Monthly Option Now Available from Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell’s D1 Promo Program
Obviously you don't have to come all out Of pocket and it it really gives you the Option to get into the program now like You don't you don't even have to have a Discussion with us and we you know you Get in the program get on there you Could you could see how it's rolling Um it is a 12 month or six month Commitment that's up to you but but You'll be able to pay it a monthly basis And that's right online on D1 promo we are Getting a lot of athletes that are Coming on the pro uh on the promo that Not just our our excellent players but We also have some unique players that Are coming out on Um and it's an opportunity you know I Can't tell you how many discussions I Get into with uh parents on it and Um and if you go to D1 promo you'll see the testimonials We're just beginning to put them up or We have a bunch but Um I can't tell you how many parents