we found we've had a lot of Success doing that Stuff it's phenomenal um it it it it Gives the offensive line To uh a ton of ownership of the success Of the Offense like that's that's you know Because they're always the guys that you Know uh the the running backs gets the
Glory or receiver the quarterback or Whoever you know skill guy and by giving Them that ownership it gives them a ton Of pride in the success of everything um They they become they start to know that Hey you know success in this offense Goes as we go completely we're not just Trying to get a guy into space only and He just makes things happen like we make These blocks things happen so I think That that's that mentality changes a Team right because the offensive lineman And my at least my experience with them They're the most stable Individuals by far you know you know you Always have a couple guys that are that That are different cats but for the mo They they all the line you know p they They all pull each other together you Know what I mean so um and I I always Find that to be the the the most uh the Most rewarding thing in the best lines They all they all work together on Everything and and they take control of Everything so it's it's really cool Technique wise Um what what are some of the things that You like start with with guys um and Then and especially since I'm guessing This happens where where you coach too Um you you're always going to be taking Some guy who was not an offensive Lineman right and he's gonna become an Offensive lineman and first he's
Probably resistant and all these kind of Things like he still thinks he's a tight End you know that's always my favorite From Youth Football uh and dererk loves When I say this this stuff too because I Think Dereck believes it too you know Every every guy who's a resistant Lineman is a tight end in youth football Like you know what I mean like there's No doubt about it like 100% everybody Loves this kid he's a pretty good Athlete even though he's a lineman in The future so they make him a tight end They get him a couple balls he stays Happy does compl play it all the way Through you football you run behind him He's baring people you know he's like You said he's an extra tackle but now All of a sudden he comes to high school And you're you might have a tight end That is a wide receiver who's kind of Kicked in you know what I mean and uh um You know so or some basketball player Right so um uh you get those offensive Guys going into the off what what are Some of the things that you do technique Wise and and then mentality wise to kind Of get them all on the same Page yes so I think it starts with my Everyday drills and things that Non-negotiable things we're going to do Like and we a lot of the things we do Pre-practice like we try to get out There early um and knock it out because
I don't want to use all my Indie time Doing some of this stuff right um but I Believe in board drills like I having The boards out there and working on Footwork um you know playing offensive Line is not natural it it's not like There's nowhere else there's nowhere Else you could you could do playing Offensive line you you're not gonna walk Down the street and be like oh yeah I do That offensive line like no like there I Mean other there's not something like That so um we we work on footwork Whether it be working a down block Working Zone steps uh you know D walking Down and a lot of these things are old School and some people boards and shoots And sleds like I still I still use that Stuff because it's good stuff to me um But yeah we so we use boards work on Footwork every day um we we'll pass set And we'll do different drills to pass Set and and they'll work off of me we're G we're GNA a quick set or we're GNA Power step back inside uh mirroring me Uh you know stuff like that for footwork Um so I started building the ground up And we and we'll progress on a lot of These drills so uh especially right now Where we can't do much contact we can Work with the guys um we'll just be Working footwork right and then Eventually I'll have bags out there and Have guys on the boards and they'll
They'll work their footwork and they'll Bring their hands in right so um you Know thumbs up you know elbows in your Ribs stuff like that U rolling your hips Um so just repping that stuff a lot uh I Work hand placement on certain on Certain blocks I work head placement on Certain blocks um especially on on down Blocks you you got to be very very Specific on where on where you're Putting your head and you know on front Side or the back side and you know keep Your head out of it that's where your Placement is so you can get leverage on A guy um you know if if ESP on down Block you got a guy that is a penetrator Right you need to get your ear hole his Belly button you need to go you need you Know put your hand I put a hand on Backside hand on his hip plays side hand On his chest and we're running a guy um You know just get him out of the way Right it's a down block it ain't going To happen like that right so if he's More of a reed guy okay get your head on His back okay right there on his back so He's gonna either play over top great Because if he's gonna play underneath Then we're we're winning right because We're pulling if he's gonna play over Top you get your head on his back uh and Work your hips Around stuff like that um you know we Work we still work the sled right and
For me the sled is more of a Conditioning tool right it is is working On chopping those feet not stopping Because if you stop it stops um so it's Really just training not stopping once You make contact um and and have Different drills we do with that we We'll Zone step and and block it you Know left and right we'll do we're Blocking linebackers I'll put them you Know five yards back in a stance and They have to not fall step to step Forward run roll their hips and bl fit On like fit in a linebacker um and all That it's just builds upon progression Where we get get a whole team out there Uh I'll talk to the D line coach and We'll start working on certain drills With actual people um so it's not we're Just blocking stationary targets all day Um yeah that's huge yeah oh when when You I feel like coach when you're when You're o line and a dline coach are on The same page where you can both kind of You know Kon by eye and freaking figure Out how to like actually get real work Where it doesn't become like a Competition battle or this or that or Who's Big you know when we can work Together so we can get on live bodies I Feel like that is the best prep work for Line play that you can get and and it's Hard to do that right because ego comes Into play at some point always right and
My guys your guys and if you are a two- Platoon team it's competition and if You're not then you probably are the o Line dline guy right like you probably Are the only guy but you know it's good On when you can get good on good it's It's a game changer like we're we're Servicing them uh when they're when They're on defense and they're servicing Us when we're on offense and and and we We cut the biggest thing we gotta do is Cut down on we call brother-in-law right We just kind of oh I'll make you look Good on this rep I'll make you look good On that rep no we're gonna compete but We're not trying to kill each other Either right um you know it's it Ain it Ain't inside drill when inside drill Come trying to kill each other but um But yeah when we're still Indie like Give us resistance give us a look so we Can try to problem solve um but that's Where we kind of go with with technique Wise um and I kind of bring my indd time Up I try to do my my my run fundamentals And then I do my my run skills Fundamentals is like a lot of stuff we Just talked about you know on on boards On bags like that and then the skills is Against other is against other people uh And giving them alive looks before we go To inside where the bullets are flying And then we do our pass FS our pass Skills and usually we're more of a run
Dominant team we passed it for a lot of Yards this year as well but I try to I Try to uh steal time during special Teams for my past stuff um because a lot Of times you where we get 30 minutes a Day for for for special teams well none Of my guys are on special teams I got 30 Miss run go through Pass U stuff pass Pro and we do one-on ones try to do One-on ones a lot um would it be act True one-onone or it be true like Blitz Pickup we have you box coming at us um We do that stuff it's trying to steal Time not having to do that stuff during Team um trying to be Efficient oh yeah I think that's uh a Big part for the line is it's stealing Time because you do have those blocks of Time when when you can get stuff done um Especially special teams when they're Not on that that part of it um as far as Um like things you do with them to build The relationships among the offensive Line uh among each other with you um There's probably no tighter group Usually than the o line coaches and now You're offensive coordinator now so you Are the off o line coach but you also You also uh uh you you date other Positions Yeah Exactly because obviously you're an old Likeo but you're off Court what are Things you do to really build that
Camarad with those guys yeah one thing I'll say about the coordinator um it's One of the hardest things being an Offensive line coach and being and being A coordinator is one of the toughest Things on ever um so one helps me out my Head coach he he hands a lot of passing Stuff right so you know so you and we we We we tag team a lot we collaborate Every So um when they're going to do seven on S and they're doing all I don't have to Go to that because I know he's good Right so but but inside and and and and Blitz and and and all that stuff Run Game oh yeah I'm down there getting it Um but relationship wise yeah Relationship wise that's huge right and On my on my buyer on my Twitter it says My why it says loving my players and Helping coaches um so I I really do Believe in and forming those Relationships uh a couple of couple Things that we Do um especially right now I call o line 101 um I bring to my classroom right on Mondays right now and and it's more of a Not really a get to know you but it's It's I go through my o line manual okay And every anything and everything they Would need to know uh it's a fluid Document I try to add stuff everything They need to know terminology uh you Know standards of the program program uh
Standers the oine group it's in there And so we go through that and I get to Know the guys right and I know my guys Pretty well uh but it's just trying to Know them on a little higher level so I Have them right down their goals uh we Talk about certain things um you know It's just developing the relationship That hey coach Ted's got my back he he Cares about us um one thing that we do My wife and I do on Thursdays after Walkth through um so we feed the kids I Thought that was awesome coach thought That was so so we set a goal right and So our first goal we play our first game Of the year we had a goal of 20 pancakes Okay and I'm making my mind yeah okay 20 Pancakes and they they got it right they They only got 23 um they they crushed it and so we They want a Wing Stop so we went got got A bunch of wings uh and we fed them on Right after walk Through um if it if it's JB game has an Away my wife brings the food and she Feeds them and and I didp for the game If we're at home then I can sit there I Could be with him and I get to eat we he Stop too but Um Exctly exactly um but yeah but I take my Stien because we don't get paid that Much in North Carolina I mean I how it Is know oh no don't worry it ain't
Anything to write home about that much In Jersey either buddy crazy believe me We're not this this ain't Texas yeah Ain't Texas um so yeah so I think my SI Right and we we put it back towards the Kids um and and we we set a goal it's an Obtainable goal right I'm not going to Be like uh rush For 400 yards and no sacks and like do We want to run for 400 yards of course But yeah we got we GNA find bounce as Well do whatever takes to win so we Might not hit that and then you don't Don't feed him we had a great game so we We end up you know we'll set the goals You know that that are good uh one we Had a goal We we played a top 10 team in Our class and beat them uh they didn't Make the goal but we beat a top 10 team In the class so we still fed uh it Change it changes where they want they Wanted Wings they wanted Chick-fil-A They wanted um Pizza whatever it is we Go get it for him and and that I just Trying to reinforce like hey man you got My back I got your back right you listen To me you know you do what you're asked Of and you know we we'll reward and We'll help you out um and at the end of The day they're all sitting there eating Together right right they they're Collaborating they're they they they They joke whatever it is and they always You know they joke when the next one guy
Goes and gets a few more extra Wings Than everybody else you know oh you know Fatty blah you know they'll jokeing each Other yeah yeah all that stuff and so I Found a lot of value in that um and yeah And then you know just knowing them on On on on a bigger level than just Football player Right they they are a person right and I Try to some people say especially as a Head coach you need to know at least one Thing about one of your guys well I need To know a lot because I only have you Know we're we're a 2A school which means We have like 680 kids in the school so I Might have on a good on a good week I Might have 12 guys in my in my group you Maybe more often than not it's eight so Um I need to know a lot right and so and Whether it be checking up on them whe I Walk through um when they're at lunch You know just kind of you know you know Piging at them or or you know just Talking how their day was you know have Some you know house things at the house They they find Value and stuff because Nobody not a lot of people are doing That you know their teachers aren't Doing that you know sometimes their Family aren't keeping up with them they Just they just coming up from the house Really sleep right they're not really There so just kind of just showing Investment um you know and I I say I say
I love him every day and when we break It down um you know I think beginning It's kind of like yeah okay but now They're like yeah coach really does you Know this is my third year going into it Um you know and it's consistency right The consistency is what's big they know That I'm not just saying that so I'll I'll block harder like no Co says it Even when I don't block you know I mean I love you you're not doing what you're Supposed to do you know like we're gonna Get this thing right right you're gonna Hold up to the standard at end of the Day I do still love you right you're not You're not you know I love you enough to Tell you that you're not holding the Standard right so that those are the Things that I try to do to build those Relationships and and and we'll we'll Take them places um we haven't done as Much at where I'm at now my previous Stop we took them bowling we took them Arcade or whever we wherever we could Find um to take them just be to be out Uh I don't live close enough to the School I live about 30 minutes from the Schools I don't live close enough to Bring them to the house and cookout Right our dline coach does so we've done That him to the dline coach's house and Have cookout he a pool all that stuff Especially for the summer just investing Time in those guys yeah I think that
Stuff's so important when you could when Your players see you then just more that You know I tell guys all the time like You can't be you can't be the August to December coach you can't just be that Guy that they only see you for two hours A day from those time periods you know Throughout the year like they're just Not how it works you got to show your Face in the weit room right if you're a You know a stip in guy that's not in the Building you got to you got to go to you Know if they're a multisport guy go to Their other stuff right invest the time Into you know the other things that they Do go watch them play another sport hell I've had guys that were in you know the Play and I'd be going to a play like you Know what I mean just to show them that You gave you care more about them you Know than than what they can do for you And produce like that I've seen you know When guys see that like it it flips Right and it's a lot more of that you Know all right like I'm going to Whatever coach says you know we're going To we're going to work at it we're going To do it and it's because he cares about Me more than just like you know when I Put this jersey on it's Important yeah yeah with the with the um Offensive line one of the cool Things is that uh when you go and you Yeah you know either you take them out
To eat or you bring food to them however You do it when you're all sitting around Like they they start telling stories and It is is so funny I mean you're you're You're when they start doing the Impressions of you and stuff like oh Yeah all oh man it's just it's a whole Different level of of of Joy one of the other things I I um I Used to do which I I found really Effective was fullbacks and tight ends Would always be like yo I do a lot of Blocking like how do I get in on that I Said well when we do Indie you know you got to be more Willing to come over to our side and Then we could we could give you a Pancake number and you know a number That you can get food as well tights Don't want to catch passes so quick Right anymore right like they're not Going with seven on anymore now they're Going inside run they get the best of They get the chance to get the best of Both worlds which they definitely do Because that's who they are fullbacks And tight ends and they they want to dip Their toe in both both lands and um and Then you know the quarterbacks like Smart quarterback start to say hey man Oh the the line's going eat here cool I'm I'm going to come like I don't Expect coach to to cover me but I just Want to come come there and and and be
With those guys and um so it becomes a Cool thing and I always I I always say To the skill guys is as a head coach Used to be the guy who I brought brought In as my offens when I was an offensive Line coach I did it with my guys I told Him this will you want to get the most Out of your guys start doing this stuff It'll it'll it'll get the most out of Them they'll enjoy it they'll get to Know you and when you're yelling at them About something they'll remember more The fact that you you guys eat you know Eat together and have a good time Together then they will the fact that You yell at them at that moment for Missing a block or whatever but um but I Think what's really what's what's Interesting about it is the skill guys Get jealous right and I I used to tell Them all the time I'm like well Okay you're a skilled guy what is your Reward in the in in in the game they're Like what do you mean Uh catches carries touchdowns Right same the quarterback it's all that Plus probably you get to you know date The prettiest girl in the school okay You you get a lot of rewards this is Their opportunity to have something that Could that gets to be uh for them Pancakes or touchdowns for them and we Want to reward them for it because Nobody gets the nobody is interviewing
Them over that stuff right and that's an Important thing and you you should learn To celebrate the fact that they have That opportunity and guys get on board With that real quick because they Realize wow you know what I mean and Then they start to ask like what can I Do to be a part of your crew and now I Would say you gotta ask the o line you Gotta ask them if they want you to be a Part of the crew right if if they if They think you're good to them you could Be a part of the crew you know what I Mean like and it and it it buil like This kind of like Camari like to realize Hey man those guys are working hard to Make you look good right like that's the Bottom line like they're it's a team Thing but they're making you you know The guy who gets interviewed in the Papers is usually the running back Receiver quarterback you know type of Guy so um so that's an important thing And and and I found it's like really Cool because the the skill guys gain This enormous amount of respect and Appreciation for what those guys Actually do because wow the coaches are Rewarding these guys they're they Spending time with them you know um and I think that that's what builds your you Know it actually builds the whole entire Team from that process because they they Understand that respect because you know
All you ever see on TV right that got Lyan Mr the block that you know that That what do they show on on the NFL you Only know an NFL line you know you only Know a lineman's name when something Negative happens right yeah it's like Nobody knows who the Long Snapper is Either bro until he's W 50 yards over The dude's head right then it's like a Or hey this guy's holding or this guy's This like it's just you don't get the Glory and really you know I tell guys All the time like you do understand Fellas that the o line there's five Spots right I said and you don't need a Ball to be good at it right everybody Wants to be the quarterback everybody Wants to be a receiver it's like hey There's one football and it ain't going It's only going to one guy on a play and Guess what these five guys ain't Touching it and they need every team Needs Five Guys right so it's just like Even when you want to take that approach Is to get into the next level right like You're just by sheer numbers you have a Better shot if you play all line yeah Yeah I think um you know I've heard it Said your offensive line are like like Air conditioner like you don't know About them until that stops working yeah Know you don't ever notice it right so Yeah soon as they make a mistake But one thing that we do um so we have
To have so many practices in Camp before We can put pads on and Tack on hit and So I think think it's 10: uh so on our Ninth practice we we practice at night Right so it's usually that Friday night Going into Saturday morning uh whatever However it works out so at Friday night We'll go and we'll practice at 11 O'clock right and so we'll practice all The way till midnight Midnight's a new Day we start practicing again that's our Practice so it's a midnight madness Right that's awesome so we invite the Community and we'll do stuff like that And they can come watch hit so we'll Have the skill guys and what what Kirby Smart calls you know new age Oklahoma And have those guys you know receivers Versus DBS and they got a block for Somebody coming through yeah they Realize real quick hey this blocking Thing ain't the easiest thing in the World right so like that's another way They they get a new founded U Appreciation and and if you're if you Throw you know Bubbles and different Like perimeter screens like you gotta Work those things in so we do a lot of That stuff during the week as well so You don't hear as much of you know at Least from the team because you know the Stands are a bunch of idiots anyway so The block somebody coach so that's where The best coaches are don't you know that
Like you know those guys are the best Play callers in the country on Friday Nights everybody in everybody in the Stands they call plays on Friday night Every us just say every man every man Call plays on Friday night and they can Grill meat on a grill like yeah Everybody everybody okay whatever uh but Yeah trying to get those guys to to kind Of buy into he Manan this blocking thing Is hard so don't yell hey block somebody Or you missed a block BL like yeah like Miss blocks happen right we try to you Know cut those down but you know at the End of the day you know if we're Blocking on a 90 to 90% clip the other 10 to 15 other 10 to 5% you need to be You need to be a dude as a as a athlete Make somebody Miss sometimes like you Know if you're G to get on me for Missing a block then I'm GNA let you Know when you should have caught that Ball or you should have made this cut or You should have done this like this Ain't how this works man like we're all Trying to achieve a goal and this is What we all need to be on the same damn Page it's like if you listen to any College guy give a clinic especially Like be a running backs coach or Offensive coordinator they they'll show Hey the line's job is to get the running Back to the second level after that These guys ear a scholarship it's on
Your own bro yeah and so that's that's What we try to do as well like hey man If we get you linebackers like great we Got five we got five to six yards after That go earn your playing time like like It's I mean if you have a guy behind you That can do That hey man you better step it up so no No doubt uh my final question for you What what is some of the biggest Questions that other coine coaches ask You because I know you I like that you Have your you know your podcast and you You're you know you work with so many What what are a couple of the biggest Questions they ask you uh about o line Play usually it is everyday drills like What what drills should I do like um you Know I'm kind of lost like or or what Drills to use that correlate to the game Right and so uh and one of my biggest Answers to that is I walk through a ton Right um some people oh walk through Right why are you walking through Because it's not really a walk through It's not like oh step and walk like no It's we're running through it right but It's it's I call walkth through is is is Getting reps of what we're going to do In in team um we're we're full speed we Have a defense out there but it ain't You're not not trying to kill anybody Right we're we're making sure that we're Communicating um it's getting perfect
Reps in a controlled environment I do That a lot um it would be pre-practice Coming out of install um you know maybe It's on Monday we just installed a new Play um and we walk through a lot right It's rapid fire I try to get them moving Really fast you know um you know get Them heart rate up not able to think as Much um you know reaction um so uh I Tell guys hey man do this this run Through with your plays uh and I feel Like you you'll see a lot more benefit But then I go through what I do in for Indie and I tell them what I do might Not work for you right I just know I Know I know my kids I know what I want To call on Friday night so I know what We need to get better at um and I know You know like we're Gap scheme team so We're gonna work downs and doubles every Day like that's is what we're gonna do Um and so just finding finding little Nuances of of drills to like hey we have Our overarching you know down block Drill we have our overarching pool drill But now how do we get how do we how we You know hone it and you know I know you You probably seen the Patriot we're aim Small Miss small like so now we're going We're going to make it smaller and we're Going to have our individual little Techniques that we're gonna drill as Well and then we go back making it big Again we're gonna make you know all you
Know half line down block half line you Know pull um so just finding you know What you realize what you want to do Offensively know what you want your guys To be able to do and then just drill it Um so that's usually it's it's you know What drills should I do you got to Figure that out like I try to help as Much as I can like hey do some ideas of What I do some ideas of what some Friends of mine do uh I try and also Give them providing a resource to other Coaches um so that that's one big thing And usually it's just scheme right is What what do you call this what do you Call that or what do you do this hey We're trying to run outside Zone we're Trying to run inside Zone we're trying To do it's like at the at sometimes it's Like but you're trying to do too much Right like just figure out what works Best for you and drill it over and over And over again it's the same thing with The past game right like so many guys Want to do so much stuff it's like man Just get really good at this and then Okay then you can go to right but you Gotta have some type of foundation where At the end of the day we can call this And I don't care what they're in and we Got to have the confidence that we're g To get it done no matter what yeah I've Had uh I've had some people be like what Do you install I'm like what we do is
Not good for you why because I've been In my place for three years now yeah so So like my guys know our BAS stuff so Now we're trying to get a little more Multiple um course doing doing those Tags that we mentioned um or doing whole Scheme tags uh you know so you know so What I do is not might not be great for Some people um so guys guys struggle With that coach right because they they Want to just you know I think a lot of Coaches as you know Innovative and want To try things on their own they also Want somebody to hand them a textbook That they could read and just say all Right well if I do this this is gonna Work and then they come back to you and They're like that didn't work it's like Well buddy I told you what works for me Ain't gonna work might not work for you You got to figure out your own Niche Within what you have and it all comes Back to knowing who you are as a team or You know look I'm sure we've all been Part of situations where that head coach Wants something and it's just it's like This is what we're doing it's like coach We don't have we don't have that we Don't have those dudes right like that's A tough situation to be in um but like You said it comes down to what you have And what you're good at and then just Repping it over and over and over again To get really good at it yeah we I went
To a clinic uh glazure had their their Clinic in in Charlotte this past weekend And and I told people like this is one Of the better clinics I've I last last Year's Glazer wasn't great this year's Was really good yeah they up the Annie This year they really rebounded a lot Even our one that's in Atlantic City up Here in Jersey was real good compared to What it's been the last couple years Yeah and so I was like I'm just trying Like everybody jokes me like man you do This you do that you have YouTube what Are you doing the clinics like one it's Socialized I see all my buddies right I To meet people uh that that maybe know Me I'm just yeah Network I'm I'm trying To get something right one coaching Queue one uh new drill that a coach like This is you know made my time more Efficient um I'm not trying to go learn A scheme like I know what I like to run Like I'm good right I'm trying to learn A tag off of something that we do um Something that make us more multiple I'm Not trying to go learn learn a new System like that's not for me I'm good I Know we're going to do um you know but Some people do that and I try to I try To encourage them not to now if you're Just have no Baseline and you don't know Much you're just trying to get into it Either I you tell two things one either Attach yourself to somebody you know
Whether you need to go work for somebody That that does a certain thing or you Need to go and maybe you do need to Learn somebody's scheme um but then I Tell once you learn it then you need try To make it your own because if you can't Teach it you can't problem solve it Because you don't know all the answers Then you're not gonna be very good right You can you you can run you know ex Coaches system but you can call the same Thing you can you can rep the same way And all that stuff but as soon as you Get out there on the field and bullets Start flying and you don't know how to Fix certain problems you're GNA get Blown out so uh definitely tells people Either attach yourself to somebody that Knows what they're doing or you know Take a system and then make it your own Problem solve it no reverse engineered As you Say no doubt about it that's that's dude You have so many great things that You're doing um and and how you're Advising guys and and and and you're Still a Youngy gu too it's it's pretty It's pretty amazing uh tell everybody Your your Instagram and your Twitter so We can you know we can get them there And they can follow your stuff because Like everything we touched on that's Just that's just a piece of of oh God That's not even that's not even 10% of
It man like I mean like I said that that Clinic alone that you put on coach is Incredible unbelievable helped out I Mean so many guys from all over I mean All over man I think you had a goal of Hitting all 50 states right yeah I got 48 I got 48 um I don't know if they have Football in the state of Wyoming coaches I guys I don't know like I tried to I Tried I've been tried to find coaches in The state of Wyoming all that whole time So but you know I I was able to I think It was 49 last minute I got somebody From Nevada which is crazy because they Have good football in Nevada they right Somebody to come yeah but coach they're Just chucking it around out there bro They ain't to like run anybody over man Yeah um exactly so yeah so that was the Thing um but yeah socials guys X Instagram it's coach of90 it's right There on the screen um coach of90 give Us a follow I appreciate anybody that Wants to do that and then YouTube it's Just coach Tatum uh if you bring it up You're gonna see me and some Coach bags Right so uh on YouTube uh we try we try To we try to post every like very Consistently uh we have been um and we One thing I I love doing it doesn't get As many views which is fine with me I Don't care um is highlighting clinics For other people right I have coaches Come on and and give a clinic however
Long might be 30 minutes to an hour and Just talk about what they do right and I Love doing it it's a Tatum Clinic series Um it's I'm a front row participant of Clinics right careful nobody watches it I do every time obviously so um but I Think it's one of the best things that We do um it doesn't give as much Recognition um but absolutely but yeah We uh yeah we put those put those out Try one of those every week try to do a Personal one every week um and then the All day clinics there's a playlist on my YouTube there's three oine ones uh and There's two uh cordinator ones um so Really good stuff that that would be you Know shoot however much that's so many Hours of of foot free football that you Can go you can check out um you know Know it's 60 hours right you can go and Check out hell I I thought it was Awesome I could have kudos to you man Because the logistics of that of just Trying to get all those guys I'm look I'm sure it's it's somewhat you know now That you know you're out there and People know you and you're like hey who Wants to do it I'm sure it's a lot more Of you kind of telling people no right Like sorry we can't but at that same Time man just to watch how you worked For that day I was like damn this is Impressive right I mean we seven on Seven tournaments so it's a [ __ ] show
Every time like you know what I mean Like but we do the best we can with it But we just I just understood exactly When you're were sitting in the chair And my man is already five minutes late And then he can't figure out how to link It up and this and that and I'm like I Feel bad right now because I know Exactly what he's what he's going Through but you do a great job man Really appreciate you taking the time to Come talk to us especially about the old Line who in my eyes you ain't you are Never going to be successful if you Don't have those big dogs up front that Are willing to do their job for not a Lot of recognition and they don't get as Enough enough of it um so I appreciate You coach really man yeah man I Appreciate the opportunity appreciate Just coming on just talking you know for The morning uh I can talk football all Day so I really do appreciate you having Me on love it love it coaches it's been Great having you on can't thank you Enough and and we'll see you soon yeah Man appreciate you all right coach bye Yeah that was great I learned a lot he's Got a lot of good [ __ ] man free like It's all like like his Stuff you know it's it's a it's like It's on the level where everybody can Understand it right like it's easily Accessible I mean he he's constantly I
Mean he does a podcast he does you know What I mean though Dave I'm telling you That that free clinic it's it's Incredible and it's one of those like Hey all right I I don't I don't feel Like watching this one good you come Back in two hours and it's Still rocking And rolling you know what I mean like he Gets guys from all over the country he Does a really good job of helping out Other coaches you know learn the Offensive line because look I I know What what it was for me when I dove into Learning some line play and I B and I Sure as hell couldn't be a guy that Could take an old line job and feel okay With it right now you know what I mean But you know I learned the most right About everything in football in the Under the Sun When you know you start sitting in on Some of those old line meetings or Diving into you know offensive line play In general man it's Awesome now there's no doubt about the Offensive line is most important uh Thing probably to to the offense and and It's hard you're coaching Five Guys you Know what I mean like it ain't like You're just coaching the quarterback you Know or whatever it's five guys at one Time that you got to watch and keep eyes On you know what I mean absolutely Ain Easy to do
No no doubt about it all right well well Until uh next week I think right no Nothing tomorrow big weekend for us here We go another just another one right Another one great three weekends in a Row baby I think it's the first time We've done three weekends in a row I Definitely think that oh 100% yeah that That was the part I was like have we Ever done three weekends of I think we Have definitely not never have and we've Also never been you know we might have But they sure as hell weren't the size Of what it all of them in good size all Of them in good size that's the Difference too is that it's there's Nothing that's just uh it was it's not a Layup one or something like that not That any of them are layups by any means So anybody that just thinks they can Flip a switch and run a seven on seven Tournament good luck give us a call you Got zorts issues call us Too all right well till till next week Uh are we on Monday or Tuesday uh Tuesday Tuesday actually all right Perfect we'll see you then