POV: Rodney Dangerfield as a Head Football Coach

Highlights from NUC Sports Boardwalk Beasts Parochial Private School 7v7 Clips from and filmed by @JerseySportsZone NUCSports.Com for more I got a short memory just like when I Was in the third grade two of the best Years of my…

Highlights from NUC Sports Boardwalk Beasts Parochial Private School 7v7
Clips from and filmed by @JerseySportsZone
NUCSports.Com for more

I got a short memory just like when I Was in the third grade two of the best Years of my life his attitude's positive He thinks he could take on hell with a Squirt gun my wife couldn't go to church With me on Sunday and everybody said Where is she I said she doesn't go out With losers our football team was like The kid that plays Second French horn in The school band we got to play better First of all they got after it hard I'm Telling you they were like a hobo on a Ham sandwich I wanted to raise my kids Using a depth chart can you imagine that I wanted that Pam green vetoed that idea Hey you know that's a double-edged sword You know it's kind of like watching your Mother-in-law go off a cliff in the Cadillac you know you got mixed feelings We're kind of like a woodpecker and a Petrified Forest you know just keep busy And look for opportunity

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