Michael Phelps on Greatness

If you look at the grates and anything That in any Walk of Life The great to do things when they don't Always want to And that's the separation his training Schedule is beyond demand they eat like 8 000…

If you look at the grates and anything That in any Walk of Life The great to do things when they don't Always want to And that's the separation his training Schedule is beyond demand they eat like 8 000 calories You know what I mean Um you know let alone the training that He has to do in the pool and outside of The pool man so it's a lot of commitment Before I went six or five or six Straight years without missing a single Day so 365 days a year it doesn't matter A holiday a birthday if I'm sick this or That it doesn't matter I was in the pool Because that's what I wanted and as a Kid growing up I believe that I believe that whatever I put my mind to And if I was willing to make sacrifices And I was dedicated that I could achieve Absolutely anything records are always Made to be broken no matter what they Are uh anybody can do anything they set Their mind to Michael Phelps [Music]

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