NUC Sports Big Man Elite DL Run Destruction Shed & Rip Drill

NUC Sports Big Man Elite DL Run Destruction Shed & Rip Drill #football #DefensiveLine #rundestruction #americanfootball Subscribe right away and get all the great updates NUC is the longest running series of high school combine and football camps in the…

NUC Sports Big Man Elite DL Run Destruction Shed & Rip Drill
#football #DefensiveLine #rundestruction #americanfootball

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NUC is the longest running series of high school combine and football camps in the country. If you’re serious about taking your game to the next level, playing college football or getting early exposure to college recruiters then attend an NUC Recruiting Event. NUC Sports has Football Combines, Premier Football Showcases, Invite Only Football Camps, All Star Football Games, and 7 on 7 Football Tournaments. All NUC Sports Recruiting Events are in place to help the Athletes compete, get noticed, get exposure and get recruited.

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Please watch: “(287) Legends Live! Is there enough parity in college football? ”

Is being able to teach the defensive Lineman To get control of the offensive player The blocker And then to be able to shed them like You'll see this in the in the drill over And over again our focus is having Our hips down um great power based Position Being explosive and deliberate with our Hands Getting control and shedding and then Here we go you know we teach you both Ripping or um ripping by the defender And then we also teach um you know Uh slap and reach over um but most time In In run destruction we're looking at the Rip rip good As you'll see we're trying to explode Get that that offensive lineman's Head to pop back with our punch and then To be able to rip by Um the offensive lineman load it up nice And low okay The second thing we want to make sure we Do is we want to make sure that We're only [Applause] You'll see the the players that do the Best are Exploding uh and really really getting A great punch uh and then Ripping hard to get up the field

[Music] Good okay now we're going to the right We're going to the right We're going to the right Okay we're going to the right here we go Oh you got here i got the mask [Music] Hey Okay [Music] Good explosion coming up the field okay Here we go Good good here we go [Music] Come through come through come through Okay here we go Here we go Good good good next up Okay we're back to the topic everyone Went Did you go yet Okay here's what we're gonna do now okay We're gonna go You're gonna get a down block everyone's Gonna step this way Space out a little more so we have room On this Okay he's gonna step down

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