Pat Tillman get Drafted Part 3
This is what happens when you don't Bring the donuts and all of a sudden Pat Walks into the trainer Jim Shearer and Says give me some scissors Get some scissors starts walking out now The rookies are sitting there wide-eyed The Vets are looking at this dude as he Starts walking towards you know Zach Zach's tied to the goal post going Pat No no just cool let's Let it go Let it Go we'll be all right now Pat walks out There Cuts him down strips it off turns Around walks right back in walks right Through the locker room sets the Scissors down and not one word was said Tell me about the game today's game I'm Not much of a spokesman that's okay You're an ASU guy right yeah yeah I Understand you hit pretty hard no it's Not a different guy I think so You know I knew that if anything with His his abilities to come in and Just kind of set the tone Ruffled some feathers in the league