National Champion Maria Conlon talks about sports today on Husky Talk

National Champion Maria Conlon talks about sports today on Husky Talk with Steve Cully Hello and welcome to conversations with Cly and Conlin I am your host the best podcast Host in the universe Steve Cully and With me is…

National Champion Maria Conlon talks about sports today on Husky Talk with Steve Cully

Hello and welcome to conversations with Cly and Conlin I am your host the best podcast Host in the universe Steve Cully and With me is always my beautiful and Entrepreneurial cohort and co-host Miss Maria conin hello it's great to see you Again it is Happy T Tuesday right yeah It is it is it it is Tuesday it's Amazing it's Tuesday and you um I I have to say you Guys had a wonderful episode last week Your the show with all the girls did Um did this like the second highest Listenership that we've had so Congratulations to you yeah that was fun Man there's a it was what a great what a Great group of ladies um You know it's it's just really too bad That there's not Enough like people out there that are Just like the ladies that were on that Call um did you know most of them at School so like I knew you knew Mar you Knew the one Maria right I yeah I know Shaker just from like right being in Alum and like being up there and having Common friends obviously I knew Erica I Think Bethany is younger than me she's Older he's older and then is Steph Younger maybe Stephanie was younger I Don't know Stephanie is older too oh Yeah so I just didn't go to school at The same time I mean I know who they are

Yeah yeah yeah yeah St Stephanie was 2000 and obviously Erica but um you know Just so impressive you know they're all Just yeah yeah I thought so too I Thought so too I thought they did a Great job I I was I was very nervous but I get nervous when I have to interview Females so and I'm Still I'm still terrified of Bethany Hart I think she could beat me up but Yeah every time I hear her name I just Think of the the movie uh misc Congeniality when Uh bullet goes undercover yeah because Her name's Gracie Hart in the Gracie Heart that's Right yeah that's that's that's that's Go and she she she's so nice and sweet Yeah and I just remember I remember the First time I walked in the wait room and Just saw Her hour clean with like two red plates On and like I think Ed and I could only Do one if we were lucky one of the red Plates on the power clean and we're like What what is this like I we were just we Were scared and then she'd get in the Squat wreck and there'd be 405 lbs on And she be repping it and I like God Jesus wow yeah and well I I didn't I Didn't know I had no idea she went to The Olympics and two sports or she Trained for hammer throw but then ended Up doing Bob sledding as

Well it's just an amazing amazing skill Set to have which reminds me of another Great movie which is Cool Runnings where Yes the Jamaican Bob SL te so like her Whole story just brings me The Nostalgia From when I was younger Like right that was John Candy's last Movie so great you know the greatest my Favorite I mean obviously Planes Trains And Automobiles with him is great with Him and Steve Martin but I yes yes The Great Outdoors is such a classic with Him and Dan akroy The Great Outdoors and Uncle bucker the two man so good this is So good Uncle Buck when he makes the the Pancake with the with the shovel that Yeah I love it hope you hope you guys Are hungry yeah and the mother and this And his in-law just hates them the Mother's like who we gonna call and the Guy's like Buck she's like oh God no Please anyone but him he really scr the Bottom of the barrel there and then he Comes over and his car backfires Wes Everyone up yeah so uh we we we were Briefly um talking about all the Election memes and uh I was sharing that My my my dear Aunt Cindy my Aunt Cindy Lives in Boston um she is she Is Um way I would say she's Probably a thousand yards past the left

If you could say that but that's where She is yeah she called the house on Sunday And my parents my parents were out to Dinner and she called me and she she Said Stephen I just I need to let you Know something and I thought something Happened to grandma or whatever on Camera she would grandma was naughty too But um she called and she said I just Want you to know they're not really Eating the cats and Dogs I go what Trump he said that They're the immigrants they're eating The cat and dogs they're really not you Can walk Archie it's safe like okay Thank you thank You thank you for letting me know that And isn't that such like we're living in Such a weird world I did not watch a Single second of the debate I know I'm a Bad voter but like I only get a certain Amount of time with my family at night I Know I know you do I Know that's not how you would it doesn't Or not all I all I have to do has open Up Facebook or Instagram and I get all The highlights from each Side you Do yeah the flu crazy part I read some Poll you know it was the first so like It was the first time that I saw Trump In many people's eyes come across as Like the victim like was which I just

Found hilarious I'm not saying I agree With that one way or the other but I Just thought that that was kind of Ironic like Somehow he found a way to look he yeah He's he's he's like sympathetic now and He's like a martyr because he's got shot At twice and yeah he's he's a convicted Felon and like I don't know what more They you do to him how does a guy I mean I have so many questions for the Secret Service and every like I just canot oh Everyone does I just cannot understand How that happened and the guy was there For what like 14 Hours just Meandering throughout the day Yeah like I just I don't understand it I Mean listen even if you hate the guy Like you can't you don't kill him yeah You can't hope that he gets shot By Golf Course Like on his own Golf Course too right You're just as evil it's just crazy like I don't know well we we Do if you're a terrorist or you're Someone from another country you must be Watching this like drooling at the mouth Like is it really this easy to get this Close to like assassinating a president In United States right Now yeah they they definitely think that And we do a uh we we do a a political Show on the radio station and Worcester the uh the one that I told you

About with the guy that uh um he always Talks he said that D was irrelevant with Frank um and uh Frank was like they're They'll never drive a steak through a Star he'll never give up and I said I Said I think they're going to go to Poison next I think they're going to Like try to give him arsenic or Something I don't know what else they're Gonna do they took two shots at him and Missed you go to nuts yeah yeah he Doesn't care either no he's just pumping Fists you know he doesn't he doesn't Give a [ __ ] he just goes it's it's I I I Was amazed I was just watching the games On Sunday and then that comes on and It's like and it it's just funny how the News presents it because every station Is completely different with how they Present it and control The Narrative of How of what happened and it was serious And and malicious and um I think I think Kamla and Biden were voted that Trump Brought it on himself because he he he He inspires anger in people I can't Remember the exact quote but they like Blamed him for it on one of the networks And then there's Fox goes the the other Way it's just it's it's it's Entertaining It's Entertainment the Crazy ironic by that statement right is Like I don't think like all right people Hate Trump that are on the left right Yes people the right hate Biden and Cala

And supposedly the right with their gun Throwing whatever is and they're the Ones who've taken the shot yeah you Would think it would be the complete Opposite it's uh it's kind of wild I Listen I'm I'm here for the memes I'm Here for the Me that's exactly what F said he said The same thing I can't the one where Like he has all these cats on his back And he's holding the flag Yes the cats people are so I wonder if People were always creative but they Just never had the outlet to show it or Did people just become really creative Like no I think I think they were Creative I think just social media just Brought the outlet to show it I that That's what it is because they can There's no Repercussions because half the people That that that do social media have Burner accounts yeah and they just do Whatever they want anyway they won't say How they really feel so they'll create a Burner account and just just go on and Troll people but it it just it was Hilarious and then we're doing we're Doing the show last night And like yes they probably do eat cats In in Haiti you know why because there's No food in Haiti that's all he kept Saying there's no food in Haiti do you Understand that listen there's nothing

To eat they eat an all types of animals All the time it's not you know yeah yeah He said he said that Anthony Bor he told Me a story on the show that Anthony Bourdain did a show over there and he Went to eat the cuisine and he was at a Restaurant and pretty soon there were Like 30 kids just staring at him Drooling so he he turn he turn he told The cameraman just shut it off he's like Like let's make sure all these kids are Fed so the Lady couldn't keep up with everyone and I then I guess it ended up being a Hundred kids that showed up and then uh Parents and police were called and They're like beating the kids to to get Away from the restaurant because she ran Out of food I'm like this is you can't Make this stuffff up like this is just I It's Unbelievable it's unbelievable at the Fever pitch that it's been and it it It's I I still don't know what's going To happen um he thinks he think they Think that they're going to have the he Thinks the DNC is going to have another Plan in mind to uh to rectify this and And and get her in place um but like They he he thinks that you can never Count him out but I they've taken They've taken the most vilified and Hated man America and made him a martyr And people feel bad for

Him Backfired it's like how is that how is That possible that like the craziest Part Steve is like I again I I look at Polling and I see like you know which Group's thought so like you you don't Watch the debate or any debate moving Forward in my opinion you're not moving A liberal Democrat to the right by any Right no no any Conservative Republican Over to the left so it didn't move the Needle at all for either way that way But the Independence correct actually pulled Trump higher he did yeah after which is Which is the swing there and like I said I mean some of it whether or not whether The guy the guy was shocked by that too He said he was shocked by that those Results that that he pulled higher with The independence on a couple of the Issues Yeah I think he moved the needle there So like you know whether she wore an Earpiece whether she sounded articulate It didn't really resonate with the Independence so I don't know well I I Mean Frank's biggest thing was the Inflation he's just Like uh inflation okay you bought a $500,000 house it may be worth $700,000 now but to get in a better House it's going to cost you $900,000 He's just like you have no like people

Don't understand how bad inflation is And and what it what it does to Everything every aspect of your life the Inflation and the gas prices well people Don't inflation in general like I deal With it a time no I I probably don't Either but yeah yeah it affects Everything yeah it's um it's it's a big Big problem Um you know and to that point all right So now your house you bought a $500,000 House that's worth 700 right now what is What is that house going to be worth in Five Years yeah that that's that's the exact Conversation they had yeah and you paid Seven for it so yeah you know I don't Know it's uh it's weird weird times but Uh anyways they had the exact Conversation about that it was it was Just it was it was amazing and and and They said they were right they were like Trump's really like a stop Gap because He's gonna have four years he's not Gonna have eight so like what is he Really going to be able to get done in Four years it it it's not that much but They're hoping that he can stop some of The policies and then if he does okay Then another Republican can come and Take over so I I don't know how it's Going to work out but I just I just know That I since I've followed elections This one has probably by far been the

Most entertaining I would say um it's Been entertaining it's had twists and Turns and like there's gonna be Documentaries about this it's not even October yet I know I know there this Yeah yeah there there's still they're Still a month away from Super Tuesday And uh it's it's just it's just wow but What was your thought though because um The girl that I may or may not be seeing Is a big Taylor Swift fan and uh she she Felt that Taylor Swift was getting a lot Of uh hate because of her remarks Supporting Kamala and um that like People people have said some mean things About her or whatever um do we really Think that any of these country Listening conservative Trump followers Were listen no before no no and that's What that's what Trump said which was Hilarious they're not he didn't like Her like it's not you know I don't I Mean listen we all know like Hollywood People like that they get paid a ton of Money to to Endor like if you're going Out to the polls and voting for one Candidate because some billionaire Endorsed them like you need to you need To check like yeah your your priorities Are all wrong I I don't know that's just Well that's why I thought Ka Caitlyn Clark was good when she said you know Register to vote and do your research at Least and you know she didn't take a

Side she's smart smart that's uh she's Learning she's learning Once you she's learning but listen but Stay it's I've said this before like Everybody stay in your lane exactly yes Expertise is basketball then you should You can make whatever comments you want About basketball and I will Listen and pay attention the minute you Start talking about stuff you have no Business talking about I I tune that Stuff out yeah you got you you have to And that and that's good that you're Able to do that because a lot of people Don't and it sways a lot of people Unfortunately and that's how bad things Happen I come on here and I start Talking about Acappella just cut me off Business talking about AC cappella like I don't know you were talking about okay I didn't know that no no I don't know Anything about Acappella so that's my Point like I here and I start talking About Acappella Like Mar Maria Maria's had a stroke if She's come on here and we're talking Acappella Talking about the movie Pitch Perfect Like just That's it man that's it yes That's it that's it um I wanted to to Get your thoughts Because uh the WNBA season you know is Uh I believe it's winding down or over Um but Caitlyn Clark she did okay

There's two games left she did break she Did break the uh assist record single Season assist record against the uh Against the aces yeah um her 317th assist yeah it's impressive yeah Yeah uh she passed Thomas she's been so Impressive since the All-Star Break um Yeah she's been a different player right Yeah and we've talked about it before I Think it was so good for her but um She's having a great year you know I Mean she's Rookie of the Year done like it's not even a I didn't Think a question even if she had a Horrible season but um you know she's Really come out and she's put up great Numbers and her team is is winning they Got they're in the Playoffs there's a huge huge game on Tonight um you should tune in it's the Chicago Sky versus the Atlanta Dream and It's oh okay and that are all tied up For that last playoff spot So you know I think oh wow so Chicago Could still get in and Atlanta could Still get in if if Chicago doesn't win Tonight I think it's gonna be tough Because they their last game is against The Connecticut Sun um oh okay sun is Battling for the the second seed so it's Um they gotta beat Atlanta tonight um so Yeah I mean it's a it's a big night for The WNBA for seating Etc so I'll be Tuned in I'm so so there's a lot that

Could change in the next two games the First seven spots are done they're Clinched but that eighth spot you got Three teams with 13 wins um two of play Each other tonight so uh yeah okay had a Lot Of yeah um so it should be it should be Interesting uh I'm excited to see how it All goes out um You know well I'm always excited to Watch Angel Reese I mean that's she She's one of a kind I mean I've never Seen someone fire the ball up against The the board like she does well she's Out she's out for the season she broke Her wrist she is oh I didn't know that Been out for like two Week oh she has been oh that's too bad I Didn't know that yeah she's in a cast I Know that um oh that's too bad yeah um She she um I was just wa I I I was Watching the Tik Tock and I just I I see Her her Tik Tock and I just see her like She she looks like she fires the ball as Hard as she can against the rim and it Just are are off the backboard and I Like you said patting patting her stats Probably to get the rebound record like You know Rebecca loo came out like a a Little over a month ago and said that She didn't agree that the of her Rebounds were coming off at her own Misses so the next two games she played In I counted and one game had she had 15

Rebounds and SE seven of them were off Of her own misses and then that she had Like I think 13 rebounds and six of them Were off her own misses So that you know I mean listen it's not Easy to rebound your own Miss but not at All you made the layup it wouldn't have Mattered but Um you know it's all good Rebecca Lobo Defending her that's okay well they they They they stick together the the the Centers and the big girls they stick Together I get it I get it and I think Her point was that she's more than just That which she is yeah yeah she is she Is she is looking at statistics and you Actually look at the number and you you Count it's uh it is a little skewed but What are you GNA do but you did say you Did say offensively she's limited right Angel Reese yeah she uh yeah got no mid-range Shot she's got no three-point shot she's Really she doesn't even have that many Post moves it's just pure Grunt and Strength and just willpower which is Awesome right like you need those yeah People on your team but um it's all it's All she's a high effort person and she Makes plays off of that because she Works out Works people but I I I I do Agree and you know the other thing with Caitlyn is like She looks like she's having fun which I

Is good to see and I think she's been She's been much better on her Interviews after the game or they they They at least control them better yeah If she get if she gets asked a stupid Question somebody will say next question Be it more comfortable handling it um You know it's a different type of media Than what you saw in college in College Correct yes you a lot of it's your Reporters that are covering you all the Time the beat right right and uh you Know so they give you these cupcake Questions but now you know she's she's In the spotlight at a grander scheme and I think she's done a better job of of Staying poed and focused on the question So it's good so she'll be so they'll be The seven and and they'll get either Connecticut or New York so they're Actually the six seed right nowen oh They're the six wow that could still Change over the course of the next two Games but Um yeah so she's the six so technically Right now I think she would see Connecticut because Connecticut is the Three seed okay Minnesota is the second Seed and I Minnesota is the second seed Wow you you called that you called that Wow they moved up yep so right now they Would open up with Phoenix and uh New York would open up with whoever it gets That eight slot which I mean if I'm the

Sun I'm I'm I'm not I'm not crazy happy Right now I think the fever are going to Be tough to beat in the playoffs I just They're playing really well they're Young they got legs so it w wow that's a I can't believe that they that that's a I'm I'm looking at it now they uh they They Really they' wow they've won six in a Row they're N9 And1 in their last 10 wow They've really been on a run yeah Minnesota it's a you know you give some People an opportunity to rest a little Bit they get rejuvenated So um yeah so we'll see the playoffs Should be Interesting and then um then the aces Seattle Indiana Phoenix okay 4 five will Be interesting because you got Las Vegas And Seattle there um and Las Vegas is The defending Champions right yeah two Times so they're going for their third Oh wow okay Y and then um the other one Was uh Asia Asia Wilson right she did Did she win the MVP or they haven't Announced I don't really I don't really She doesn't But there there's nobody that can that Would challenge her yeah crazy crazier Things have happened Steve so you never Know well I mean is there is there a Dark horse that you could see that would I think VES than her I Think for Minnesota has had a great year

Um I actually would take fish over Stewie at this point um I think it's Really between you know fish and in Asia But I still think Asia gets the ND I Think you know although Minnesota is Finishing higher I just think the stats That she's put up this year you take her Off Las Vegas And I don't know I don't even know They're they're probably seventh or e in In the league and that's just because Some of the other teams are just so Bad oh Sorry you Good sorry wa a commercial oh you did no I was I was clicking on this article That I was trying to read I didn't see This um the WNBA commissioner Kathy Anglehart angelbert made headlines this Week with her comments that failed to Condemn racist and V vict triolic Behavior from fans on social media about The Rivalry between Indiana Fever card Dayn Clark and Chicago Sky forward Angel Ree wow I didn't I did not see that at All clarified her comments absolutely no Place what did did you see what she said Initially I don't know what was said Initially between the two you know but I Oh oh okay yeah you know I mean there's Definitely been some of that stuff going On I mean it's good that she came out And made a statement um I think it's just oh oh it was it was

Said between Caitlyn and Angel yeah I think it was fans saying Racial making racial comments oh oh okay Yeah wow wow that's that's that's that's Surprising um wow yeah I I just I just Haven't heard a ton about her Um okay Yeah the players union was not happy With her interview as well said that They dropped they dropped the ball in Their their Interview she was on Cnbc's power Lunch Um this is she was asked by Anor Tyler Mat about what he called the darker more Menacing tone taken by fan bases on Social media one where race has been Introduced in the conversation where Sexuality is sometimes introduced in the Conversation well um Tyler well you you Went right for the jugular on that one That's that's a hell of a start um how Do you how do you try to stay ahead of That and Tamp it down as a league well Where your players are visible but if You're talking about fans right it's Like we got freedom of freedom of speech In this country right so they're Entitled to make any comment absolutely Yeah you know you can do is say it's not Condoned and encourage people to you Know be kinder and come from a place of Compassion and just enjoy the actual

Sport and not worry about race or Sexuality or any of that other stuff I Mean it really corre to the game right So yeah that's really all you can do in My opinion I mean can't go on to fans Social media accounts well yeah I mean What are you going to do I mean it's not Like the ex is going to police that I Mean they remove comments but I mean They're not as much as they used to but She was quoted as saying there's no more Apathy everybody cares it's a little of That bird Magic Johnson moment if you Recall from 1979 when those two rookies Came in from a big college rivalry one White one black and we have that moment Now with these Two but uh she's right the one thing About sports is you need a rivalry and That's what makes people watch and they Watch the games because of the Consequences between the Rivals um she she acknowledged that Social media didn't exist when B burd Magic played that's definitely true um Wow I didn't I didn't know that Was that caused that that really caused A lot of people to get pissed Um the commissioner should have provided To the very clear question regarding Racism misogyny and harassment Experienced by the players and saying There's no place in sport or in life for The vile hate racist language homophobic

Comics and misog Misogynistic attack atts on our players Facing social media I I mean I'm with You on that it's not like that's there's Something the commissioner can do to Police It right like I mean that's that's kind Of I mean it's kind of a silly comment For him to ask like your question him Yeah like she's the commissioner like What what do you want her to do like um I don't I mean it's she's not gonna it's Not like she can throw the fans out of The stands I mean right I I I I don't I Don't know I I I think I think the Rivalry is what has Sparked the the league and and like we Were talking about the the women's Revolution I mean especially this past Year the the the numbers being as high As they are um and ratings attendance All that is because of the rivalries and Of course you're going to get you know The the idiot who who say what they say As part of it but I I think that if it Wasn't for that rivalry they wouldn't Have gotten the contract that they Received for 11 years and you know They're they're going to get paid more Money and hopefully won't have to play Overseas um so I think that's that's all Good but I don't think I don't think She's to blame I was that's kind of Surprising that he went hard at her on

That uh Um what do you think of uh what do you Think about Phoenix what do you think How do you think it's going to end for Diana yeah I mean she's got her last Game last home game on Thursday so I Think that'll be Bittersweet and Exciting um you know I they they got Some good pieces uh copper was out the Other day I don't know what injury she Has obviously that hurts them if she's Out for an extended time um I'd love to See them win a play playoff series I'd Love to see them win the whole thing I Don't know if they have the Firepower to Do it um against some of these younger Rosters but have they held her back to Try to save her for the playoffs I was Just curious about that he dropped the Other day I didn't she played the Majority of the game so I think okay Theying for that sixth seed I think They'd rather see Connecticut and See that first round but um you know I Listen there's anyone at her age that Can pull off some epic playoff run it's Her so I never count her out no no I I Would I would never counter out either And then you had said um there's two Expansion teams coming next season uh One next season which would be Golden State and okay after that Uho yep okay that's great to that's Great to see that they're doing that and

And um we'll have some fun because College basketball is starting up or has Started up I'm not exactly no it starts Up right yes okay um and um Paige has Been very very active I I've been I've Been lucky to enjoy her her Tik Tock and And and watch watch all her stuff uh she Was at Fashion Week I got to see that Yeah she's she's living her best life Man it's h all these kids they're living Their best lives I mean again how do They get away with it though that's what I don't I don't understand like G would Have a coronary she's an academic Allamerican she's a Basketball I mean if you could do it and You could swing it go for it I mean I Don't know but like Gino like that's not Something he would typically let any Other player Do like travel as much as she has and I Mean again I think in the nil world you Can't hold yeah um you know as long as She's making her workouts and she's Making class I I think it's it's kind of Irrelevant you know if it starts Interfering with her campus commitments Yeah would have an issue with it but um You know it doesn't seem to be the case So yeah did you uh did you watch the Yukon football game last Week uh it was hard to find so it was Hard to find I Didn't of it I did

Listen um there's like a Yukon app on my TV where you can like listen to Live Games so I did listen to some I mean it Seems like they gave good game um what Did they lose by five yeah yeah 2621 so what they're one and two now who We got this week they're one and two and They had have Um uh you un Florida International Florida International so they should They should they should win this week And Then it's five home games and they have They have Buffalo then they have Temple Those are the the three big ones and I Mean the the tough games they should Have really on the schedule left it's Syracuse and and Wake Forest If they can't pull out six games seven Games then it it's a disappointment I Was I was really impressed by the Quarterback um Evers I thought he played A lot better I I don't like what they're Doing Schematically it just worries me yeah Because when you when you're playing at Home at wrencher with the outdoor Elements and the wind and everything It's it's really tough to spread it out And throw the ball that bothered me um They got they got a couple good running Backs I had their defense I'm not really Sold on yet but I I do like that the Competition level they're they're

Playing they can definitely compete with Yeah um which is which is huge and that Reminds me I have to mention our Sponsors proon partners proon partners They're one of the top 50 fastest Growing companies in the country President Sean Rabinowitz he provides his clients with Exceptional outcomes and he is a proud Supporter of husky talk and we love you Sean thank you talk Sean um we got to uh We're trying to put together uh tailgate For the fifth that's why I wanted to see If you're available that day at all That's when the the volleyball girls are Being Honored yeah I'll uh that's a Saturday Obviously yeah yeah it's a noon game It's it's early game but I Figured No good good yeah because everyone's Asking me to do this and I I I'm not Organized and I can't plan anything I it It it scares me so Sean is going to help Me with that and um ryell jump wants to Help me with that Um we're going to try to get a private Area with a tent and uh at least have People there so they can tailgate watch The game the girls the best the Volleyball girls don't get honored until Later so I know people aren't going to Want to stay for that but at least we'll Get some time together and then Shan and

Ryell want to use it as like an Opportunity to build you know a network Which we we we we struggled with alumni Engagement he said because we can get a Good group there like he's willing he Wants to bring his laptop and he wants To get contact information and you know Phone numbers emails careers and put it On a spreadsheet and sort it and so we Have a list of being able to network and All work together and that's that's what Their that's what their goals are I Think that's that's a great idea I mean I had I had coach I had coach baylock on Um we had him on Friday and you know I I We asked him for some alumni contacts And he can't give it to us like yeah It's under lock and key uh but I mean That's that's how I know basketball does It a lot better than than football and Some of the other sports do but that's That's been the biggest frustration that Everyone's had is with the alumni Engagement and so he wants to try to Start it there and then maybe host one More event and then if you know if the School doesn't jump on board with it Then he wants to host events Ourselves all over the place you know I Mean we we we we can go anywhere and do It we have Al alumni everywhere um and That's the biggest thing especially with The student athletes that are coming out And graduating you know they're they're

Not like ryal jump when I was talking to Him he was sad because you know he Wanted to send his kid to Yukon and his Kids at Northwestern and he said he sent Him to Northwestern because he knew that When he'd graduate he'd be graduating With a job and that that makes all the Difference in the World um and you know Sean said the same Thing he just doesn't he goes to the Business school and donates money every Year but he just he he doesn't feel the Love from from them so that's what we're Gonna try to do um for October 5th um and then they're honoring the First Bowl team In 2005 that went to the Motor City bow so We'll probably do something for that as Well cool yeah I'll put it on my Calendar be good to see It yeah yeah yeah I think I think it'll Be fun have you been up to the C club or Whatever it is one time I went there um Okay Kumo um it's nice I mean it's Really nice um you know I love like when I go to a football game like I love the Like the tents the people bringing their Grills like I like to be with the people That's what Sean said too Yeah so like while that's nice it's not You don't get the same like Feel um you know it's great to watch the Game is it up top is it is it like a

Luxury box it's enclosed so like it's Nice because okay if it's cold out like Or raining you don't have to worry about It but um yeah in terms of like before The game and stuff I definitely prefer I Mean rler has a great like oh perfect For tailgating really is I mean there's So much room tons of parking it's yeah Nothing's like a crazy crazy walk uh so You know I I always enjoy I Remember back after I first Graduated uh Jamar Wilkins used to do a Really really good job of together for The tailgate games um him and Darby and All those Darby and I used to love it Like I would make sure I went up to like Two or three games a year sometimes you Make it into the game sometimes you Don't but uh sometimes you don't that's Very true sometimes don't you know at This at this age I'm pretty certain I'll Make it into the game but um yeah I mean It would be cool I love to bring the Kids and um make a day out of it so yeah I'm excited count me in for that yeah We're definitely we're definitely going To do that um we've been we've been Doing pretty good with uh the nil thing With raising money for bleeding blue and All the work that Mike Mike Burton has Been doing um he's just been working Tirelessly at it And we're so far behind the eightball we Just we gota we got to keep staying

Where we are and not lose not lose any Ground that's a biggest thing and that's The biggest thing that like uh ryell and Sean want to talk with him about is Taking that off his plate so he can he Can work on getting the the bigger money Yeah so he's not going not chasing after The the smaller donations but it's just It's such it's such a different world Like for the girls team do they does Everybody get something or is it you're On your own as a player to get what you Can get from an nil perspective yeah They all have agents they do okay they All have agents so you know they Negotiate whatever International kids Because they can't but all uh the US Kids had so I'm sure they they work Tirelessly with that but uh yeah they're Allowed to sign with agents right out of High school yeah and they negotiate Everything yep wow W that's so crazy Yeah that's so crazy and I obviously Foot you know basketball and football Are different but I I just like I Couldn't I couldn't believe that and That's why you were saying that Paige is Doing so well because she's getting a Fortune for wherever she goes like oh Yeah for for a 22 year old to go to the The New York Fashion Week that's not Normal right no no it's not I would say No Yeah yeah um how um how have you been

Doing with uh with your daughter back at School oh it's great I can actually get Some work done during the day yeah uh It's been awesome you know I hate to see Her go every day but I'm happy when it's Good you know it's good she's uh Obviously she's in eighth grade she's Got a lot more homework this year so That's been a little bit of a struggle Trying to fit that and working out and All this other stuff in but you know We're getting there this our second full Week of school so did you do did they do The open house yet they do open houses Still or no yeah so they start going to Open houses for high school um I think In October October and the big months Because that's when you you apply and You got to get your references and all That stuff in so okay oh good Busy good good I'm I'm I'm excited to Watch the Aaron Hernandez documentary The 45th one but it should be Fun that's what I'm looking forward To and the the uh the NFL I watched the NFL did you have any any Surprises from your uh from your NFL Sunday or Monday night game I mean it Was a [ __ ] show this weekend it was it Was bad yeah I can't believe that the Highlight of the game last night was Jason Kelce dancing at a tail game Like I couldn't believe it in one of my Uh so I'm in like a a Survivor League I

Have two teams but it's a different Survivor League it's you're not out if Your team loses what happens is you Accumulate points over the season so if You the team that you think's GNA win by The most points right right so I took The Chargers in one which I did well in I took the Eagles in another um and I Was just like I didn't up watching the Whole game but I got up this morning and I'm like are you kidding me I mean they Only lost by one it doesn't hurt me a Ton but I'm like I don't know that that That was a bad one yeah they they they Shouldn't have lost the Falcons no at Home like come on Man that that was that that was that was Very surprising and then I'm a a Giants Fan and I I would fire everyone that Works in that in that office a little Bit better this week but they they Dressed 52 players Maria you can dress 53 there's no NFL team in history that Dresses less why would you dress less I Don't know I Mean they're they're Tough that's got a victory this weekend So you know no I I was happy for I was Happy for Aaron roders even though he's A he's a little out there he's come a Long way I was very happy for him he was Welld deserved he was welld deserved so We'll see we'll see what happens in week Three um and you know who wants to come

On your show um Joe uh Joe dim Ambrosia Wants to come on your show oh I love Joe Yeah let's get him on isn't he the best Yeah he's good dude get him on I'd love To have him on he um he really liked Last week's show and he um he absolutely Wanted to wanted to come on so I think I Think we're either going to get him for Next Tuesday or the Tuesday after Because I know not he's not affiliated With Yukon anymore right he's just with With so ESPN yep yeah he has his own Show okay all right yeah he was very Happy to come on SO and he always liked You and for some reason liked me so he's Gonna come out but uh anything else Anything else going on this weekend are You did you guys start practicing again We started practicing because we have Fall league so we got fall league this Weekend uh yeah so we got two games It'll be a big week I'll have a lot of Stuff to talk about next Tuesday so ah Okay okay for is it for the for the School team or for little bit of that I'm taking a trip this week so you know We'll have we'll have some fun stuff oh Okay okay okay yeah yeah good good I'm Glad that I'm glad that you're going um We'll see we'll see what happens but Yeah we'll do that for sure and I'll I'll keep you Posted um I I think they they definitely Want to do it the fifths okay so the

Volleyball curls can be there and you Know we can have a good strength in Numbers and hopefully I can con I can Convince Phil to put it on himself if he Doesn't Darby will but Phil I mean they Should they should do that for us we're I mean the 20,000 people in that Stadium I I I can't even look at it it's Just when when when when we were there It was from like 2003 to 2002 like they they sold out every game And they were like so close to expanding It to 60,000 because they had the ability to Expand it and they never did so I I hope I hope they do I just they they got to Get into a conference it's just too bad It's just it's just Not financially feasible for them to Keep going the way they are without Something happening very soon yeah AG But but uh yeah so we'll we'll see how We'll see how things shake out in the Final few games of the WNBA and who's Playing who it'll be exciting to see yep And um and we'll go from there and yeah You guys you guys you guys were awesome Last week yeah every every showing um Every showing I mean got thousands of Views On uh YouTube LinkedIn Facebook did Great the listenership did great it was Uh it was incredible uh it was Incredible putting it together and how

Easy you guys were to work with So remember when life gives you Lemons well there I was just going to Say it was just incredible with how easy You guys were to work with and um Definitely should do more of that stuff Yeah absolutely getting more of you more More groups together um were you friends With any of the soccer Players I was I don't really I don't Know where a bunch of those are now I'm Friends with a lot of the hockey players We should get some of those girls on There you are yeah okay yeah see if you See if you could um reach out to them And and give me their information I'll Reach out to them I'll schedule hockey Girls I I didn't even know we had a Girls hockey team so yeah I'd love talk To the girl Sockey um because I got the soccer Players I got a I got a softball girl I'm having on um and then I'm having That Trisha Bailey on yep which I should Actually I should actually you should Actually be on with me because I don't I'll be nervous as hell talking to her Whatever need whatever you need do do You know her or no yeah you do okay all Right then yeah then I'll I'll try to Schedule you just just look at um look At the 30th and see what you have okay Because because she she her assistant uh Messaged me about doing it the 30th so

Just whatever time you're aailable I I'll schedule it with her all right Sounds and we'll go from there so all Right until next time another spirited Conversation husky talk conversations With cly and conin oh and our other Sponsor I have to say thank you to Green Street Trust International Green Street Trust trust International it is run by a Former teammate and friend ryell jump Ryell jump he just came on as a sponsor So we're we're just we're we're moving Up in the world um he he gave me an Example tax plan which I don't I I I was Reading it and it was kind of like Speaking Greek to me but I I'm I'm going To try to read it um and yeah so he uh He's really excited exed he uh ryell and His team specialize in alternative Investments and optimizing Portfolios through strategic tax Planning schedule a free strategy Session Today at his Greenstreet Trust so I don't know what what what's Considered an alternative Investment just think of stuff that's Not like like cryptocurrency or Something like that is that an Alterna I Don't know if he's doing I don't know if He's doing any of that because yet but I Think he is be real estate could be re

It could be you know pretty much Anything that's not like your typical Stocks and bonds okay okay I I didn't Understand that but but no ryell rell's Been great Rell came on and he did our Show yesterday he was awesome probably The nicest guy in the world and he was a Very large man I was I was scared of him For a couple years so but yeah but uh Thank you thank you again husky talk Conversations with cly and cin Remember when life gives you lemons Don't make lemonade take two oranges Throw them back at life and don't steal Beer

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