Must Listen 👂 #footballrecruiting #coachschuman #nucsports #mustlisten #tcufootball

This is a must list and listen to coach Here Come back home It's not worth you having such a great Time that you don't come back healthy Don't do any [ __ ] stupid There's people that love you and they're…

This is a must list and listen to coach Here Come back home It's not worth you having such a great Time that you don't come back healthy Don't do any [ __ ] stupid There's people that love you and they're Dependent on you to come back help Don't take anything from anybody you Don't know You got kids in the Plano area they got Somebody laced something with some Fentanyl and that's the last somebody Saw That's a damn shame especially for Spring break You go to a bar make sure you don't Trust the guys in the bar The world's different now you guys that Spring break we used to go cops come Back healthy now people are coming back Dead that's not right don't do that Don't go somewhere and do something That's going to cost your family Next thing drinking and driving Be smart Come back healthy coach have a good time You deserve 10 days off but you don't Deserve to die over

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