Oklahoma State Hoops Coach Explains how 500k changes Recruiting

Recruiting has never been a challenge Until recruiting didn't became not Recruiting Anymore like what I had to do to get Kate Cunningham here was way more Difficult than what it takes to get Players on campus Now it's not…

Recruiting has never been a challenge Until recruiting didn't became not Recruiting Anymore like what I had to do to get Kate Cunningham here was way more Difficult than what it takes to get Players on campus Now it's not even same thing it took Four years of making sure I was there More than Bill self and making sure I Was there more than Rory Williams and Making sure I was there more than all These other coaches who had national Championships and final fours and all These NBA guys I had never coached a guy In the NBA as a head coach I hadn't Coached the NCA tournament but over time The relationship mattered enough that he Believed that I was going to do the Right thing by Him that I can't work that hard anymore Not when you can say his hey his $500,000 to come spend nine months over Here I like you coach but I might get Hurt this year man and all you got is a Scholarship for me and I still got to Give those books back at the end of the Year

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